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9 yrs ago
If there are RPs/PM's I need to reply to- I am working on it, I'm a little overladen in life atm. I haven't forgotten about you :)
10 yrs ago
Aaand back.
10 yrs ago
ALERT- I'm going AFK for a week, anyone that sees this on here, I won't be about to respond, this is to both 1x1s/RPs.


I've RP'd for the best part of over 14 years now here on the Guild, and particularly like military settings, both contemporary, past and near future. I have even dabbled in a little more experimental RPs, as well as created a plethora of 1x1s over my time in the guild. I like creating RPs with a distinct flavour- and often shift between narrative-led RPs to semi-randomised plots.

I'm pretty flexible and try and get back to people on ideas and responses, but sometimes, I may become very busy and it will take some time till I am un-busy- though I always come back!

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Got an RP going if you're looking for a military one with a little bit of flavour
Collab between Chuck and Athena

Armory at Raven’s Rock

0000 Local Time

An Awkward

After conversing with Jamie, Athena looked across to Chuck, the other handsome heavy, well, one of three. It was odd to be outnumbered, but well, it sort of made sense. Rolling in with this much heat never made sense, literally one of them alone was enough to make a platoon’s worth of men really reconsider their life choices, but four, well, that was how severe the situation was. The dark navy clashed with the yellow outcrops and tones, a distinct look to say the least, but her own spin on the crimson of her sister. With her footsteps clattering against concrete, she looked to Chuck, looking up a little, but no less imposing. A fellow giant, and one she’d be looking forward to smashing up shit with. Oh yeah, and Duke, who was now armored up and ready to go. The pup seemed naturally tactical- like he was like his owner, made for this shit, and despite the fact that an armoured dog would look rather odd indeed, it didn't seem to impair him, if anything, it made him look even meaner.
“Not bad. Jump jets too. Taste of professionals, am I right?” Athena chuckled, the blonde haired coil carrying heavy commented, looking him up and down, giving a twirl of her own as she looked around him.
“That is a sick looking bat you have there. Impressive.” She added, the small talk continuing, even if a little awkward considering the stakes.

Chuck turned to Athena as he heard her voice and realized she was talking to him. He gave her a polite smile. “I can’t take credit for the armor. I was given a prototype to try in the field. It has since been overhauled by Raven Squad and Samantha to eliminate the glitches I was having with it.” He shrugged causing the heavy armor to go up and down. Chuck’s armor had a matte black undersuit with harder gray colored heavy armor pieces over the top. He grinned at the mention of the jump jets. “I am still getting used to the jump jets. They give me an assist with jumping to get this heavy armor off the ground.” He hadn’t tried to fly. He was more like Buzz Lightyear, he could fall with style.

Chuck stood with Duke gnawing on the reindeer rib at his feet. Duke was making slobbery noises as he gnawed on his treat. Chuck looked over as Athena continued what was a very stilted awkward conversation. He didn’t really know how to respond to her yet. He had worked with women in the field but she pushed his boundaries. Not to mention he was very attracted to her older sister. She was talking about Lucille. “Oh that is my Louisville Slugger, Lucille.” He pulled Lucille out of the sheath and spun it casually making sure to step away from Duke so he wouldn’t hit him. “It is my preferred weapon of mass destruction.” He grinned knowing it didn’t look like much but the damage it caused on the battlefield was substantial. There was nothing like a classic mass times velocity kinetic weapon to show true power.

A giggle came across Athena’s face, as she saw him swing out the slugger, the spiky baseball bat with a chain on it a creative, destructive tool and a half. The kind that used right would cause so much mayhem out there. Shit, even her swords had nothing on that, she had to admit it. She swooned by, a childish giggle on her mind.
“Typical men, swinging your huge bat around and destroying things. I love it.” Athena grinned, teasing away despite how oh so awkward this was, it was gloriously so, as she saw Duke gnaw away at the remaining bits of reindeer. She considered his advice, and made an effort, well, somewhat better than before to not approach too close this time around.

Chuck looked over Athena’s armor and weapons appraisingly. He nodded to her swords. “I appreciate the skill it takes to use swords. I have some knife fighting training but I found swords difficult. I had a hard time finding swords that could hold up to my strength. I tended to destroy the cutting edges when I hit, making the weapon useless. Lucille is based on a Japanese mace.
Blunt force damage worked better for me.” He shrugged and smiled and nodded appreciating that she had taken his lesson in how to treat Duke to heart.

“True. Nothing like smashing shit up, but….ladies do precision. Duke looks so ready to take on shit. I’ve never met an pup in armour. And not one that could gnaw on throats like reindeer bone. Aww. So cute….I swear, you two are goals.” Athena chuckled, looking past her neck brace down to him, shrugging her shoulders, the large plate following the large woman’s form. She didn't reach out to pet him, taking the lesson onboard, albeit holy shit, every part of her was forcing that aspect of her down that she wanted to pick him up and run out of the base with him. How did she never get to have a dog? Was it the moves, or was it her parents, or was it just practicality? It didn't matter. Duke was so friggin' cool.

Chuck laughed at her description of Duke. “The poor guy was hungry. I wanted to be sure he got to eat before we left. Samantha made the armor for him. I was in the marines and he had a kevlar vest but samantha felt he needed something heavier to keep up with me.” He looked down at Duke with a loving warm expression and ran a hand down his back. “I appreciate her efforts to keep him safe. He can be a great asset in the field. He can help locate explosive material and hidden enemies. He guards my back as well. He is a great partner to have.” He looked back over to Athena.

“Enjoy working with Jamie, by the way. He’s got a good hustle, good flow. He can go wild too, so you know. He might be quiet now, but he’ll fuck up a lot of shit. He’s similar to you, I think. Should be a good partnership.” Athena added off-hand, clicking her neck and taking a deep sigh, looking direct at Jamie before then back at Chuck, the blonde, golden girl having that glimmer in her eyes, that sort of….well, excitement that was nervous yet wild. Like not the discipline and order of a Marine, but that of a joyrider, someone very aware they had what they had to offer. Athena may have taken lives, but there's no doubt she is a little removed from it all, perhaps from doing it in armour a lot, rather than through what some of the other heavies would have had in doing it with nothing but violence and spite on their mind.
“Get a hunting trip between the two of you, even.” She giggled, sighing in tone as she adjusted her armoured coil pack with her paw-like hands, checking the charge, the gentle whine pitching up before it came back down.

He laughed at her description of her brother. “I guess we will get to compare styles later. I think we will be okay. Are you going to be okay by yourself?” He was surprised that they didn’t split the giants into two teams. Although he guessed it made sense to have a large team to man the distraction at the main gate. “We helped Tahlia with hunting the reindeer. We both enjoyed being outside. I like hunting.” He shrugged and smiled as he heard her giggle and saw the nervous energy of a soldier knowing that they were headed into battle. He had seen that look before and knew it well. He realized that maybe he had not understood what she meant. He tilted his head to the side as he asked her. “Oh did you mean I should turn the battle into a contest with Jamie?”
”I’m a big girl Chuck, I can handle myself. Just have to see if Marrakesh can handle me.” Athena winked and let go a giggle, listening to him chat, talking it over, the idea of hunting and spending more time with Jamie.

He laughed as she said she could handle herself. “I don’t doubt it. Marrakesh will never be the same!” He winked at her playfully.

“Well. JamJam would probably enjoy spending time with you is all I’m saying. I don’t know why. I just get this feeling, you know? Doing manly stuff like….I dunno, woodwork. And all that. Not for me. Ew.” Athena added, giggling, just you know, teasing away a little. She seemed playful for someone who, in a few hours, might be turning people into ash whilst Chuck was bashing people in, the other titaness in her heavy armor still keeping her levity while they still had it.

Chuck looked confused and tilted his head to the side. He began reviewing what precious little he knew about Jamie. Was Athena trying to subtly set him up with her brother. Was Jamie Gay? Maybe he was trying to read too much into this. Athena had been all over him earlier. He thought he would have to beat her off with a stick. Now she was trying to push her brother on him? “Well we are all still getting to know one another. Who knows what’s in our future.” He let the conversation drop gratefully and kept those thoughts to himself.

Collab between Viper and Chaos

Maison and Jardin Villeneuve, Souk Semmarine, Marrakesh, Morocco

1342 Local Time

Scouting, Finding, Stabbing

Samantha had settled into her perch on the roof as she monitored Purna’s progress and did her best to aid him. She was working on infiltrating their network even as she kept the drones steady and the alerts off. She had already looped the drone feed so that if anyone was watching it, they would not see any of Raven Squad’s movements.

With Sam getting to work in the background, Purna had his work to do. And there’s something about it with him invisible. Sam may have seen bits of Jaguar in the past doing work cloaked up, but never this close perhaps to someone like Viper, as he slid down the tree and dropped onto the floor with a roll, USP and Kukuri in a tactical position, moving through the tiled floor of the garden, exo-wearing guards on sweep, the mood from loud noise and chaos to clean, beautiful greenery from just being inside. He looked around, and with it, spotted the automated turrets, the first order of business. Finding the VIP was critical, but none of it would matter if he didn’t sabotage that first. Making a hustle, the invisible man kept an ear out for Sam.

“Eyes on automated turrets. Three fifty cals, and a grenade launcher. They are seriously geared. Those are under heavy encryption….and I don’t like the idea of leaving them online. I’ll just set charges and it should give Wilk and Boaro a distraction. Give me a second.” Purna called back, knowing Sam might not agree- hacking them may seem better, but it seemed like before she could reply, he was already on it. There were risks after all following the drone hack that seemed to suggest that with weapons systems, perhaps there was something to pick up. Remotely and from afar, perhaps, but in such a hot civilian area, accidentally spitting lead in any direction that wasn’t the inside of the garden could be chaotic beyond belief. Of course, maybe not something she would agree with, but the infiltrator that turned to a mirage in the courtyard, seemed to just be getting on with regardless.

Samantha acknowledged Purna’s actions. “Acknowledged Viper. I agree.” Samantha understood it was better to disable them so that they couldn’t be taken back over and used against them later. She knew better than anyone that hacking could only get you so far. She also knew that there was always a chance she would brush up against someone just as good if not better than her. Samantha noted that Viper was almost invisible on the camera. She wondered if the drones had infrared and if his suit would show up on that. Something to find out from him for future missions.

Getting on was what he did. Avoiding a couple of patrols, he stuck charges beneath the ammunition of the sentry posts that their optical detection couldn’t see, moving from point to point, between the large white geodesic tent that had been erected in the garden. This wasn’t good. What the fuck were they cooking here, meth? He didn’t want to think of it, but nothing suggested a biohazard, or a chemical hazard, just like it was some temporary covering of some kind for weaponry and other kit, not yet, at least. After moving from the next beam and being careful to not show his figure to the light too much lest it disrupt his cloak, he could see the sight of the building proper where Sam had clambered into a corner, with a number of soldiers coming through. He was in the open, and so with it, darted out after leaving the charge in place, sliding out and under cover.

“A few more my way. We have a bunch of them coming over. I’ll leave them be.” Purna replied, pistol readied as well as the knife, knowing he could just kill all of them…..but, it was probably going to be wasteful. And if the bodies were found, problem. As they passed on by, Purna thought about it. People to get out of the way later, but they would be still a factor. As close as he was, they were likely getting cleaned up when the rest of the team swept through here, and then, no clean up was required. The job was the priority, and he had his part to play, the Gurkha ghosting in the compound as barely a shimmer.

“How’s your hacking going? Need anything from me, want anything else from the bazaar?” Purna gave a light chuckle, knowing Sam was already in the network for drones, but well, now anything else would be handy. He had the VIP to find, likely inside the house proper, and more sabotage to undertake.

Samantha was gleeful as she took control of the internal camera feeds. “Viper be advised internal cameras are showing large numbers of guards sweeping the outer perimeter inside the residence. Working on locating our VIP.” Samantha began to scan internal cameras looking for anyone of interest. There was a man drinking something from a decanter and smoking a cigar in an office. He was wearing the uniform of the local military and appeared to be an officer or general. He had a gold star on his shoulder. ”Potential HVT in an office on the first floor. If I read this correctly, it is the local man in charge.” She giggled a little at such a mundane description for someone who probably acted like an evil dictator and pushed his weight around in this area with the locals. Samantha spotted what she thought they were looking for. “Viper potential location found on the second floor. Guarded room in the back east corner. Two guards outside the door. One guard at each intersection on the second floor.”

Purna nodded, moving around from cover and using the foliage lined alleyway by a pond to make his move, pistol raised, sweeping for soldiers, or anyone on patrol. The intel was useful, a local officer, and someone to have a talk to. Well, that would be just perfect. He moved up a little further and found a shipping container, with a large oil tank next to it. Oh, these fuckers had zero consideration for security. And there’s the thing. Purna doesn’t really need much to think about, as he looks around, watching a couple of guards go out of sight, and him to do his thing. Clip. The tank has a teeny rupture, and spills out black goopy kerosene out onto the floor, the marble slowly getting coated, as he slaps a small charge around the back of the tank, hidden out of sight, on another clacker. He’s not an explosives expert, but it’s a daisy chain. One, to the next, to the next. And the oil is gently pouring out, seeping across and into a nearby fountain, mostly dried but mixing in with the water in the sealed basin that had been left neglected. Little things like that would buy the team time, and before anyone had even come back to investigate the tank area again, Purna had vanished, moving back on towards the building.

Samantha realized she might be closer to the target from her position on the top floor terrace. She needed to support Viper though not run off on tangents or change the mission. The potential target was a floor beneath her. Samantha took a moment to check the camera feeds on the drones. Everything appeared normal. She checked the cameras she had set up and noticed some movement at one of the critical junctures nearby. “Suspicious movement on the south side of the complex. Men dressed as locals but carry themselves as fighters moving in a fast but casual stride coming towards the garden and Valkyrie’s location. Looks like a criminal organization’s hired muscle to me.”

Letting another patrol by, Purna clambered onto the side of the Maison Villeneuve’s aperture, using the first window frame and the grapple to pull him upward, up onto the second floor. He peeked inside, and with it, no VIP. No Henry. Fuck. He had to be downstairs, but well, there he was. The officer like man that Sam described, through the window. Two guards, exactly as described, they looked like Moroccan Army. He threw a couple of cameras down, giving Sam exterior shots of the house and good views in of the garden, back towards the souk-side gate.

“Dry country. They don’t drink here. They aren’t local.” Purna wisely noted, holding onto the window frame and bolting inside, decloaking as he flanked between the two in the corridor, and well, even their exo-clad frames and armour did nothing.

The kukri got buried in the throat of man one as Purna turned the other way and clattered three rounds direct to the face of the other man, dragging the body of the one he had stabbed messily into the storeroom he’d entered, dumping him into the corner, before moving back around, the HVT standing up, moving outside, rifle raised from off his desk. Purna was faster. Purna basically went for the balls from his invisible position, and the weapon suddenly got yanked out of his hand, as he uncloaked. The man tried to yell but Purna was faster. He made it seem easy, hand to throat and pushing, pushing hard as he turned and almost with a ballet dancer’s finesse, yanked him to the floor and used the fat man's weight against him. Bloodied kukri to throat, he eyed him up, gloved hand on mouth, the weight of Purna fully on top of his arm and ribs, and a knife so tight against his throat that any slight movement would ripple blood.

“Yell, and I’ll give you a fate worse than your friends. Understood? Grunt if if you do.” Viper stared dead into his eyes in his clean Arabic, the General nodding carefully, as brave as he may have been, respected, anything he had, it was wiped clean here. This structure, site was secure, plastered in cameras and turrets and guards and well, he had been exposed, all alone. Purna did not have time, he needed answers.

“Where is Henry Simmonds? Talk.” Purna let go of his mouth, but not the knife poised to throat.
“Shit, shit, shit…..no, you don’t understand. I can’t, they’ll kill us all, you…”

“I will make it slow if you don't. Then I start with your friends, and their widows will have no answer because they will never see it coming. So, please answer me.” Purna was courteous, he could say that much, as the General had no choice.

“Downstairs, he’s in a makeshift cell, lots of guards around him but he is co-operating with us. Please, I was just told to capture him and hold him safe until they took him away….listen, the men Artemis paid have families, you can’t let them die!” The General tried to call out, as Purna shrugged, muffling his voice.

“The people you didn’t pay have them as well.” Purna coldly slit his throat on that, and there’s this unknowing sort of cosmic terror that comes from that. He may not have been pleasant, or nice, but holy shit, there’s this feeling of it being good Purna isn’t on someone else’s side. He stood and dragged the body under the desk, badly hidden but at least, out of view for now, as he pulled up the General’s laptop, checking the cabling over, and the dying man. Pulling his arm, he used his finger to open it up with a bloody palm, before sliding a USB inside. He threw a camera down, looking over at the dataset, as the hacking tool did its thing.

“Okay. Chaos. You have access inside to his network. Download what you can, and let’s find out what is going on. I’ll ID the target and figure out what next. Good you’re above me. You hustle well….not bad.” He added, reloading the USP, hearing a few more men heading upstairs, the sound of a radio inside quietly pumping out Bedouin tunes, with Purna reactivating his cloak and going quiet again. No time for IDing. Just action.

Samantha had been following Purna’s progress. She had already taken a good picture of the nonnative general to review and investigate for later. She trusted Bob to keep monitoring cameras for activity. She focused on her hacking and was surprised when Purna advised her he had gotten her access to the network. She did love working with true professionals. “Thanks Uncle.” She grinned, unable to resist teasing the man as she began to connect to the laptop via the program in the modded USB drive. She set the program running to download all the data and mirror the drive. She began using her analyst skills to quickly see if they had anything of value.

Bob’s robotic voice startled her as he reported suspicious activity. She could feel that things were going to kick off soon. There was that sense of impending action in the air. She could see forces shifting nervously and some headed towards the garden. She was not sure how anyone knew they were there but she could see a variety of forces starting to move covertly towards their location. She agreed with Bob’s assessment. She was pretty sure they had been tagged by a local scumbug for hire. The shitstorm they were anticipating was headed their way. “We have forces moving towards the garden. Mostly appears to be local hired muscle. Local army forces seem to already be in the garden. Shit is going to hit the fan soon.”

Samantha went back to the laptop and began to search faster. She began to put puzzle pieces together and swore out loud. She thought back to what Purna had encountered in the courtyard. Fuck. “Be advised, location identified as drug manufacturing and weaponization center. There is a tank of that neurotoxin in the tent. It is ready to be loaded into canisters for shipment. That is now a priority target. It needs to be destroyed before we leave. Intense heat should do the trick. We don’t want to blow it up. That might disperse it. We also want to prevent it from getting into the water supply. Sustained high heat is our best option.” Samantha knew they could blow it up but that might disperse it. It needed to be completely destroyed. She began to search harder for their target. “Viper target confirmed on basement level. Basement entrance guarded by auto turrets and a squad of guards.” Samantha felt her heart begin to race as adrenaline slid into her bloodstream. Things had gotten complicated and dangerous fast.

Purna heard the comms call, seeing the soldiers coming through, reinforcements. Fuck. Not good timing, and they’d pierced inside, joining the existing Artemis contingent. More men meant a problem. They were running on very limited time, and so far, Purna had no chance of doing anything more than fixing the threat.

“Fuck, understood. We have an issue then.” Purna knew things were getting bad. So, a makeshift cell to hold Henry, and his knowledge had been co-opted. Why? Was he somehow able to unlock something out of the makeshift process that had been employed in Colombia? The drug made of proteins and amino acids bonded in Rose’s blood turned into a chemical weapon, now that was a serious threat- so far it was low-level, but activated with the right method, perhaps what the drug lab had discovered to unlock the potential of it could become a terrifying chemical weapon with barely any concentration required to kill thousands. Purna knew that timed wrong, this could all go so much worse- there was nothing he carried that could get rid of that amount, and the base wouldn’t have anything either to do so that burnt hot enough- perhaps only the kerosene from earlier, but that was rigged up in the daisy chain and already spent. Chuck, Jamie or Oliver had a tool for that, most likely- some thermite or something to sort it out. He looked out the window again, seeing more men gather, and in particular, footsteps on the stairwell. Fuck. No easy way out. He couldn’t leap outside, even his optical cloaking wouldn’t hide his profile on the bare wall. The men downstairs needed dealing with. He thought, and thought, and thought. Gears turning. His mind racing. His resolve though, came to something.

“Hold on. I might need to attend to something.” Purna replied, as the men came up, obviously to see the General and inform him of reinforcements. As they rounded the door, Purna kicked one, knife into throat as he swung on him, the other man yelling out as Purna used man one as a guard, firing pistol rounds into his skull, before he could even get a round off. But he’d yelled. Fuck. Brilliant. If Chaos was watching through his visual, then there’s this sort of hard to explain lethality that Purna had in what he did, but now he was going loud.

Suspicions would be up, as Purna bolted from the room and checked the corner, cloaking active once more, thinking, thinking, thinking….and something came to mind.
“Wilk, you read?”

“Affirm, just caught your talk. We are two minutes out, hold tight. How many hostiles are in the house? Can you secure the house, and then go for the neurotoxin?” Adam’s voice came back across comms, as Purna heard more footsteps on the stairs, sighing.

“Fifteen to twenty or so from Chaos’s footage. I’ll warm them up for you. And sure, I suppose I could. Why not add more workload to my jobs. But hey, it’s what we do.” Purna replied, as he put the USP away, and instead, pulled the MP5 into hand.

“Okay, Chaos. I am afraid we just got more work. Mind disabling the automated turret for a moment? I’ll kick it out of shape and confirm our man is there. Keep monitoring the outside, ping any traces to me. Time we secure the target for our friends.” Purna pulled the stock back, and with it, peeked the corner. He then went to draw his gas grenade, and shifting his balaclava, deactivated his cloak, and pulled a respirator mask over his face. With a subtle clink, he lobbed it down the stairwell, and, with two more following, the gas spluttered, the Nepali running downstairs, throwing more bugeye cameras of Sam's type. With the intel Sam was feeding him, Purna wasn’t guessing. He knew where they were. It was like having a third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh eye, and well, when information was king for an infiltrator, he was going to show why he did what he did.

Samantha had swung into high gear as things began to escalate quickly on this mission. Her focus narrowed. She set as much as she could into automation and handed it over to Bob. She began putting away her gear. She pulled out her two pistols. She loaded one with knockout darts and the other had taser darts. She stood and made sure everything was put away. She donned the tactical backpack. She began to move towards Purna, down into the building. “Turret disabled.” She set up an auto feed on the cameras to Purna so that he could see where the targets where.

She moved fast and began to take out guards on the way by. She didn’t go for stealth but speed. The faster she joined her partner the better in this situation. There were not that many left upstairs. She ran down the stairs. She halted at the base of the stairs before stepping out into the main hallway on the first floor. She lobbed knockout grenades one in each direction and waited about a minute as the fast acting gas did its work. She ran down the corridor towards the main entrance. She heard a footstep behind her and whirled, launching one of her throwing knives in reflex at the target. She watched as the guard hit the floor gurgling on blood. ”I am moving towards the entrance now.” She retrieved her dagger and wiped it on the man’s leg before resheathing it.

She slid along the wall at the main entrance with her back to the outer wall. She checked the camera feeds before quickly darting out the entrance and ducked behind a flowy gauze curtain.

Purna moved down the stairs as men choked out, moving through the extravagant hallway of the old art gallery, a group of guards yelling as they swept out, Purna no longer cloaked due to his gas mask, well, at least it would be practically useless considering his head would be visible. But he didn’t really need to be. He just used the smoke to advantage and anyone that came close received a bullet between the eyes, two Artemis operators getting that fate as he moved swiftly through that hadn’t been knocked out in the room over. The VIP’s cell could be seen as Purna lobbed another gas grenade down into the basement and the makeshift site, shrouding the place deep in a haze as he ran through and with it, passed by all the sleepy guards. There was no time to snap necks. The cell mattered, and well, there was Henry…..passed out, inside. Purna kicked over the LMG turret, making sure it was pointing towards a wall at least, and no longer able to function.

“Well, at least he isn’t fucking dead. Or at work.” Purna wryly called to Sam over the comms, as he left that behind, and heading out of one of the doors, made an effort to go not direct into any guards. From the cold concrete inside with thick walls and white paint to sandy effects, he made his way outside. He had a ping on Sam, making her way across to him. Pulling the gas mask off, he pulled his ballie down and gave his cloaking system a minute to reinitialise, making fucking sure to stay out of the way. There’s one thing about an infiltrator that is critical- direct combat was basically a death sentence without finding an edge. Sam could take a few rounds, Purna had virtually no armour and even with speed, would get torn to bits by any machine gun or rifle fire in this configuration. He had to stay out of the way, and well, make his way through the courtyard.

“Wilk, Chaos, VIP is in cell, location pinged. The art gallery basement and ground floor has been gassed, gas should be clear in a minute, and the smoke will last about three minutes to get here and remove the VIP. We are going to secure the toxin now.” Purna called to the two, the device on his wrist buzzing as he punched it and then once again, went blank again, letting the guard patrol past him go by before he rolled out and picked his marks.

"Affirmative, we copy. We're moving close." The reply from the Pole came, and Purna only kept it as background noise for now. The guards were in position, sweeping.

Barely flinching, he put a series of rounds into the Moroccan troops, significantly less well equipped compared to the Artemis guards, and a few shots to the head and thoraxes picked them out, as he knew he had moves to make. He made a move, a few more yelling, moving around, but Purna had to relocate or he was toast. They saw the shots, even from a silenced SMG, they could pick that out.

“Chaos, we may want to make a run on that central tent, quickly, but I have eyes on a few hostiles. Just mark them, and I’ll eliminate them, we’re baiting a few of them out now. Come meet me by the front, watch for hostiles.” Purna added, reloading the MP5 with a beautiful HK slap, hugging the shrubbery in the garden. As a squad ran through, Purna picked off a couple headed towards the entry, one turning but receiving another round as he held in position, clearing Sam’s route down off the residence. With a turn, he pulled the Mk14 off his side and put the MP5 back, stock opened up and two more men running around the side getting shots, the 7.62mm needed for the heavier Artemis troops, who were now responding to the clusterfuck inside the house, using it to cover Sam's movement. The gas was putting them off, considering at best it was like a tear gas, and worst, a knockout the deeper they would get in. It was a little cheap, but well, the best tactics were. Sam would see his silhouette in her visor's HUD, as being invisible of course, he was holding for a moment- the cloaking system good for another few minutes of charge and able to at least hide his signature aside from the rifle rounds he spat out at them.

Samantha spoke quietly into her coms. “Acknowledged Viper. Chaos is moving towards you. There is another squad coming up on your six.” She moved quickly and quietly along the edge of the fancy pavilion hiding in the long curtains. She checked the drone camera feeds. She then grinned and had Bob retask their drones to intercept their men. She smiled as she saw the drones turn their own troops into red outlined targets. The autoguns on the heavier Artemis drones began to fire down at the men. That should ease up some of the pressure off Purna. She hid in the shadows till a four man squad passed her. She stepped out and quickly fired a taser round into each of them.

Purna peeked, watching the guards come along from his quadrant, much more armoured, much more protected, much more set up. Letting the rifle loose back into the position on his side, he drew the knife once again, the sharpened Gurkha Kukuri tight in hand as he cloaked and letting them run close, USP drawn as he put his leg out, tripping one over. He put a round into the other runner as he leaned forward and sliced the man on the floor over, the two others only stopping when they realized what had happened as they charged towards Sam's hacked drones. But it was too late. Purna was already there, Mk14 drawn and with it, clacked both in the head, completing the set. He had to be careful, and moving fast and firing with the cloaking system was a risk, but one lightly armed man against three was going to win. Sam had another squad headed her way, and Purna couldn't get a shot. But he knew they were headed towards him now, after his attention- and she just had to ambush them now.
“All yours.”

She began to work her way towards Purna taking out another 4 man squad. She fired taser shots into two and used a roundhouse kick to take one down as she let fly with a throwing dagger at the last guy. She quickly shot the one she had kicked to keep him down. She was moving fast and with purpose the four men barely slowed her down. She took a quick moment to reload. She saw Purna decloak and began to head towards him. Samantha’s helmet completely hid her face. Currently the visor was down and opaque hiding her features. It was sealed to prevent the knock out gas from affecting her.

Purna saw Sam coming, as he decloaked, reloading his various weapons, the blood barely fazing him. There’s no expression, the balaclava and night vision goggles covering any look of humanity, just some shadow that looks like it only chose to show itself. There was nothing but efficiency, an operator that wanted this done. Skye was cold, but Purna in work here, whilst warm outside seemed almost like he didn’t even cross his mind about what he had done.
“Tent’s that way, stick close on me, Chaos. Wilk, Boaro, are you still en route?” Purna asked, looking to Sam, knowing that there was plenty going on.
“Affirmative....hit charges when ready. We’ll avoid fire on the tent, we have thermal compounds back in the heavies' truck to work on any neurotoxins and let's just hope that it does the job. Secure anything inside before they have the chance to remove it, and we’ll see you later. Out.” Adam’s response was clinical, but not as firm as Purna’s, mostly back to Sam.

“Nice work. That got a lot bloodier than expected.” Purna was understating, holy shit, he was understating that like hell. But it was true- Sam had enabled Purna to basically go absolutely wire there, when needed, and the lethality between the two showed- Purna knowing where men were coming from and how. The plan to gas the room was a little more on the cuff, but it had done the job. The VIP was going nowhere, Adam and Ebrima would turn up and the base had no defences, and well, the troops at the front were probably shitting themselves about where the fire was coming from. Whiiiiich…..was going to be broken by the heavies.

The rest of the orchestra was about to start. Purna vaulted a wall and hoped Sam was behind, making his way across the pavilion and towards the entry of the tent. It was sealed with a large plastic door, and whilst it was clear there was nothing toxic in the fumes inside from what Purna had seen, they had to be extremely careful here.
“Okay. This one is us. Fuck knows what we do. But nobody leaves. Let’s just secure this before anyone has any ideas.” Purna replied, looking across to Sam, getting ready, his MP5 back in hand now, something sub-automatic ready. He slid out his USP.45 spare that he had, and offered it out to her, knowing the situation with her non-lethal rounds.
“Something more lethal.”

She followed Viper into the pavilion and towards the tent. Samantha chuckled softly “Gee thanks Uncle.” She checked that it was loaded and that everything was sliding and working correctly. She handed it back to him. She quickly reloaded her pistols with regular rounds. “I had lethal rounds too. I just didn’t want them to be used in the bazaar before we got here.” She had a pistol in each hand and grinned at him. “Ready?” She didn’t really want bullets to carry inside the tent. They didn’t want to accidentally hit that damn tank of toxic goo.

Purna had no expression to show, but shrugged taking it back, not offended. There was a calm to his tone, not an angry one, not even aggressive, just somehow, settled.
“Fair enough. Hold a second, let me go first, then push. Ready.”
He slid it back into place, and with it, nodded. He pulled the zip open to the door and with it, pushed on through While the enemies were anticipating, Purna cloaked up as he entered, peeling left and going ahead of Sam, giving a little interval. They saw the rustle but didn't fire, as if not sure who was there. As the men focussed on the opened door, Purna appeared as if by magic behind a couple of them in a method Sam wasn’t likely to be able to understand, putting rounds into the two Artemis operators in here with his USPs akimbo, clapping them down with precise and accurate fire, making them turn….and well, opening the door to his operator partner.

Samantha watched as Purna rolled into action. She slid in behind him after a short pause and proved what a good shot she was. She stepped in and fired bullets into the guards that Purna had distracted. She followed his lead, moving with him. Her guns were up as she scanned for more targets. There had been four guards inside the entrance to the tent. Strangely there were no cameras in the tent. The drones were probably meant to be their eyes in this area. Samantha began to go down the opposite side of the tent. She went around the perimeter of the tent and met Purna back at the opening to the tent. “Clear.” She jumped up and placed a camera inside the top of the tent to look out over the tank in the centre. She then did the same outside so they would see if anyone approached. “We just need to hold it now.” She nodded respectfully at Viper as she checked in on how the others were doing.

Purna checked, decloaking, reloading his MP5 as he switched to that instead, dwindling on mags but enough to have done the job. They had done a hell of a mess for light operatives, as Sam swept out the area, Purna mostly focussed on the machinery in the middle.
“Agreed. But I think our friends are about to make that very easy. Wilk, detonator’s been sent to you. On your call, hit it and you have your entry. Base has been rattled, they don’t know where we are, and we’ve dropped about two dozen.” Purna added, pulling his NVGs up to blink, a rare bit of humanity as he looked over to Sam, then back across at the machinery inside, the various tanks, cells and setups in this laboratory-like arrangement.
“Shit. None of this is good. We’ll figure out what it is when the op is done. Or whatever Henry decides to tell us.” Purna added, walking over to it, the tank about the size of two medium-sized propane bottles, the tent area clean as a whistle. Purna knew nothing about bioengineering, but the device off the centre of the room next to the tank was identifiable from the stickers on it, and the other tanks containing chemicals after it.
"Fuck. That's a bioreactor. It's like they're using her blood to take their supply of drugs, and turn it into what they wanted. Shit. They engineered this fast, they knew the potential....." Purna added, looking at the biochemical equipment, looking it over, then back at Sam. This wasn't a proper scale, this, this was a test.
"This isn't at scale."


1350 Local Time

The Snatch

The explosions rippled through the garden, a huge rush of boom detonating the turrets, the kerosene tank's flaming embrace cutting it in two. There's an artistry to it- the garden was on fire, and the fountain in the middle was burning bright too, cutting one half of the garden from another bar a gap in the far side of the garden from where they were watching it. Adam had to admit, Purna and Sam were good what they had did. The speed, aggression, it left few men bar those up top, the elite Artemis troops in place, and Boaro and Adam made quick work of them. Boaro aggressively came in on that, and Adam clipped two more across the terrace, taking them out with precision and ease. They wouldn't have known Sam was up here mere minutes ago, the guards that had come up missing her by seconds as her and Purna were in the yard. There was an impressive body count for the lights today.

But he had nothing to add. He had work to do, and on Boaro's call, Wilk prepared, the flashbang prepped and then thrown down the skylight of the terrace, creating an implant into the house. He charged first, and with it, leapt in, leading the way. Shields up, he pressed forward, Boaro getting the two behind him, as Adam fragged one man in the room, the knockout gas effects now no longer affecting anyone new entering the zone, but keeping sleepy bye times on for anyone unlucky enough to be stuck in it. He had no stopping, and the exo was whining, as he heard one more come around, Adam watching him try and respond as Adam pulled him and hurled him into the wall, blasting a round into his face, in a bloody pulp.

The shield up, Adam pulled the USAS tight and pivoted around, the slug rounds now on considering the more armoured, gas mask wearing Artemis troops were on duty to secure the VIP and well, Adam was taking none of it. As they fired rounds, even Adam twitched a little as they went straight at him, Adam firing back and clattering one bloodily with a slug, picking another with the automatic shotgun, moving down to where the gallery room was, and below that, the basement. Switching to the MSBS, Adam checked quarters, seeing men run from out front, where the Heavies, or Team 3 were assaulting. As the Artemis men ran inside, Adam picked up fire, one exo man jumping but being cut down in flight, his exo's path clattering into floor next to him and his friend following, Adam not in many words as Boaro would follow.

Moving down into the basement, Adam saw Henry there, still out cold, and made his move, shields backed down, running across and kicking the door of the cell in.
"VIP identified. We have him." He called, Henry being out cold a rather handy thing. They always recovered people out. It made it easier at least for resistance's sake, as Adam cranked up the exo to lift, and swinging the MSBS into one hand, fireman carried Henry in left.
"Okay. I'll keep this bastard close, the street is going to flood with troops so the only way out is towards that gap in the fire, and the exit to the Souk. Keep me covered, and pick off anyone else brave enough to get into the garden." Adam called to Ebrima, aware that with the shielding, it probably made sense- he could manage the squad. He wasn't like Skye in that regard- able to get hands on and as close in, he was leading this team, and that meant directing others rather than himself. A better delegator perhaps, but he did want it done his way.

"All stations, this is Wilk, VIP secure. Team, we need to leave. Nord, Boomer, Scion, you need to push on, get through the house and head through the garden. I need EOD on on Viper and Chaos's position in the garden, ASAP. We need thermal charges to deal with the chemical tanks they've found." Adam added, Henry groaning a little on his shoulder, as Adam looked across.
"I have no idea if we're saving you or snatching you. Stay still and you'll get to live at least." Adam added, with it, moving out, shields down for a moment but ready to at a moment's notice, following on Boaro's lead out into the garden, knowing the heavies just about had the front sown up now from their breach and from their initial antics. So far, this was going well- but the tide could shift, and Adam knew they had to get to Athena's extract point, soon as possible.


1356 Local Time

Kicking in the Door so hard it's ricocheting across the room

The heavy brawled with Oliver, the mechanised armour straining as he swung his minigun like a club, blocking hits, trying to pick holes in his defence. He would have his way, but he was occupying Oliver- so either he had to end it, or someone else did, the other titan of the bunch making a difficulty here.
"Get off me, you big bastard!" The other heavy yelled, a distinctly Irish accent, funnily enough.

As they headed in, more troops met the Heavies than met the internal team- they were making such a racket after all, and they were assaulting the heaviest guarded piece of the Maison Villeneuve. Chuck, Oliver and Jamie, once they had finished the front would have a portal through the lobby proper and into the garden, the direction of travel for the fight and where Adam and Ebrima were. For Chuck, likely it meant a trip through the lobby past the two and to the tent- and the team would start to move in the direction of the souk, towards the fire-break and from there, out through the souk streets to their RV. If all went well, they didn't have far to go. One thing was clear- everyone was now back on the same wavelength, and the co-ordinated chaos meant they had Henry, the intel, a lot of dead bodies and now, a fight to finish.

The situation in the square wasn't getting any better, with people screaming, people dispersing, and only now, the Moroccan Army troops being told very firm and clear- stay the fuck away from Blue Sword, friendly or foe. Not a nice situation, but one none the less. That was, lest one armoured MRAP charged through, heading straight for the souk it would never fit into.

"Shit." Athena replied, seeing a truck hurtle towards the start of the Souk, Blue Sword troops firing on it as it fired back. Athena growled, pulling the coil tight and with it, pulling up the setting. The truck wasn't stopping from fire, as her guys dived out of the way, from gunfire and getting runover. Athena's coil did not take as long as some would think, and as she hit the clacker, the bolt flew and with it, didn't so much as detonate the engine block as dismantle it. The truck skidded to a halt as Blue Sword teams recovered, swarming the truck and eliminating the hostiles, Athena not so happy about the situation. More of them were coming in, they were fucking swarming out of the rafters.
"You've stired the nest, Wilk, get the fuck out and to my position, it's the path of least resistance, we are holding tight!" Athena called back, other Blue Sword soldiers moving from cover to cover, letting civilians run through, but keeping a swivel. The large heavy's footsteps clattered on tile, the smell of cold static latent in the air as she kept an eye out.
Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz

Athena Anna Kanataario

Purna Chai Gurung

Briefing Room

1800 Local Time

Adam looked around the room, with the range of questions coming in. Chuck and Ebrima had valid points, and he could address them in turn. Ebrima answering one point first, which he agreed with.

"Chuck, Ebrima makes that point. They'll hide, do what they have to, but same time, we need to be careful. Current rule of engagement is that anyone armed is a target, unless they're surrendering Gendarmes or Army. Before we go hot with the heavies, we'll issue a warning to the local Gendarmes, via Interpol, and Oracle the same to the Moroccan Armed Forces, by which point we'll be engaging inside the garden and on the exit, they'll be aware of our presence. Blue Sword similarly will manage the local interactions. They won't be happy, but then again, Raven can pull strings where we need it. With the situation as it is, we can't afford any risk. I do not like it any more than you do, so be careful and let's just keep fire as much as we can to the gardens, rather than beyond. Any overspill and well, then they will know." Adam replied, with Ebrima's further comment being one to also move onto.

"Good point, Ebrima. That's why we have Sam. She's an electronic warfare specialist, and with Purna, she'll deal with the drone presence. I imagine they'll have a couple of UAVs on overwatch, but considering the density of the market, our presence should be fairly limited, as it's only us that need covering. By the time we're attacking, I want them to know where they're coming from. So if Sam can keep the feeds away from our direction, or at least, interfere, we'll be set. We'll need to jam them on exfil, and make sure they don't follow us to the airport." Adam added, filling in the detail, hoping the two were happy with the answers.

"Good. We're gearing up in four hours. Sort out any remaining bits you have to do, and be ready for deployment. This is a sensitive one. But if overspill happens, we're going to need to adapt. So be ready for a fight."

The Armoury

0000 Local Time

Lock and Load

The team continued to gear up, and there was no shortage of hype, feeling and ready here. The stakes were high, and they all knew they had their specialised jobs to do. But in the end, all things could go wrong. It could be their last. It could be the end of Artemis, or them. It didn't matter. Job was going to be done, and Adam checked on each, from Athena, Jamie and Oliver, to Purna and Sam, to finally, Ebrima.

He saw Ebrima in the zone, finishing up with his MDR, and the drum mags for his shotgun.
"Good to go?" Adam asked, moving across, looking to Purna, Athena, and Jamie in the far corner.
"Been a while since I've been in Africa. So don't be offended if I ask for help in French, heh?" Adam chuckled, knowing Ebrima was more the local, even if Cameroon may as well have been as far from Morocco as it was to South Africa, it was still, a Francophone city with heavy Arabic and Berber influence.

Across the room, Athena noted Jamie gearing up, chatting to himself, but then, calibrating his suit, gearing up his tools and bringing them into the fold. He seemed assured, everything set right, and well, imposing. There's a certain mechanical feel to his armour, more industrial, punk. He lives for that shit. Athena likes it plenty, even if it's not her taste, considering hers seems a little more refined.
"Not bad, JamJam." Athena said, chuckling as she smirked, putting her armoured paw on his shoulder. Athena's armour felt like a leveller, and well, she had missed it. Her face poking out of it may have seemed odd to her social followers, but then again, a body like this didn't go to waste.
"She'd be proud. Me and you fucking up things together. Just like old times." She giggled, smirking as she checked the pad on her arm, a secondary unit to her HUD arranged setup, the suit flexing and the coil gently whining, like a muted pitch ready to blast, even the jumpjets having this gentle hiss that was unlike Freya's. While her suit could go invisible, even silent with the right adaptations, Athena made no such effort, and neither did Jamie.

Across the room from there, Purna looked to Sam, chuckling as he replied in his own Arabic, rusty but coming back quickly to fruition.
"Simply a vision, darling niece." He smiled, a rare crack in his turn, but well, the Nepali was certainly happy he wasn't alone. Getting a leather pack, he filled the rest of his equipment load into that, and with it, got ready to go. The grappling hook latched into his left forearm, the pad on his right, he felt prepared, readied, feeling it. Even the dust and dirt felt worn into the robes and wrap, and it felt like he was readied for it. Like a Ghillie suit, almost as if this was blending into a landscape, this was to actually blend into the medina.

Part Five: Rock the Kasbah

Souk Semmarine, Marrakesh, Morocco

1330 Local Time

Made in Medina

Sipping down the tea from the glass, Purna looked over to Sam, his covering down from over his face. Moroccan freshmint tea hit different, Purna not having been in the Arab or Northern African world for a while, but well, it was good to be back. For that tea, especially. It's a brilliant thing, sugary, cooly-flavoured tea that was very hot, yet with the mint, joyous. Even in the searing 30C heat, which felt like it infected any piece out of the shade. It's a manic place. Continuous non-white noise, the sound of horns, drums, talking, shouting, mopeds, yet in the cafe, it almost feels like a setback form all of it, looking on at the madness whilst in a cosy, gentle little environment in an alcove. They had to stop somewhere, and it made sense to stop in a place that locals would go to hide from the mid-day beating sun, the clay and tiled walls and the gentle smell of lamb, humus and mint filling the place.

"This is incredible. Very refreshing. So much sugar, though." Purna smiled to her and spoke in a soft Arabic, already feeling like she got this whole line of work- it was good to be with a professional, even if he was a sole operative, she was not a bad partner to pick from already. Sam was a natural- in her henna and Kuhl, with her wrapping, she fit perfectly, mysterious yet beautiful beneath it, like an allure of someone that knew how to fit in, but still hid it away in spite. Women in this part of the world weren't respected perhaps like a typical Western country, and whilst in the street plenty could be seen without headdresses and tourists modestly dressed also, this was far more conservative, controlled a society that Purna full well understood had not changed for centuries. Nepal the same, but he'd seen enough. She fit the part, and therefore, no eyes would be cast on them both. The robe wearing Nepali drank down a bit more tea, the hot, very sugary, very smooth beverage clearing his throat and a perfect stop as he checked his watch one more time, and then looked back across to her.

"I think it is time we move. I'll keep you close. Let's play the part." Purna smiled, and with it, adjusted his headrobe's covering, using it to at least mask his neck keeping his lighly-clay like complexion visible, as he stood, moving back across to where his pack was, a traditional cloth sack containing of all things, bundled C4, climbing kit, knockout canisters and a couple of gas rebreathers. For target interdiction, it always helped- he knew Sam had much the same tricks. And here they were, leaving the cafe and going back out into the chaos that Chaos would either adore, or hate. Adjusting his throat comms, and the headset in his cowl covered fully by the headrobe, he could talk to Sam without it being too obvious.

"Tourists must come here thinking this is another world. This reminds me of home. Markets, people trying to make a living, kind yet having not much." Purna commented, the Nepali worldly, as they trickled through, most tourists getting stopped, military stopping even a few given the security measures in place, but leaving Purna and Sam completely, utterly alone. They were carrying packs, full of what looked like goods, and appeared to be headed to their own stall. On that thought, Purna went through their segment of the plan.

"We know what to do. I'll go and find and confirm the location of Henry, and sneak in. On your hand, you have drones to sort, and their server network to unravel. Between you and me....our boss, he overprescribes. You know what to do. And you'll find your own way. We are hunter-killers. So you hunt them...I kill." He added, going over the rough plan, the sound of hundreds of people drowning out anything if anyone were to even try eavesdropping in this place.

The two moved through the Souk, and not an eye even batted them. Purna held onto her her hand, looking back and knowing it fit the optics. Vendors did not try and sell them anything, as Purna kept a move on. Armed men were scattered throughout the souk, a mix of local Gendarmes, or military police, actual Moroccan Army soldiers, the grey-robe and headdress wearing Nepali looking so Berber he may as well have gone the extra stint and started to sell leather bags here. His companion too, and well, it was like an art that almost felt easy to keep up with. In the crowds looking for special forces teams, they simply seemed to dissolve.

With it, they made their way through the maze of structures, the dusty, choked souk where you could buy anything from beautiful pottery, leather, carpets, fake Rolexes and Argan Oils giving way to the hidden garden, La Jardin Villeneuve. Such a generic name, for such a beautiful place, but it was barriered off, Moroccan Army posted outside in number, keeping a presence, likely corrupt soldiers on Artemis's bought payroll, if not just using it as a disguise. The garden was sealed, with tall walls, but well, like that would stop the two. The roof above the souk here was tin-lined yet the garden was open to air, and Purna looked on, then back to Sam.
"This is us. Okay, my camera is active, plus I should be networked to your software." Purna added, moving with the crowd as he pulled Sam in close, hugging her, looking direct into her eyes. He may not have been the tech whizz that she was, but, there was no doubting his infiltration talent. The guy was a ghost, and even in plain sight, he made it seem so easy and casual how he interacted with her.
"All yours. As soon as I find a computer network, I'll get you in on that and you can start to disrupt them, and their drones. I'll install explosive charges on any security measures inside, and kill anyone behind that door that could be an issue. On my signal, those guards outside will turn when the door opens, and you have an opportunity....or, you find a way in yourself into the garden. We then need to move, fast, and get ready for Boaro and Wilk to free the target." Purna let go of the hug, and with it, nodded, a smile on his face as he turned, and left Sam behind.

With it, cutting through the shop to their side, Purna left Sam there in the alley, and cut in, moving at a quick walk, the shop owner confused as Purna hustled through and headed through the back door, running up a set of stairs, into an apartment complex. Ditching the robe and the headdress, he revealed his Mk14 and MP5, the pack on his back getting thrown onto a stairset as he yanked the tactical pack out of that, in turn leaving it in the corner of the room inside a clay pot and hustling the stairs. The shop owner was long behind, as he broke into a run, pacing up the stairs, and up to the top.

Coming out on the roof, Purna saw the garden proper, and took a breather. It was only a small segment, but an oasis of green and colour, filled with automated turrets, containers, tents, barracks and most importantly, somewhere in the house proper at the end, the person they were here to recover. And a large white tent, a geodesic dome in fact, right in the centre- a larger structure that stuck out like a brick on the moon. Rather than dwell, Purna's bottom half suddenly disappeared, the Nepali drawing his MP5 into hand as that disappeared too, then his chest, arms, and finally, his head and NVG covered eyes, set to an augmented visible spectrum while he was completely off it. With it, he broke into a run and as a thin blur, darted across the last few rooftops, before using his grapple to lynch straight onto a palm tree inside the garden, and with a swan dive, blur his way straight in, the active camo breaking but re-rendering at halt when he flung himself into the tree, using the line to anchor himself in. There's almost a gymnastic pride to his movement, if the mediums are fast with their exos, then Purna is straight up not even there at all, looking inside and taking a look.
"Inside, Chaos. We have a lot of hostiles here. Be careful."

1345 Local Time

Rooftop Hustle

Adam readied up at the door and looked back to Ebrima. The man might be a warrior in guerrilla warfare, and without an exo in the market a hell of an asset. But up here, he would be invaluable- and far more lethal than down in the streets. With the cut and thrust of close quarters work coming up soon when they headed into the garden, dropping in and unravelling hell from the two would be important- the usual mix of a mediums' speed and aggression. It would be just two of them going in and recovering Henry after all, whilst the Heavies soaked up the actual security at front of house, and the lights covered the door into the Souk, where no doubt there were plenty of guards, sentries and other defences. He felt confident, but of course, there was always an air of change in the air, as Adam peeked.

Pushing forwards, the rooftops were bare considering the insanely baking heat that seemed to burn hard in the light. Different levels, clay, rock, sand, all of it mixing to make the tapestry of Marrakesh's wider Medina, above the chaotic Souk down below.

"Let's get a move on. Chaos and Viper have our target confirmed, charges in place, drone isn't looking at us for a little while. We just need to get there and recover Henry." Adam called to Ebrima, moving up to the next, the noise of the souk loud even from above, drowning in noise and nobody of any sane disposition up here. Guards, and then a few others.

And with it, they got a move on. Breaking into a run, Adam used the exo to fling across from one roof to the next, over the tin and cloth below in the alley to the next, skidding in and down to a stop behind a clay wall when he spotted another group of contacts watching over in the distance. Bringing the MSBS to shoulder, he sent a ping over to Ebrima, highlighting the hostiles.
"Contacts, eleven o'clock. Man on the right is mine. All yours for the left. On your mark..." The Pole called out, seeing the man in the ramshackle cover about 100m away, up ahead. On Ebrima's mark, Adam followed.

With a plink, the rifle clipped the man's neck and spat out the other side, even his tactical getup doing nothing against 7.62mm armour-piercing rounds. Adam looked to Ebrima, nodding, and with it, looking across. Ebrima was the merc with specialism in these environments, far more so than Adam's experience of the Middle East.
"On your lead, Boaro. Post's that way, and we have rooftops to cover. Let's get to an overwatch of the garden, then run me through how many of them you want to fuck up. I always wanted to see what a real Guérillero comes up with." Adam let his usual planning, calculated side down, knowing that in this very specific instance, he'd let Ebrima do what he did.

The rooftops were layered, bits lower, bits higher, bits missing cover entirely but roughly two to three storeys above the market itself, structures interwoven, tiny alleys ranging between half a meter gap to four meters of gap, sometimes with tin, sometimes with textile and carpet, sometimes with nothing. There's this real air that with just more neon and rain, it's like Cyberpunk. But it isn't, it's ridiculously hot, and there was a job to be done, as Adam kept his exo on, ready to follow Ebrima over the gaps, even with the added weight of the force generator carried on the suit's pack.

It was an environment that did not suit fighting in the souk proper, especially with the sheer volume of civilians, but once the attack started, they'd be raising hell and there would be a lot of runners, but the garden would be where it would be concentrated into. Any drones in the sky weren't going to look at Ebrima and Adam's way in thanks to the lights efforts, and more so, the mediums would be in luck, able to take advantage of the chaos, get in close and recover Henry, any intel and anything else on site.

1355 Local Time

Kick the Doors Down

Inside the truck, the driver looked into the back, the titans idle but ready to now go. The radio call had come through from Adam's encrypted link, and he held it in lieu of the fact that the Heavies would likely have wanted it for themselves. Still, a local fixer like him, a Blue Sword driver working with Athena, made it easy to blend in while on his rounds. The truck itself was parked across the street, the street right on the fringe of the deep, mean Souk, and was barely wide enough to fit two vehicles through. Whilst not as packed as the souk proper with tin roofing and sheeting, it was still claustrophobic, and busy enough to feel like you couldn't breathe easy, well, aside from the grounds of the garden giving reprieve.

"Okay, go time. Front door is yours, boss man says raise hell." The driver said, the sound of explosions audible within the garden. The party had started. The mediums were in. The lights had long been setting off stuff. Now, just the cork in the bottle. Jamie, Chuck and Oliver had the job of charging through the front door, past the corrupt Moroccan Army presence with what looked like four MRAP vehicles with remote turrets, at least two dozen soldiers blended with Artemis operatives, and through a small annex of the house itself into the Garden. A heavy was near the front, at least six and a half foot in height, and armed with a minigun and Trophy of his own, would be a formidable threat.

On the other side of the souk in Jema El-Fnaa, Athena was of a similar mindset in her own armoured truck, the shell-like interior of the MRAP with a singular bench for her a place to get ready, alone. Her blonde hair in a bun, she took the helm and put it firm over head, locking it into the membrane within, clicking her neck and her armoured fingers, feeling like she practically occupied every square inch in here already. She's got this aura to her, like Freya, but well, in the business. Looking at the wall, she couldn't see anything but someone in replacement of her sister. And well, someone to end this. Athena had that feeling of duty all of a sudden, instead of running things in the background, to actually get it done. She had heard what Oracle had to say. This had to end, and her team would see to it. No fuck ups, not anymore.

With herself bent in two to crouch down, she put hand forward and pushed on the door, leaping out of the pack with head tall and spine straight, where a couple more Blue Sword soldiers had already embarked, dressed in light desert fatigues, plate carriers, helmets and armed up with SIG MCX rifles, a choice mirrored by the prior Skye Lyons. Athena towered over them, all seven and a half foot of her, coil in one hand, expression inside firm, ventilation at max, because she was sweating like a motherfucker in that truck.

"All Blue Sword security teams, tighten the noose. Any armed personnel aren't to leave. Brief just got sent to local police, so anyone that raises a gun at you, take them out. Anyone that isn't armed, tell them to run. We're on the look out for HVTs, and suspect Artemis operatives, so keep your eyes peeled. Let's get it done." Athena boomed into the comms, her confident extraversion now like lightening. With it, the coils on her pack whined, this deep, yet pitched whine that left nothing to any onlookers. Civilians were on the move, running away from the explosions, locals, and well, between them and the rest were Gendarmes. The large square was packed full of stalls, vendors and Royal Moroccan Army, and well, it would be a chaotic crossfire here. But it was what Artemis wanted. Sow so much chaos that no easy way out could be found. Adam, and Athena disagreed. This was about creating fewer options for runners, and with the main team inside, all Athena's crews and her had to do was hold the line and their way out. There was nowhere for Artemis to run out of the lion's den. Athena stood tall and above the civilians, and made it very, very clear, that you ran, or you got in her way.
Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz

Athena Anna Kanataario

Purna Chai Gurung

Raven's Rock, Camp Hannula, Pöyrisjärvi National Park, Finland

1700 Local Time

Currying Favour

With the majority dished out, Tahlia and Purna finished up their batch, making sure there was something leftover for Duke, whilst also grabbing their own bits.
"Antti getting used to you, then?" Purna asked, the infiltrator quiet yet breaking the ice, looking to Tahlia, the Kiwi nodding with response to the Gurkha, who was happy to get down to the gritty part of this work.
"Yeah, you could say something like that. No idea what I'm in for." Tahlia replied, Purna shrugging, much the same, wiping the table down.
"Yes, he seems difficult. Still. Most Finnish man I have met. Not sure he can compute feelings yet. But we need that. More than Adam mentions, keeps us going. Good Chuck helped you out too." Purna replied, Tahlia giving a chuckle as she finished on her bit, taking a plate, and back to table.
"Yeah. I guess he wanted to do something too. Can't blame him. It's been a lot." She replied, as he came in closer, then looking to the giants on one end, then back to Tahlia.
"How is it two giants are into you then?" Purna was observing, he could say that. He wouldn't normally break the ice, but he'd gotten to know the team, and well, noted their feelings. An important thing to do in the detail of information, perhaps.
"I have no idea. But maybe they see a tattooed girl with a lot of upper body strength and no legs and think that's charming." Tahlia chuckled, as Purna nodded in similar confusion, taking his plate and leaving her to grab hers.

Heading to the table, and it was quite something. A bona-fide arrangement, and well, lots of chats and conversations.
"Agreed, Ebrima. We'll sneak her something out." Athena smiled, looking to the white-skinned Cameroonian, before starting to devour what looked like an entire quarter of reindeer. She did not need curry. She needed food. Her heart would jump out of her otherwise, as Adam and Purna ate a little more slowly, Tahlia and likely anyone that wasn't over seven foot and jacked like Schwarzenegger. A variety of types, and team members.

And right as the team melded, Adam's phone rang.
"Hello?" He said, taking a moment away. Somethings never changed, as he stood up, walking away. The news was as expected. But, on tone.
"Ah, fuck." Adam responded, looking to the team. So much for team building.

Briefing Room, Raven's Rock

1800 Local Time


The briefing room was not a place even Adam was sure they would end up in so fast. But this late at night, well, work went on. It never stopped, and there was sleeping to be done on the plane. Tahlia wasn't on this mission- given she had things to attend to on base, and the fact it didn't require a sniper meant she was holding back. Sensical, in a way, but still, she knew there was a method to the madness in this sort of situation.

Adam in the meantime, made sure that method was clear, standing at the AR-enabled whiteboard, the briefing room filled with a variety of characters.

"So, we have our update. Turns out, Henry Simmonds is in the hands of Artemis already. And we have a solid confirm on his location. Thanks to our intel team, primarily the efforts of Sam and Raphael, we have a fix. Marrakesh." Adam said, bringing up the map, and with it, focussing in on Marrakesh, Morocco. Africa.

It was a chaotic part of the world as it was, but well, it was also a place that in recent times, had been a bit more stable. No doubt the market had modernised in places, but come on, this is the Medina of Marrakesh. The things sold may change, earthquakes may hit, but for a 1000 years before, and a 1000 years more, it would remain the bazaar of bazaars. The place you could get lost in and buy anything, everything, and indulge. It's a place of true Indiana Jones level anarchy, but somehow, ordered commerce.

"We believe him to be in the heart of the Souk Semmarine, a hive of markets, stalls, courtyards and alleyways. What we do know is that whilst Artemis's on the ground presence is low from most perception, we think they have something in reserve. Bribed guards, military, and worse, a significant security presence rolled deep into there. The souk is a maze. It's nearly impossible to look inside of, and worse still, incredibly easy to hide in so it is easy for them to entrench and hide further assets. But we've found him. No Rose, but he's there." Adam pulled in the Augmented Reality-enabled map on the table, projecting it out, visible to the team.

"That is La Jardin Villeneuve. A little slice of greenery in the arid souk, connected to Maison Villeneuve, an abandoned art gallery. Inside of there, small signs can be seen of an Artemis outpost, and preparing what, we do not know. But this all appeared four hours ago. Intel points to the fact they kidnapped him whilst he was on holiday, and they wanted security in case the Gendarmerie came knocking. The one that isn't on the pay. The other part of his kidnapping may be they are looking to do something with his expertise, in plain sight. Somewhere nobody could think to look. This is obviously a problem, requiring an immediate fix. We lose Henry from here, we have problem." Adam added, flicking to the next, the Pole's accent sticking at times.

"The task is simple. We need to recover Henry, extract him, and figure out what Artemis want to do with him. Local SF won't do the job- if Artemis want him badly, they will have sent elite mercenaries and operatives, and likely, they will fight hard to get him back. What we don't know scares me, and there is even a chance that in that Souk, they could be hiding far more. Threat level is high enough that if you see anyone armed, shoot on sight. Our attack's a complex one. We need to keep a low profile, but once we go loud, we're not going to able to put the cork in the bottle again, as the British would say, yes?

Purna, Sam you're going in ahead. Get some local clothes over your infiltration kit, blend in and get to the gate. Plant charges, cloak up, and head inside and give us an idea of what we're going into. Purna sneaks, Sam works on the electronic warfare side of things.

Ebrima, you're with me. We'll use the rooftops of the Souk to get close, and whilst it means we'll run more risk, given how the souk is laid out, we can likely avoid any Artemis spotting teams. If we see them, it's so noisy that we'll likely be able to pick off any early warning observers, early. We'll push on over top of the souk, and go direct, and drop straight into the garden.

Chuck, Jamie and Oliver, you three are going to hide in a truck we'll park close to the front of Maison Villeneuve on the road and when we need you, we'll call on you to charge in and clean everything up. Which, done right, shouldn't be long, we'll pincer on the garden and house and then find our target. We can get you in close ahead of time and hide you, but expect to get moving quickly. Expect heavy resistance. No mechs in sight, but they are likely to have heavies of their own, multiple exoskeleton armed operatives, entrenched weaponry, and are ready for a fight. What they lack in number, they have in lethality.

Athena, and her support teams are on security. They'll flank the other side of the Souk and ensure nobody gets in, and out once we know what's going on. Watch for civilians, and as you go along, the Gendarmes that haven't been bribed will try and secure the area. I expect throughout the Souk Artemis will try and turn the place into a warzone. All lethals if they're carrying weapons and don't look friendly. APCs won't fit inside the alleys so the largest natural predator is Athena, but they will on the streets around, and it doesn't mean they won't have their own protection. This man we are looking for is critical to them, clearly. We need to stop the rot and end this before escalation." Adam looked around the room, knowing there was much to come.

"If all goes well, we clean out the Artemis compound, and before any local reinforcements react from across the city or souk, we get to a truck in Jemaa-el-Fnaa, back to the airport, and figure out what next. Overheads are low, everyone, we do not know where local forces stand. This relies upon us getting what we need, and getting out. If we do not know who to trust, and think we may be up against it, we do this our way." He flicked to the last page, and with it, the updates on screen of the team composition, arrangement, placement and setup.

"Any questions?"

Armoury, Raven's Rock

0000 Local Time

Cue the Montage

Equipping up with exos, armour, infiltrator kit, the armoury was a hive. There's a lot going on. From Adam's exoskeleton, a matt black with a visor system flipping down, to Purna, who eschewed all of the older mountaineering kit in favour of a skintight, hexagonal-patterned drysuit-like infiltration kit, to Athena, who had gone to the privacy of the heavies armoury and basically, in front of everyone just stripped to her undergarments there and chained up and closed up Warhawk, it was something and a half- the helm's multi camera feed on Warhawk something like the Enclave Power Armour from Fallout, if ever there was a way to properly describe it, mounted off to the side of her head. The team had an opportunity to get equipped, and the thumping feet of Athena coming in, helmet off, looked like a different beast to the one she was. Fun, bubbly and playful turned to scary, checking and playful.

The gigantic tesla coil, probably the entire size of Purna in one hand, twin Ingram MAC-10s attached to her sides with customised triggering and extended mags, and two fucking swords at her hip made up a primary weapons of choice, as did the Trophy System and mini missile system geared for High Explosives, rather than armour today- elimination on the cards rather than area denial. Warhawk's presence was one that screamed "look at me", it would if it was painted pink but alas, that was off-brand for her. She wasn't that basic, after all. Yet.

"Haha.....now, I missed this." Athena simply announced, Adam sighing, annoyed, yet tooling himself up.

The OsirisM2 "Sokol" unit he used was a variant of Skye's own, designed to be less of the hyperactive firing platform and provide a little more protection and power, over the sheer power of the jump jet and agility. Equipping the FR MSBS Grot, he loaded the mag and checked the tool over, shouldering the weapon and checking the holographic and magnifier combo, before unloading the weapon and equipping a USAS-12 with a range of stick magazines, including the Fire Stick, the Boom Stick, and more importantly for enemy exos and more armoured targets, the Slug Stick. The one that was like flinging a fuck you, in full auto, at someone that didn't want to die. A compliment to Ebrima's exo but with the attached generator, could create a forcefield. Still prototype of course, and particularly heavy limiting movement but well, it was a tool for use. Of course, charging enemies and smarter ones might figure out it was limited and could still be run through, but there was advantages in that. A FN FiveSeven, and a series of tactical kit finished up the combination.

"Miss being shot at? Jesus." Adam chuckled, as Purna came in, the Bedouin cloak over his drysuit-like Gryphon infiltrator kit, the grey headwrap tight against his forehead, wrapped up nice and neat in no clash with the robe's predominantly gray and light blue colour. He checked the Mk14 and hid it beneath the cloak, as did the MP5SD, stock folded in and the twin USPs hidden at his belt. The suit he wore was more than just a tight infiltrator's suit- it had optical cloaking, and whilst the robe over it covered that, it was a different kind of camo he needed in the market. He would blend in seamlessly. Even a little Arabic he knew would carry him to where he needed, and he wouldn't even be noticed.
"Yeah, I don't do that thing." Purna replied, quickdrawing his USP on his right, checking it was still accessible, even in the cover of the cloak.

With it, the three seemed prepared. They had pairs to work with, well, all bar Athena, and a mission to complete. From dawn cold of northern Finland to burning sun of the African sun, they were headed back into the fire.

Skye Rosalind Lyons

Ban Kingo


Somewhere near Mount Fuji, Japan

1700 Local Time


The Chuo-Shinkansen is a revelation of a train. A cutting edge, maglev-driven marvel of technology, it had been almost decades in the making, and faster than any car, flight, anything at all over this distance to Nagoya hurtling non-stop at almost 300mph. It’s a kind of speed that turns the outside to blur, and because of the magnetic levitation technology of the train floated like it was flying through butter, hurtling in the afternoon sun of central Honshu. Korea now had a similar system, so too did China and even by some miracle, France was thinking of its own system. France. Let that sink in.

Blasting through tunnel after tunnel, the leather jacketed pixie, wearing her aviators, and looking across at the large suitcase that was hauled up in the rack to her side, looked back at Ban, and adjacent to that, Enri. Her look was screaming Gaijin, but less superspy, considering she looked like she was here for a metal tour, not her usual indie or rock bands she listened to. Time had passed on by, and well, instead of dragging any more viewings at Kiyose City, Skye checked if they could get a move on now. It would make sense to hit Artemis whilst they were still a little confused themselves as to what the fuck was going on- and Skye liked Enri. So much so, that after the hack, she had asked the question. An evening of her time, at a higher rate. She just needed to cover some tracks, including the one they were on now. Avoid leaving any cloud uploaded trace, at least, holding them out of line. And perhaps, maybe some light hacking work on a subsystem that would be somewhere in the distance. Not so much in the line of fire, fuck that, but a desk operator job. Skye just needed a voice in her ear opening the big doors, but she could open the rest herself with Ban.

“So, I think we have what we need. Enri, I guess the toy’s ready for me?” Skye asked, her candid Scots accent still in display, hideable soon by the thing she’d spent the morning with Enri getting to know. She felt a little more comfortable, even somewhat trusting of the hacker. It was like a cat they’d had in the family once. Sparky, his name was. This Scottish Fold that just did not care, well, cared enough but enjoyed their own peace and quiet. And was never about. And just generally, got up to shenanigans. A fun creature indeed. Then Ban. Who was the serious, hardened Yakuza that now, was back into her world. Strange, but then again, part of the deal. Goons would likely be able to help out at the site itself, but considering the setup, it was fewer the better. Skye and Ban needed an in, Enri would open the door, and the Amagi footsoldiers were there as the cork for a bottle. Shit always went wrong, so Skye reasoned, some backup was better than none.

Enri had been considerably more, well, normal in Ban’s presence, actually greeting him politely, with a proper bow and no chewing gum. When the conversation turned to the goods, she nodded enthusiastically and placed two black plastic cases on the table. “Impact resistant, should hold a seal up to five meters deep. Two as promised” She popped one open, revealing the skin-colored patch about the size of two post stamps inside, “I didn’t have time to test it completely, but based on the power draw I got out of it when making sure it worked, I expect you’ll get three hours of continuous use out of each. Four if you don’t talk much.”

Reaching into the bag again, she produced Skye’s burner. “No red flags here. Got the app installed, plus a PDF manual. Fully charged too. I can run you through how it works and we can do some fine tuning of the AI, but I had a guy handle the audio end of things, you’ll need the manual for that.” Enri was good - fuck that, she was amazing if you asked her - on the software and hardware side, but knew next to nothing about audio engineering, hence the need to delegate.

Skye nodded, chuckling. Busy bee she was, given what she’d been able to do. She may not be an audio engineer either, but Skye is…..well, creative. You didn’t become a ghost without learning things, and Skye’s ability to pick up, play and do was what made her what she was.
“Good stuff. Perfect. Lemme play with this.” Skye understated, as she picked it up and immediately slapped it onto her throat, taking the phone that Enri produced, and drawing the app open, giving a long “aaaa” like she was at the dentist, for maybe a little bit too long. But suddenly, it went strange. Skye picked it up without much ask on the app, and her pitch dropped, before she tailored in on it, finding that certain frequency. That certain bit. She then carried on playing, realising this wasn’t gonna work. She stopped, and quietly, went through the PDF. She had a few things to play with to get it exactly right.
“Okay, you’re right. Turns out an English accent is a wee bit harder!” Skye chuckled, in the deepened tone, Skye realising oh yeah- it wouldn’t mask Scottishisms. So, she changed that up a little, clearing her throat.
“How are we looking, Ban? What’s the sitrep with the facility?” Skye enquired, still playing with the tool.

Ban had greeted Enri with a smirk and a bow of his head in greeting. It’d been good to see the man again. But soon their train had arrived and he’d entered, following in the rear of the group of three, silently taking up the position of rear guard. Better that way in the end.

Sitting down and belting in he’d tapped his finger on the arm rest softly, listening to the pair, “On my end, the Oyabun managed to get us an in at the facility. An unmarked member of the family is working as a custodian, and has access to most of the building, he’s been checking things over and sending reports on security locations and facility interiors. It’s spotty as there are alot of black areas. Public hallways and locations will be easy enough, but there are sections of floors where we’ll have no view until we get there ourselves.”

Enri got a smug smirk on her face. “Oh, I knew something like this would come up.” She reached into her bag of tricks and produced two flash drives, placing them on the table between Skye and Ban. “Infected flash drives. Plug them into any computer on a network you want access to, and the worm inside will infect every other computer on that network. Might take five minutes, might take 30, depends on a lot of factors. Available bandwidth, network size, how many are running. Internal security tends to be a lot more lax. The payload is a rootkit that’s gonna settle in the OS kernel and give me admin access to every infected computer. Some companies, especially tech and defense, also tend to have multiple networks. One for R&D, one for HR, so on, hence two drives. But you need to get in first.” She explained. Why bother looking for a loophole in the Firewall to abuse when one could bypass it entirely. “And because of where it sits, it actively masks itself. Only way to detect its presence is by a human, or booting from a safe drive. But if you just need in or out, it should work like a charm.”

“Perfect. I like the sound of that too. Just means finding some points. Enri, once in, we may have some interesting files to play with. The main bit will be their servers. If I find hardware, I’ll rip it out, software, it might include networks of an organisation named Artemis. Or at least, power brokers of said organisation.” Skye replied to Enri, nodding to Ban also.
“Sounds like a play, Ban. We can work with that. Just means high speed, low drag, drop anyone we see and get what we need. They’ll be ready for a fight, but, we’re good ourselves.” Skye replied, knowing Enri would be strongly getting the hint that this wasn’t exactly a business trip with suits and ties and a hostile takeover. More like one with guns and getting to the core of a network. The Scot carried on tweaking, as suddenly, she found it. The tones shifted a lot, bouncing through weird inflections, and then, there.
“Hello…..hello…….Hello? Ah, perfect.” Her voice shifted, as she looked across to them.
“Queen’s English. Peter Peckled Pickl….fuck. Okay, I still think in Scots, but that’ll do nicely. It’s about right.” Her voice held, and magnificently, became Rose’s. Not inch perfect, but like an AI would modulate and Skye could hear out, it would work. Ban and Enri no doubt had no idea why Skye was doing this, especially not Enri, but need to know and all that. It was RP styled English, like Rose had, clear and concise, very much southern and very much altered.

Ban reached down and palmed one of the flashdrive, “Just plug and play you say? I’m not too big on computers these days. I swear the things you tech savvy sort can do.” He sniffed, “Should be simple enough though.” He looked at his phone as it beeped, “Ah, good.” He set it down on his knee so everyone could see, “Here. The place we’re going. Nagoya Energy Works, Building 90S, about 200 yards off Hisaya Odori Park. You can see it from the observation deck of the Chubu Electric MIRAI Tower. Yes the same tower Gojira keeps breaking in the movies. Nevermind that for now.” He enlarged the picture, “87 stories, our custodian has mapped 67 of them, he’s blocked from the rest. He’s leaving a map nearby for us to pick up when we go in.”

He looked between the two, “And all our gear should be ready in a drop nearby. Weapons, gear and a few interesting odd things should things need to go loud. Which I hope it will not.” He looked at Enri, “As long as your tech works Enri-san.” Then back at Skye, “And you and I can contain our blood thirsty urges when we’re in there.” He can’t help but grin just a bit at that.

"Plug and play." She confirmed with a nod, "They're single-use though, so pick carefully. Yes, theoretically the receptionist's computer could be enough, or it could just get you to HR files. Like I said, there could be separate internal networks." The flash drives were one of her 'commercial' products, and this way she was getting paid per use, not per customer. Maybe she should've made some reusable ones for in-house work, it would've been a matter of deleting six lines of code, which she couldn't do here. You live and learn.

"Well, if being detected isn't a concern, if you can get one of these into a computer that you know deals with security," She said, pointing to the flash drives, "I could turn whatever security features they have against them and get a few of my guys to manage it in real time. Safety doors to slow down or corral them, keep you a clear path, lights, internal communication, whatever they have and we get access to." It would be clear to Skye that Enri knew what was going on and cared little for the illegalities of the matter. She was getting paid to do a job, and that was what she was going to do, "And if you could get one onto a computer you know for sure has access to their data..." A grin one could describe as 'evil' grew on the small woman's face, one that wouldn't feel out of place on a menpō, "I could do some damage. I mean, they're gonna have backups, nothing we can do about those, and if their cyber security department is at least decent, they'll be backing up frequently. But losing even 12 hours worth of data sounds like a bad day."

And Skye loved it. She grinned, only so happy with the damage that could be done with the flash drives.
“Perfect. That’s exactly what we need. Site looks interesting too. This isn't like the Singapore office, this is a full on research site.” She said to them both, happy with the fact that well, damage could be done, and well, more than that, they had an idea of where to go. Her expression remained cool, as she took her aviators off, the afternoon sun back out again as the train was barely 10 minutes to Nagoya. They’d been on this train for barely half an hour, and it had done a distance even the lightning-fast Shinkansen it replaced would do in two hours.
“Well, the plan will be simple then. I go in through the front, with Ban, and weapons get brought with us. Pose as someone else. If we get to the right place, we can deploy the USBs, and the hacks slow down any trace to us, then find any physical, or digital pieces we need. And importantly…a biochemical lab’s vault. And if we get rumbled…..we just take the red route.” Skye added, knowing they were nearly done soon. She had a good feeling about this. It was time for some revenge.
“Ah yeah, I should probably turn this off.” Skye realised, all of the bit before in her new English accent, rather than her classical Scots.
“Word to the wise, both of you. This character, Rose, she’s quite psychotic from what I can tell. So, if I slip into her a little, don’t be alarmed if I’m a little quiet, then loud. Needs must and all. As she shares the same features as me, going in armed, and with a vest likely isn’t an issue. Ban here is joining Artemis, after all. It means chances are, any biometrics are basically a fly-through. The bit we need to watch for are those that aren’t. Or, if they figure it out.” She added, Enri likely confused.

“Oh, yeah. Well, how do I put this…..it’s really, really complicated, basically, biological copy of me is roaming about and I’m committing reverse identity theft to deal with a secret society and her crazy arse wanting to do lots of genocide. Believe me, details will come later.” Skye added, knowing that while it was open, they had an opportunity to at least cover their tracks, and she’d already checked the perimeter for anyone that could be eavesdropping.

Ban nods, “Best play is to take it as it comes then.” He snorted, “I thought I got out of this line of work. How easy it is to fall into old habits.” He looked out the window as the train leaned into a corner, the city scape coming closer and closer by the moment, “We’re nearly there. There’s an Amagi car waiting for us in the parking lot at the station, but we’re in Obu Family territory now, we’ll only be able to rely on a little bit of Amagi support, we don’t want to step on toes too much out here. Last thing we want is for the Obu to contact the Yamaguchi and file a complaint for a family out of line.” He rubbed his nose and his hand clenched at his side as if seeking the katana he usually carries but was sent ahead, so it wouldn’t be questioned why he has a weapon on the train.

“It’s a give and take, and right now, we have taken a lot and need to be prepared for what we’re going to be given.” The old yakuza sniffed again, “Just another normal day.”

Skye’s explanation of the situation was the first time she would see her genuinely stunned. Even Ban, whose family she’d been working for for two months. She wasn’t entirely sure why she was being told, the less she knew that she didn’t directly need to know, the better, but the woman she only knew as ‘Kitsune’ didn’t seem like the type to do something without having a good reason to. Like parachuting into the middle of a city. “I’ll need about ten minutes to get set up when we arrive.” Having been billed for an evening’s work and asked some surface questions, she had arranged a hotel room with good enough internet connection and had some equipment delivered there in advance. “And then it’s off to the races.”

“Aye, and I’m no betting girl, but I’d say we have some return on investment to look at here.” Skye smiled to them both, aware Enri had her task to do, Outflaw having her job, whilst Ban would be by her side. It was not a conventional plan. But then again, it was time to go into the spine of the beast. And come out swinging.

Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz

Athena Anna Kanataario

Purna Chai Gurung

Raven's Rock, Camp Hannula, Pöyrisjärvi National Park, Finland

1200 Local Time


Seeing Oliver, Tiny Nord back in had been pleasant to say the least- Adam hadn't really needed to talk as after New Zealand, he'd been quiet about the whole ordeal, doing his job and keeping on it. But it fit the file. Then there was Sam, who'd apologised here. It was sincere, and he nodded to it, as did Athena and Purna. Apology accepted, she had lashed out and whilst Adam appreciated it from a professional standpoint, Athena had to give her credit, she had ovaries of titanium to pick a fight with her. Shit, if Athena was pumped like earlier, she would have taken it out on her. But alas, things calmed. Purna, well, he sort of knew the circumstances anyway and expected it was fine. It was just how it went, he went with the flow and was stoic enough to know it was just the crest of the wave coming back.
"Understandable. I guess I owe you one too, sorry if I threatened to flatten you. Just stakes are high, you know." Athena replied to Sam, knowing Jamie would likely roll his eyes, as she leaned over, looking across to her, her large size making it rather easier to crane in, over the embarrassment from earlier with Purna.
"I heard you like to jump off shit. Singapore, right? Not bad. Crazy girl you are, Sam. More so for being you know, not all souped up." Athena spoke to her, before hearing Oliver chirp up. She had to reply, instant on that.

"Poutine would fill a void right now! All yours, Tiny Nord." Athena called out, smirking to him, walking over, standing up from the couch, leaving almost a mark from where she'd leaned into it, rather comically.
"Need a hand?" She asked, genuinely warm in her approach. Chuck was a hottie, but so was he. And well, she was rather gifted right now by the amount of giants around. Another one to add to the list for hires. He was clearly wolfing as badly as she was, and lunch was very much needed.

Jamie being here was nice too. Athena was glad to seem him in one bit, and glad he was making friends. He seemed to have a lot of sympathy for Samantha, perhaps a more deeply rooted empathy for her. It made sense, Adam reasoned that as much as well, and it was pleasant to have that on hand. Athena loved her big brother a lot, even if he was a little strange, he was a good boy. She was just a little more cheeky than him.

Meanwhile, Purna heard out Ebrima's side of the story, and paid little too much mind. After clambering up after Athena had clattered into him, chest first. Awkward? But he recovered as much as he could, knowing Ebrima was trying to hold on. Get the last word in. Purna wouldn't really let it, but well, left one last anecdote. He knew Ebrima wasn't telling everything, but no need to dig. No need to keep going. In time, he'd rethink this one over. See if he deserved it, rather than the instant opinion. Purna would do the same, but well, there was a certainty behind things like that to just ponder.
"Well, life is very strange, Ebrima. Puts you in a place like this. Then I know revenge is a rather odd thing. You would know the feeling." Purna replied, and with that, left Ebrima to it, heading over to help with lunch.

And that they had. Poutine it was, and quite a serving. No leftovers, of course, why, when you've got three giants, any hope of that?

Hunter Gatherer

1300 Local Time

The reindeer herd parted as the crack whistled, the sound of a groaning, moaning beast flopping onto the floor, as Andrew revved up the quad and with it, carried her and Tahlia, the trailer in tow in the back carrying Chuck across the tundra-like snow, thinning and mostly like slush, making it not so good for a snowmobile, given there were patches of green already forming in the open plain. Pulling in, Tahlia hucked herself off, looking to Chuck, the dead reindeer not going at all to waste as he took out his trusty knife and begun getting to work. Two out of five, quartering the reindeer. The animal had died instantly, and as brutal as it was, this was the life of Sami hunters up here. Getting what they needed to live, to eat, and more importantly, leaving nothing to waste. Andrew and Tahlia fully understood that, and no doubt it would anger Antti even more if they had wasted any part of the animal. It was almost a spiritual level of respect to nature, if you were allowed to do this, you had to return it. Or else, somehow it'd fuck you over too. Take what you need, not what you like. The process however, is not one to nicely describe.

"Here we go. Easy does it." Tahlia said as she started to work, and looking up to Chuck, seeing his large frame wonder over.
"There." Tahlia added, dragging the reindeer with a struggle over and out of the spot.
"All yours! Aww yeah, I need a han....yeah this is a Monday for you, isn't it?" Tahlia asked in her Kiwi chirp, chuckling, knowing the big man would lug the reindeer like it was a chair over his shoulder, even though the reindeer that went down was a very big boy indeed.
"I'd say we're on track. Three more to go, right?" Andrew asked, checking his binoculars, tracking the herd that had run, bolting across the snowline.
"Yeah, three more to go. Let's get after them. How are you doing, Chuck?" Tahlia asked, checking the rifle over, breathing hard as she zipped up her puffy jacket once again and tighened the wooly hat over her blonde hair, the other blonde now a little intimidated by the other larger one on base. Shit, Chuck seemed to be having fun, rather than being around her. Girl drama, or just the fact she felt a little threatened? Tahlia didn't know. She was just happy to be of use and at work again.

Fusion Cuisine

1700 Local Time

The evening sky had come in fast, and a first full day at Hannula had passed, just like that. The team had done their various bits, throughout the day. Specifically, Sam and Ebrima had the chance to look at upgrades- Sam's including the suite from Rose's exo, with a lot more exotic tech, whilst Ebrima had similar bits to pluck for movement and software, even though his own exo was cutting edge and if anything, probably the most advanced he could have his hands on. Adam had already gotten his- the force generator tech from her exo was now on his, weighing it down and limiting movement but allowing him to protect members of the team with a short-lived forcefield-like bubble, like a more complicated Trophy System via a charged hydrogen-ion cell.

More admin had followed. Adam had worked with Raph on the details of Sam's programme, tracking anyone that looked like Skye/Rose, or Henry Simmonds (yes, confusingly a very similar surname to Chuck Simmons), and it was coming in close. He may have been a sucker for detail, but it was important- he wanted oversight, less delegation and more personally seeing to things. It was a little annoying, but it was a level of respect, honour and willingness to just ask questions, rather than leave people to it. More hands on, but in a situation like this, probably not a bad thing.

And so, the team had gotten their chances as the rest of the supplies rolled in. The chance to outfit their rooms as the last of the supplies that never made it to Kaitiaki rolled in, and fitted up. It was feeling a lot more like a base, and whilst they were wasting time, there was nothing they could do until they had a target.

The fire kept the room lit up, as Antti had joined the main team, the crew going from quite broken to a bit more familial. The Finn looked in from afar, as Tahlia tapped him on the shoulder, grinning with glee.
"It's done. Five reindeer, quartered, and now grilled. That good enough?" Tahlia asked, as Antti nodded, for the first time, cracking his own smile.
"Satana.....you are good. Ok. I ask little, yet have gained much in your trust. There will be jobs tomorrow. And I shall let you make arrangements, here. For now." Antti replied, Tahlia shrugging her shoulders and looking across at Chuck inside the room, and would like to have to Andrew, her father, who she'd tearfully said goodbye to as he went to join the rest of the Blue Sword team. For now, she had her own bits. The reindeer had been set up and was now getting cooked in the canteen-like oven of the base. It was a glorious, smoked smell of gamey meat, and it permeated, alongside the crackling fire in the background.

Even Purna was in on the action- and he'd cooked up a Gurkha curry sauce to blend in with the reindeer, a brew that contrasted the gamey smell with this incredibly flavoured, vibrant smell of the subcontinent throughout the cabin, in the weirdest crossover episode of Gordon's Kitchen Nightmares you've imagined. It was quite something, and needed cooking in industrial quantities, but that didn't let the flavour down. Purna may have been quiet, but like killing people and responding to direct questions, he had a good heart when not being squished by Athena to just know how hospitality worked. When you were at altitude, help and little things mattered much. And so did it here, and whilst odd, Purna reasoned it couldn't be much different to goat, or lamb.

The evening would be quite something. Making food was a task Adam had carried over from Skye- an important one. No booze, but it got the team together and working on bits and pieces. Everyone had a job, and it was fluid- who took what job would be clear, and Adam, even as a taskmaster, was involved. There's a certain camaraderie to it. Nobody is left out, nobody is away from it, but today, whilst it may have started badly, is not being allowed to end poorly. Athena even had to take part- Adam had insisted, and well, she wasn't backing down. She could devour an entire reindeer to herself. A metabolism like hers did not stop for anyone. Apart from Chuck, now back in the room, all looking as good as he was.

Adam prepared plates, and as the reindeer cooked, started setting them up, handing them out to the team, alongside Purna, who had joined him, doling out meat and the rich sauce all over it.
"So, we have a plan, Chief?" He asked, Adam shrugging as he set up another plate, the Gurkha sad not to have cooked something more proper of home tonight, but he knew he'd win the team over with this.

"We look like we might. We've picked up some hits on the software Sam has worked on already, now we just need to triangulate the location, and we may have work to do." Adam replied, straight to the point as ever, and like the way Purna appreciated it.

"Good stuff. I am eager to get out there." Purna added to him, heaping in more curry onto another plate, then grabbing straight up what was basically three more for Jamie.

"We all are. Can't sit here eating food and getting fat all day. Otherwise, we're back to the firing range and drills. Whilst that is important, I think work when the stakes are this high comes first." Adam replied, Purna agreeing with a nod, as Tahlia and Athena stayed about, Antti gone again and back to his own business.

The team's got one last chance to share, and wolf down food, before they would be likely set for what came next. Back to work, back to finding out what the hell was going on, and once the info had permeated properly, on the case.

Jamie, Chuck, Oliver, Athena, Sam, Ebrima, Adam, Purna, Tahlia were all here so it was quite the arrangement, and one hell of a busy dinner table. Lots to chat, discuss, and get to know. They'd do so, and while there may have been less alcohol than Skye ever allowed, the mood was a little more buoyant.

Collab with @Starlance

Skye Rosalind Lyons

Somewhere in Kiyose City, Tokyo, Japan

0900 Local Time

Losing Tail

Skye awoke, the look of her rather different now. Instead of her long hair, she had completely shaven it short, almost pixie-like in how short and gone it was. A few cuts and bruises could be seen, the darkened crimson red rather than the fox-like orange glow of her red hair visible in the roots and texture of her hairline, illuminated by the dulled glow of a bedside lamp in the motel room.

Yawning, Skye got some trousers and a black t-shirt on, the Scot covering up her top half's bruise and cut covered body with some modesty at least, and checked over her new burner phone. Of course, no calls, given she knew how ECHELON, the NSA’s tracking system worked- even her voice could give her away, so texts were limited and more kept to only contacts through an encrypted service. With her white and red fox-adorned socks on and a black leather jacket, the Kitsune seemed a different operator to the one she’d been 48 hours ago. An alien, yet somewhat holding onto the core of what she was prior, considering she’d need to become someone else.

Skye had someone to meet today, for the plan that was suggested to work ahead. Becoming Rose for a few minutes meant she needed to sound alike, and Skye wasn’t technical enough to figure out how to work out how to create a voice modulator with a more generic English sampling of her voice. The heavy Scots would likely be carrying, and no matter how much she tried to shrug it off, even in impersonation, it would never be perfect. So instead of trying to pretend another identity, she had to copy her very own, with the same method Rose had just used. Not a hard piece of work to do, but it needed an in person visit.

Ban had done well to set her up in the motel, as Skye knew the brief meeting would be coming up soon. She kept herself in shape, a few press ups and exercises keeping her boundless body in check, and got some overnight oats in, the cramped space not ideal for you know, actual habitation in the long run but enough for laying low and keeping her head out of sight.

Soon enough, Ban’s contact would know the way up inside the small motel, the room passed on and details of where Skye was. Enri Uemura, the name Boaro thought was dead was very much alive, albeit Skye only knew her through an alias on her phone. Ban’s organisation had pulled strings, and this was one of the parts of the plan Skye needed to get it done.

The contact was soon heard than seen, the screech of J-pop - some generic synthesised noise with a singer that most voice recognition AIs may or may not have classified as a man and lyrics about abandonment and being overlooked by an uncaring world edgy enough to cut headphone cables - heralding Enri’s arrival most places she went. She had at least muted it to speak to the motel clerk, more to hear the elderly woman speak than for any kind of manners. Utterly unconcerned with the woman’s scornful look, she took the directions to the appropriate room with a curt thank you, half drowned out by the sound of chewing gum and stomped up the stairs. The knocking would likely not have been necessary, but when someone was paying this much, it was best to cover all bases.

Skye headed to the door finishing a press up, opening the thing up barely half a metre from the only usable space within this absolute box of a room. Man, it was dingy, but hell, she wanted less attention and insisted upon it, rather than bringing any heat inside or to the clan. Besides, she’d talk later with Ban, and for the contact, this was the safest spot.

Skye saw the look of Enri, the taller, almost androgynous looking Scot facing the shorter Japanese hacker, chewing bubblegum, and very much, the look of a hacker.
“Morning. Here for Kitsune?” Skye asked, her Scots accent wide, as she widened the door, knowing well, this could be the Police, it could be even Artemis, but more likely than not, at the agreed time and place, could only be the contact.

Skye was met with the sight of a mess of garish colors and black leather, a twig of a woman barely 5’2” ordinarily, and though platform boots added a few inches, Enri still had to tilt her head back to look the Scot in the eye, staring at her through yellow-framed cat eye glasses. A nod at the question, white and hot pink hair combed over to the left side bobbing to the rhythm as she answered a question with a question. “Looking for Outflaw?” She asked as she pulled the headphones down and finally killed the noise for the time being.

Skye nodded, opening the door fully, the Japanese girl about a foot shorter and yet no less badass in imposition, Outlaw by name, and by nature.
“Yeah. Come in.”
With the door open, Skye headed across to the bed, the light on in the windowless room as she sat down on it, trying to get the measure of her. She was a hacker alright, in every frame of it, though Skye could notice the remains of a head injury, a very faint scar at least, that definitely indicated something else. Stil, she didn’t think too much about it, as she sat down, a little more on level.
“I heard you might be able to help with something. A voice modulator, with a little piece on my vocal chord. Would you be able to help?” Skye asked, knowing some of the brief had been passed along, and it would work. Skye would be able to help tune the voice in, given it was basically her own, but in a slightly different accent.

Enri entered when invited, taking stock of the room. In full light and with a turn of the head that moved the hair a bit aside, the remnants of a scar down the left cheek and past the ear could be seen, not quite covered by surgery and makeup. “Wow, you must’ve made a mess of things if you’re living like this at your age.” Having grown up in a similar apartment, Skye could’ve sworn that was sympathy in her voice, “Ya, that sounds like a fun afternoon.” She invited herself onto the only chair, trying to stretch her legs by habit and kicking the opposite wall by accident, “Not what I usually do, but good a time as any to branch out. Someone else is taking care of the money, so we can really fish with hand grenades. Start with the modulator, how much difference do you need? Accent? Cross-dressing?” There was no small amount of excitement in the IT nerd’s voice, almost the same kind of energy a kid showing off to their elder siblings or parents.

Skye chuckled, the hacker’s voice bubbly, knowing this was something obviously that had paid well for the hacker’s time. Skye had a good idea, a pretty decent one in fact.
“Slightly down in pitch. English accent, over Scots. And similar to mine, but with enough profile. Think you can tweak it on the fly?” Skye asked, wondering what Enri could do, knowing it would be a little bit of a prototyping to get this right.
“And yes, I suppose I did make a mess of things. 31 is not treating me well so far. But you make the decisions you make.” Skye alluded, knowing half well Enri might have an idea of what happened, but more likely than not, would play along.

Enri’s face wrinkled slightly, as if in offense. “Please, who am I, Apple? Of course I make my soft tweakable. Phone app works for you?” The indignation fading away back to the friendly , almost overly so, neighborhood malware developer. “If we’re only making small changes, even better. The AI is gonna have an easier time. Cuts down training time. Just speech, or some more features? Integrate with a phone or radio, subvocalization…?”

Skye nodded, knowing that well, it was a fairly easy job. But then again, this wasn’t any usual piece of wearable tech- it was a little bit more than that to make her fit the other doppelganger of her.
”Yeah, app works for me. Live speech, no subvocalization. Don’t need to think in her voice now, Jesus…..” Skye added, knowing there was training data needed in this part, and well, like the sticky bit that Rose had applied, of course, once it was readied.

Enri had been dutifully jotting down notes the entire time, nothing but a plain paper notebook. Unhackable, except with an axe. “Wireless PAN, direct out… Now for the hardware part. Concealability, durability, service life?”

“Skin tone, for about a couple of hours. Needs to not be noticeable.” Skye replied, professional, noting Enri putting words to paper.

“Disposable. Makes power supply easier.” She got up, pacing around the room as she thought. By room, one might say closet, and by pacing one would say ‘two steps there, two steps back’ At least she didn't have to duck under any open cupboards, she had that going for her. “Just a pickup and output, rest handled with the phone. Minimize parts, minimize profile. Will need a skin tone sample to work with. Best make two to have a spare on hand though, just in case. Measure twice. Trust common parts, or do you want clean chips?” Would take a day or so to ship from Taiwan, plus the fees for her contact in the factories.

”Common works. Just needs to pass me off and traceability isn’t a worry. It’s a….unique situation. Skye spoke, with a continued pickup of her voice, placing her arm out in front of Enri, letting her get a sample of her skin with her phone.
“There may be more work. Potentially. But, I guess Ban will ask you for help in time. With this pace, I think so.” Skye chuckled wryly, still sitting there and letting Enri think it over, playing it through in her mannerism.

Ten photos and some final notes later, Enri stopped pacing. “Think I’ve got enough. In how much of a hurry are you?” She asked to get an idea of how many to task with support work.

“And I know it’s not my business, but…” A wry smile grew on the hacker’s face, “If you need to hide your identity, other devices might give you away. I cooould have a look at them to make sure they’re clear. For a small charge.” One did not work for Avital Shalev for half a decade without picking some things up.

“Fairly. I need a quick turnaround, by the end of today, even.” Skye replied, seeing the smile form, and Enri’s other query come up.
“Hah, seems like my initial bit of my plan worked. Alright then. I might need a few bits cleared. And potentially, anything to help keep me under wraps. I know how to keep off grid, but any other suggestions are welcome. The cash can be covered.” She added, knowing there was little in the way that she had left on her now, but Enri could get to work on that. It may have been another few thousand pounds, maybe tens added to the bill but hey, when the stakes were as high as what Skye was proposing, it would pay off. Bargain of the century, really.

Enri held out her bag for Skye to deposit anything that she wanted checked. "Busy bee, aren't we? Best get to it then. Kingo-sama pays, and so it will be." She shoved her phone and notebook in the laptop bag and turned to leave, spinning around in the door to face Skye. "Customer satisfaction guaranteed, but all sales are final!" She gave Skye finger guns and a wink as she slunk behind the door frame, seemingly dialling someone on her phone. And then the noise started again.

Skye dropped the burner phone inside, even the FNX too, considering it was the only piece she’d brought with her since the fight in New Zealand.
“Pleasure doing business. See you later.” Skye’s response was dry, but her usual, a more casual tone than commanding a team of special forces and espionage-originating talents about the place, and perhaps a weight off her shoulder.

She wasn’t giving up her pistol that easy, and Enri would realise that Skye wasn’t fucking around at that point. Skye smiled, nodding back as Enri headed out and shut the door, and with it, disappeared. Sighing, she clicked her hands and stood up, staring into the mirror, at the new version of her that seemed to be there. In time, she’d be another version soon enough. Bittersweet Symphony? Nah, more like staring into the mirror too long and getting drowned in that. Nothing to do for once, apart from sit, wait, and then, when the time came, meet with Ban again and head for Nagoya, to get the job done.

She already had her shopping list. G36 Rifle, dragonskin vest, an earpiece, and aviators. She wouldn't even have to change clothes. The genius of it of course, was whilst no doubt Rose was trying to lock everything down, the real Skye Lyons was going to pretend to be her. Walk straight in. Get what she needed. And only if things went to shit, shoot her way out. If it worked, Rose was going to be backed into a corner and forced to make decisions, not work openly.

If Rose had something bad planned, her plans would have to adapt to cover more bases. Skye was a good strategist- and whilst such a situation was unprecedented, what Ebrima had said, as had Sam, Freya too had come to mind. She had to find her way to fix this and adapt to the situation, as unwieldy as it was- and she already had enough intel from Rose, who as psychotic as she was, had made the mistake every villain makes. Tells the protagonist the plan hoping they'll die before they react, or as Rose would have imagined, turned Skye into a slave more willfully. It wouldn't be perfect, but it would be good enough to throw a giant socket wrench at the turning gears of Artemis, before there was no stopping it.
Han Hee-Song

Somewhere in Myeongdong,
Seoul, South Korea

2100 Local Time

Don't Poke the Tiger

Radiohead is a weird choice of music to be playing in the beat up Hyundai panel van, driving through the heavy rain strewn, night streets of Eulji-ro Street, but Han likes it. It's a weird taste he got from a British Army seconded officer, and ever since, it's stuck with him. This cinematic, strange sound made most feel like they weren't in the shoes of someone born, bred and living here, but an outsider looking in. What would normally be a K-Pop or Korean Wave artist playing on the radio, was instead replaced by this feeling of something brooding, cold and harsh. It was the way he liked it. It put him in the mentality of what work they would do. Turning the corner, the neon, light and bright red, white and blue light just pulsating, as bikes and other cars skirted around, the very, very organised slight chaos of Myeong-Dong a known feeling.

Han felt odd working for the foreigners, but in Korea, China, Japan, America, even Indonesia and Hong Kong, they all fought over turf. Nobody really owned Korea, the Chaebols whored goods to the West and they lapped it up so hard they didn't care. After all, Korea was not like Japan, a land of honour, tradition, clans. The Triad paid, the Triad had men that obeyed, and the Triad slayed. He was treated like shit before. And now, he had the life that he could have. Courtesy of the local Continental, gear that was less of a thug, more of a professional. This life had hardened him, and he wanted his place when they took their spot at the Table. It would be covered in blood, and Kim was a brutal, terrifying man to cross. It was the reason men like Han, cold and calculating worked well for him. He looked after things, and in turn, got to live the comfy life outside. He'd wagered his soul off a long time ago, but the stormy, breezy streets of Seoul proper did not care and neither would the men when they had his Unggeom sticking through them like a skewered piece of fried chicken.

Wearing his usual suit, Han looked like he was out for business, not for a party, and his hair was slicked, just to keep it clean and almost as a method to psyche up. The others were dressed more casually, but Han was on his own work tonight out back. A navy blue man, who you didn't really count on. That was the point. The goons went in the front and bunged the basement, he kicked in the back and went into the VIP lounge. They pincered, and caught the VIP with his hands down. Han would do the job personally, after all, he had to prove it too. The goons would keep the bottle corked, and nobody was getting out of there alive if they tried to stop was coming next. The message was going to be recieved, loud and clear. Gangland murder was always brutal, and whilst Seoul was an incredibly safe city for tourists, and an insanely clean one from the outskirts, in the seedier bits of Myeong-Dong, even in the nightclub a few foreigners might be in, they'd remind everyone that to grease the palms of power, violence was a universal language. A nightclub with even Peggy Gou playing the headline set wasn't except when the Xuaolong wanted a job done.

Looking across the passenger seat, the man cocked his Glock and nodded assuring to Han, the Korean hitman very ready for the plan ahead.
"No fuck ups. You know the plan. No innocents, go in with the queue, and as soon as you are in position, you radio me. Hyun is mine, and his entourage too, then when I radio you, you clean house. We execute the plan and those bastards too." Han replied, knowing that a couple of men would stay with the van, and be the ultimate cork for the rear emergency exit- the 8 others going in as partygoers, and flooding out of the minivan from around the corner. From there, they were in as casual as you like, young thugs wanting to blow their money in the club. Little did security know, the Trojan Horse wasn't just coming in through the front door, but through the back too.

Elise Annabelle Vogel

The Nice Continental
Prominade des Anglais
Nice, France

1200 Local Time

The Vintage

The Continental was a spectacular visage on the French Riviera in Nice, a pride of glitz, glamour, gambling (one city over) and more importantly, the spot that an Swiss-Andorran that needed to prepare for a party. Among many other hotels, it felt old and anonymous, yet still, a part of the fabric, catering for many guests that would never know the business that happened within. The floors were a beautiful marble, the sound of a gramophone could be heard in the lobby, and the building itself felt absolutely chiselled into history, albeit with modern touches bringing the décor from the 1700s to the 2020s. Bordering the Italian Riviera, Nice was tucked into a part of France that felt almost like Miami, but without any of the Vice, instead bringing true, timeless class and architecture to bear.

As Elise walked through the door of the small fitting room, the older, gray-haired and spectacles wearing man took a moment and nodded, standing up from his chair and putting down his paper. Breaking into perfect French, the man spoke soft, the client a frequent visitor in this particular branch. The Sommelier was an ex-viner, and knew his wines, and his client's love for them too. Monsieur Pierre Raymond, as his Hotel badge indicated.

"Madame Vogel, a pleasure to see you, once again. We have missed you." Elise replied with her own nod, looking around the room, at the suits of armour on the wall, the halberds, suits of armour and all sorts all adorning this little boudoir of the hotel.

"Indeed. You too, Monsieur Raymond. I trust the list I sent across made it to you?" Elise enquired, pushing it across, the woman remarkably casual in her tights and white woollen fleece, a visage to say the least. A face that was memorable? Sure, she was, but there were many blonde girls like her, and she decided if she introduced herself to you or not. But that was how she went. It kept people on their toes, so staying in the shadows was preferred when she wanted to at least disappear whilst at work.

"Yes. I have some bottles for you. Let me check..." He added, unfurling the list. He'd soon confirm or deny what was on it, Elise's tooling was here. He rifled through his cupboard, and found it, top shelf. There it was, a wood-framed box, and opened up, foam-contained, there she was.
"Ah, of course. Compliments of La Societé." He commented as Elise smiled, nodding at Raymond with a glowing white grin, the kind you would almost forget hid a ruthless, sociopathic agent and assassin.

Madame Vogel pulled the P320 out, and with a gentle turn, checked it over, the gramaphone still playing, the gentle tones of Charles Trenet in the background, as she cycled the action over and magazine placing the pistol in a point position, whistling, checking the Osprey on the end before unscrewing it from the barrel. The makeup kit, and her special handbag too. Wonderful.
"Perfect. This is excellent. Truly." Her French accented tone glided, as she knew Raymond had zero introduction to make.
"You have a fine taste. Tactile grip, Aimpoint optic, five watt laser, Osprey Silencer, and heavier caliber. Like a Pinot Noir, it is timeless, reliable, and always one the crowd enjoy, and the latest in the long line of the sweetest of Swiss grapes. But I know your type of trade does not often need such a tooling, Madame. Enjoy the party. Your partner I believe, will make an appointment too shortly." Monsiour Raymond commented, as Elise prepared the rest of her kit with a steady check, nodding in reply.
"I expect he will. Is the car ready too?" She asked, her tone an excitable one, yet focussed, somewhat nice. She was completely open with Raymond, he truly was a lovely man, and well, the only person she could actually be pleasant around. Rather than actively lie to.
"All prepared. You pick German over French. But then again, a 2CV will not do for a lady such as yourself. So I accept such a compromise." Raymond replied, Elise chuckling and giving her smile back, allowing it this time around.

Somewhere on the way to.....
Chateau L'Orange
Saint Thomé, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France

2000 Local Time

The French Connection

The late evening sun was coming in close, basically the heat and the beautiful sun the opposite of Seoul right now. It was a charming place to be, the smell mostly diesel from the trucks on the motorway, but they would be pulling off soon. France's coastal south gave way to flat farmland, which then gave way to the foothills of the Massif Central and Rhone Valley, a beautiful, charming part of France filled with gorges, rolling hills and in the very faraway distance, the Aravis, Alps and Puy du Dome range.

The red-dress wearing Andorran and Swiss woman seemed dressed the part, her platinum blonde hair flowing to her shoulders, a charming set of signet rings on her slender fingers, heels and the look of a golden girl that looked as timeless as the Alps themselves. Driving, with the heels off and in the sidepocket of the footrest, driving in some sandals she'd strapped on. Whilst Agent Nurkholis would have put up a fight, she had the keys first, she was driving first, and behind the Audi's steering on the Autoroute at speed, she felt at ease. It was an Audi RS6 Avant, after all, the souped up super-car matching estate a car that seemed perfectly incognito, not too much attention, yet enough of a statement for a pair of spies to have. Bond may have had his Aston, but Vellum prefered to be less stated. Not a Toyota Camry, no, in a place like this, you HAD to show money. Elise frankly, oozed it. That entitled something that said it all.

"So. Taslim, this is our first time together at work. I expect you are a professional, much as I, no? " Elise asked, clicking on the indicator, passing a lorry on the road, her accented English an odd one, like a strange blend of Spanish, French and Swiss, very much clean yet having that underlying pizazz somehow. She had not known him long, but on the road trip, outside of the silence, had tried to make small talk.

"Security is tight, and if things go wrong, you better be a good shooter. But it shouldn't come to that. By the time the target is ingesting poison, and you have what is needed, we'll be at the car. And gone. We cannot afford to get into any firefights. But, a rich girl always finds credite, easy. I thought it was better this way than sneaking around. And.....mon dieu, people gossip so much at these things." Elise added, knowing it was odd, but the topic had to come to something else.

"Oh. And when in France, I expect you will stick out like a sore thumb. No offense, this may be a big party, but they will stare due to your skin, even if you are mostly English. Actually, BECAUSE you are English...maybe they hate that more? Fucking rural idiots. Merde, these people, they are shitty, no? Do not pay then any attention." Elise commented, talking more, extraversion being that gear in place.

"For all intents and purposes, our surname needs to be different to our own....so, what would you like, as you are the leading man? Give us something sexy, come on." Elise asked, focussed on the road, giggling a little at the last comment, the immaturity coming out and revealing nothing of her driven nature behind. She knew Talisim a little from the file she had on him, and what she'd seen so far. Cold, unassuming, quiet. He was a professional, he would easily drink Scotch but a party on a Chateau Estate, that was different. Elise would take the lead therefore, and she knew he would be then given the room to do his thing while the spotlight stayed with her.

"Parties are my thing. They may not be yours, but the trick is, take a glass of the Champagne they offer at the entrance, and act like you belong. Give the waiter an impression he is beneath you....even if I don't think it is very nice, believe you are from money. Believe you belong, and then, nobody will even look at you twice if you don't strike up too many chats. And yes, you lead on the intel and if we are caught on the floor, and whatever else, CCTV may need a wipe if there is any at all. I'll do my job on the target, we'll be back at the car, and back in Nice before the day is over. If not, we make the rounds count." She added, a final something to say, as she flicked the indicator on, her black painted nails not revealing an assassin that happily would kill lots of people, if it came to it tonight, and sleep sound after.

Actions sometimes said more, but the Andorran felt comfortable around him, a little more fiery perhaps, but this was an occasion just made for her, as the junction off the Autoroute was coming up.

Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz

Athena Anna Kanataario

Purna Chai Gurung

Antti Järvinen

Camp Hannula, Pöyrisjärvi National Park, Finland

1100 Local Time

Sharing Blood

With the briefing done, Adam was back in office. Thoughts ran through his head. A lot of messy ones. What the fuck was going on with Rose? Or Skye? Or in fact, what was the target? This man, even if they found him, how would he help? He didn't really get all of it. But answers would come soon enough. He finished on that note, and went out to grab breakfast. Due to being a bigger base, there was a main barrack a short walk away that served food, and with Blue Sword here, and he headed off. Purna had joined him, but Ebrima wasn't anywhere to be seen.
Probably being careful.

There was a lot of weight on his mind, but it was what he had trained for. Back into the feel of it, and the weight of Sam's and his conversation bore heavy. There were serious questions, and Oracle was finding out more. No doubt he would call through when more intel followed.

The whole family had descended upon Freya. But, in time, Athena and Natalie were alone by her side, after Victor had reared his head.

Freya, in her navy and yellow full body thermal tights, a cut down her neck and her arms bare was contrasted by Natalie Denisova Kaantario, a woman of about 7"2, and in spite of being mother and daughter, were not much separated when you squinted. There isn't much to say that Athena doesn't take after her mother closely. Even though Natalie was clearly not the same woman she'd been in youth, there was this....right, how do you say, Pixar mom levels of appearance. In tights and a red wool fleece of her own, and a distinctly Russian feel to her, blonde hair, and two of her three children here, Natalie felt like she was somewhat trusting, yet now, had less kind things to say. The cold barely fazed her, she was one hard mother, who certainly had taught her offspring the way to succeed in keeping the family business going.

"So you swing a hammer, physics happen. I thought you had a PhD? You are a clever girl, no?" Natalie said, looking at the arm, sighing, joking and smiling, knowing they'd spent enough time to know each other. Mother and daughters, what a combo that was. Even if Freya was more her father's side, well, Natalie was a mum to both.
"It will heal, my sweet. I remember having a gigantic piece of metal sticking out of me. And your husband bawling while they transfused blood into me, and how I cried out while they did. We are hard to kill, Freya. You will be in good care, darling. And fighting again soon." Natalie added, smiling, sitting by her daughter's side, Athena quiet for a moment, as Natalie looked over to her walking daughter, the blonde rather than the crimson red, serious and dead strong in her look at her daughter.

"Athena, my child you know, it is not an easy thing what me and your father did. Or Freya does. Fighting this evil, and it seems to never die....and it sounds like the threat Oracle has briefed on is worse. But you need to be responsible, more than ever." Natalie said, a firm arm on her daughter's shoulder, Athena nodding, with a cold sigh.

Natalia's Russian accent was still ever present, a husky, underlain tone that perfectly complemented her rotund feature now, her hairs blonde with strands of grey and her body fighting wrinkles yet still, respectable. Muscle had turned to fat, but well, Natalie could probably still throw someone like a lawndart, she was just turning more into a Babushka, on the nearer side of fifty. Children early on had been a boon, somewhat. Aging like a fine wine, even, for a woman of her size and stature. To have children at all was told to be impossible to her, but she made it happen. Like everything else her and her husband did.

"I am being responsible. Got the team here. Did what I do. Contacted the other branches. I'm doing my job, Mama." Athena replied, as Natalie shook her head, leading away from Freya, heading down the hallway, the two on level towering above others.

"Athie-anna, listen. The world is counting on us. On you. Go. I'll look after Freya. She'll be okay in a week or so, with a lot of painkillers. You need to do your job. Don't let her change your feelings. I know how it is, but even you will lose your strength over it someday. You need to focus. Do what is needed to save the world. Use your friends, the force we have here and do what needs to be achieved. But do not lose sight of your own self. Yes?" Natalie said with a reassuring tone, Athena nodding.

"I will, Mama. I never let you down." Natalie smiled in response to Athena, hugging her in the hallway, reaching up to her own daughter.

"I did not raise my children to ever quit. You go. Make us proud." Natalie replied in her usual Russian, a smile on her face forming, as Athena looked back.
"I will. Promise." A genuine piece of affection came back from Athena, ever the Momma's Girl, and well, she had her bit to play in this. A reminder perhaps, from old to new.

After spending time with Freya, Athena knew it was back to the regime. Back to the team. She tried not to take in the look of Chuck, running as magnificent as he was on the fenceline of the base. Athena could see through that body. There was a chiseled, manly marine beneath that. She almost got a little tense at the sight of him, but on the run, very much resisting all of it. How had she never really seen him as the cutie he was? He was older, but....with a rack of ribs like that, she would grill on that any day of the week. It had been far too long before Athena had gotten some real fun, she thought again to herself. There was work to do. Hotties could wait. World to save, physique to mould, weights to lift, Tesla coils to fry motherfuckers with, spreadsheets to confirm. All in the day of the life.

She went past the armoury, where his armour had been now delivered, as well as hers, sitting in the rack clean as ever. All geared, readied, and prepped. None of Jamie's though yet, which was weird. Not sure where he was.

Heading to the gym, the heavies gym in Hannula was as well equipped as the one back at home. Full with strongman type weights, the kind of gym that didn't just have barbells and cycle machines, but gigantic bags of bricks, concrete, it felt like a building site with big heavy things designed to push even the biggest of muscles to ripple. Stripping her thermals, beneath Athena just had a slick grey and yellow bra, and the tights stayed where they were, revealing her bronzed, toned skin. And it was on for one nice session of doing what any self respecting heavy did best. Lifting heavy shit.

Athena is a party girl. Always likes to be in the scene of things, her socials every day automatically posting another raunchy picture, a military picture, a boss girl picture, or another one of her doing something else ridiculous, automatic of course right now given the base was a phone and social media deadzone because....well, nobody needed to explain that. But well, work happened intensely that she ran through meetings with logistics teams and various contractors, yet keeping her body from collapsing in on itself like a black hole was another. Muscle straight up stopped gigantism from swallowing her whole, and her heart needed to hit a minimum threshold to keep at a nice rhythm. For someone self-absorbed like she was, she was no less disciplined, no less fearsome, no. Hand on heart, she felt her other side of her chest gently thrump as she warmed up, stretching. Music on, and well, she was in her moment. For such a rich white blonde girl, she liked her grime and drum and bass something chronic, but in some ways, that just fit the picture of the internationally raised girl with time in London, Paris and beyond. And fuck, it got her going, as she clicked her hands, at full stretch, occupying plenty of space. It's straight up blasting, and not some cinematic tone, or something else. It's just fucking dirty, flowing riddim.

P Money x Whiney- Sorry Not Sorry

There's a certain finesse to it as she's pumping iron. She's hurling weights up onto shoulder and pumping, the size of it something that looked like it weighed about. Moving from that fast, a concrete ball, a deadlift carry, and then a full on pump onto her shoulder, following that and a lob into a net, then a bag of concrete, helped up onto her rather bold chest, and then, squats and pushing a large metal weight over a resistance, yelping as she did, screaming even but pushing what should have been to most mortal beings, an object a forklift might not like. There's a lot of it, her arms gently getting into rhythm, before then heading back over to a resistance band, stretching, pushing and straining. But it keeps going, and going. Today was power day, not cardio. And that meant doing more weights, from dumbbells to a bench, where she seemed to be lifting what would be easily be considered to most people an irresponsible amount of it. As her heart pumped, she went harder, and harder. Out of breath, and with the feeling rushing through her body, she felt like she always did with this. Like she wanted to just tear shit up, but only when she could feel the lactic acid burn fade out of her muscles first, sweat gushing every part of her. So before she stank out the place, she got moving quickly, and headed for a shower. Following that, her lipstick back on and her hair pulled back neat again, Athena was back out of the gym and back to business, dressed in a different full body tights set. Coloured in a dark gray and with a yellow highlight, comprised of a vest that left her arms bare but her core covered, it was equal parts boss-girl, equal parts fashion considering the desginer vibe. Practically, she should have worn a two piece, but well, this was far more her vibe, an 80s look for the very cutting edge, off it sometimes. And just as toasty, but her warm wet skin was cooking it off faster than most through a metabolism that was making her so bouncy and vivid it felt all fuzzy and and lovely. The feeling that came from that endorphin rush was like being on steroids, but having a 100%, Fairtrade, all natural, all wired up pump that just felt goooooood.

Via the armoury, quickly.....wait, where Chuck now was. Oh, he looked dashing. It would be rude not to introduce, she thought to herself. Even in the delirium she was in.

"Hey there....so, what piece of marble did they cut you out of? You're Chuck, Chuck Simmons, right? Boomer by name, Boomer by nature." Athena enquired, walking across, smiling a white-pearl grin offering a handshake.

"Athena Kaantario, Valkyrie. Freya's sis. She's probably told you all about me. All sorts of shit, I bet....trust me, it's all true. #AthenaAwesome and everything, at your service." Athena added, grinning and very excited, laughing heartily as she walked across to his armour, and saw Duke ponder across the room, Athena stunned and frozen. If there was ever a moment where the extravert could squeal, it was now.

"Heyyyy! Oh, and who are you!" She yelped, seeing him woof, a little hesitant. He really didn't read well in natural body language, not that he didn't like her, but well, she was someone just as huge as his owner. Athena called it early and bent over as low as she could go, Duke still a little unsettled as she put out her hand, and rustled back his ears, Duke still a little uneasy. Athena naturally exerted a nervous energy of her own, the kind that looked like she wanted to just go relish in that feeling.

"It's okay, baby. Aww, you're so, so cute. And handsome, yes, you are!" She melted instantly, looking up at Chuck too, as she sighed, rolling her eyes in delight.

"You two. Jesus, my hearts are melting. You gotta stop this, 'cos you are doing something to me. Somethin....gooooood!" Athena stood back up again with a giggling grin, barely containing it, looking over Chuck's armour, racked up right next to hers, looking it over, as she would originally. Her accent was just polarising, that mix of French, English, American, Australian and even a tinge of Russian. It made no sense, but pulled together all over the place and husked plenty.

"So. We should totally work out together. I went in the gym for us, and it is stacked. Weights, everything, I know, we stocked it but it turned out better than I thought. And out there....oh we'd tear so much shit up. I suppose you'll work with my brother. But he is no fun. Seriously. But....Adam says what he prefers me to do, so here we are." Athena sighed, feeling the plate, before moving onto her own, checking a few points of adjustment, though her gaze was locked onto him like a hawk tracking prey, albeit now just savouring. But, she let him in a little.

"Sorry for being mad earlier. Just....my sis means a lot. I know it wasn't you. Just doing your job, I know, but it's difficult to see her. And I kinda you know, did my thing. I guess." Athena added, walking around it, checking her own suit over still, but distracted still. Shit, he was a vision to her, but probably a fellow heavy to go blow shit up with, and well, that was all the fun.

"So, my sister's into her energy weapons. I'm more electricity, you know? Tesla coils. Fries anything it hits, like that static smell, it's got this cool char to it. If you fancy some upgrades, I know there's stuff inbound we can fit. Soup your kit up. If you're feeling the need for some heat?" Athena chuckled, giggling at her own silliness, which was now, just bounding like a trampoline.

Athena was a little teasing, maybe holding back a little bit of fluttering at what she could obviously see through his t-shirt. Post workout lunacy was hitting like the seratonin pumping through her, and making her even more talkative and....well, her, than usual. The other side effect of having another heart was having an adrenaline gland that basically just kept the taps open meant she was basically riding a high that put her in a really clear, vivid frame of mind. Awesome for work, dealing with shit on the battlefield, or anything else, but here....awkward?

Antti, on the other hand was carrying a Sako-TRG sniper rifle, flanked by a Kiwi with her titanium-clacked legs in the wooden hut, the two keeping busy at work.

"Okay. So you want something else." Antti turned to her, the look of Tahlia a little frustrated, wanting a bit more connection. She may have been a bit direct, but fuck, Antti was something else. A real quiet bastard, and hard to get anything out of at all.

"Come on, Antti. I know I've been here only a couple of hours, but don't just have me sitting about and occasionally driving stuff about. Let me help you out with something at least. Christ, I need my head off this mess the team are in." Tahlia replied, Antti nodding, calm and unassuming as ever, as inspiration struck the grey-haired Finn.

"You are a farmer? A gamekeeper, I was told?" Antti replied, stoic as ever, Tahlia looking at him. She didn't like being underestimated, the adjustment, the fact they were looking at her, and wasn't able to do as much, it felt a bit shitty. But Antti, well, much as he was cold like the ice, was at least decent.

"Yeah, South Island, New Zealand. Killed my fair share of deer." Tahlia replied, Antti looking at her, then outside, then back, a straight look between the two. StoicFest was in full swing here, but even Tahlia couldn't hold it up to the Finnish winner for probably the last 48 years.

"Ok. Then you have a job. Feeding five giants, and the Raven team tonight. Something other than rations. That means seven reindeer, which you cut from here.....to here. You have five hours before the light dies, and six before dinnertime." Antti replied, pointing to the rifle and the section in the air between the bottom of the head to the hind legs, and nothing else, then back at Tahlia again.

"Well, have you at least got a Quad I can borrow?"

"You are capable of running a base, no? Figure that out. Then, we shall talk, first, do. I have Blue Sword to look after. You have your team. Let us see." Antti was cryptic as ever, but then again, perfectly understandable.

Antti left the rifle and ten rounds in magazine on the table. A little test, see if she really was all that. Tahlia wasn't cocky, but well, doing this alone might not be such a great move, she thought to herself. Picking her phone, she keyed it in, bringing up Chuck's personal line. There would be couple of quad bikes, there would likely be someplace to go into the forest to find reindeer, and more likely, there would be an opportunity to get to work. She couldn't sit here any longer. After all the shit that went down, keeping occupied felt better than sitting and wallowing in thought. Antti shared the same sentiment, as he headed out, whistling a folk tune, onto his next job.

"Hey, Chuck. You alright lugging some fat reindeer and fighting bears, just in case? Thought you may want a workout that might keep you off Athena for a bit. Wait. Don't reply if she's there, she just went in. I think." Tahlia commented, a sly chuckle, knowing him...well, actually, Tahlia had no idea where she was. So....

Probably yes?

The moment however, was interrupted as another fellow replaced Antti in the room when she put the phone down.
"Wait....what?" She said, looking in dead-set disbelief, then connecting the dots. Oh yeah, of course, Blue Sword were here. And he'd visited. Especially now. The hurt that filled went out quickly, because dad was here.

"You really forgot this face?" Andrew called, Tahlia smiling and with it, ran over and lept into her father's arms, hugging the older man, grinning. It was good to see him again, the figure one she'd spent time with on the farm, but well, outside of his occasional consultancy work in Blue Sword, not spent as much time with these days.

"Dad! You came out all the way here? You seriously didn't have to." Tahlia replied, Andrew chuckling.

"Well, you have reindeer to hunt. Antti's a good shot. But he's set you a task alright. Now, whoever Chuck is, you need to introduce me to him."

"Dad, he's not..."

"He's a seven and a half foot giant who'll protect you. I get it. You think he's cute."


"Alright, alright, I'm kidding. Now come on. Grab that rifle, I'll drive the quad, you shoot, and he'll haul. Like old times." Andrew said, Tahlia shrugging her shoulders, nodding with gleeful excitement.

"Aww, thanks heaps." And with it, she jogged across and took the rifle, checked the magazine and the hunting rounds, and bounded outside.

1200 Local Time

Raven's Rock, Camp Hannula

Happy Campers

"So, are you okay there?" Adam looked across to Jamie, waving his hand in front of his face, sitting in the room, armoured yet sipping on juice. The pine floor was hurting under the weight of his armour. The sight quite something, because Jamie's armour is basically occupying a lot of the centre of the room between couches and carpet, titanic in its size, black and akin to Freya's, if not a little more angled and brutal. Raven's Rock, as the main common room and quarters for Raven Squad came to be termed by a few of the Blue Sword team on site stuck, given the grey and brown wooden structure they seemed to hide under.

With it, Purna sighed, looking across the room at Jamie, then Adam, who had just come back into the room.
"He's been here for about ten minutes. He is being mindful. It's a common exercise to find peace, spirituality....inner calm. In his religion or mine." Purna replied with his own thoughts from his poorly practiced Hinduism, in reflection of Jamie's own that were known to few, but known to Purna in regards to his father's Mohican heritage. The insightful Nepali as ever, was contrasted by Adam. Purna leaned on optimism, Adam on fatalism.

"Well, my chakra will be broken when he's going to fall through the floor. Come on, Jamie. Go get that hung up, and the fifties, and grab yourself some coffee." Adam added, before he could respond, Athena following, the creaking footsteps and the blonde ducking under the even relatively tall doorframe, coming in, hands on hips, sighing at the sight of it. She walked over and kept talking, offering Jamie a hand.

"He does do this a lot. JamJam. I know there's lots of people and right now you'd rather be out there. But you're like a bear in a bookstore here." Athena called to him, looking across, the rest of team also there as she walked on in, Ebrima and Sam namely appearing. Athena looked across to Adam, and Purna, the two a contrast as far as they could be, the blonde warmer perhaps, given she'd at least benched most of what she needed to out of her system. And the adrenaline had faded, as she was now just spread across a sofa, occupying all of it, looking at the snowy trees outside before looking back at the team, specifically, Adam. Her flowy blonde hair touched the floor, as she leaned back, still a little oversized even for their own base.

"So. Blue Sword are here. Mom and Pops are going to look around, fix their bits. And Oracle has calmed down. While you have your answers. Right, Adam?" Athena asked, as he shrugged, nodding as he looked around the room.

"I suppose so, Ath. But we're still in the shit. We have no data, we're relying on historic records, and well, waiting. The team in signals is working on leads. Tricky when starting from scratch." Adam sighed, Athena putting hands on face, leaning in to cut the height disadvantage.

"So whilst we sit here, Rose is out there. My men are itching to see what we can do." Athena retorted, Adam nodding in turn, shrugging.

"We are. But that is fine. We will get to work soon enough. You and your teams need to send me your equipment load. My group, same as well. There are upgrades incoming. I suggest you consider what your loadouts are, equip the upgrades from the Blue Sword warehouse down there, and equip for an interdiction. We may have a target coming up, and we need to secure them, before Artemis can get their hands on them. Details are scarce, but I'd say be ready for a fight against a variety of threats." Adam commented, Purna nodding, Athena too before realising there were a couple of missing people.

"Where's Chuck?" Athena asked, as Adam shrugged.

"That is a very good question."


Across the room, Purna took a seat next to Ebrima, looking over at him, and knowing the unnerving nature that Ebrima had still looked a little more on edge despite it. Purna seemed to almost look timid and being so short compartively, until you noticed the sharpness in his eyes. It was unassuming, but it was a false sense of security. He could read Boaro well, it was his job after all, mercenaries worked the same. They would have killed each other in the field. But here they were.
"So. That story of how you got it? No need." Purna said, looking him over, and leaning into him, whispered in his ear.

"Here's how it'll go. When we are done after Rose is dead, you are going to return that Kukuri to me, and you will find another trophy. Maybe Skye's ear, or something. I saw that blade. That's Sergeant Anish Rai's, engraving gives it away. He was a good man. You must have fought him very hard to get it. We are all part of Raven, and the past is past, me and you both. But I now know the circumstances Raphael knew your old boss. And when blood spilt, you picked the wrong man. So use it honourably, and if you lose it, you'll lose something else." Purna started, knowing he was out of earshot, and well, a ghost. He could talk quiet, and his tone was exceptionally soft, no harshness to it at all, but an underlying threat.

"So, we've had that talk. We have had ours. Understood?" Purna whispered, patting him on the shoulder with a velvet touch, looking across as he reached under the table, and dragged his bag out, pulling out a couple of boxes of what appeared to be red boxes.

"Oh, nearly forgot. I got us some chocolate. I got this in Switzerland on our layover. I'm not a fan, but I thought you might appreciate something given how far out we are." Purna asked, opening up the first, offering it to the team, and Ebrima too.

There's almost this incredible moment where Purna just went from making the coldest threat he could ever make to someone, a deep, dark place of honour and trust in his brothers in arms, to like that, flicking the light out and reminding himself irrespective of whatever it was, Raven was a team- he may have been a loner but he never forgot his family in the team. Yet it was a message. Purna would work with Boaro, he would more than do his duty, he could follow orders and follow that. But if it was not said now, it would be said in the heat of the moment, and he would not be so sure he would have the same level of restraint. He had put it clear. He would let Boaro dictate his path.

For now, chocolate.

"Purna, before lunch? Really?" Adam asked, as before he could reply, Athena barrelled past.

"Ohhhh, chocolate! Yes Purna, you legend! Fucking love you!" Athena yelled back, and well, ran straight into Purna. The look of "I fucking know what you did", dissiminated with Athena practically barrelling the man off the sofa and straight into her chest.

Raven was properly weird. But there was doubt even amongst the fractured team, they could at least enjoy the moment they had in the calm after, and before the storms.
Interlude: The Bones Of What You Believe

Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz

Athena Anna Kanataario

Purna Chai Gurung

Antti Järvinen

Camp Hannula, Pöyrisjärvi National Park, Finland

0500 Local Time

The A400M landed down, the slushy and gravelly runway making do for the large aircraft, inbound and coming to a fast stop on its Antarctic-reinforced tyres, coming quickly to a halt. The other vehicle, a Land Rover on site, drove across the slushy snow, coming to a stop. A platoon of armed men stood there also, around various vehicles, fuel supply and other equipment. The dawn was beautiful- the aurora dying out slowly as the light came in, and would replace the yellow glow in the sky with an orange one in due course, the woodland surrounding the airstrip and the base covered still in snow, melting as it might.

As the plane came in, there stood Athena, wrapped up tight in her red puffy jacket dominating the main group, her thermal tights on as part of her full designer yellow and gray body thermals that just about took the modesty out of her, and a necessity in even the thawing snow, flanked by Antti, in his own parka and traditional Finnish huntsman garb, Purna, in a gray puffy and wearing a hat and his mountaineering trousers, and Adam, in a military WZ.93 Panthera camouflage jacket and trousers, perhaps the most tactical of the bunch, and it sort of represented the four nicely. As the plane came to a halt, they looked back across to the Land Rover behind them, as well as the two Unimogs and a HEMTT truck to help offload materials from inside the A400.

As the door opened to the Land Rover, out he stepped.
"You're all keen." Imran said, Oracle himself on hand to witness this. He walked with a certain passion, a limp, but still going strong.
"Leave her to me. Don't do anything dumb, any of you. I have had enough." Imran called back at them, Adam giving a nod, even Athena giving a nod. They didn't dare talk back to him.

As the ramp opened to the plane, the five stood there, almost in anticipation, the other Blue Sword mercs holding back for a moment. They would be headed out of the back of the plane and into the lights of the cars, the scene a rather tense one yet. As the plane engines died down, one by one, Imran looked around, commanding in his presence, not wanting to beat around the bush. There was only one person he stared at, and it would be the first time Sam would have dealt with him. She would recognise the voice, the one she couldn't exactly get a response from over the pole on radio silence en-route to the base.
"I seem to notice you're lacking Queen, the missing Skye Rosalind Lyons." Imran said, with a certain levity to his voice, looking specifically, dead at Samantha Dalton.

"Care to explain?" He asked, a little more questioning this time, Tahlia looking across to Sam, moving first. She felt strongly on this, in agreement, and while it was out of place, well, she felt like helping her friend.

"She's got her reasons. Hardly like we'd let her rot in a cell." Tahlia interrupted, standing right by her side, and between her and Imran.

"I didn't ask you, Miss Harris. I was asking the now former Team Leader. Whom I trusted." Imran once again said, walking forwards, heading straight towards Sam, barely a glint in his eye, Adam following, Athena lurking.

"I'd like to hear a single reason why I shouldn't put you in a brig right now. Not just the fact you let her go, but everything back at New Zealand. How much are you keeping from us? Right or wrong....you think we don't know?" Imran added, as Adam walked across, putting a hand up to stop Tahlia coming in too close.

"Not worth your fight." Adam simply said, as Tahlia looked scornful.

"Not worth the fight? Fuck you, we did our jobs, we did what we did and if not for Skye, we'd all be fucking dead right now. We all nearly go down and this is how you treat us? How about you, where were you?" Tahlia replied, knowing it was escalating things, but no, she wasn't bearing bullshit. With that, Athena looked over, walking into the fray, Sophie and Raph, and likely, the others out now.

"Skye went and turned Raven inside out, years of what Blue Sword, you, everyone in fact, is gone to hell. So we picked up your pieces. And my sister is hurt. So yeah, it's how we treat you. You're in no position to talk, any of you. I want to talk to her before maybe I reconsider before Oracle does." Athena added with a cold glare back at Tahlia, the giantess likely countered by Chuck, as Freya would still be sitting inside. She wanted to go past them, right now, and charge inside, and look at her. But right now, she was needed here.
"So now what? You think we're done? We're complicit? She's gone. And Skye wouldn't listen to us. We tried to stop her, no avail. Sam couldn't." Tahlia replied, as Imran shook his head, looking to them all.

"I don't think you're all really understanding the gravity of the situation. Chaos theory or not, or whether you're lying or not, Sam, we will need to kill anything that looks like her. Blue Sword, and anyone who we work with, will treat her the same. You have attachment to your old Team Lead, I understand how it is. I managed a team like you once. But the rules are the rules. We had a chance to keep her alive. Now, she is a threat on any SIGINT hit, any Echelon call, anything that can even vaguely connect her, or her doppelganger, to anywhere. Perhaps even a chance to kill Rose with what she had. Now, we have to trust your blind faith will pay off, even if she made an almighty racket doing it and made it very clear she's the real one, to anyone that was watching. And in experience, that is not a good thing." Imran said to them all, walking up and down, sighing.

"It's a complication we do not need. However, we are running out of time. You were compromised under no fault of your own and you fought well, got out of there and did what was needed. And your combat reports read well. So you will stay as you are, but will be led by Captain Kajtanowicz, until I say so. Athena Kanataario here, will deal with Blue Sword's element, which will be working in support. We are guests of hers and Antti's here in Camp Hannula, and only because we are here to stop the end of days." Imran called to the others, as Imran looked to Adam, who stepped forwards.

"We will debrief the details later. But I want to sit with each of you. I want full details of your role, equipment, tasking, and speciality, including any changes since the log I have in front of me. I want all of this, and we start in an hour's time, as I trust you are all rested now. I will ping each of you on your personal communication devices. I run a tight ship. And we cannot afford now for any of that to change, because I will not be accepting any changes you make behind your team leader's back, any longer. Are we understood?" Adam called, the last part a bark, a howl from Wilk, the Wolf, himself. This was like bad cop, bad cop, bad cop. Adam didn't really give a shit that they were probably battered after everything- he just wanted to get to the point, and get on with this. He felt frustrated, and whilst he gave a shit about her, end of the day, there was work, protocol and a task to follow."

The scene felt tense, until in that moment, Antti stepped into the side of the frame, sighing.
"We are all cold here. So either we shoot each other now, or go and get a warm cup of coffee. I think we all need coffee, because it is minus ten, perkele." Antti added, sighing, disappointed, if anything, looking around. Stating the obvious really, given the formality of it was done.

There's this air of almost completely lacking fucks for one's own safety, in a moment like this. Anyone, literally anyone, could have told Antti to get fucked. But yet they didn't. They just didn't somehow, the older man just somehow respected for saying what felt like something that had to be said.

"I will fire up the Unimog. Tahlia, with me. They tell me you can work. I will need help for this many of us. Hilmar, Athena, help out Sophie to get Freya into the back of the truck. We shall get her healed up." Antti added, the base liaison clear in the way he spoke as he called to two more people, Athena following, now just going through anyone to run up and up to Freya, wincing over.
"Fuck, sis. They did a number on you. We're here to help. And your boobs are showing.....that's sorta my department for the mercs, Freya." Athena called out, seeing her, but saying the rather obvious thing, even despite the blanket it being clear as day with her half out of her armour- a light chuckle and reprieve of sisterly love. And with that, they were to help Freya get back out, in her partly-disassembled suit, and back out to the vehicle, and then onwards for proper treatment.

It's Boreal

0600 Local Time

The Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness in itself feels like a very weird world. Finland was something most would associate with big, dense boreal woods and lakes and literally nothing else, but this place, this lied at the northern frontier of a wild, untamed wilderness only a place like northern Scandinavia could accomodate, stretching from Karelia through to Norway, Finland and Sweden. A land of Sami reindeer herders, and you could see the packs of cute reindeer jaunting across the snow-bank ridden road, out of the way of the rolling trucks and Unimogs, that crawling their way towards the distant base itself.

Dawn was golden with a tinge of pink on the landscape, a beautiful reflection of snow-covered trees and mossy wilderness, and beyond it all, the lake. Jarvi translates to Lake in Finnish, and well, Pöyrisjärvi was one of the tens of thousands of lakes that dotted the Finnish landscape, just about melted with chunks of ice in it. The far shore was barren, revealing snow covered mountains, and wild hills and tundra-like land, with occasional trees and shrubs breaking the landscape up. Here on the nearshore, was a large boreal conifer and deciduous forest that was thick, and the drive was barely a minute until they went past a checkpoint, manned this time, with a guard in a heated cabin, the encampment fenced off completely. The radio played away, playing some Finnish 80s music, of some poor description on the AM radio.

Through the base itself that could be seen through the just about defrosted windows three concrete barracks existed, old ones yet modernised heavily on the inside, with lodgings for Blue Sword troops, as well as a concrete bunker-like structure that seemed to contain heavier storage and a more general store for the base. A wooden and metal framed shed, almost like a warehouse joined with a lumber mill in appearance was on the lakeshore, and a dotted set of cabins joined it, some small, some larger. The other vehicle parted off, taking the support crew to a barrack, whilst the core of Raven headed on. Freya would be taken to the medical bay, and Athena was with her all of the way, whilst Sam, Chuck, Ebrima, Adam and Purna were headed up to the base proper. Oracle, or Imran had disappeared again, likely on the phone once more and dealing with the next play.

And the final piece, on the far side of the base. A converted wooden storehouse built into the side of the hill, perched on a steep hillside by the lake, facing across the shore with a window looking into the base. It seemed modernised, in particular, modern glass adorning it, looking like a storeroom that had been modernised and made much nicer. A side door existed at the side, as did a garage up a small drive, left open and containing what appeared to be an older British Army Jackal, an-all terrain assault vehicle and a large garage for Javi to work with. Not a bad shout really, but what was interesting was through the next door. This was an odd school of architecture, but it was built for insulation in the ground, and to blend with the landscape. Clearly, Blue Sword had wanted this to be a rather extravagant base, but it was not so.

Their own little lair, not bad at all.

"That is your home." Antti remarked, and with it, the team disembarked as they parked up, the clack of Tahlia's legs following Adam, Athena and Purna, the Gurkha remaining silent.

He looked across the team, taking it in. He saw Boaro's Kukri pretty quickly. Noted. Nothing needed to be asked, yet, but he'd ask. Why. Why did he have that? Sharp eyes on him picked that up.

Heading inside, Antti stayed in front. The room was a large common area, albeit a little less modernist and instead, having a large fireplace in the corner not currently burning logs, a glass front, and some sofas with no less, a singular less fridge that didn't hurl cans of beer. That would be missed from Kaitiaki, no doubt.
"Okay. So that way are your quarters. Adam, Purna, you have your rooms. The rest of you, take a room each. I would suggest you figure it out among yourselves which is which, but the heavies have their own rooms marked with red paint. Top floor is Adam's office, and the briefing room, below is the armoury and Heavies armoury, and the gym, for both heavies and all is down that corridor there at the end. I am over in that hut down there. I am sure you will have questions, but I have few answers for now. I will let you figure it out for now. I will let Adam make arrangements." Antti spoke, the hardy Finn not using long sentences, not because he couldn't speak, but more because well, little else needed saying.

He left silently, almost mystifyingly, and everyone was no doubt confused. Adam stepped into that void, looking around, getting an eye of the remaining team. Not many, but enough.

"I'll ping you all when we need to chat. Dismissed." Adam said, and with it, the team broke. Purna headed down the corridor and looked across to Sam and Ebrima.

"Don't worry. He calms down." Purna said to Sam and to Ebrima, the small Nepali walking alongside the American's side and the Cameroonian, looking across to Sam first.
"Purna Gurung, infiltrator. Adam is a bit of a bastard. But you get used to him." He said, having little to say in his plain Nepalese accented English, walking alongside, then looking at them Sam, then Ebrima.
"Look, irrespective of what happened. You worked with Skye Lyons, and she liked you. That is rare. You must be rather good. Ebrima, I know you joined recently, but I read up on you too. I know your score. And the blade too. I will not talk of it yet, but you should have a good story to tell, yes? Just.....make sure it is good." Purna commented, knowing Sam wouldn't think much of good news now, and was likely pretty fucking broken after all of it. Ebrima would be freaked out by it, but he just put it there for now, wanting to make no scene yet.
"So just let him say what he says. After that, he'll calm down. And we'll be back out again. Your drone tech, I would like to also know more for my own reasons too, Sam. But I'll leave that to later. I'll be around if you need me." Purna added to Sam, on that note, leaving Sam to it, curt and to the point, the smaller Nepali infiltrator making his own way off.


With it, the team had the chance to settle in, Purna returning to his room, the glass window pulling in the dawn light and revealing the bedroom, en-suite, and general quarters that were here. He kept little, a singular small suitcase, and with it, had the chance to at least get in a quick shave and a wash. He was off thankfully from the debrief, considering that Adam ran a ship tighter.

So much so, it was basically not describing in this context what it was like or really playing this out- imagine what it's like to get a performance review at work, and well, it was basically that. No fucks thrown, professional, and sombre. Adam drilled Sam, annoyed, pissed off more than anything. Adam wasn't happy, and well, hearing her version of events, the events that everyone had seen on that plane in plenty vision, were just taken as that- end of the day, it was what it was and now, consequences were borne. He wanted no trouble from her, and more to the point, accepted that Skye was held responsible for all that happened- he accepted that fact now, from earlier and right now, but was still unhappy about it. With Chuck, less to say, given he'd just arrived, but more mutual an understanding. Ebrima? Again, same thing. Dude just got here, no point going too hard. They were dismissed, and told to rest up, recover from jet lag, and get used to the base for the brief moment they had to share.

The team had the chance to decompress, Tahlia following on Antti, and helping unload supplies from the plane, getting things rolling, and it was being shipped in. Raph was off with the small remnants of the support team to the Signals Post, one of the huts by the lake, and with it, some basic kit was rolling in like fatigues, weaposn and a few other bits picked up on in Japan. In the meantime, the team were able to do their own thing afterwards, given the morning off, a rare benefit to heal up, rest and recover themselves. A chance to at least enjoy the Finnish morning, considering the insanity. Set up their gear in the armoury that had come in on the A400, and the limited weapons pool already available. Adam had paperwork to catch up on in his office, Purna was sharpening his knives and going through team data in the common room whilst cooking up brekafast, and Athena....well, she was with the one person she wanted to be with for the time being.


In the medbay, Sophie had joined Doctor Hilmar Ori Palssson as his badge identified, a handsome looking Swede, from what Athena could read his accent to be. Hot, but nah, there were way better guys out there. And anyway, priorities. She had her sister to look after, who was now in an oversized bed, upright and getting her stitches looked at.

"I can't fucking believe it. You're so clever sis, but not worth that. Please, please don't do that to me, JamJam or our parents again." Athena added, her tone sorrowful, yet stern, cutting in.

"They were so proud of you. Would not ever stop talking about you. I would squeeze you so tight if I could avoid hurting your arm. And ribs. You know, I actually worked out a lot more while you were away. Thought you might need some extra help so perhaps it was worth it." Athena added, smiling, chatting away. She wouldn't shut up, wanting to talk, and well, slide herself in, the coat removed and just her full body tights on, without the coat, less compressive and revealing her own tree-trunk like bronzed forearms. It really was rather a bit Pata-gucci, a high end make that wasn't military but more luxury, effective sure yet.....well, not anyone else's choice.

"It's weird you're here. But you're here, you know? And we will get things okay. You get to rest up, Jamie will take the slack, and I'll be there to help them. Shit, I'll even sit on Skye's head and crush her like a bug when I see her. Right?" Athena asked, the look on Freya's face likely to paint another story, as Sophie and Hilmar got to work, immediately containing the job Sophie had done to get her through, and getting to work on at least setting her shoulder straight, painfully. She was hasty to blame Skye, but then again, couldn't really find the emotion or maturity to blame you know....actually Skye, to be fair, but the other version of Skye. See, this was confusing for someone that wasn't a PhD holder.

"Right......you don't seem to think that's a good idea. Please don't tell me Skye has nothing to do with this. That will be really awkward." She added, her usual charm cracking a little, only a little, in front of Freya in that moment.
Skye Rosalind Lyons

Last Tango at 1600 Hours (Prior to Haneda)

Skye nodded, looking back across to Ebrima, the white-skinned Cameroonian making sense, yet beneath it, knowing he spoke from a place of wisdom. Weirdly, speaking to someone with white skin from a black background felt a little not unlike her conundrum, except, well, Ebrima’s circumstances cast him out significantly worse. Not something she cared for, in a positive way. Ability trumped any view, and he was effective, proving so today.

"Feels significantly less Scots. Though I'll make it so in time. Not my first rodeo, lad." Skye replied to Boaro, chuckling on his response, knowing it was a serious thing, yet at this point, he was right. This was pretty unprecedented.

“Aye, that is a point. My double will think that way, so it means I need to tap into something else, throw some issues their way. I suppose you're right too, means I have the way into her as well. Alright. I think I might write that handbook then, I might have a method. Just whatever comes, I hope you trust me. You seem a good operative to work with.” Skye nodded back to Ebrima, letting him chat to Tahlia, as the two engaged over the water bottle.

Tahlia replied to Boaro as Chuck made his way over, the spoon wave absolutely fair.
“It’s Maori, and one of the tribes of New Zealand. Sorry, I sometimes get a little too ahead of myself. It’s something that explains all the weird names you’ve seen, homely and all. It’s a lot, but don’t worry, I’m happy to explain. How about you? I won't ask the obvious. It's...well, something I can't say I know but something I can relate to.” Tahlia mused, knowing she was probably a bit cranky from being awake so long, nodding as she saw him reflect on it, and the other bits. What would she do about it? Well…..

“I guess there’s opportunities in Finland. I’ll miss Aotearoa, but whatever we go towards, I’ll adapt to that. See if I can get my legs sorted. Maybe even join you lot in the field. No fun out there but when the stakes are the way they are, I suppose we have little choice. I just hope they have good woodworking facilities. Or at least, somewhere to keep the rest of the minatures. You'd be happy to know there's still a lot of your stuff sitting in a shipping container in Wellington we need to relocate. So, that may not be the end of the world. I'll concern myself with that, perhaps.” Tahlia replied, pulling the prosthetics off as she sat, heaping them next to her and relieving the strain a little, Chuck towering over and then taking the chat onwards.


Shibuya, Tokyo

Making an Entrance, 1800 Hours

Skye sat under the grey canopy above the darkening sky of Shibuya, the night advertising and neon pounding, the massive crowd at the Shibuya Scramble Crossing being obedient in line with traffic regulations, and yet....Skye was not going to be. The canopy fluttering, the adrenaline pumping hard and her blood cold in her exposed skin, Skye had little time to really think about the view, and more time to try and focus on landing. Pulling the toggle, she swooped around a tower, and headed on finals. She was hoping for a park really, but then again, when you were in a situation like this, in as dense an urban area as this, choices were limited. It was here and now, and right into the crossing she went, knowing it was as good of a chance as she had to not clatter a lamp-post or a traffic signal.

Rolling her feet across the tarmac as she flared, Skye barely missed a couple of cars, pulling hard on the risers and toggles to pull the parachute and herself over a cab, rolling off the roof as it honked and clattering into the floor past it on the other side, hard but enough to percuss the fall. Detatching the rig through a simple pull of a her straps and letting the container fall away, Skye broke into a run, and with it, to an absolute blaze of horns. She had to keep moving. The crowds could see her parachute drop behind, and she dived down, nearby police trying to go after, albeit probably beyond any shock to what the fuck just happened. Skye ran faster. She wouldn't stop. Like the animal inside had taken over, all the parts of her pulling in one way to keep going. She wasn't gonna give in. And in the crowds of people she ran towards, while they parted, they weren't exactly easy moving. Like treacle, she found a way in to the shopping street, and at this time of evening, found it heaving- the Shibuya Sakura complex glowing with purple and vivid light, clean and almost a spotless virage yet giving Skye the ability to break from crowds and out from the police that would likely be onto her.

From here, Skye was into her element. Urban survival required doing exceptionally immoral things, fast, and in a method unpredictable. Even with Japan's heightened culture of security, control and policing, polite to the hilt, Skye could survive. Get distance far enough away and clothing enough to make her into someone else. If you followed, maybe you could see the trail, but bit by bit, it would go colder until no logical tracks were left. Skye would go from the redhead that had dropped into Shibuya, into having a different garb altogether. A little money too. You did bad things for good, but sometimes, well, it was better than killing people. It sent a message clear as day to anyone where she was, without saying exactly what spot she sat in next.


Collab with @BigPapaBelial

Skye Rosalind Lyons

Ban Kingo

Amagi District, Kiyose City, Tokyo

Kitsune’s Tails, 2000 Hours

Kiyose was bathed in a pool of neon and puddles from rain much much earlier in the day, the tight city streets further out of Tokyo proper bathed in shops open late, close in power cables and medium-density buildings, impeccably clean yet only like one place on planet earth. Japan was unique, and for a foreigner who had dropped by, took some time to adjust. Skye had been here once, but well, she knew roughly the instruction, roughly the address and how to work it out. She had a good memory like that, and well, never forgot any promises she had made to her.

The gambling den was quite the spot, and plenty filthier than Skye remembered him describing it- it was Yakuza run after all and beyond the pachinko, had its grime, even if the streets were litter-less. In a baseball cap with a stolen hoodie, the night was coming in fast and thin, cold too. Skye’s hair had been tucked into a bun she’d made from an elastic band, the prescription sunglasses she’d shoplifted from a small store coming in handy, and the other part of her being able to run also coming into it. No transit, no dramas since the most loud, spectacular crash into Shibuya had happened of her arrival, and now, it was her alone. With just her pistol, knife, and her wits. There’s something so dark about it, but in a black hoodie, Skye was no longer the Queen of her own destiny, but instead, the Kitsune, changing the shape of her tail as she walked in. A red fox that was the lady of the night, but rather than scraping through garbage, was actually going for a gem in the rough.

And here she would be. To meet Ban Kingo, of all people. She had a favour to call in, a serious one. She hated to do these things, she wanted to let him live in peace, but well, extraordinary measures meant that had to be done. Past the pachinko machines, the horse racing, and the civilian bit. No, she was here for the other side of this parlour. And a pair of them stood right where she could guess the Japanese writing said she needed to go. The guard huffed at Skye at the front, yet her tall presence and confidence looked back. She spoke no Japanese, yet with a convincing look, Skye looked across to them, knowing they would see her as any other white tourist dweeb in the wrong city, wrong part of town. Skye spoke with an air of authority, and in crystal English.
“I am here to see a friend. Kingo-san. Tell him the Queen is here.” Skye said, with a certain level of confidence, hoped he was here tonight. Her clothing concealed any look of her being any threat, instead, making her seem rather innocent. A good disguise had to hold- they could call the police for being that redhead that fell out of the sky this evening after all, and while she’d kept a low profile, part of disguise meant changing everything. Becoming someone else. Not the special forces t-shirt wearing lioness she was, but instead, a tourist in the wrong place.

The bigger of the pair of young-ish Yakuza at the door looked the woman over. His eyes narrowed, his purple nylon jacket covering his upper body. He leaned on the wall on Skye’s left, giving her the stink eye the whole time. He grunts and motions his head to the smaller, but clearly in charge of the pair. The man is short, slicked back hair, mirrored sunglasses with golden rims. He steps forth and looks her over, giving her the classic Yakuza go over, even leaning into her personal space. He sniffs and snorts, “Nan darou?” Clear Japanese, “And what’s this?” basically. The man snorts then in passable English, “And who do you think there’s anyone like that here huh chicky? This is just a storage closet that the boss told us to watch over. Why don’t you turn around and play some games huh? Mind your own business.” He makes a shooing gesture to Skye as he leans back and away.

At the same time the other fella reaches back behind a nearby pachinko cabinet and almost casually pulls an iron kanabo from its hiding place, setting it with a clink on the floor. The pair turned to just staring at Skye.

To most a pair of Yakuza staring them down would probably be intimidating.

Skye shook her head, exhaling out, letting him come close. She could feel his breath, and it smelled of cigarettes and rice wine, a distinctive combo.
“I know he’s here. And I know he would be very upset with you both if he couldn’t talk to Queen. So please, let’s be reasonable before something happens. Just let him know I’m down here. And while I wait, I might go play on one of those machines. How about that?” Skye reasoned, knowing the thug wouldn’t exactly process the Scot’s wit, given her accent was trying to be neutered as much as possible- yet she wasn’t exactly ailing it down. It would be firm though, and enough of a point.

The bigger of the two narrows his eyes and seems to sense some kind of…thing…yeah lets go with thing. He looks over at the slimmer smaller man and motions with his head. The smaller man looks at the bigger fella, and it’s like an unspoken conversation passes between them at high speeds. After abit though the smaller what mutters, “Nanda? Ahhhh.” Pushing off the wall, reaching over and pulling open one of the pair of doors and disappearing into whatever is beyond them.

Meanwhile the bigger of the pair looks at Skye and looks to be about to say something before he pushes off the wall and bows, “Ah! Elder!”

A soft older voice, a voice very similar to the man Skye is hoping to see whispers, “Ah Kintaro-kun. Doing your job I’m glad to see. Where is Jin-tan?” Kintaro the big guard straightens up, “He went into the back to see if he can get Aniki sir. This lady, says her name is Queen-san, wants to see Aniki.” The older gentleman blinks then smiles, stepping forward and bowing, “Yosh! Ahhh the great Queen-san! Skye Lyons!” He grins and offers his hand to her, “I am Hataro Kingo, one of the wakagashira of the Amagi Clan. Come come. Please.” The elder Kingo gently guiding Skye into the back hall past the guarded doors. All while Kintaro the big guard starts to babble and try to stop them, failing miserably.

Hataro walking with Skye at his side smiles, into the back hall, well appointed, and decorated, statues and paintings, wooden paneling, all the culture and finery of Japanese style on display here. Hataro smiles, “You know, my son has said many things about his time in Raven. Many things. The good, and the bad. His teammates, his experiences. They brought great honor on the Kingo name, and the Amagi Clan.” He guided the woman along the hall, and into a large open area, where people gambled heartily. Down the middle aisle past cho-han and dice games, past a rowdy horse racing kiosk where several people watched a Spanish horse race, cheering on their chosen bet.

The older man guided her forth into the back reaches of the gambling den, “My son, has had nothing but good things to say about you, though young Lyons. He said that out of everything his exile brought him, your friendship and determination helped him the most.”

Skye felt a little in shock at Hataro’s presence, but of course, masked it as best as she could. Loud, but well, bringing her in. the gambling, the rice games, the horse racing, and the wooden paneling, the ornate nature of this place rather beautiful.
“I am glad he did well. He served with distinction. I never forget the people that serve, I serve them the same, Hataro-san.” Skye replied, her tone of voice neutral, perhaps almost to live up to expectations, albeit, knowing it was an event that had gotten him out that she had pulled many a finger to make happen. But it had happened. She’d held her end of the deal. Now she was here, and no doubt, Hataro respected Skye’s decisions in that moment to do right.

As the pair near a double pair of large wooden doors, with dragon, tiger and kirin carvings and reliefs the door booms open, and Ban comes out, growling over his shoulder at the slim man, having been named as Jin earlier. Ban, holding his sword in his right hand, snarls, “You didn’t think to tell me sooner that…” He turns around to watch where he’s going and almost runs into Skye, “Ah…” He takes a step back then with a shake in his tone whispers, “Qu…Queen-san…” He gulps then coughs a laugh, “Skye-san.” He bows, a low deep bow, a bow meant for old and good friends. And he holds that bow for a good few moments before straightening up.

Skye returned the gesture, bowing back, seeing the sword in his hands. With a smile, Skye walked up and hugged him, wrapping her cold arms around him, not reaching up due to her height, avoiding getting shanked by accident.
“You have put on a few pounds since we’ve been in work. But, you’re still keeping well. And those pieces of you, those are new.” Skye replied, whispering into his ear on the last with regards to the implants, looking back, and around at the two, son and father.
“I suppose I owe you a bit of an explanation. Safe to say, I am grateful beyond return for the work that Ban has done with Raven. But I am now in my hour of need. An hour of grave personal need. And I am afraid to say this, but I have nowhere else to turn, and the stakes could not be higher.” Skye added, knowing it would likely be sinking into Ban that indeed, if she was here alone, looking like this, then something had to be up. Skye took off her hat, revealing the various cuts and marks from the fighting, and her tired eyes, from being up, out of a plane, shoplifting and generally shenanigans through western Tokyo and now here, in this gambling den of an old comrade.

Ban smiled, then wrapped his free arm around her, squeezing her in the hug briefly, “Yosh, ah it doesn’t show too much does it?” He chuckles, letting her go, and looking down at himself, “I have tried to keep fit, but running things isn’t as physically demanding as running into high amounts of bullets. And my own cooking is still very good.” He looks around as if to remember where they are. Then looks at Jin, “Get back up to the front, watch the door with Kintaro-kun.” He looks to his father, “Otosan, if you would come with us?” He then gestures at the well carved and decorated doors, “Come, this is no place to be discussing important things. Too many ears and eyes.” Hataro Kingo nods, and leads the way into the back. Ban gently guiding Skye through the doors, closing them behind the trio, all while Jin runs back up to the front.

Soon the three are in an office, just big enough to fit the low steel desk with a marble top, the walls decorated by several layers of weapons and samurai armor sets. Hataro goes to mix up a few drinks from a drink stand by the desk, while Ban sits on the top of the desk, motioning for Skye to join him beside him, “So what’s this about grave personal need? The stakes as you say must be higher than the sky, even the stars themselves if you’re being this dour Skye-chan.”

Hataro coughing into the glass of sake he just poured himself hearing that cute familiar style of talk.

And Skye sat down beside, nodding with a certain kind of remorse, it all sinking in she was going to have to explain this utter insanity.
“I’ll try and start like this. The Artemis you put some dents into, we did some work against. They were nearly defeated, until, it turns out, they were being undercut by my doppelganger. Who used me to turn them inside out for her. They betrayed us, and destroyed Kaitiaki, and nearly all of us in the process..” Skye started, knowing the conversation went from zero, to a hundred, instantly.

“That is by my literal clone. A woman by the name of Rosalind, who as it turns out, can jump from body to body, dying and awaking in another. She has a small biomechanical node wired into the spinal column of each one of her bodies that she has, and I could go on for hours about how it occurred, why, and what. I don’t understand all of it, but as such, I am compromised. I left the team over Tokyo, and they’re en route to another facility, to continue working. I am her, yet she is many, and with it, we are deeply in the shit because it means there’s no way to ensure I have any operational security in charge of a team. Don’t worry, check my spine and you’ll see there’s nothing there. It’s the only difference between us.” Skye added, pausing for breath, knowing they would want to cut to the chase.

“But what this means is, she has stolen all Raven data, recovered a critical HVT from us that we captured on a mission, and worse, she has access to a partially compromised satellite network and a drug that I think could be potentially lethal in her hands. Ban, she’s fucking genocidal.” She took a breather, taking the glass of sake on the table poured, and giving it a sip, knowing she had the attention fully on her right here, right now.

“And she doesn’t want to just nuke a few countries, she wants to fucking eradicate people, systematically, from the top to the bottom. And there is no way to kill her. In fact, she’s using it to get better, and better. She wants me off the table so she can be the only version of what I am. Where I am. And with it….means the choice of putting a stop to it in a way that even Rose can’t imagine I would do.” Skye said, exhaling a hard breath, knowing that one would stick.

“So politely, I need help to get back to things…and it’s why I am here. Because the only way I think I can turn the tables, is to go against Artemis as me, throwing a spanner in the works by making sure two of us are always on the table. They think Skye Lyons is rogue, soon to be arrested. I will be hunted, pursued in the next eight hours by teams wanting to know maybe where I went. Yet by being alive, I make Rose unable to act, or at least, unsure. There are people on the inside who can help, but Raven proper will not want me around on the streets. Not unless I bring something valuable back to the table to deliver. I know this is a lot, Ban. I know you left this behind. And I know you would struggle to want to go back. But you are all I have. And the best man I know can help.” Skye added, sipping more back, looking dead into his eyes, knowing full well the weight and depth of what she was saying would take him aback- and probably be a lot to carry on.
“I suppose in your folklore, that would make me the Kitsune. And she is one of those tails, many, many tails, over and over.”

Ban and Hataro Kingo are silent through the whole explanation. Making quiet sounds of understanding and wonder as the story goes. Hataro having sat in the large leather chair behind the bar part way through the story. Hataro smiling as it goes realizing the mythological points. Ban leaning his head back as things go, crossing his arms across his chest, and tapping the Tsuka of his sword on his chin, “Emmm this is worrying indeed. I swear we had cut down Artemis in cold blood back during my time of service didn’t we? I know I had cut one of their captains down myself. How does a weed survive having it’s roots cut clean?”

The younger Yakuza grumbles. Then the elder Kingo asks, “Kitsune, I like that.” He chuckles sipping his drink, “Then while my son mulls this over, tell this old man, Kitsune-chan, what can we do to help? The Kingo Family I think would put everything we have behind you, but to truly do anything, you would need to go before the Amagi Oyabun. And bring your case to him. Takashiro-san would hear you out. You can be sure that though Yakuza are gangsters, we are against the spilling of needless blood, and this Rosalind sounds like an Oni of the worst kind.”

Ban hraumphs, and nods, “Let Shimura walk again. I’ll cut out her heart for you Kitsune-chan. Tell me what I can help you with. And if we’re lucky the Oyabun will offer the Amagi’s help as well. Yes, we should go see him immediately.”

Skye nodded in return, a smile forming on her face. Well, it was a replacement. The Queen may be dead, but perhaps, in a cosmic way, the Kitsune was alive. Fitting, all things considered.
“That sounds like a plan. There is a lot to explain, a lot of ground to cover and I will tell you all I can. But we need to be careful. As few people as possible need to know who, what, and where this is going. I think there may be one method to get back at her, at least, stall things outside of any control or command. It may even be a way back in to Raven itself, to clear things completely. But I cannot do this alone. And it is why I am here, Ban. You’re the only operative I know that can hold their own that I trust.” Skye replied, looking across to him, upon his question of what to help with.
“And when the time is right, we shall part her gaze. And put this to an end.” Skye added, nodding, sipping more sake down. This felt surreal. None of it did. But then, rolling with the punches was part of the game.

There was much not yet said about why Skye specifically had picked Ban to go to here- the opportunism sure, but there was another aspect. Skye had let him go from Raven upon short notice- a John Wick-esque task almost, considering she had to pull an almighty effort to get him released. But it wasn’t a task force requirement, releasing from the roster prior to the end- it was a personal commitment she had made happen. A promise to do right by him, and in exchange, she’d memorized, kept it in detail where he was, what was going on and what it meant. And one day to perhaps call a favor like that in, albeit, in a way she knew she wouldn’t take the piss with. Skye had caught her own crap, but well, Ban had disappeared and into the Yakuza again, allowed his growth, allowed his honour, allowed his strength to carve his own. Spies always needed an out, after all. Much like Sam had her own, and Boaro had made his own as a merc, Freya the family and the other operatives had carved niches, Skye had to keep her own reserve.

Hataro watches, looking at his son and the woman beside him. His eyes widening. As he can see the difference between his son the Yakuza soldier, a man prepared to defend his family and friends from those who would do them wrong. And another side, a side he had only heard stories of.

Ban had called himself Shimura, after a Great Clan from the Sengoku era. The Shimura had been a hard riding, hard hitting southern island clan. And there, swapping back and forth between his son Ban and Shimura he watches it, and can only smile.

Ban gets to his feet and steps to the door, shouting down a side hall outside, “Wataro! Go and bring the car around! We need a ride to the Amagi compound. And send Yotsuyu-tan ahead to ask the Oyabun’s secretary for an emergency meeting, tell him it’s me and my father asking. That should get him moving.” There’s a bunch of cries of, “Yes sir!” And “You got it boss!” And people are running. Ban turns from the door, “I swear here and now Skye-chan, I’ll turn over heaven and hell to help you.” He steps forward and holds out the well decorated Katana in isn’t saya towards her, “I offer my sword, until such time as you release me from this service. You got me out, and now I will return that favor. Let us cut down these foes together.”

Skye stood up, a wry smile returning, an old friend helping out. It was good to have, and well, a favor repaid. It felt bad to call such a thing in, but with old friends, it was never such a thing. Honour was an exceptionally highly placed thing in Japanese society, and Skye knew she’d ruffled a few feathers with what she had returned to him to make such a movement. Perhaps it had gone even further, given she only expected Ban, and nobody else.
“That we will. Let’s get to work, Shimura.” The Scottish accented redhead replied back, standing right by Ban’s side, her stern and stoic look turning to one of trust, belief and for a brief second, a willingness to get to finishing this stupid shit off. End of days? Rose may have had her control, but Skye had her friends, and well, right here and now, she could be grateful for such a thing.


Athena Anna Kanataario

Adam Stanislaw Kajtanowicz

Purna Chai Gurung

Somewhere above the Gulf of Bothnia, Finland, Headed North

Aurora's Glimmer / Chaos Theory

The vivid colour of the hazy yellow and red echoed outside the window, the night sky of the aurora kicking in with a flickering brilliance, at altitude and this close where they were headed. The three occupants on fast track were not exactly brimming with confidence, considering the news had trickled out. It had to, because the news of a redhead in Shibuya Square falling out of the fucking sky was something. There would have been a delay, enough to let Skye do her own thing, but it would be found out by the time they were over the Arctic Ocean, and on the other side. Her in the middle of Shibuya narrowed it down to a single city, but that city around it had 18 million people, and in that city, it was a maze, a place you would struggle to find someone making effort to lay low and vanish. The authorities could be contacted, but what was the reason for their manhunt? It felt like Skye had called Oracle's bluff. The occupants knew that, the private Gulfstream 400 a relatively lavish space for a small team to move north on fast notice.

"So why and how did she end up bailing out, into Shibuya....and what does she think she's avoiding? What, does she think Oracle's going to kill her?" Purna enquired, looking across from the seat he sat in, bemused yet in an old-school parka and cargo pants, casual for the time being. The private jet was a bit of a different arrangement, but then again, fast movement meant executive transport. For Purna and Adam, it felt odd- strange even, being flown on something like this. They were being taken to Enontekiö Airport, a civilian airport to the south-west of the remote base in the Poysjarvi National Park, close to the Norwegian border. There was a small airstrip physically on site, but bringing unneeded attention to that specific point wasn't on anyone's radar.

"We have no idea. She's capable of being a ghost, Purna. The stories are all true. If she's as good as I think she is, she will go to ground and disappear. Even if she doesn't speak the language, she'll learn it, and she'll move faster than we can. Maybe have contacts. Fuck, she might have just been playing us all along. Maybe if the report is correct, then she listened to her copy, and has gone off grid for that reason. Kurwa. I don't understand it. There will be two of her....fucking idiot." Adam replied, shaking his head, it fully in his hands, trying to finish his sentence. The bearded man was wearing his woolen jumper still, and similar to Purna, a set of older cargo trousers, perhaps the one unifying thing between old heads and Gurkhas in the game. Adam's Polish accent may have dragged, but it was no less cutting when he swore.
"Oracle is livid. And...." Adam replied, but couldn't completely say it due to the floor itself feeling like it felt presence from the other occupant.

Walking out from the front, Athena had to duck, as she leaned out, into the chair opposite, enlarged for her size. Not the first time she'd travelled with this particular executive manner, her legs long, in thermal tights and her top now more in modesty with a grey t-shirt and bra combo that barely contained the cleavage of her bust, a large puffy jacket that must have taken a dozen ducks to make on her shoulder, the Pata-gucci look in full swing. She had no makeup on, yet even without it, still seemed to have that blonde golden look going.

"I told you. First my sister, now this. Perhaps she knew what she would be in for if she met me. Her team are on all in on it, too." Athena retorted with a blunt brutality, clicking her large neck, rolling her head, as she leaned in.

"You keep forgetting what she's capable of, Athena. She's killed a giant before. And don't blame the team. Skye is too stubborn to let them tell her what to do. They aren't going say no to her." Adam replied, the Pole and the giantess not seeing eye to eye, but well, business had to be beaten past for this sort of work.

"Yeah, but has she met me?" Athena chuckled, Adam shrugging his shoulders. God, she was a bitch. But, he had to eat his words, Purna giving that glare as if to say, "Don't fuck this up", at least, to say something more productive.

"What doesn't add up is that Skye doesn't break protocol. Not at least, any to Oracle or Raven. She may be fluid but not disobedient. Her team helped her, and I know they're all sound enough of mind to not go completely mad. So....the only alternative is, she's doing this to confuse everyone. Including Rose. Skye can work alone, she's trained to do so....but why? If she wants to help her, she would have killed everyone on that plane. That I don't understand." Adam asked, as Purna leaned in, the Nepali not an expert on strategy such as this, but smart enough from working as a mercenary to get it.

"She's probably not willing to deal with security from Oracle when they get back. Probably figured out that Athena there, or Oracle are going to lock her up. And, if she has her contacts, maybe she knows something even we don't. Rose is a threat, but what Adam said is right, it's confusing. If Rose knows Skye's on the loose, she can't exactly go after both her and us at the same time. After all, Skye said that it seemed like Rose was using Artemis for her own ends. It's chaos theory. We have no idea. Rose doesn't either. And we're now picking up pieces. Nothing we can do, except our jobs. And perhaps hope she is on the right track." The Nepali replied, the look of the shorter infiltrator contrasting against Athena's. It was strange, the three almost as opposite as you could make people in three different directions, and three different ways.

"Well, now every Skye we end up seeing is a kill-threat. How's that for clarity." Athena interrupted both, the giantess speaking with a certain authority, in spite of the other two's. Adam and Purna nodded, the conversation breaking from that for a second as Adam poured a Coke, sipping it down whilst Purna leaned in, looking across to Adam.

"What's our operational remit?" Purna asked, his many questions continuing, given he had little else to add in small talk. He sipped down a cup of tea, Chai, ironically.

"The rest of the team joins me and Purna. Athena, how about you? You with us?" Adam replied, with the giantess leaning forward in her chair, that resting bitch face just holding true, just more than anything, frustrated that Raven couldn't hold itself together.

"I'm eye candy to you, apparently. I'll twerk my way out of problems. And run Blue Sword's operation behind what you're doing. My parents and my brother are on the way, but Victor and Natalie will likely have other matters to attend to whilst I run this show behind the scene. Just for your stubborn fucking ass, Jamie is rolling with you, Adam. But I will be managing Blue Sword support teams on the ground, personally. From this point onwards, we cannot afford any fuck ups. I have spoken with Oracle already about this at length. We put resource behind this and get the job done, with as few heads in the game as possible. We have some recovered intel, and enough to go on so we can figure out what this Rose is doing and the remains of Artemis with her, but from here, every second counts. Where Raven fails, the world collapses." Athena's voice carried, knowing she had to make that point clear, that well, she had her weight to throw around and her husky yet sauced international accent had that levity. Which didn't so much stick on Adam.

"They don't get to buy calendars of you then." Adam replied, no fucks given. Screw it. If she caved his head in now, well, he had a witness at least.

"Shut the fuck up." Athena's response was initially cold, before the three chuckled, the rare break in the ice. As much as Adam didn't like her, shit, she had a response worth enough. Athena felt the same, her extraverted self buoyed against someone like Adam, whose strict and structured nature irritated the shit out of her, but his dark humour still bounded back. Perhaps they shared that, at least, they had something in common there. They would be on the ground soon, and meeting what was left of Raven's New Zealand operation, and more importantly, trying to get some answers.
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