Avatar of Forsythe


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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
10 yrs ago
Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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Victoria van Dyne

Location: Foam sword fighting
Blade combat: Byron Pursebane wants the swords back
Giving up: Like hell!

Victoria could not believe her optics. This should have worked, at least badly. Two blades versus one, even if she died on this hill, she should have taken out her opponent with her. That was basic arithmetic! But apparently, today probability said 'hold my beer' and decided to screw her over. She watched in horror and ever increasing shame as not only was her attack deflected, but she lost one of her weapons, with her own follow-up somehow not materializing.

She watched the lost weapon fly off into the crowd and frag a friendly, unable to avert her gaze from the unraveling disaster. The utter mortification resulting from this took so much of Victoria's attention, that she missed the fact that the disarming strike also launched her own arm in an arc towards her face, up until her own fist clobbered her own temple. Her head snapped backwards, now wearing a look of surprise mixed with bewilderment.

She stood there frozen still, quietly reflecting on her life choices. Perhaps she could still be an accountant? That may be more on her level, apparently.

Estimating probability of experienced outcome...
~ 0.25%

After taking a second to let that number sink in, she slowly straightened her head and glared at Zari. "Okay. I know I said I was going to be bad at this, but come on. I cannot be this bad. I refuse to believe it! Not after two years in this place! I know I don't have a super gimmck of my own, but there is a guy with bow and arrow on the Avengers, for zuck's sake! This must have been an extreme bad luck on my part, and a lucky shot on yours. If we do this again, this can't end this badly again... Right?" she frowned, taking a few steps away and readying herself for another round.

"Come on, one more time...?" she half ordered, half pleaded. Now with only one blade, she assumed the same stance as before, only with the freed arm ready to grapple instead.

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Sword sparring
Blade combat: I watch Skallagrim - Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced - Expert

Initially delighted at the challenge being accepted, and for now without any mention of robots other than a Mk II Eyeball, Victoria's excitement mellowed out as seconds turned to minutes while this girl spent as much time on picking a foam sword as others would spend picking clothes to try on. Victoria eventually moved to the arena, hoping the duel would happen sometime today. The mechashift sword slash flashlight caught her eye though. "So cool..." she whispered under her breath, making a note to ask to get a peak on the internal mechanisms.

Finally, her opponent decided to grace her with her presence. "Yawn. I was ready two minutes ago." She watched as the sword expert of the two of them took a defensive stance. It was something she noticed most of her peers in class did. Why did everyone give up the initiative so readily? She smirked, turning her body sideways, sword in the front hand raised to guard, the back hand prepared to strike. "Are we going to stand around here all day, or are we going to fight?" I would make a kickass Kingsman. I can even dress the part. she thought briefly, trash talking as much to try to throw her opponent off as to delude herself into thinking she had a snowball's chance on the surface of the Sun, before putting all of her focus on the fight ahead.

Almost as soon as she finished speaking, she lunged forth, intending to catch Zari's blade with her forward hand, and make a slash at her stomach with her back hand.

Victoria van Dyne

Location: The field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A

As the trio approached the swordfighting stand, Victoria fought and lost to the urge to roll her eyes. These guys escaped from Dungeons and dragons, I swear. She had to admit, she was finding body language a rather nice tool for expressing just how obnoxious she found this acting. "Someone let these guys attend the Shadiversity a few years too early. Tryhadries will never be as cool as Thor, regardless how temporarily displaced they try to make their speech." she frowned.

Apparently though, that didn't stop Madalyne from taking the bait, hook, line and sinker, as she volunteered to go against one of the knights brooding in the corner. Which suits me just fine, thank you. One I wanted to have a one to one with roommate. Two, she thought, stealing a split second glance towards Madalyne, I could get lost in those eyes and that is just unfair.

She joined Zarina at the weapons rack, looking for a pair of blades in particular. Time to start fishing for information. "Well, I mean, that's supposed to be part of the fun, right?" she raised an eyebrow at the experience comment, "I am definitely going to embarrass myself, as let's face it, without my armor, I'm only human." she said with subtle emphasis. Then again, given the interaction so far, she was not entirely sure subtle will be enough to provoke a reaction that would betray if Zarina knew. "Although it may be cool to make a blade mod to the armor. Not sure if practical, but cool definitely." she mused out loud, index finger tapping on her chin. Pulling the two gauntlet swords out of the rack, she gave the greenhead a challenging look. "So... care to show me how a pro fights with these?"

Victoria van Dyne

Location: The field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A

I love it when a plan comes together. Victoria allowed herself a little smirk, as the group seemed to be mostly in favor of smacking each other with pieces of plastic for a while. "So long as we don't have to prove our worth by pulling the swords out of stones first, this will be great. I don't normally use blades outside of class, it will be interesting to scale myself against someone who does." she noted, softly calling dibs on a 1:1 with her roommate. Well, that, and she was genuinely interested in how she measured up. She has of course saved all of the knowledge she should need, however her construction and coding had the annoying property of still needing to practice to actually be any good with physical things like that. She still cringed in embarrassment when her memory took her back to the time she was learning to walk.

The topic then steered towards fortune telling and predicting the future in general, and if she was to be honest, it was grinding her gears. "I can not accept that future can be foretold." she finally shared her thoughts, "Only respect to the practitioners of the craft and the fact that some of them enjoy a modicum of success prevents me from dismissing the possibility outright. But to think that everything is written in stone and one merely needs to read it... I'd need copious amount of evidence to entertain such a thought. That would mean there is no free will and what we think are choices is meaningless." she shuddered just thinking about it. "In any case, I'd rather not know what my future holds. That's a Schrödinger's cat I do not want a glimpse of. I'll sleep better not knowing whether the future is fixed rather than not knowing whether I can do something about a future I know of. I should go wish the old woman a fare well though." she made a note to bring this topic up in philosophy class. Perhaps some ancient thinkers already figured out the answer. Who am I kidding. They probably only came up with more questions.

Victoria van Dyne

Location: The field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A

It would appear that what little intel Victoria was able to scrounge up on Zarina was correct. Technopathy seemed to be the correct power, seeing by the giant floating eyeball tagging along. Good thing for Victoria was that if Zarina knew about her nature, she did not seem to give it any thought whatsoever, putting her a little bit at ease.

Which was then blasted into smithereens as the motormouth started bombarding her with questions at a machine gun rate. Victoria involuntarily shrunk under the assault of words, wishing right there and then she could just turn invisible and not have to talk. To anyone. Ever again. "I-" She tried to answer some of the questions, however before she got more than one letter away, Zari has already answered her own question, got scolded for it by her own robot, and moved on.

Andy then mercifully offered just a single sentence to her, for which Victoria was grateful. "Nice to meet you too." the blonde answered, looking at Andy quizzically, "Is- Is she always like this?" Before she could get an answer back though, the only sophomore she knew in any capacity made an appearance, and the other two girls took their turn at failing to make the hammer budge. Victoria was still too stunned by the number of interactions to really make a beep. To top it all off, a conflagration took place in the sky, seemingly out of nowhere. I know I am supposed to socialize, but this is ridiculous! Where does one go to talk quietly with one person at most? And what the heck was that fireball?

Purging all of the stray thoughts, she took inventory and noted that all of them have been done with the hammer and gathered around. Ideally she needed to single out her roommate and make sure whether she knew of her not being human, and ensure that she would keep quiet about it - a goal that seemed so far out of reach with the cadence of Zarina's mouth that she might as well wear a silver and red ant-faced helmet. Not to mention that it seemed like she and Andy were sown together at the hip. It reminded her of her earlier idea though - maybe she could get a glimpse of the information she needed in a duel. "So, uh... Noone seems worthy on this particular day. Boring. Anyone did anything fun? I was thinking about trying my luck with the pool noodle swords, anyone else interested?" she suggested to the group.

Victoria van Dyne

Location: The field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A

Victoria would be lying if she said she didn't expect the outcome. Statistically, given the observation of everyone in line in front of her, there was a pathetic little chance of anyone lifting that thing. Although unlike many others, she wouldn't be caught dead screwing around with it for several minutes in the vain attempt. One had to either be worthy or a hulk, and she appeared to be neither. YET. End of story. The blond gently patted the haft of the hammer. "Well, I'll keep at it. Do try to make it here next year, okay? It'd be a shame not to have a measure of progress now."

She turned on her heel and vacated the spot, looking back at the next person who likewise failed to make the hammer budge. As she watched, a strange thought entered her mind. Was that hammer even real or was it a prop mounted on a giant concrete block to ensure noone would move it, worthy of the actual hammer or not? Why would they do that though... Ohohoh, motivation, much? Well, if you did, then hats off to you, Coulson! Victoria smiled, promptly dismissing the idea of running a scan of the ground below - she didn't really want to know.

This however put her in the unenviable situation of having nothing to do yet again, and in retrospect, setting an activity that lasted all of ten seconds as a meeting spot was a boneheaded idea. It looked like she was in luck though - that green mane was impossible to miss even if one wanted to. Victoria found it a bit funny that her roommate was dragging another person behind her almost like a ragdoll. Someone's whipped. Nice jacket though. she commented to herself, before she remembered she didn't know if Zarina could actually hear anything she thought about, and instantly clamed her mind, only putting on her best friendly face and awkwardly waving the duo over.

Victoria van Dyne

Location: Workshop -> Dorm -> The field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A

The night before...

Victoria was tearing herself apart. Her last two years were spent pretty much not interacting with her roommate - A magician that recently transferred out to the Strange academy without so much as letting her observe his training once - which was something she should change. But she put it off for so long that now Hope and James were on her case, pretty much ordering her to socialize, in so many words. So, she wanted to. And of course the academy decided to make that easy by shoving her in a room with one of two people who could not just lift her VEIL, utterly smash it. It was all the worse that from what little she gleamed of Zarima Raynordattir so far, she was one of the most interesting people here! She supposed she should take solace in not being assigned with that detestable frenchwoman - That would have been a nightmare squared.

Thus she found herself wandering to her workshop rather than her bed, where she was brooding in misery for a while now, which was finally dawning on her. Don't just stand there you muppet! If you're too scared to face the music, at least do something worthwhile with your time! she berated herself, sitting down by the bench and starting to draw up some concepts for an armor upgrade. A lalse in judgement, because she got so absorbed in it that by the time she checked the clock, it was well past breakfast time.

Present day...

Victoria made her way to their room, resigning to the inevitability of it all. Countless scenarios played in her head, from getting fangirled at as a cool robot to being stabbed with a sword. But majority of the simulations resulted in a positive outcome, which gave her a reason to be carefully optimistic.

All of which was for nought, as by the time she dragged her heels there, the room was vacant. Mentally kicking herself, she sat down on her unused bed, wondering how to fix this. Maybe she should suggest some activity to bond over? And apologize! Definitely apologize.

From: Viking Vicky
To: Legend in the flesh
Subject: Carnival gettogether?

Hi, it's Victoria. I'm sorry for not even coming to introduce myself
yesterday. I... Well, I'm a socially awkward penguin and I freaked out
over a change happening in my life >.< I hope I didn't offend
too badly.

I'd like to fix this and make it up to you. Let me know if you
want to meet somewhere, otherwise I guess I'll be at the pool noodle
fencing, that sounded like fun.


Her finger stopped just shy of tapping the send button.

WARNING: Current action in violation of VEIL risk mitigation measures.

WARNING: Ceasing current action violates user assigned objectives.


I hate my life right now! the robot in disguise cursed, before calming herself down. Very well, if fencing was too much of a risk, maybe some other activity would do? What was there to do again? Fortune telling... Is asking for trouble. Chess... I'd have to throttle myself down. Dunk tank... What'd poor Coulson do? VR Duck Season... I like Moorhuhn better. Take photo in a costume... Nope, I have dignity. No, no, nope, hell no... Oh hello there?

Her eyes lit up. Did the legit get THE hammer here? That seemed to fit the bill. Cultural interest for her fake background? Check. Something to bond over with roommate? Most likely. Getting a review of her efforts to be the best person she could be? Priceless. She went to retype the last part of the message and sent it.

Let me know if you want to meet somewhere,
otherwise I guess I'll be getting myself judged by a hammer,
If you want to find me.


Decision made, Victoria checked herself over, wondering if she should dress for society or sport, before deciding on the latter and keeping her exercise outfit on, just in case she did decide to join any of the sportier things to do. The Archery was also alluring, if only for possibly helping her find something to exploit against Fortress Novikova.

As she walked to the field, she connected to the school net and browsed some of the recent gossip in hopes of maybe finding something to strike conversations over.

Some young avenger couple broke up? No doubt Cas' will come preach of it to me in the evening. I should start personnel files on them and mark this for exploitation.

She-taskmaster got booted? Well that doesn't scream 'villain' at all. I need to review everything on her.

New teacher being a robot sent here to infiltrate the schoo- Really? REALLY? Really. Is this someone's idea of a joke? The f*****g nerve!

She disconnected, swearing she was getting a headache despite that not being possible.

The field...

Her anger went away as quickly as it came, being replaced by more and more uncertainty as the quantity of people around her increased. Steeling herself, she made her way towards the shrine stall with the mighty hammer, hoping to get there before a queue formed up.

Once she finally reached her target, doubt immediately seeped in again, and for some reason Victoria felt the need to reason with the inannimate object. "Well... Here we are. Am I worthy? Dunno. Trying my best tho. So, hammer hammer on the floor, who's the worthiest of them all? If not me, well... I hope that if ever you're in the area and I just can't hack it, you'll help. Tis all I ask, okay?"

Then she closed her palm around the hammer's haft almost in reverence, sucked in a breath, closed her eyes and gently pulled.
I mean, is it bad tho? Could make for a fun to read rivalry :D

I believe I've seen the visions's story in the Champions actually, when Viv had her thing with the high evolutionary. But yeah, Mom Vision especially gives me the chills.

The workshop is where Victoria would store and maintain her gear. There'd be tools to fabricate parts and electronics, probably via 3D printing because 2038.

The medkit and rations she carries around are her thinking of the others, should there be a need. ASTRA has no need for food and can't get energy or material from it, although she can fake eating if needed.

I'll polish stuff and move it over after work (GMT+1 timezone here)
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