Victoria van DyneLocation: Spaceship
Skills: None used
Judging by the mood around the group when he approached, the Junior Ultron was not the only one creeped out by the Vision. At least they didn't have to deal with nonverbal communication that made even the ChatGPT from the twenty twenties look like an ancient greek master of rhetorics. Ironic, really, that even Ultron proper behaved more human than the synthezoid. Courtesy dictated she answered though.
Greetings. I would not call them friends just yet. Some of them I have only met for a few minutes for the first time today. The others... I did not talk to them much the past two years. I'm still evaluating whose company I prefer. Other than that? Overall a good day. Roommate may be a bit of trouble though, with her powers. So far though she seems unaware, or unwilling to bring it up.
Teddy seemed... less than enthusiastic about the prospect of sparring. "S'Okay to say no, you know..." she muttered a bit sadly. It was fine really, although Victoria was a bit saddened at the thought, as hardly anyone else she was even remotely familiar with had the strength and constitution to go toe to toe with her suit. Her eye wondered to Leah. Yeah. Throwing a horse is fine, but I can throw a bus. Somethimes the fighting class is more like walking around in a city made of cardboard. And I won't be caught dead asking Cas to set something up for me, she'd try to make a date out of it I bet.
Everyone was saying something, making small talk (And taking offense?), none of it the least bit interesting to Victoria. To top it all off, the herd of people that she ditched at Agatha's seemed to make its way here. Why are these guys everywhere? They're like a disease... At least she is not among them. the van Dyne frowned, "I'll go check with the space people, make sure that they got my application... and that they aren't Skrulls... or something. See you later." she waved at the group, heading towards the star-trek themed group. She hoped she would not have to wear a silly costume, that was not part of the plan when she applied.