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Current i'm gonna puke
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4 yrs ago
Aaaaaand it’s back. It was gone for a while, but it’s back and it feels awful. *Singsong Voice* ♫ I have self-destructive tendencies ♫
4 yrs ago
New Hyperfixation Unlocked: Seeds the Musical
4 yrs ago
Current Mood: Penelope Scott
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Nelly Hacke

The morning, brisk as it was, was a welcome relief from the biting cold of night. Nothing made one more grateful for cold mornings than freezing night, something Nelly knew all too well - as did those she'd spent the night communing with. She'd felt on edge the moment she found herself on the outskirts of the gathered Nachtwachemen, faces she'd only known in the dim lamplight of the previous night. She'd felt more at home under the uncertain gaze of her peers, measuring her up by the light of a back-alley fire. Some newspaper kindling and a few sips of cheap whiskey was always enough to win them over. The other members of the Nachtwache? They were still a mystery that Nelly struggled to fully put together.

She lingered along the natural border that'd developed amidst the small crowd, ever hesitant to present her back to anyone. Her eyes fixed in the middle of the group, watching the nurse do her ugly work. She was largely silent as the others talked, eyelids lowering into slits as she stared onward. Her hands were tucked into her coat, freshly free of their nocturnal shivering. As Sonja spoke, Nell's lips turned almost imperceptibly downwards.

"Already took d'liberty of performing that unglamorous task," Nelly spoke up, offense in her voice. Her bitter tone sloughed from her words as she went on. "No one's seen anything, dog or otherwise. The victims though...more of 'em than we thought. Beaucoup more'en ten, for sure. All women, 'cept for the gravedigger. No one older than their late thirties..." Nelly's boots scuffed as she sidled forwards, ending up a few feet away from Sonja. "Lucky for you, eh, cher?"

Waverley Watts

The ringing eventually went dead, replaced by Riley's voice signifying the answering machine. Waverley's lips curved into a frown as the tone sounded. "It's Waverley again - just...call me back. Or text me back. I need to know you're safe. Love you..." With a sigh, Waverley hung up, pausing for a second to check if she has any messages from Riley - or anyone else - before slipping it into her pocket. She sped up, once again at Kaitlyn.

"I don't actually know where I'm going, yet...My sister's not picking up. Not sure how much good going home would do. I guess I could go to the Veil - er, the bar I work at - and meet up with some friends of mine..." as soon as her phone was in her pocket, Waverley's eyes were on the sky, following the aircrafts up above. After a few moments, she pulled out her police scanner, bringing it to her ear. After some fiddling, she managed to tune into the radio waves, getting some of the locations the copters were heading towards. Not bad information to have...

"What about you, Kait - or do you prefer Kaitlyn?" Waverley interrupted her own presumption, before shaking her head, forcing herself back on track. "Any idea where you're headed?"

Waverley Watts

"Not entirely sure where it is I'm actually going, yet - but hopefully I'll figure out where Riley is, and we can swing by to pick her up," Waverley replied, phone still pressed to her ear. Waverley winced as the voicemail began to play. She waited patiently for it to reach its end, walking alongside Kaitlyn. As she did, something caught her eye - a semi-familiar grip sticking out from a trashcan. As they passed, she grabbed it, lifting it into the air: a glock, shoved carelessly into a trashcan. She glanced back to the school, still relatively close behind them, then to Kaitlyn with a questioning look, as if to ask the question, 'what kind of place are y'all running here.' Before she could linger too long on the thought, the tone pulled her attention back to the voicemail.

"Hey, Riley, it's Waves. Something's happening. I think we should meet up, get outta town..." Waverley paused for a moment after saying this, chewing the inside of her cheek as she deliberated something. Eventually she huffed, adding, "We can't be worried about mom. She's a cop - we'll just have to hope she can find her own way out." Waverley wasn't at all close with her mother, but she tried to tell herself that had nothing to do with her prioritizing Riley's safety over that of the woman who'd raised the both of them. "Just call me back when you get this. I'll find you."

With that, Waverley hung up, slipping her phone - and the handgun - into her pocket. She wasn't crazy about guns, but she had to at least keep it until they could safely dispose of it.
Was thinking about playing a chronically bored prankster poltergeist, though she might be a bit too similar to Suzy.
Hey all! Was thinking about joining up - wanted to ask what the actual roleplay will be like in practice. Will there be an overarching plot? Active GMing?
In the same boat as Vertigo - I've been too busy with work to get very far into my CS, and am working through Wednesday. I have a few days off after that; would also be down to change up my character to make her of the Dynamicism Crest so we have all the crests represented, though again, I wouldn't be able to get it done by Wednesday.

Waverley Watts

Location: School

Waverley found herself relaxing as the police officer stepped away, leaving her and Kaitlyn to their own devices. They might not have been the scariest thing on Waverley's mind, but they certainly didn't comfort her. Waverley stepped back beside Kaitlyn, slipping her hand into her pocket to withdraw her ancient phone. At Kaitlyn's question, she gave a shake of her head, fingers already tapping at the cracked screen.

"No, but hopefully, I'm about to find out," she replied, before bringing the phone up to her ear. She listened to it ring as Kaitlyn began to lead the way away from the school, and the police that currently occupied it. It was fine with her - as far as she was concerned, the farther away from cops she was, the better. She followed close behind, her attention primarily on her phone. It was up in the air whether she'd answer. She wasn't always the best at doing so, but given everything going on, she figured chances might be higher. As the phone rang, she added to Kaitlyn, "Do you have a car?"
@Asuras Since it's not first come first serve, do you have a date we'd need to have character sheets in by? Also, are there laws in the Dark City? I was thinking about making a character whose magic revolves around magically enforcing existing laws, contracts, and promises.
<Snipped quote by Framing A Moose>

There aren't reservations, nor is there a limit to how many can take any one Aspect type. Can double up, triple up, any choice is fine.

Got it - can I reserve a general spot? Or is it first come, first serve? It's likely gonna be a few days before I can post a CS, maybe a week.
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