Avatar of Framing A Moose


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4 mos ago
Current i'm gonna puke
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7 mos ago
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4 yrs ago
Aaaaaand it’s back. It was gone for a while, but it’s back and it feels awful. *Singsong Voice* ♫ I have self-destructive tendencies ♫
4 yrs ago
New Hyperfixation Unlocked: Seeds the Musical
4 yrs ago
Current Mood: Penelope Scott
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I think I’ll have Kash be at the bank during the robbery, having to make improvisational devices to help take out the villain. ^_^

Sorry sorry, I was busy helping my brother turn our Minecraft world into a replica of Hyrule. I'll post soonies!

...I’ve never been very religious...but I think that you and your brother might be my new Gods! All hail Flightless_Soul and Flightless_Soul’s brother! I shall spread your gospel across the world, and tell all of humanity of your Minecraft Hyrule world, until everyone knows of your miraculous deeds!
Alright, just got my post out...and it's 1:45 A.M. Something tells me that I'm not going to church tomorrow morning....*Never actually goes to any sort of church anyway*
Alyssa was not surprised nor insulted by Billy's shock of finding her on a team. If she was being honest, she hadn't exactly been expecting to find herself on a team. It wasn't a secret that she had a reputation of not being a team player, and there was a reason for that. People had never really been a strong suit of Alyssa's, not the living ones anyway. A childhood of being picked on or, worse, ignored, had left her devoid of social skills. But that was fine with her. She wasn't an agent of the Bureau to make friends. She already had the only friend she'd ever need.

"Huh. This zombie exercise, it's a simulation, a test, right? Or is the Bureau just putting waaaaay to much faith into this whole team thing?" Alyssa said, turning her head to face the young-looking agent explaining the morning's activities as she continued to take bites of the donut. "Anyway, it shouldn't be hard, considering we have the Reap-" Suddenly, mid-sentence, Alyssa stopped speaking, her face changing into a slightly confused expression. "Sorry...I sort of lost my train of thought there for a second. Where was I? Right. It shouldn't be hard. We just need to make sure to stray away from floors four and up. We wouldn't want to get those bureaucratic paper-pushers confused for zombies. Well, you guys probably wouldn't."

"So what were the other items on the list, besides the crystal te-" Alyssa began, before she was suddenly interrupted by the ginger sitting a few yards away from her, rebuking her for her driving in the parking lot. Alyssa raised her eyebrow a little bit at the girl's sudden outburst, but, in a moment, her face contorted to one of shock and amazement as she stared passed the ginger, at something unseen in the air. "My god...Do my eyes deceive me? That...That appears to be a Class C Supernatural Apparition...It's so...grotesque and horrifying.....Oh wait, no, false alarm, that's just the ghost of me giving a shit." The detective said as her eyes snapped back into place, making eye contact with the younger rabble-rouser. "Seriously kid, if you're scared of a bike going five miles an hour in a parking lot, I haven't the foggiest clue what you're doing here." And with that, Alyssa turned back to Billy.

"Shit, man, some people, y'know..." Alyssa mumbled, reaching into her jacket and grabbing her small tin flask, her fingers lightly brushing up against the small velvet box also taking up residence in her pocket. The detective pulled it out and took a small sip of the liquor inside it, before continuing. "Anyway, what else is on that li-" Once again, the woman was interrupted, this time by the howl of Agent Green. Hobbs flung her hands up in frustration, violently waving towards the howling werewolf. "Seriously, can someone get this guy a fuckin' Snickers already?! Or, I don't know, a Milk-Bone?! I'm trying to have a conversation here!" After she was done yelling, she took one more small sip from her flask, before pocketing it once again to look at Billy. "Alright, I'm going to ask one more time...What else...is on...that list?"

Quick question: does Billy have a last name?
Actually, I’d totally love to see Helena put in charge of an immortal demon person creature! It’d build character, and maybe even teach her a thing or two about responsibility! She’d just need to make sure to feed him and walk him everyday. Like a Tamagotchi, but insane!
Well, if you want a character who doesn’t really want to have to take care of this weird, dark immortal being, then Alyssa isn’t a bad candidate. She’s not exactly a people person and doesn’t play well with others, so she probably wouldn’t be thrilled to have to look after the Dark One. Buuut if @KatherinWinter doesn’t want Helena doing it, I’m not sure how she’ll feel about Alyssa doing it.
That’s what it feels like to me!
Oh, whoops, sorry! You didn’t have to change it on my account, but I am appreciative that you did! ^_^
Alright, I posted! I got a little sloppy near the end, so anyone can feel free to tell me if I missed something!
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