Generally the lego block replicators are resistant to directed energy weapons and weak to kinetic weapons. The sonic canon would work, but he'd die soon after xD
Location: Coruscant, geosynchronous orbit over the Jedi temple
Avenger command center
"That was one of the smoothest travels to date." The commander noted, the Avenger having jumped universes without so much as spilling her coffee.
"I said it before, and I'll say it again - If anyone else wants to take the helm, knock yourselves out." Central said back, as it was usually him flying the ship and rattling everyone's bones.
"We have arrived at the specified coordinates. Good news is that apparently, our engines do indeed work in space and the ship is in fact airtight." Shen chimed in from her station.
"Stand down from general quarters, pont the scanners at the planet and get Colonel Carter on the horn." The commander ordered, straight to business. Daniel brought quite the number of ships to help, which made the commander think this mission might not be as easy at it might seem.
"Ma'am, incoming communication from the Hammond." The communications officer noted, and the commander ordered the message on loudspeaker. "Patch me through. Colonel Carter, the Avenger is in GSO and scanning the infected area. I request your brief presence on the Avenger, along with whatever crew can link our sensors together." The Commander asked.
As soon as the crew of the Hammond beamed over, red lights flashed over the bridge, the automated voice calling out intruder alert. "Stand down!" The central officer called out, "Well this is familiar..."
"True. Initiate Echelon protocol." The commander ordered.
Senior command transfer initiated.
The Commander got up, and for the first time Sam would see the woman - Lean, tall woman with anthracite hair, and a set of scars on the right side of her face. "Colonel Carter, Commander Catherine Black. I am transferring strategic command of XCOM yo the Hammond for the duration of this mission. You know this enemy, this is your rodeo. We'll be here to keep you on your horse." She said, offering a handshake.
Location: Framework simulation Skills: Armored ground combat, Data gathering and analysis, Hacking Equipment: Shieldmaiden armor
Oof. That worked a little too well. Victoria thought as her blast punched through the pillar, continued through Diana and on its merry way until it hit the edge of the arena. She was about to take cover herself, when half of Diana landed behind her with a wet thud. Later Vicky would loathe to admit it took her a full second of staring at the scene in bewilderment before she realized what happened and added another item on her list of lessons learned / things to do.
Once she did though, she reached down and snagged the quiver from Diana's corpse. It was time to start thinking of defeating the sword wielding technopath, and her armor famously didn't fit into that equation. She noticed the remaining trick arrows. The boomerang arrow was quite useless to her, but the fire arrow she could make use off, and one of the regular ones was sharp enough to get in the gaps of her armor, so that would have to do.
Still, despite having all that and despite her lanky build not being bad at all in hand to hand, Zari's sword still gave her a reach advantage and Victoria did not fancy those odds. So, she pinged her sensors, and spotted the blob of heat hiding on the outskirts that was Edward Arca. Looking at the Master Hand, a shit eating grin plastered itself on her face under her faceplate.
Focusing on the construct, she frowned at Zari damaging her weapon to be, but none the less it was still better than anything else her human self could likely bring to bear.
Speaking of though, having programmed the Framework to make herself appear human came to bite her back in the ass. Rather than easily connecting and hacking at supercomputer speeds, she had to use the suit's HUD, voice commands and eye tracking to do the hacking the human way - Considerably more slowly. That was when certain someone came back to mind.
With the generators in her hands cooling down still from the overcharged attack and Diana out of the picture, she reset her defenses to something more appropriate, hoping at least Leah was smart enough to figure out that the next set of boulders she hurled at her better have a pointy end. Brownie points would be awarded for fin or spin stabilization.
Well, as long as someone else makes the brownies. Mine would not be much of a reward. she sniffed. Raising her arms with the generators facing away, she turned around and headed towards Ed. "Ed? I know you're there. Look while I appreciate selecting pretty much the best strategy out of all of us, the sad part is neither of us will stand much of a chance against the technopath over yonder, she is... Well, a god in here. I'm thinking our only chance is to put her in a crossfire, so to speak. I'm trying to gain control of the Master hand but it's going slow. Would you happen to know of some backdoors to make that happen? Help me out here and I'll ditch the armor if we're the last two standing to make it fairer." she tried to sweeten the deal.
- Implement redundancies while defending against teleporters. One generator is not enough. - Why the FUCK does a power line for my CHEST generator run on my BACK?! Rewire this, ASAP. - Actually, rewire all of the generators with a redundant power line. It should not get disabled by one bloody stab! - Create and carry a spare parts kit with you to a fight. This time it was an MFG, but what if it'S a leg actuator, or you GET EMP'd? Right, properly EMP harden the spare parts kit, too. - I should talk to Diana about how her powers work, see if I can come up with dome equipment to prevent them from failing deadly. Some sort of probability stabilizing field? Entanglement undersuit? Adrenalin shot? Aderall?
Left rear, Right rear: HELD ACTION 2x redundant* repulsor beam attack (blunt force), anti-personnel/anti-projectile defense, no-delay proximity trigger, aim correction between shots
*2x Redundant - For held actions. Multiple M-F Generators set for the same purpose, additional generators taking over if the one before does not succeed. Counts as one action, unused redundancy is wasted if earlier generator succeeds.
Don't make assumptions on the alien apprehension xD I intended for the avenger to leave at aobut the start of Chimera Squad, so working with aliens is probably at least tolerated.
Blue typhoon "Palm trees, really?" - C.O. John Bradford
The command staff does not feel as the ship will be able to offer much assistance. The design seems to be full of weakspots, and it bears one, albeit seemingly powerful weapon, putting it in the realm of glass cannons. Chef Shen is interested in discussing the level of automation on the ship, as running it with only 5 people seems like a great degree of it would need to be employed.
Astro Megatimeship "That technology is probably more dangerous than the Temple ship." - C. E. Shen
The avenger's crew is watching the ship for signs of trouble, although from what they could glimpse, the crew does not have ill intent. SPARK Julian comments that this is how robotics should be done.
USS George Hammond
Commander to all crew of the Avenger, break The crew of the USS George Hammond is intimately familiar with the current threat, break As such, as of the time of our arrival, the Avenger will integrate into Hammond's command, break Colonel Carter's orders are to be obeyed, unless directly countered by the orders of the Commander of XCOM or Central Officer Bradford. Commander out.
Malevolence II "What do they need us for with that many guns on one ship?" - Commander of XCOM
The Avenger is suspicious of the Malevolence due to the PSI operatives detecting some strange signals coming from the ship. Psionic presence on the level of an Ethereal is likely present on the ship.
Armament/Complement (roughly): Four anti-personnel turrets defending the entry ramp
History of the Ship:
The Avenger started it's life a cargo barge in the alien collective that has conquered the Earth in it'S local universe. During their conquest, the Avenger was disabled and lied dormant, until it was found by the surviving remnants of the Earth's defenders, the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit, now turned into guerillas.
It took 20 years, but eventually, XCOM freed their commander whom the Aliens were using for tactical simulations, and under her leadership united the various resistance cells and eventually kicked the Aliens from Earth by performing a decapitation strike on the Ethereals, the aliens ruling the collective.
Now without a purpose, XCOM heeded Daniel's request to aid a foreign world.
Notable Crew: - The Commander of XCOM - Central officer John Bradford - Dr. Richard Tygan - Engineer Lily Shen - XCOM soldiers - 6x Specialist - 3x Ranger - 3x Sharpshooter - 3x Psionic operative - 2x Templar - 1x Skirmisher - 1x Reaper - 1x SPARK - 1x Commander's avatar
Unique Technology: - Elerium - Resistance ring (War room/diplomatic hub) - PSI lab - Shadow chamber (Special projects facility, includes a teleportation gate)
Crew Size: ~35, with free capacity
Faction/Operator/Owner: Extraterrestrial Combat Unit
Armament/Complement (roughly): Four anti-personnel turrets defending the entry ramp
History of the Ship:
The Avenger started it's life a cargo barge in the alien collective that has conquered the Earth in it'S local universe. During their conquest, the Avenger was disabled and lied dormant, until it was found by the surviving remnants of the Earth's defenders, the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit, now turned into guerillas.
It took 20 years, but eventually, XCOM freed their commander whom the Aliens were using for tactical simulations, and under her leadership united the various resistance cells and eventually kicked the Aliens from Earth by performing a decapitation strike on the Ethereals, the aliens ruling the collective.
Now without a purpose, XCOM heeded Daniel's request to aid a foreign world.
Notable Crew: - The Commander of XCOM - Central officer John Bradford - Dr. Richard Tygan - Engineer Lily Shen - XCOM soldiers - 6x Specialist - 3x Ranger - 3x Sharpshooter - 3x Psionic operative - 2x Templar - 1x Skirmisher - 1x Reaper - 1x SPARK - 1x Commander's avatar
Unique Technology: - Elerium - Resistance ring (War room/diplomatic hub) - PSI lab - Shadow chamber (Special projects facility, includes a teleportation gate)
Crew Size: ~35, with free capacity
Faction/Operator/Owner: Extraterrestrial Combat Unit