Avatar of Forsythe


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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
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Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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Shortly before sunrise...

Turaga Watiri was pacing the turaga's shared office impatiently. She has called for the other elders to be woken up and assembled, wishing to tell them while the vision was fresh in her memory. The more she kept thinking of her vision, the more worried she become. The promise of new Toa was great, but that inherently came with the promise of a peril that would need to be challenged, even if the vision did not show her, as was the case. No, the vision was quite clear. Avsa Nui was on borrowed time before it faced an invasion. Ora-Koro needed to be prepared, and the four Toa promised to them found.

As soon as the other elders came in, Watiri shared her vision, as well as a copy of the record she made on the tabled for each of them. "With that in mind, brothers, I would like to call for a meeting immediately. We need to see that our destined Matoran are prepared. I am reasonably confident two are members of the guild and one is a member of the guard, although the identity of the fourth one eludes me. Deep All I can remember are deep blue and metal color scheme, although I could not tell you whether the metal is silver or gold. Does that sound like any of the Matoran you may know? And if not, what do we do? Do we wait, or just assign a matoran who we think would make for a good toa and hope to Mata Nui we made the right choice?"

The town...

As her vision cleared once she fixed her mask, Fiera looked up at the other matoran. Given her stature, it was impressive that he remained standing. Judging by the colors, he was a member of either the stone or earth tribes, which likely contributed to his sturdiness. "...I-I am fine." she stammered as she flipped on her feet with a grunt of effort, collecting her blade and launcher. "I heard something about an emergency meeting? Shadows blast it, the Turaga will not let me rest." she moaned, but looked in the direction of the center of the village. "Shall we? Oh, I'm Fiera. Pleased to meet you and apologies for running into you."

The observatory...

Atziri was about ready to go to sleep after a fruitful night. The skies were clear for most of the night before the storms started gathering, so she managed to record a decent amount of data on the position of the stars before the sky turned foul. Afterwards, she spent the rest of the night recording her findings, hoping to rest briefly during the day and to go over her findings before evening. Alas, rest was not to be had, as she heard someone gasping for breath approach before hammering on the door of her hut.

Quietly cursing, she walked down form the observatory floor "Comiiiing, what is it? Is there a fire?" she called before she even opened the door, only to see a Le-Matoran messenger trying to catch her breath. "There is- Going to be- an emergency- Meeting. Woman do you- have to live- so high up on the hill?" Makani asked, finally having reached eveyone. Now she jsut had to make her way back to the town square, which was mercifully down hill.

"Well, having an observatory underground would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?" Atziri rolled her eyes, before grabbing a bag, shoving her recordings in and following the Le-Matoran out.

Location: Framework room and simulation
Skills/Powers: Supercomputer
Equipment: N/A

Slowly but surely everyone filed in and at Ed's beckon suited up and sunk into the tanks. Listening in on the conversations using her superior senses, she managed to gather nothing of note, save for perhaps Zari's vague declaration that she may not screw around with the sim this time. Oh well, first time for everything. she thought, hiding an eyeroll behind closed eyelids.

Usually she was among the first in the tanks, but this time she purposefully stayed behind until only she and Ed were left outside. "Hey. Nicely done. But don't try to pull any fast ones, okay? One Usagi at the controls is already more than the universe needs." she joked, beforeheading to her own tank. Fishing in her pocket, she hung a little charm on her tank - A severed cat paw on a key chain, something she took to wearing in protest after her detention with Usagi started.

Splashing down in the tank, she engaged with the systems and chose to load into the simulation unarmored, but this time, she created a virtual interface to act as a middle man between herself and the system, to allow her to participate without her main body going offline- With that, she could keep her eyes scanning the room, keeping watch against anything that could go awry - such as some faculty showing up. She was not sure what she would be able to do if they were busted, but whatever she came up with, she would have the fastest reaction time of the lot, she bet. Or, so went the theory, at least.

Ah. One of my favorite RP interaction starters xD
Fiera’s eyes were fluttering as she stood night guard. Having a color scheme so dark one might be excused for calling her a Kra-matoran, she was often assigned to the night shift. Something her body unfortunately did not agree on. Most awake matoran belonged in the light! She had her blade before her, tip planted against the ground and resting her hands and chin on the handle as she struggled to maintain her vigil, glaring at the treeline beyond the wall, as if daring something to come out and try its best. The matoran of Avsa Nui were hardened survivors, not the creatures used to comfort like their cousins from Metru Nui.

Sweet relief came in the form of the rising sun and the day guard arriving to take their shift. Fiera was lookong forward to the upcoming break in her shifts and recovering her sleep cycle. All I have to do is to get home… Which is across the entire Koro. Great. Maybe I can just crash under a tree somewhere. She thought as she started her long trek home. In her half-asleep daze, she turned the corner and stumbled into someone just leaving their home, failing to keep her balance as she flailed around and ended up on the floor. ”Oof. Sorry. Are you allright?” she asked as she sat up and adjusted her skewed mask, wondering what poor sod she just bulldozed.


Location: Vicky's workshop
Time: Evening of the dance

As soon as the two visitors filed into the room, Vicky found herself with a Cas-glomp wrapping around her shoulders. She had to brace with one arm as she returned the hug with the other. "I'm okay, I'm okay. Thank god you are! Can't replace bits of you too easily." the younger sister grinned, "Umm... Mind trying to find out why Mom has gone quiet? I think we need to all have a talk. She's ghosted me so far, maybe you'll have better luck? I'll be with you as soon as we finish with my other repair. Try to, uh... ease her into the fact that I'll need to come in for repairs and likely a software patch?" she asked of Cassie, who nodded and went on the horn.

Turning to Zari, she was relieved the valkyrie shown up. While she texted she was coming, that was plenty of time for her to change her mind. "Thanks for coming. I'm sorry if I interrupted you doing something, I would have delayed if I thought it was safe for this to wait. Was my message clear enough or do I walk you through what needs doing?" she asked as she finished up with her knee, testing the range of motion. They had to get this right, there was little room for error. Better make sure.

"I may not be a robot, but I'm not stupid, yeah I get what the problem is, however the first step into fixing the problem is going to be diagnosing the full issue. Since the problem can likely stem from a multitude of problems, you just need to know where to start looking. Basically I'm the doctor, your the patient, so how about you let me do what I'm good at, which is repairing technology and scanning for any underlying issues," she was a bit annoyed that Victoria seemed to think she needed someone to hold her hand and walk her through something.

That was beside the point though, as Zari very clearly didn't pull out any sort of tool from her tool belt or anything, and just looked at Victoria. What she was doing was actually somewhat similar to what a telepath did when scanning the mind of someone, in her case though she was scanning the tech that the android was made of, searching for any sort of vulnerabilities.

"01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101111 01110000 01101100 01100101 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01100110 01101001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100101 01101001 01110010 01100100 00100000 01101001 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101010 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110010 01100001 01101110 01100100 01101111 01101101 01101100 01111001 00100000 01110011 01110100 01100001 01110010 01110100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110011 01110100 01100001 01110010 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100" the robotic eye that was with her beeped.

"Shh, keep quiet please, and the key word in that sentence is most people, not all. But, I do think I can see where to begin to fix everything, but it likely won't be super pleasant. You basically have so much wrong with you right now, it kind of makes a full diagnostic scan a bit difficult. So in order to repair the damage and to fix the containment that you are concerned about, have to start with the small things first. Basically in order to figure out where to start with the diagnostics, have to plug and patch some of the holes, which then if we're lucky would lead to the containment being restored without anymore issues." she said to Victoria with a bit of a shrug.

"Right. Sorry." Vicky seemed to shrink after getting scolded. Could one blame her though? This was her core they were messing with, was is any wonder she wanted to be sure? Still, better she let it go. If she were human, she would not want to be angering a doctor before operating on her either, even when one disagreed with them. Overhearing Mr. Eyeball beep put a small smile on her face. But, since he got scolded for being noisy right afterwards, she withheld chatting with him until Zari seemed done with the first part.

"01001111 01101000 00100001 00100000 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00101100 00100000 01001101 01110010 00101110 00100000 01000101 01111001 01100101 01100010 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100001 00100000 01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01010110 01101001 01100011 01110100 01101111 01110010 01101001 01100001 00101110 00100000 01000001 01110000 01101111 01101100 01101111 01100111 01101001 01100101 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110100 01110010 01101111 01100100 01110101 01100011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101101 01111001 01110011 01100101 01101100 01100110 00100000 01100010 01100101 01100110 01101111 01110010 01100101 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01100001 01101100 01101100 01101111 01110111 01100101 01100100 00101110" she introduced herself, before looking back to the technopath.

"Well, that sounds terrifying. Especially since my self diagnostics did not pick up on most of it." she sounded positively anxious now. She took one of the generators and merged it to her skin, setting it to project a schematic on the wall. "This is how I have been told I work, sans the actual firewalls around the Ultron layer. Is this even correct and complete from what you've been able to glimpse? It's only just now occurring to me that I might have been purposefully left in the dark or downright mislead about all of this. Oh! And I also removed the code that prevented me from telling people what I am. It seemed like I did a good job, but now I'm not that sure. Let me know if you need me to do something, otherwise... Do what you have to do. I'd rather go offline than turn into the next AI menace. And after the last few hours... I don't trust my admins to pull the killswitch in time, assuming they put some in there."

"There are a few options on how to more or less be able to patch the holes. Which if you had somewhat listened to what I had said, you wouldn't be wondering why your diagnostics didn't pick it up. When there are too many holes, the system doesn't work properly and everything is slowed down. So, the two options you've got? Either I manually go over there and sit there, trying to repair the damage, likely going slowly while doing that and manually reprogramming everything. Which likely would not be pleasant for you. Orrr I just try to use my powers to just repair the damage and fix everything. Since lucky you, you ended up roommates with the one person who can heal you so to speak with powers. I can repair damage and all that way, which I had to do with Mr. Eyeball here once when he ended up getting sliced in half on a quest I was doing."

"01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01101101 01100101 01110011 01110011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110101 01110000 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 01100111 01101001 01101110 00100000 01110111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01011010 01100001 01110010 01101001 00101100 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100110 01100101 01101100 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100101 01101001 01110010 01100100"

"I said I was sorry!" she complained towards him, before turning her attention back towards Victoria. "Plus I've gotten better at being able to do that since then. But both options have risks to them. I don't know how your programming and all works on an indepth level, which would likely take a little longer to fully do, which likely would be a bit unpleasant for you, plus risk me screwing that up and not being able to fix it but since I'd be going slow, it would more easily be fixable. On the other hand, the other option as Mr. Eyeball just mentioned, runs the risk of that screwing with the personality matrix, which I didn't mean to do no matter how much he tends to hold that against me. Choice is yours, I don't have a preference either way. One is slower but likely a little safer in general, or the quicker option that runs a risk of screwing something up that way. Though as mentioned to him I then fixed that issue. But you know, this isn't an exact thing, no matter how good at doing this sort of thing I am. Risks are always involved and figured I'd let you know what they are before I do anything and leave the choice up to you on that one."

Listening carefully, Vicky nodded, hoping she understood her options. Is she was as screwed up as Zari said after the hack, was she even in a state of mind to make that decision? "Then take the path of least risk, regardless of my comfort. And... Thanks."

Zari shrugged slightly, "Both have different sets of risks, but going to go with the manual option, just because then it makes things simpler and puts me more at ease, always more fun to mess with things using my hands and not relying on my powers instead," she responded, before she eventually set to work on trying to repair as much of the damage as possible, using her powers as more of an aid than a reliance. It took a while though, Mr. Eyeball was just floating around almost like it was peering over her shoulder as she was working along.

Eventually after a while, Zari turned to look at Victoria now. "Well, now that I can more easily finish running the diagnostics, which is the good news, the next thing isn't the greatest of news. It's starting to get fairly late. It was late when we started this entire endeavor. I've got you up to about 50 percent functionality, there is a lot more damage than initially appeared. In order to finish repairing everything, I'm going to need to do another session of this. I'm tired, and unlike you, some people do need sleep. You should be fine until later, just try not to do anything that could potentially screw things up even worse and make this more like a week long project than just a two day project. Okay?"

Whatever Zari was doing, none of it was as unpleasant as the knowledge that someone, anyone, was changing Vicky's core code, which Vicky now learned she knew even less about than she thought. "I'll try, but, you know... Usagi." Vicky pouted, the one name serving in her disctionary as an universal explanation to everything awful, evil and uncomfortable. "I guess I'll see you at my next appointment doc. Provided the admins don't shut me down tomorrow."

Location: Dorm > Framework
Skills: N/A
Equipment: N/A

Victoria has been out of her element the last few days. It weren’t the extra training hours and the crunch that bothered her, no - It was the ado about it. Yes, she was a member of a prominent family, but only Hope was really doing any public appearances. For one reason or other, she has managed to shield her from the media and the paparazzi. No amount of watching Hope on TV could have prepared Vicky for the spotlight to be shone on her though. Her bluntness came to the front, and she just knew she put a foot in her mouth more than a few times.

Her pretend sleep was tossed out of the window, as she has spent every moment of free time either tuning her armor or training, spending little time socializing. In a way it was a relapse into her first two years. She wasn’t doing it for the contest though. Leah revealed to her an actual threat may be on its way, and she was determined to support her bestie in a time of need. If only her foray into mystic arts was progressing at more than glacial pace!

It most likely reflected on her performance in the training sessions though. The most shots she called nowadays was what she wanted done and sometimes a specific teammate that should do it, leaving it entirely up to them to figure out how to make it happen. At one point she even experimented with “Plan Z”, that was to say absolutely nothing and let the session flow. Sometimes she even stopped giving any instructions mid-session, to make sure that the team wouldn’t fall apart if she was offed. The sample size was however too small yet to make the call on which approach worked best.

And, apparently, her teammates have been busy as well. This was exactly why Vicky was withholding informing the rest of her team of her true self. She did not want to give Ed any ideas. She did want to tell Diana badly, but she figured she needed to let her admins cool down after her last stunt at the monster mash.

This particular evening she was already haunting the gym, so when she heard footfalls heading towards the Framework, she padded over as well, nodding her greeting to Sabine and Leah, before leaning on the wall and waiting for the rest of the goons to file in and Edward to tell them what was going on.
Hol up, there is season 2? I have some catching up to do, but otherwise interested! :D

Location: Workshop
Skills: Mechatronics

The phone buzzed twice. Vicky looked around at the mess of her workshop and sighed. If she knew she would have visitors... Well, then again, it looked like both of them already knew what she was. She responded to Cassie first, with a simple 'Workshop.'

She thought she got over the situation with Zari and her not/knowing about her real identity a while ago, but Victoria could not help but feel relief at finally having that question answered. If she was honest, it felt a little bit annoying that her mind could lie to itself. It made her think of what other feelings she has buried that could surface at the most inopportune moments. Come to think of it, her earlier anger about her Admins came to mind. Perhaps she should talk with them about it. Sooner rather than later. Even more motivation for that family trip to pan out. Issues for later though. For now... She started typing again.

I have a hidey hole of a workshop in Stark Hall basement. Get to the ground floor, and continue down one other level, then go straight. It's one of the doors on the left side, covered in stickers, you can't miss it. My sister's on her way too, if you bump into her, just follow her lead or wait for her if you arrive earlier. I'm not exactly mobile ATM and Cassie can open the lock.

Send. With that out of the way, she still had a limp. Shrugging, Vicky reached behind her into the storage cabinet and pulled a spare servo out of the parts bin. Might as well address that while she waited for the company to arrive. As it was, when it did, it would find her with one of her legs seemingly cut open, adamantium bones sticking out, stripped insulation hanging from her teeth and a new motor being soldered in place.

Vicky looked up form her 'surgery', spat out the insulation into the trash and waved at them with the soldering gun: "Hello!"

Location: Workshop
Skills: Mechatronics

Vicky was barely done replacing the busted components on her hand, when Cassie's signal pinged back up on the grid. Her head snapped to the workshop's door at an unnatural angle, before suddenly freezing. Just because she disabled the Veil did not mean that she should go and run after Cassie at three times the speed a human could do without explanation, not that her busted knee would allow for that without bursting into flames.

Grabbing her phone, she sighed and got to typing - with her fingers. Her lack of connection was getting annoying quick.

From: Vicky
To: Sis

Sending the message, she quickly got to fixing the overheating servo. As she walked, she started thinking more deeply about what she would do next. She and Cas planned to go see Hope on the weekend assuming Cas is okay, and Hope decides to g̷r̵a̵c̵e̶ ̷u̷s̴ ̶w̴i̸t̶h̵ ̴h̵e̸r̷ ̸a̶t̴t̶e̷n̶t̵i̶o̸n̷! That put her on a clock before her teenage rebellion landed her deep in the pit. She could deal with the fallout though.

Obviously, I'm telling Leah everything I omitted last time. And then... then I need those firewalls back up. As a security measure, the firewalls holding the Ultron inside her at bay were deliberately written in a manner which Victoria did not understand, just in case she was the one trying to bring them down. That also meant that she had no idea how to bring the defenses up again, though. She would need help. And, as much as she hated the very idea of her poking around in her core, there was only one person that came to mind that both most likely already knew what she was and had the ability to fix her up. The humiliation of asking her nemesis for help was nothing compared to running around with Ultron being held back by a wall as thin as paper.

Sighing, she picked up the phone again.

From: Vicky
To: Zari
Hi. I... don't know where to start. I need your help. I know we don't see eye to eye, but you're the only
one I can think of being capable of doing this. Not sure if your powers already spilled the beans on what
I am, and to my unending frustration I was not able to coax a confirmation out of you because until today,
a piece of my programming forbade me form asking directly.

I'm an android, and one based on an Ultron core. And therein lies the problem. In that damned haunted house,
the Ultron within me was almost freed. It is contained for now, but 70% of the containment is down and
I don't know how to put it back up. I saw what woudl happen if it broke free, and I cannot allow THAT to happen.

Can you help?
If you want to collab on it, feel free to bounce itin PM or discord =)
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