"I don't like it when he goes off alone." The dragoness grunted. The local elf lord sounded intimidating, yes, until you decided to burn him and half of the forest from above. The only way the elves could harm her she could think of was if they were in cahoots with the other wizard. Same could not be said about her companions though.
As their wizard tinkered with her amulet and activated it, she watched in dismay as she changed into an elf with clothes in shambles. Now granted, dragons were entirely happy to live in a cave, but once you get used to living in a fortress of impressive masonry such as one she grown up in after finding her father, even a cave seemed uncomfortable. All things considered, wearing grass and moss and living in the treetops was really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
"And I do not like knofe ears." She said, her hand reaching to the pointy organ that stuck further from her head than her true form's horns. "Maybe I should just fly above and come to the rescue if you start screaming." She grinned.