Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: Battle Mystiokinesis, Guitar, Singing
"Heh, one probatio more like. Being left for dead by your boss is as good as being fired, right? If I get out of this, I'm pretty sure there's a desertion in my future, doesn't take a kid of Apollo to see that. Once everyone's safe, of course," Waverley admitted, though there wasn't any anger or malice in her voice. In fact, there was a bit of...relief? She was quiet for a moment, before giving Emily a bit of a nudge and a smirk. "I love you, Em, you, Marco, Mads, even Nance when she treats me like a friend rather than a recruit. But all the power dynamics and military ranks and being anchored down, it just is not for me. Besides, the open road's singing it's song to me, has been for a while now. Can only ignore it for so long." she plucked at her strings in a short melody, though it was rather simplistic with only one hand to work with. It was cut off by the sudden vision of Marco, which made her jump in surprise. She let her arm slip off Em, her smirk slipping off her lips as Marco gave them the cryptic news and Em repeated it.
"Right, but lets do it quick. There's probably still survivors up there, and I doubt all of them are in a condition to escape on their own," as she spoke, she quickened her pace, quickly following closer behind the goddess. She slowed when the figures became clear in the distance. She gritted her teeth, her mind going somewhat frantic as Ariadne voiced her single command. "Like, a campfire or-" but it was too late, the goddess had sped off into combat with the giant. Luckily her speeding thoughts seemed to go still with focus as the only song for the occasion came to mind. They needed a burning pile? She could do that. Her fingers set into motion before she even willed them to, descending down onto the strings as she began to play, her words rhythmically tumbling from her mouth just as instinctively.
"All my money been a long time spent
On my drugs, on my rent
On my saving philosophy
It goes, one in the bank, and the rest for me"
On my drugs, on my rent
On my saving philosophy
It goes, one in the bank, and the rest for me"
She could feel the magic pour from within her into her guitar, like a musical magical yeast, only capable of reaching its potential after being put into a song. It drifted away from her, before intensifying, forming into a ball of fire in the air. She could feel it burning up, and she knew it wouldn't be able to last on its own like she'd been intending it to, so rather than letting it burn itself out, she continued singing.
"It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile
All lit up and I start to smile
If I, catch fire then I change my aim
Throw my troubles at the pearly gates"
All lit up and I start to smile
If I, catch fire then I change my aim
Throw my troubles at the pearly gates"
As soon as she begun on the chorus, the fireball launched forward, clashing into the hulking giant, covering him in bright burning fire flickering across his skin. As she continued, she willed a spark coming off of him to grow, separating from the fire that was roasting him and growing into a small fire of its own on the ground of the labyrinth between Ariadne and the giant and the romans.