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Iris Rivers

Location: The Reception
Skills: People-Reading

Iris' lips jutted out into a pout as she watched the dark-haired girl blush and walk away. Her dancing slowed slightly, but never stopping completely. It wasn't hard for her to tell that Bethany had no intention of actually doing as Iris had suggested. "She's not gonna ask the question, is she?" she said to no one in particular. She took a small sip from her beer, before lifting her head up, smile back on her lips, as she began to dance faster once again, following a decent distance behind Bethany. "Whelp, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself." With that, she dance-sauntered her way towards Bethany and the happy couple. Once she got there, she stopped next to Bethany, her eyes on Wanda and Vision.

"Hellooooooo, my lovely collections of space dust!" she said, raising her bottle in greeting. A big, all-too genuine smile was on her face, as she brought the bottle to her lips. "Iris Rivers, I'm with the X-Men. I don't think we've met," she stated, giving a small, clumsy curtsy, before turning slightly to face Wanda, a look of recognition in her eyes. "You're the witch lady, right? You know, my mom's actually a pagan! And I guess I'm sort of a pagan? I think some of the celebrations and philosophies are cool, but, I dunno, I'm not really into joining any religion. I mean, no one else will ever think exactly like me, so what's the point in throwing myself into a same-minded mob, y'know? Though I guess there are all sorts of different types of paganism, and you can sort of make it your own. At least, that's what my mom always said. But really, any religion is what you make it. Maybe I should get more into religion? Oh, you should come to the X-Mansion to celebrate Yule with me next December! I don't think the others would be into it...actually, Neil might. Beth, remind me to ask Neil if he celebrates Yule." Iris' words came out fast an excited, always up for discussing aspects of her life with her mother. But as she stopped talking, she raised a finger to her chin, turning her eyes to look at Bethany. "I came over here for a reason. Bethany, why did I come over here?"

Location: Room 11 -> The Galley -> Room 1

After finishing up in Room 11, Team Names-That-Sound-Somewhat-Similar-But-Only-Share-The-Letter-L made their way back to the Galley with the others, reporting back their lack of findings. Once the short briefing was done, they made their way back to the hallway, continuing their inspection in Room 1. The pair rummaged through the empty room, but, unfortunately, they, once again, came up with absolutely nothing. Cal let out a loud, unconcealed groan.

"Shit, mate, I'm beginning to think we're not Sherlock and Watson here," Cal said as she pushed the empty drawer back into place. She didn't divulge who she thought was Sherlock, and who she thought was Watson, though that was primarily because she didn't think she needed to. He'd been the one to find the secret post card, and she was the one wearing the deceased robots BDSM collar. It was pretty obvious who was who. "Gonna be honest, I'm not even sure we could out-investigate Encyclopedia Brown." As soon the words came out of her mouth, her eyebrows furrowed. That was a book, right? She vaguely remembered the concept of a kid detective with the same name, but nothing more specific than that. She quickly shook the unimportant thought out of her head.

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Outside the Old Mutant Underground HQ - Inside the Van

A small, tense smile reappeared on Waverley's face as Veil praised her, her head lowering, allowing her grubby purple locks to fall down in front of her face. As much as she constantly yearned for validation, she was shit at responding too it. So instead, she simply gave a grateful nod, mumbling something that was likely a 'thank you'. While it was true that the small gesture wasn't enough to sooth her tired and chaotic mind, it was nice to have some outside affirmation that she'd made the right choice. She turned her gaze back to the window, but just as she did, she saw a massive dome form around them out of thin air. Her eyes shot over to Warlock, narrowing in anger. She stood up, her rebar in hand, and began to walk towards the door of the van, but before she could get out, Sapphire exploded out into an icy terror. Waverley flinched backward, her sudden movement quickly giving way to intense shivering. She pulled her jacket closer to herself, dropping her rebar and instead moving towards the front, reaching her arm up to turn the van's heater up to full blast. When she looked back out to the others, she noticed Sapphire speeding away from the group, and Warlock with a devastating ice-wound in his chest.

"Everyone should get in the van before we all freeze to death," Waverley called out to the rest of the team, who she mentally labeled then as Team Witchfinders. Though she hadn't voiced it verbally, she did not include Warlock in her definition of the word 'everybody'. In fact, when Callie offered to bring him with them, Waverley's face contorted, a look of annoyance on her face. She didn't speak out loud immediately, instead shaking her head slightly, and leaning in to whisper to Veil. "I...I don't think I can be in the same car as him."

Location: Dumbledore's Office -> Outside Gryffindor Common Room

"Right, the magizooligist. I actually do think I've heard of him," Fae said, her voice still somewhat uncertain. In truth, the name still didn't ring a bell, but that didn't mean her statement was technically a lie. If he was famous enough for some of the others to be freaking out over the chance to meet him, then she probably had heard of him in one of her classes, and had simply forgotten him. Or her. Newt very well could've been a woman's name, Fae realized. She was pulled out of her head when Dumbledore's bird burst into flames. The first time she'd seen it happen, it surprised her, but she eventually came to love it. A wide grin found its way onto her mouth as she watched, the light reflected in her eyes. She barely registered when Madalyne suggested they get moving.

"Yep, right behind you," she mumbled, though she didn't move from her spot. It kept her attention until the conflagration died down, revealing the baby bird who was the new incarnation of Fawkes. Rather than leaving immediately, she took a few steps forward, reaching a finger to lightly pet the phoenix chicklet. She lowered her voice, drawing her head a little closer in to the creature. "When the old man kicks it, you should come live with me. I'll be rich and famous by then. I'll have a big house in Wales, and you could come and go whenever you pleased. And we could even go flying together. How does that sound? Sounds good, right? Good, I'll hold you to that," she said, despite the fact that the bird didn't respond. She pulled away, giving a small head nod to Fawkes, saying "See ya later, then," before walking out of Dumbledore's office, moving swiftly to catch up with Madalyne.
Edit: Decided to drop this. After writing up three different characters, I just didn't feel the drive to continue coming up with and writing CSes for any more character concepts. Nobody's fault, I know that all of them had problems that were too severe to fix (one of them being that I just didn't like her enough to post her). I don't want anyone to think I'm angry or irritated at anyone, because I'm really not. Though now I just need to figure out somewhere I can use a group of hivemind triplets, a dead pirate, and an oddly specific Spanish witch child from the 17th century. XP

Location: Galley -> Room 11

Cal's lips pulled up into a small, relaxed smile when Kyle spoke his piece, agreeing to go along with her to investigate. Her smile shifted to a frown when Manny began to give out assignments. She didn't much care for his authoritative attitude, taking up the role of leader without discussing it with the rest of the group. Though she also recognized that she herself would not make a good leader. She mentally added this pair of observations to the list of evidence to suggest she was simply anti-authority, right alongside the piercing holes she had seen in the mirror.

When the pairs dispersed to investigate their given rooms, Team Names-That-Sound-Somewhat-Similar-But-Only-Share-The-Letter-L made their way to room 11. Upon entering, Cal, not being blind, noticed that it was exactly like the room she'd woken up with. The pair wasted no time in starting their search, turning the room upside down, with Cal occasionally making suggestive comments, non of which seemed to spark any interest in Kyle. Eventually, they'd thoroughly ravaged the room, and come out empty handed.

"Don't think anything's here, mate," Cal finally stated, her voice ever-so-slightly disappointed. A thought came to mind as she spoke, and she moved over to feel under the corner of the mattress, where she'd found her vial of liquid. Nothing was there, but checking reminded her that she should probably bring it up to the group soon. She stood to her feet, a lazy smirk on her lips as she looked to Kyle. "Best we go ahead and report our findings, or lack thereof, to the General," she said referring to Manny, her voice sarcastic in tone. She gave with a faux salute as she spoke, to emphasize her lack of seriousness.

Leandra Lovelace

Location: New Rome - The Senate House
Skills: Contacts, Charisma

As the meeting came to a close, Leandra arose to her feet, eyes still glued on her book. Her pen, guided by her steady hand, formed lines on the page straight enough to cause a ruler to have an identity crisis. A grid began to form as she did so, but she stopped when she felt the light tapping of a finger on her shoulder. She let out a sigh as she turned around, expecting to see one of the unpleasantly stern faces of the camp’s praetors, but she was pleasantly surprised when she saw who really approached her. Maggie was quite the friendly face around New Rome, and she got on as well with Leandra as she did with just about everyone else. Leandra let her shoulders drop, a smile replacing the the concentrated frown she'd previously worn.

"Oh, Madame Ortega! I cannot tell you how lovely it is to see a pair of eyes that isn't looking at me like I'm the uninvited drunkle who decided to crash the wedding," she joked, casting a glance over at the remains of the senators dispersing from the meeting. Any disdain for them she had was hidden behind her eyes, away and out of sight. She then looked back to Maggie, giving a single nod. As she began to speak again, her eyes lowered to the baby in the woman's arms, and, friendly smile on her face, she held a finger out for the baby to play with, with its tiny little hands. "Yes, I do suspect it'll be quite the busy few days. But I think my cohort and I will be able to handle it. The only problem will be making sure that we don't fall behind as far as training. Something's brewing, and I'm not going to let my people be the first to die when the war begins."

Iris Rivers

Location: The Reception

"What are you, my mom?" Iris said with a laugh when Bethany attempted to warn her against drinking too heavily. In all honesty, it wasn't exactly an accurate jest, considering her mother was all for celebratory drinking. When the dark-haired girl stood to leave, Iris wasn't exactly surprised. In the time she'd been in the 'civilized' world, she had become used to people making up reasons to excuse themselves from her presence. She suspected it was because she didn't exactly fit what they'd been conditioned to think of as normal. So when Bethany announced her intentions to go talk to Wanda and Vision, leaving out an invitation, Iris assumed it was one of those times, and simply raised her bottle in acknowledgement.

"The robot and the mechaniphile? Have fun with that," Iris said, before pulling the bottle up to her lips for a sip, never breaking from her dance moves. She didn't really have any need to go talk to the pair of them. They didn't exactly seem like her kind of fun, and there wasn't any piece of very important, crucial question she absolutely needed to kno- Her eyes widened as a very important, crucial question regarding the two came to mind. She looked over to Bethany, walking away, and, before she got out of earshot, she called, "Yo, ask if he has a dick!"

Waverley Watts - Feedback

Location: Old Mutant Underground HQ - Outside in What Might Be a Trap, or Might Not Be, but Probably is
Skills: Radio Wave Manipulation

Had Spark Plug's forced serenity stayed in effect for a little longer than it had, Waverley probably would've addressed whatever inferiority complex Sapphire seemed to have going through her head in that chillingly calm, un-Waverley-like tone that she'd been employing for the past few minutes. But as Sapphire spoke, that little voice that always writhed in her brain returned, and with it, the desire for approval from those she considered 'higher ups', causing her stony, unempathetic expression to to fade, a small anxious frown finding its way back onto her lips. She shot a glance at Veil, looking for some form of backup, but she found none. She seemed busy enough trying to figure out what to do about Warlock. So instead, she looked to Sapphire, stuttering out her reply. "Fucking Christ, dude, I'm sorry if I offended you. We're all just trying to figure out what the right thing to do is."

With her newly reacquired emotions, she turned her attention to Warlock. Of course his offer would be conditional. She wasn't sure why she'd expected any different. The fact that he was only willing to do it once, for her, made it feel like a deal with the devil. She could have her mom back, and all he wanted her to do was forsake Sunshine and everyone else who had someone they might want to bring back. At first, her anger started up again as annoyance, but it quickly grew as she spoke.

"What, so you won't bring back Erg because it'd be a little bit harder? That's utter bullshit, and you know it! I don't know what you're playing at, but if my mom's the only person you bring back, then I want nothing to do with it. I had my mom for nineteen years! Sunshine had Erg for, what, a day? She deserves more than that. She deserves a dad that isn't an absentee pile of shit. No, no, I can give you my answer right now: no Erg, no deal!" she said, a tone of finality in her voice. She felt a number of things for the opportunity she'd let slip through her fingers; anger, sorrow, hate. But regret was not among them. She could relive the past few moments over and over again for the rest of eternity, and she wouldn't change a thing. She pulled herself out of Echo's arms, and began to sulk over to the van. Being the picture of maturity that she was, she made sure to flip Warlock the bird as she climbed into the van, taking a seat in the back.

She felt tears prick at her eyes as she stared out the window, but they never made it to the falling stage of teardom. She desperately didn't want to process what all had just happened, so she did her best to shove out any conscious thoughts. The fact was, she wasn't sure what she wanted. That is, until the memory of the assurance she'd made to a teary-eyed Sunshine on her way out of the Underground surfaced in her mind: what she wanted was McDonald's. She fumbled her phone out of her pocket, her shaky fingers tapping against the screen, opening up the McDonald's app. She'd had a theory for a while about using her ability to pay for things online without actually spending money, but she'd never tried it. She had always been afraid that if she did try it, it'd somehow be tracked back to her. But at that moment, she didn't much care. She just wanted some food. So she placed an order for eight milkshakes and a ridiculous amount of chicken nuggets. Once it came time to choose a payment method, she reached out with her mind. She felt for the waves the app required, and mimicked them, breezing past the paying part of the transaction. It wasn't as hard as she expected it to be, and when she opened her eyes, she looked back down at the app, which showed a message thanking her for her business.

"I ordered some food from McDonald's," she said to the two in the front seats, her voice raspy and course, her unshed tears audible in her voice. "Don't worry, it's on me."

Location: The Knight Bus - Bottom Back -> Carriage 1

For the rest of the carriage ride, Fae was relatively quiet, at least by Fae standards. Occasionally she'd piped up with teasing comments about Paige and Madalyne's alleged affair and playful ribbing directed at Elizabeth. She largely ignored Zelda; her interaction with Penny had put her in a good mood, and she wasn't about to let that arrogant know-it-all ruin it. For the most part, she spent her time spreading the grime from the rat incident to less visible parts of herself as she gazed outside. It didn't take a genius or a deep thinker to enjoy the scenery. Even the biggest of oafs could do it.

When the carriage came to stop, Fae scrambled out as quickly as she could. Being cooped up wasn't her favorite thing, especially when it meant being crammed up next to someone she wasn't exactly the biggest fan of. The walk up to Dumbledore's office was good for her though, and by the time they'd all reached the top, the cramped feeling of being hauled up in a carriage was replaced by the more refreshing feeling of blood flowing through her body. She had almost completely forgotten that they were most likely on their way to a scolding directly from the headmaster himself. As she watched Paige speak the password - the one that she wouldn't have been able to remember for the life of her - she felt the feeling of a body bump into her own. When she looked down, she saw Apollo mumbling an apology.

"No need to apologize. Been a crazy day for all of us, hannit?" she replied, shrugging off the boy's 'sorry'. Dumbledore's office was exactly like the man himself: elegant, but also somewhat chaotic. With its shelves full of books, it'd be easy to mistake it as some sort of study. Of course, it wasn't Fae's first time in the study. Being a bit of a problem child, she'd found herself their a number of times, though never for something as small as shoving a Merula goon. The headmaster stood in front of them in the blinged out robe that had caused Fae to dub him 'Dumblepimp' in her first year, the very same one that could alone probably buy her and her family a proper house rather than the shack they called home. She gave a small wave to Fawkes as she and the group gathered in front of Dumbledore. It was a bit of a tradition of hers. She liked the bird; it was pretty, and she couldn't help wanting to pet it, even knowing it could burst into flames at any moment. Her attention on the phoenix quickly shifted to Dumbledore as he held out a bowl of chompy licorice for them. Fae grabbed onto one and tossed it into her mouth, only to have it stop short, biting into her lip. She slurped it into her mouth before it could do any real damage, leaving her with only a slightly bloody lip and the taste of victory on her tongue. She then prepared herself for a calm but stern reprimanding, only for Dumbledore to surprise her.

It would seem as though the Hogwarts headmaster was recruiting them for some crime-fighting force of Death Eater hunters. Even without any sort of reward, Fae probably would've signed up without a moment's hesitation. But adding in a letter of recommendation for whatever profession they desire? That was a no-brainer. It was true that he'd only mentioned aurors and curse-breakers by name, but she was sure that she could talk him into reaching out to the Harpies as well. And while she had always trusted her skills would be enough to score her a place on the team she so desperately wanted to play for, an endorsement from Dumbledore himself definitely wouldn't hurt. She was ready to voice her immediate decision when Mary, Apollo, and Artemis began asking questions. She hadn't even thought about asking questions, other than perhaps some version of the one Apollo asked: why them?

Fae practically beamed when Dumbledore made mention of her talents. She wasn't one to shy away from compliments, especially when they concerned her talents. Strength was a characteristic that was often overlooked in their world of magic, except on the Quidditch field. It was enough to stop her from holding back and speak, her voice confident, without a hint of hesitation or thought.

"Count me in, one hundred percent. I'm always up for some school-sanctioned pummeling," she said, before something said previously registered in her head. She leaned forward a little, turning her head to look at Apollo. "Scamander? That's your cat's name, innit?" she said, before turning back to their Headmaster. "What's Apollo's cat got to do with this?"
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