@Gunther Starlance has more time on his hands and a discord, so if you need something quick ask there. We are both UTC +1 timetone though, that said ask away over here, chances are more people need that information :)
While I could probably make time to do one post a day, I usually lack the energy after coming form work, so I imagine taking this leisurely will be no problem.
The starting parts of the map are not scenarios precisely to allow for free interaction, so the characters can get to know each other and the party can get off the ground. That way we will be able to guesstimate how long we will need to runt he actual scenarios and modify them accordingly :)
I also realize I forgot to add half the magic system data into the wiki (derp) so I will rectify that momentarily.
Eyesight: Inheriting elven eyes, Tala can see far and sharp, as long as there is enough light to go around.
Unbelonging: Given she is a halfling, elves view Tala as a stain on their purity, and everyone else views her as an elf. As such, she has trouble gaining traction with anyone.
Stamina: Tala has the stamina of a human, able to outlast just about any other race.
Due to her elven heritage, Tala has quite a nice figure, lean and dextrous. Her body build favors speed and agility over strength and durability. Despite being about 180 cm tall, she only weighs about 60 kilos. Her skin is a light tan mix of her human mother and elven father.
Her face is a bit more angular than that of a human, with prominent sky blue eyes common to elves and full rose red lips. Most of her features are shrouded in her clothing and wild mane of raven hair. Her ears are pointy, but of regular human size.
The thing everyone will immediately notice is her red cloak and hood, making her look like a part of a fairy tale. Her face is further covered in an equally colored scarf. Under that she wears sturdy traveling boots, cloth pants with leather chaps and a layered cloth armor jacket. Her gear is full of pockets and belts that can be used to store and hang stuff for her job. Last but most important to her is the leather satchel with a boobytrapped lock that holds most of her supplies and tools. When switching location, she carried her other possessions in cloth backpack.
When in a comfortable environment such as a house or ship cabin, Tala likes to wear a long grey skirt and loose blouse of the same color, coupled with her hardened leather work apron, so she can have her tools at hand at all times and freedom of movement to reach material on shelves and to manipulate delicate things.
The halfling wears a ring which is a symbol of her membership and rank in the alchemist's guild. The ring is made of gold with 4 runes and 4 gemstones spaced equally around its circumference, each pair representing one of the four elements. The ring ranks her as a journeyman, but also tells of her inclination to magic, something rare in an alchemist. On the inside of the ring, the words "Bellator scientiam" are engraved.
The woman holds herself in a way that makes her look smaller than she really is, huddled up and slumped. Oftentimes she picks far corners of a room to sit, hiding behind a crowd or travelling in an enclosed carriage. She prefers to keep her face hidden behind her hair, scarf and hood when talking to strangers.
She doesn’t like large gatherings of people where someone could cause her trouble because of her bastard heritage, but in small groups or between four eyes, she opens up and is quite friendly.
A daughter of a farmer's wife and an elven raider, Tala spent her childhood working on the field. Her mother died giving her birth, leaving her without a woman figure in her life and a human stepfather who hated her for all the wrong reasons. Naturally a bit lazy person, instead of slacking off Tala found herself ways to make her work easier, tinkering with the tools. Having no desire to live where she was clearly not wanted, Tala ran from home at the age of ten, smuggling herself onto a wagon of a travelling troupe.
Discovered and taken by an alchemist in the next town, Tala worked in the house as a maid, and often as an extra pair of hands for the alchemist. Inspired to study the art, she begged her master to teach her, but was shooed away as a ‘lowly peasant woman’. It wasn't until she took care of the rat problem in the house with a poison she made herself that her master reconsidered, reluctantly taking her as an apprentice.
He soon discovered the girl had natural talent for the job, partly due to her superior half elven intelligence and senses. When she reached the age of 16, Tala had found enough wealth in her excursions to nature and overtiming odd jobs to craft her apprentice's ring, finally gaining an official membership in the Alchemists' guild. She kept studying for another two years, passing the entry tests and gaining the rank of Journeyman. Bidding farewell to her master she left the house she came to call home to gain experience in the world.
In need of a job to keep financing her studies, food, clothing and shelter (in that order), Tala has been running around for a few months with local group of mercenaries, supplying them with poisons and medicinals along with occasionally joining them out in the field when the job required explosives and other things from her area of expertise. As a side job she also sold vanity items like perfumes on the markets when the group stayed in a town.
She has however grown weary of the band since not all of the jobs they signed on for were exactly legal, and the mercenaries were mostly male and giving her too many looks for comfort. Thus she started roaming Inns and taverns, listening if another opportunity would present itself.
Soon enough she overheard a ship captain talking of an expedition to the ancient homeland of humanity, Cradle. Paying the captain partly in gold and partly in services provided, she secured a small but well furnished cabin for herself where she could study and work.
Potion making: The most basic of alchemy, the half elf can create all sorts of potions. She allows herself a little vanity in the form of rose perfume.
Boomsticks: Shell (Papyrus shell - smoke, cast iron shell - fragmentation), wax, black powder, fuse (impact fuse - White phosphorus ampule, time fuse - Wick, magic fuse - rune)
Metalworking: Tala can refine and cast metals. She is no smith however, and her skills are more fit to creating pottery, jewelry and some smaller, specialized items such as locks and keys. She could repair and strengthen a blade, but she couldn’t create a good one from scratch.
Bronze Tala can cast and smith bronze, including work-hardening of weapon edges.
Iron Tala can cast iron, but she can only smith basic things that do not need to resist much stress and wear, not knowing much about heat treatment. Her kilns are also only good enough to process magnetite and not less pure ores.
Silver, gold Tala is quite proficient in casting and crafting rare metals, but she has to obtain them from nuggets, not knowing how to extract the metals from rock.
Machinery: Something the alchemist is studying in detail right now. She is good enough to create locks, components for firearms and the like, but her skill is not yet good enough to make delicate parts like clockwork, which is a requirement for the next rank in the guild.
Clothing Tala can work tanned leather and understands the tanning process, but she never practiced it. She can sew, but knows nothing about making string and cloth.
Ceramics The halfelf can make ceramics of high quality, a bit of a hobby for her, from bricks to pottery. She can also build a kiln from scratch.
Glass Tala understands the processes, but can not build a furnace that would melt sand. Likewise, she does not carry glassblowing tools.
Stone She can sculpt small works of art, but Tala is no stonemason.
Wood Tala can cut down and debark trees, but she can only build with beams as she lacks more precise tools.
Construction Tala can build a few types of shelter from materials she can make herself, up to a brick hut with a tiled roof with a hearth, chimney, oven and floor heating. She can also make larger machines, like a crane. She is no shipwright though.
Combat: Tala isn’t as good in combat as most other wanderers, specializing more in supporting them with her alchemical equipment or acting as a scout where her ranged weapon and good sight come into play - when she is forced into combat in the first place. She is also apt at laying traps.
Rose's thorn: Her precious ballista. Resembling a crossbow with its looks, the arms on the weapon are actually separate and solid, wound up by torsion springs. This allows for each arm to be winded separately, reducing the strength needed to do so. The weapon has very precise sights that allow Tala to precisely hit a target at 60 meters and quite reliably up to 200. As far as ammunition goes, Tala carries armor piercing bolts for standard encounters, one loaded, rest in pockets in her clothes, and the folding stock of the weapon can hold 4 extra pieces that she usually reserves for specialized ammunition, such as poison rounds or the boomsticks.
Hunting knife: a longer blade strong enough to hold Tala’s weight if for example embedded in a wall to be used to give her a boost. It can also be mounted on the front of the Rose's thorn in a cone mount. There is a capillary groove running the length of the blade to hold poison if needed.
Deck of cards: She carries a deck of cards around with her. Nobody knows if or how the deck is marked or whether the girl is just a good player, but she wins more often than not.
Satchel: The supplies Tala carried got spoiled by the seawater, but her tools and finished goods remained OK.
You find yourself on the remains of a ship, wrecked on a rocky shore leading to grasslands. There are fish under the surface and even some seashells can be seen here and there. There is little to be found of the members of the crew that did not survive, but the part of the ship where the crew cabins used to be seems more intact than the rest of the ship. The wood that made the hull of the ship has been largely reclaimed by the sea and the main beams are snapped, but they might at least make a good fire.
On a cliff overlooking the sea, a small, dilapidated town can be seen. There is also a pair of other shipwrecks nearby. Even from afar, one can see that while they once were two of the proud Elven Galleons, they fared little better than the ship that brought you here.
The sun seems to be setting, and you can hear skittling in the bushes around, suggesting there is some wildlife in the area.
Alchemy is one of the oldest jobs, dating as far as the invention of fire. The alchemists will often boast that their art predates that of wizards and even holy people, although the latter is debatable. The current guild was created several centuries ago, joining the many local guilds into one organization that focuses on expanding the alchemical knowledge and teaching new alchemists across all of Altheim.
The members are ranked. Alchemists wear special rings that are not only identifying them as members of the guild, but also from the appearance of the ring one can determine their rank and thus what skills they were tested in. A lower rank alchemist may take a job better suited for a higher ranking alchemist, but the guild makes no guarantee they will be successful and will not cover any damages the job may result in. The ranks are as follows:
Apprentice: A novice that studies under a master. They are not allowed to take on any jobs unless assigned by their masters. Most of their time is spent studying. Their rings are usually only plain metal ones varying in material with the guild’s emblem engraved into it, and the alchemist's personal unique motto or emblem engraved.
Journeyman: After passing tests from herblore, metallurgy and basic engineering, the alchemist is permitted to create a Journeyman’s ring, which is then reviewed by their master to judge the quality and originality. Each of these has to be unique, as they also serve to identify the alchemist. They are usually composed of rare metals, low grade gemstones and decorated with symbols of the elements.
Artisan: These members are required to prove greater skill in the occupations learned as Journeymen, on top of adding at least one specialization skill - most often pharmacy, precise mechanics, smithing or chemistry. Their rings are strictly made of gold alloys, and decorated with high grade gems.
Master: After at least 10 years of being an artisan and mastering all of their selected areas, one is allowed to submit a masterpiece for review. These can be anything from studies to actual tangible items. If one’s piece is found worthy by the majority vote of the other masters, they are granted the rank, along with a special seal for their ring.
Sage: A special rank bestowed upon any member of the guild that makes and subsequently describes a new important discovery. The most sought after is of course the art of transmutation, still waiting to be unlocked. But other notable works in history included the invention of paper, black powder or distilled alcohol.
Grandmaster: A Lifelong title bestowed onto one of the masters or sages by a vote of the other masters. He serves to represent the guild in meetings with other organizations, city councils and the like. Rogue: While not an official rank, the term ‘Rogue Alchemist’ is commonly applied to any practitioner of alchemy that does not follow the guild’s regulations.
Aside from the ranks, the guild is separated into branches that deal with its various aspects, such as pharmacists, engineers, blacksmiths and others.
There are two factions of alchemists. The Traditionalists focus their studies on obtaining the legendary Philosopher’s stone and otherwise achieving transmutation and gaining eternal youth, with their art often being downright witchcraft, espevially in the very early and very late research.
The Reformists on the other hand abandon these old ways to study nature itself in detail and trying to figure out its workings and how they can be used without any end goal in mind.
Both factions sans rare individuals are united in their common rivalry with wizards of any but the druidic school, believing that their way of manipulating nature through arcane means is impure, not to mention the users of Foul magic, whose magic opposes creation. They are indifferent to churches, but the general mindset is that unlike prayers whose result depends upon the whims of deities, performing the same alchemy will always end in the same result.
The guild is not too restrictive, however they absolutely forbid practicing alchemy with living animals and sentient beings in any way, and a discovery of transmutation must be immediately reported to a grandmaster, and not practiced until the ban is lifted to prevent gold transmutation and following crash of world economy.
Runestones, commonly called 'runes', are the most used source of magic. They can be created by transferring magic to an object, with various materials being less or more effective at receiving and storing magic.
A rune is created when a mage directs the energies from the world's core or from another source to the receptacle. The resulting rune is not always the same, taking after the mage's intent, but also magical skill and history as well as the source and location where the rune was created. The magic creates a glowing rune on the receptacle, which is used to identify the runestone.
Runic casting
Runestones can be used directly for casting, not only as a source, but also to form a spell, by activating the runes in a sequence. The basic spell always contains an action, object, target and guidance type runes, which can be combined and enhanced by modifier type runes. Modifier runes are placed before the augumented rune. A special modifier rune is the 'add' rune, which allows for coupling more runes or spells together.
Wizards that have practiced a spell with runes long enough will eventually learn to cast the spell using merely a source that is not a runestone, often using incantations or motion of one's body as aid before achieving true mastery of casting with just a thought. A sufficiently capacitous receptacle may not hold just an aspect of a spell like a runestone, but an entire spell. Such an item can be activated by a novice to cast even the greatest of spells.
Arcane magic
Basic magic taught in most lands of the world. Arcane magic can manipulate all aspects of nature, but it can not create or destroy them, obeying the law of equivalent exchange. While transmutation is theoretically possible, it is prohibitively draining to the caster, to the point when even Demons in the Abyss do not attempt it. It is however the most used magic for healing. It requires a source of power to cast, such as a magic well, an object imbued with magic energy, such as the runestones.
Foul magic
Considered evil by the users of Arcane magic. A spell or runestone is considered foul if it serves to decay, subvert and corrupt any element of nature, including souls, personalities and individualities of sentient beings. Most often practiced by demons and black dragons, less so by humans and scorned by dwarves, dragons, elves and actively reversed by Fairies.
Divine magic
Magic unique to demigods and old ogds. Only magic that can create life. It can not be sourced or bestowed, one has to be born with it. A divine being can however cast it for their followers if they are intrigued by it or if the person gathered enough favor with them, usually in response to a prayer or as a curse.
Forgotten magic
There is an ancient magic left in the world that no practitioners of other magics can identify, save for the Old Gods, but even they can only use it, rather than manipulate or cast it. Epistemus theorizes that it is the work of the Forgotten, who is not affecting the world directly, but his presence has to be taken into account.
Untold eons ago, the universe was created by a force even the old gods do not know. When the universe was new, there was merely an empty existence. But in it slumbered the old gods - titans of terrible power, together personifying all the power in the universe. First of them awoke the Forgotten, who has toiled in the universe before even the other gods rose. It is rumored that it was him who filled the universe with stars and their light.
The light woke the other gods, and of them, Hiraga was not satisfied with the universe, so she created the basis of what would become her residence, that which is called the World.
Dragons and dwarves (25 000 years ago)
And so, upon this barren companion of a star, she sought to create something to her liking, to fill the void in her heart with anything else than her brothers' voices. She created dragons, and gave them the power to help her shape her new world to their own liking, and marvelled as they created the lands, oceans and skies, and warmed the World up so that plants and animals could come to life.
One of Hiraga’s brothers, Damaesk, saw the beauty of the new world, and decided to come there and took it in. But to him, it felt imperfect. Things, even the living beings, just were, existed, unchanging, without purpose. Even his sister’s companions now lay still, resting after their grand work was complete. And so, within the deeps of Iron mountains, he made companions of his own, who would help him shape the components of the World and give them purpose.
Divine war (10 000 years ago)
Then came the third brother, Werwirren, and jealous of the world’s beauty, sought to take it for himself. With a mighty bellow he thrown his spear into the land, breaching its crust and unleashing the magic that lay dormant within its core. Of the magic, another race was born, not created by the gods, but happening on chance. The third brother whispered in the ears of the chiefs among them, to rise and take their place in the world that belonged to Dragons and Dwarves.
The battles lasted long years, until the newborns cast a terrible spell that turned a fifth of the dragon kind into black dragons. Repulsed by what they have done, a majority of the newcomers vowed to never use such spells again, and left the war for the dragon homeland, to start undoing their mistake, eventually becoming Fairies. The remaining core of the warriors was forced to seek shelter in the Abyss and empower themselves with it's magic to survive, becoming today's demons.
Younger races and war for Altheim (5 000 years ago)
Not long after came Hiraga’s youngest brother, Epistemus, intrigued by what he has seen from afar and yearning to see more. But the world was largely void of smart creatures after the many deaths of the Divine war. So he created the young races and loosed them on the world to fill that void.
As the world recovered, and the vigilant Hiraga fell to slumber, the Elves set their eyes on Altheim, wishing to be closer to their gods, and created the kingdoms of Solaris, Velaris, Unaris and Saros. But the humans, haunted by the inhospitality of their home, came from the sea like a tidal wave of determination, and conquered Unaris and Saros kingdoms before they were stopped at the Volen river by the two remaining elven tribes who armed themselves with dwarven weapons.
Recent history
Since then, the world has stabilised and the old wounds have scabbed over, leaving all the talk of war to drunkards in pubs and nobles stewing in their private chambers, with the exception of demons who are still attempting to rule the world, albeit they have switched to the political arena. The era of peace ushered in an age of discovery, where wizards and alchemists alike unlock one of nature's secrets after another. But with all the new things comes hunger for more, and some things are better left undiscovered.
The first continent inhabited, Altheim is where the old gods chose to put their great halls, and it is the place where Hiraga sleeps. The land is crossing the equator, with 80% lying on the northern hemisphere. Unlike their ancient homelands which generally only have one country belonging to each of the races, Altheim has been colonized by all the younger species other than the native dwarves, leading to multiple kingdoms sprouting on it’s soil.
The human kingdoms are Aranelia in the south, with provinces of Basur and Egania to the east, and Volen in the north, with the province of Stoneport to the west. The human kingdoms stretch from the south of Altheim to about the center, where the kingdom of Volen controls the heavily traversed river and channel that shorten sailing times between the kingdoms.
The northern part is split off by impregnable ridge called Iron mountains, where the two large dwarven cities, Fathermine and Greatforge, are dug.
North of the Iron mountains are isolated dragon cities of Infernis, Hightown, Termus, Port Serenity, and Atlantis below the surface of the north western sea.
Between the human lands and the Iron mountains lie elven kingdoms, Solaris and Velaris, flanking the Lost Forest, where everyone can venture, but no one has ever returned from.
The demons do not inhabit this land, only coming when they have business there, are summoned by Foul magic users, or at times willingly insert themselves or enter the services of powerful people. Some Fairies live in Altheim, but they are relatively rare and spread out between the other kingdoms.
It is said that the Lost Forest is where Hiraga lies dormant. Damaesk built his Artisan’s Hall under the largest volcano of the Iron Mountains. Werwirren’s Halls of Heroes are located in the middle of the desert in the Stoneport province. Epistemus’ Great Library is located in the dragon city of Hightown. There are several menhir circles scattered around the continent, believed to be somehow connected to the Forgotten One.
Älfa is the ancient home of the elves, where most of their tribes still live. They are almost as isolationist as dragons, rarely letting a foreign ship into their ports, usually only due to being curious about who built a ship that could cross the ocean and want of learning of their techniques. They trade overseas with the occasional visiting dragon, as while Elven produce may not be of such quality and beauty as Dwarven one, it is a wonder in on itself, as they can use magic to manipulate material to grow or flow into the desired shape, rather than working it.
To the far east, the dragons have created their refuge. After their exit from the Divine War, the Fairies have been allowed to make home among them, and as gratitude, they serve as caretakers to the slumbering dragons, and help out with things the dragons are to large for. Fairyhome is a strange and magical land, hosting all possible climates to accommodate the various dragon flights, and strange nature that defies biology and physics.
The Cradle is the home of Humans. An inhospitable piece of mud and rock with every animal being dangerous, it was luck for the humans that it was so close to Altheim they could cross on primitive boats. Nowadays, Cradle is almost completely abandoned, with only a few nomadic and backwards tribes remaining there. That said, the continent is rich in valuables, and adventurers sometimes venture there to seek the promise of quick wealth.
The Abyss is a large cave and tunnel system created by tectonic forces and magma flows in the bedrock, deeper than even the dwarves can dig. The place is filled with strange magical materials and beings, and it is where the Demons retreated after the Divine war ended. Lesser races and fairies can not survive here without the aid of either very special equipment or protective magic. Those who can enter however can find great riches, unless they are swindled out of their pants by the demons who call this place home.
The first beings, created along with the universe by unknown means. They wield divine magic, capable of creating and destroying entire worlds if they so desire. They are the creators of all sentient life in the World. They are immortal and eternal, and most do not have weaknesses that could be exploited by lesser beings. Ever since the young races came to be, they learned that they could draw power from their beliefs, and thus they took patronage of various things to help them gain a following.
Dragons (Unplayable)
The dragons were created by Hiraga to help her shape the world, and thus they have been made with inborn magic. There are several types of dragons called flights - White dragons are known for using magic related to air and being philosophers and performers, Red flight has a tradition of using fire magic, recording history and fighting, Blue flight's magic most often concerns water, they are hunters and explorers, and green flight practices the earth magic and alchemy. In the Divine War, some dragons were corrupted by Foul magic, and became the black flight, who are naturally skilled in usage of Foul magic. The dragons do not have a lifespan or any other need of sustenance, but they require increasingly longer sleep periods to revitalize themselves.
Dwarves (Playable)
Dwarves are beings created by Damaesk to put beauty into the world. Legends say that the ancient dwarves crafted the Great Halls of the Old Gods, among other things. They are excellent miners and crafters due to their natural strength and instinctive knowledge of many materials and how to obtain and work them. When needed, they are also skilled warriors, relying on their superior equipment to balance their short height, which is a bit of a hindrance. They are a tough people who live up to 500 years. The dwarves do not practice agriculture, thus they have a limited population despite being one of the first races created. Accustomed to life in dim light, Dwarven eyes can see in low-light conditions, although their vision in the dark is blurry and monochromatic.
Fairies (Playable)
Fairies and demons originated as one race, but being highly magical in nature, their bodies are affected by the magic they practice. As those who are known as Fairies refuse to use self-empowering, degenerative and destructive magic, they are small hominids with transparent wings. They do not reach more than a foot in height and are relatively frail compared to other races, but their wings can convert collected pollen into the magical fairy dust. They are fortunately peaceful and little shy people, preferring to accompany and aid others than going after a goal of their own, still trying to undo the wrongs of the Divine war. They are eternal, but not immortal. Fairies create runes in Fairyhome's magical wells where the Abyssal caves open to the surface.
Demons (Playable)
Brothers and sisters of the fairies, they are beings of various, twisted shapes, from humanoid through insects to amorphous blobs with mouths and eyes scattered all over their bodies. This is the result of their use of foul magic and or empowering themselves, making them tougher than most. They are tricksters, practical jokers or evil beings who took it upon themselves to give chaos, surprise and mischief to the World. On Altheim, they can be found where the Abyssal caverns reach the surface or the dwarven mines, and they insert themselves into power structures as advisors and spies, and they create foul runestones in the depths of the Abyss. As their bodies are used to living in the deep abyss for eons, the air on the surface is a bit too thin for them, lowering their stamina.
Humans (Playable)
What do you think? Non-magical creatures, jack of all trades, master of none. They live up to 90 years, and have the second most advanced civilization and culture after the Dwarves. What they lack in sophistication, they make up for with numbers, and they have managed to take the better half of Altheim for themselves after a scrap with the elves, when they sent two of four tribes running back to Älfa. They are adaptable and durable people with comparatively high levels of stamina. With the exception of elves, humans are in good graces of all races and thus have good bartering charms. Their biggest weakness is their natural ineptitude with magic.
Elves (Playable)
Humanoid beings, sailors and shipbuilders but otherwise technologically backwards. Created as fourth kind along with the Humans to live in the world and worship the old gods. Four tribes exist - Sea elves, forest elves, night elves and mountain elves. They live up to 250 years. Since they fought a losing war with Humans during their expansion north, Elves mostly keep to themselves. Instead they constantly squabble among themselves, driving a wedge between Solaris and Velaris. Elves of all tribes have instinctive knowledge of the plants and herbs found within the realm, exceptional eyesight, but due to their attitude, they are universally disliked, hampering their trade
Demigods (Special approval)
Demigods are mixed descendants of an old god and a member of another species. They are immortal, but with one or more crippling weaknesses associated either with their attribute or old god parent. They are stronger than the other members of their race due to their divine origin and can also get power from worshippers. The first demigods were the Elemental dragons, mothers and fathers of the current dragonflights spawned by Hiraga from her own essence. Among others are the legendary elven shipwright Efeanor, the father of dwarven wizadry Gert Hermann or the human king Arthurias, who lead the invasion to Altheim.