Avatar of Forsythe


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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Eager to get back to writing and try something new!
9 yrs ago
Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
10 yrs ago
Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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Basically a non-aligned villain. More in PM.
I am writing a venjix infested Alpha 7 as my villain :D I have Skillet's Monster as a theme. We will nees a PTSD group at the end if we win xD
<Snipped quote by Forsythe>

lol that would be hilarious like "oops, sorry guys."

And Karone could be an annoying streamer Flit in Bandora's head: "Oooooh! Effin killsteal!"
Would be funny if the dino thunder rangers existed in parallel. They could fight over who gets to fight the monster. We win, only to realize it was one of theirs when it grows to an impossible size our lineup can't fight xD
No preferrence here. I imagine we'll do plenty of downtime interaction later and I do crave the action, tho at the same time idle chit chat helps me get a bit more into the character at the start.
Helia - On the bus

In the back left of the bus, if one looked, they could find a human wreck crawled into the corner, a head of messy red hair lolling on the backrest, mouth open and snoring loudly. The rest of Helia was hidden under her sweater turned into a makeshift blanket. This week has not been kind to the girl, having to fill in for another server at Ernie's who was taking her paid time off. Naturally, a pipe had to start leaking in the bathroom, so she had to quickly make a trip to a utility store and then replace the seal. The things that get trapped in the sink in female bathroom...

Helia went for a swim in the evening, leading to her present state. Waking up to make the bus has been a nightmare, and three alarms fell in that battle before the redhead got up, sucked down two cokes back to back to get a caffeine jolt and zombie walked to the school. She had half the mind to skit the adventure and make the credits in some other way. But no, this was community aid, and she never cheaped out on that, regardless of her comfort. She did intend to make up for the lack of sleep on the way though.

Or so she would, if somebody didn't notice her and decided to use her as a hoop. A ball of crumpled paper landed in her mouth, making Helia wake up with a startle, spitting it out. She rubbed her eyes open, by now entirely too late to see who tossed the offending object. "I swear, I will set fire to something you own." she threatened noone in particular.

She looked outside, figuring out they were still some way form their destination, and settled back to sleep. Or so she would, had some two loudmouths not started arguing about somethingorother, before being settled down by the teacher. And of course, the local suck-up had to chime in. Seriously, what was the Brat even doing here?

Now realizing she didn't even know who else was present, she looked over the bus. Delighted, most of her usual gang was here, along with some other more questionable characters. The thought of a possibility that a paper that touched Skull's hand has been in her mouth almost made her vomit right there and then, and was abandoned quickly after. She tried focusing her ears on the conversation, and regretted it shorlty after. "Polydical posturing aside, does anyone know what we'll be doing? A Pickmeup and carrymeoveryonder?" she inquired of the group, hoping that was not the case, as heavy lifting was not something she would enjoy after yesterday.
The flux mode booster zord >:D Almostdone with a post.
Done, this will be fun, especially the last one whenever it happens :D
I might rework Helia's zords to be more in tune with the rest of the lineup before posting.
I've been toying with the thought of also playing a general type villain, if that would be something worth doing? Kind of a goldar or Camille type, somehow hibernating somewhere since the last war.
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