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Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago


The familiar sound of rubber pelting against someone resounded from behind Hermès. If it wasn't for the fact that they were outside and in front of an injured old man, then he would've sworn he was back in gym class playing dodgeball. He turned to follow the sound and found himself face to face with a short, attractive, red head that seemed to be around his age. Though the way she spoke to those kids he could've sworn she was another senior citizen telling the younglings to get off their lawn. The weak ball toss adding to the image of an older graying ginger instead of the youthful one standing behind them all. Standing beside her was a man that seemed a bit too old to be with her, so Hermes decided they were more than likely coworkers of some kind.

”Hey, you two pulled up at a bad time. Got an injured civilian here and are awaiting paramedics. We've been instructed to stay clear for now and give him some air and room for when they arrive.” Hermes relayed to the two new faces. Ten minutes felt like an eternity, but it was a hell of a lot sooner than anything else he supposed. He kept the phone up to his ear, staying on the line as he was about to turn back around when he noticed Finley walking up towards them. The wound obvious even from this distance. ”Fin you ok?” He signed towards his friend as he began to speak on the line once more. ”There's another injured, from this distance i can see a nasty wound on his shoulder, potentially a bite.”
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kali Nordstrom

Location: New York Streets, Outside Home
Skills: N/A

The ball went sailing through the air. Or, so Kali figured it would. Instead, her throwing arm had been limp, and the ball had only flew a small distance. Thankfully for Kali, however, the kids had gotten the message, and quickly took off somewhere else to play. "Kids these days," Kali muttered to herself, clearly disgruntled.

Turning her attention back to the injured victim, Kali took note of the scene. Her elderly neighbor had a clear bite wound on his hand, a fact confirmed by a somewhat familiar individual. One of Hannah's friends, Kali could only figure, as she took notice of her other neighbor next to him. The teen had already been on the line with emergency services, although Kali was displeased with what she heard.

"Stand clear?" Kali asked, puzzled about the change in treatment. One medical professional, the doctor at the restaurant, wanted to keep the fever down. But now the paramedics wanted them to stand clear? "He's probably already burning up with a fever—just like Jeff."

Kali glanced momentarily at Isaac, wondering what he had been thinking.

"I'll go get some ice from my freezer, just in case."

Pulling her keys from her purse, Kali walked over to the apartment door. Before she was able to open the door, however, a bird swooped down from the sky and began to peck at one of the women that had come to the old man's aid. "What the fuck?!" She loudly exclaimed, startled by the incident. Were the birds somehow afflicted with the on-going craziness too? "Are you okay?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mandy Mason

Location: New York Streets near car
Skills: N/A

Two new people had joined, and the woman of the pair said something and walked off to the apartment complex. Suddenly, Mandy was freaked out when a bird swooped down and attacked her. She had never really been bothered by birds before, why was this one harassing her? She swatted at it, but it left behind some scratches on her face.

She noticed that Hermes was signing to someone else. She looked and saw another teen. They looked messed up. Mandy frowned. Okay, things seemed to have gotten really bad. They had the man on the ground, this new hurt teen (that her cousin seemed to know), and a whole bunch of people in the area. If one of these people turned out to be a danger like Hermes feared they were all about to be in a lot of trouble. She glanced a little worried at the group of kids.

Mandy pulled the keys for her car out of her pocket and clutched them. If they needed to make a break for it she'd want those handy.

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 36 min ago

@Trainerblue192@Kirah[@Kuro] Hermes would hear the distinct growling sound coming from Finley just like Elio had been back at the school as he stumbled and shambled his way over towards the group. Mostly focused on Hermes as his next meal Isaac was pretty alarmed seeing the kid as he looked over at Kali, it was just like back at the restaurant. When Kali got his attention looking back at the injured man who didn't look so good either. "Yeah see if you can get whatever ice you can get." Isaac said remembering back at the restaurant and the advice from the doctor. Hannah quickly went over towards Mandy and started to check her for wounds there were a few talon marks but nothing to serious that would need stitches. "Are you okay?" Hannah signed to her.

Finley however was getting closer to Hermes and managed to tackle him to the ground and tried to take a bite out of him. Not really thinking Isaac quickly went to wrestle Finley off of Hermes and managed to take the infected kid to the ground. Isaac turned to look at Hermes as he did his best to hold him down. "Are you okay kid?" Isaac asked him they would be able to see an ambulance driving over and parking next to Mandy's car as they started to unload a gurney and approached. "What happened?" One of them asked as the other paused and stared at the zombie being held down by Isaac. "What the fuck?" He asked sounding really shocked never seeing someone look like that before.

Flynn Price

Location: Twin Seasons.
Skills: N/A

Flynn looked at the tire iron that he had there was a bit of blood and what looked like some bone on it as well he shook the gore off of it. He simply nodded at Verity as he quickly went over to the guest waiting room Gus managed to get the bitten woman on one of the chairs. He rushed over to grab a first aide kit from the wall that was close to the work floor and pulled out some gauss and started to approach the customer and applied them over the bite wound.

"Are you okay Gus?" Flynn asked as he looked over at his friend as he turned to look at him and shrugged slightly. "Fine as could be." Gus said he looked at the injured woman he was definitely not a medical expert whatever was going on it happened in his work place like back at the Twin Seasons. Verity would get a text from Trudy again as well as a video attached to her text message. "Trudy: People are really going crazy right now some of them are looting, if you still need a ride let me know." Trudy had texted, she would see in the video people were bashing in a few store fronts and grabbing whatever they could.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Waverley Watts

The ringing eventually went dead, replaced by Riley's voice signifying the answering machine. Waverley's lips curved into a frown as the tone sounded. "It's Waverley again - just...call me back. Or text me back. I need to know you're safe. Love you..." With a sigh, Waverley hung up, pausing for a second to check if she has any messages from Riley - or anyone else - before slipping it into her pocket. She sped up, once again at Kaitlyn.

"I don't actually know where I'm going, yet...My sister's not picking up. Not sure how much good going home would do. I guess I could go to the Veil - er, the bar I work at - and meet up with some friends of mine..." as soon as her phone was in her pocket, Waverley's eyes were on the sky, following the aircrafts up above. After a few moments, she pulled out her police scanner, bringing it to her ear. After some fiddling, she managed to tune into the radio waves, getting some of the locations the copters were heading towards. Not bad information to have...

"What about you, Kait - or do you prefer Kaitlyn?" Waverley interrupted her own presumption, before shaking her head, forcing herself back on track. "Any idea where you're headed?"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Location: New York City, Repair Shop
Skills: N/A

Verity followed Flynn, careful not to stare too long at the tire iron covered in blood and other materials. This had the makings of a really intense horror film, which left her feeling somewhat comforted, as she would most likely be the "Final Girl." Still, movies were different from real life.

Verity felt her phone vibrate and checked it to see a message from Trudy. She followed it up by watching videos of people going nuts and looting everything. It was almost funny how quickly people devolved into this survivalist behavior when something happened. A disease spreading made people sweep shelves rather than take what they would need to ensure other people had the stuff to survive.

Verity would have laughed at the chaos if it didn't feel like they maybe had the right idea.

Verity shot off a quick reply to Trudy. "I'm okay. Please get home and do not leave until this is over. Talk soon." She hoped she would get the chance to see Trudy again once this was all taken care of.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kali Nordstrom

Location: New York Streets, Outside Home
Skills: N/A

It seemed the woman was alright, albeit shaken. One of the teenagers went to check on the woman, and began to sign to her. Well, shit. Kali felt awful—she had no idea the woman had been deaf. Here she had been, all up in her face in worry without the woman being able to understand a single word Kali said. A part of Kali wished she had paid attention in school, barely remembering how to sign her own name from the short ASL course they had one day. Perhaps then she'd be able to apologize, and even on the chance she never saw the woman again, it'd at least be good to know later on if Kali ever ran into anyone else who had been deaf.

As the awkwardness died down, however, the scene suddenly broke into full-on panic. Another one of her neighbors, a teenager like the other two, had come seemingly out of nowhere, and tackled one of the kids to the ground. Staring in disbelief, the events at the restaurant replayed in Kali's thoughts as Isaac jumped to the teenager's aid in response, proceeding to wrestle the other off him.

People were going to get hurt—one of them very much already was by the wound on his shoulder. But what were they supposed to do? Restrain him? Good luck with that! It took two of her co-workers just to lock up the co-worker that attacked Jeff, and even then they had a giant freezer to lock him up in! Were they supposed to hogtie the teenager with their belts or something?

Biting her lip, Kali soon found her questions answered by the arrival of an ambulance. Unfortunately for her, however, they seemed just as lost as she had been. It was good to know that her tax dollars were being put to work in hiring "quality candidates" for the emergency services, Kali sarcastically thought as the man froze up before them.

"Snap out of it!" Kali yelled, turning to face the wide-eyed paramedic, "You're the professional here; do something!"
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mandy Mason

Location: New York Streets near car
Skills: N/A

Mandy let Hannah check out her face. She wasn't certain how deep any of the wounds were. They hurt, but not enough for her to worry too much. Though head wounds always bleed a lot. Mandy tapped her chest with her thumb, her fingers splayed, "Fine." There were bigger things to worry about.

"Hermes!" Mandy yelled as her cousin was attacked. Her voice thick and for anyone who didn't know they might think she had a strange accent. "Are you okay?" She asked, switching back to sign. Concern was written deeply on her face. She wanted to just get into her car and leave. There were Paramedics here, she hadn't seen what happened, did they have to stay? Outside? It was too risky. Her parents would worry if they were too much longer.
Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago


Jeff? Who the fuck was Jeff? The old man was hit by a car, not a sudden case of the Flu. ”Listen, I don't know this Jeff guy is but this man was hit by a car and bit by a homeless man. I don't think he's going to get a fever from either of those. I have 911 on the line and I'm following their instructions ok?” Hermes rolled his eyes, landing them into a side eye at Hannah as if to say ‘can you believe these guys?’ That's when he caught the birds, was everything just going crazy all of a sudden? Was this Bird Flu? Too late did he realize that the growling was coming from Finley and not some strange dog across the way. It was then he was tackled down to the ground, this time without a faithful hockey stick to hold the chomping mouth at bay.

Hermès’ phone slipped from his hand and scattered away on the pavement as he tried to hold Finley back. The newcomer immediately coming to his rescue and pulling Finley off of him right as the Paramedics arrived on the scene. ”I'm fine. I'm fine.” He responded, signing along with it as he watched the scene unfold before him. He made his way over and picked up his phone once more. ”Paramedics are here.” Then he hung up. He slid his phone into his pocket, wondering if he needed to arm himself or not. ”The call was for that old man over there. He was hit by a car and also suffers from a bite wound. Maybe you have a sedative or a tranquilizer to help Finley over there calm down?” He called out to the Paramedics.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 36 min ago

@Trainerblue192@Kirah@Carlyle "I wasn't talking to you kid." Isaac said as he continued to do his best to hold Finley down and making sure to keep his hands free from the crazed kid's mouth. The younger paramedic was shaken out of his daze as he looked at Kali and nodded slightly. "Right.." He said as he quickly dove into his bag and started to search for a sedative of some kind and managed to find one, he quickly looked at Isaac who was holding him down. "Keep him as still as possible." He said as he took the syringe and filled it before plunging it into the zombified kids skill. However the sedative looked like it wasn't taking any affect at all which was worrying as Isaac was doing his best to keep the kid held down.

The older paramedic approached Mandy and Hannah seeing that she was signing luckily he was able to sign back noting the cuts on her face. "Are you okay?" He asked her as he turned his attention towards the injured man while he started to check for vitals, they weren't looking very good as he started to get up againt to get the stretcher out. The older woman was still very worried and distraught as he looked at the infected kid. "The homeless guy looked just like that when he bit my husband!" She yelled as she quickly stood up and started to panic.

Flynn Price

Location: Car Shop.
Skills: N/A

"Alright you stay safe and please if you still need anything let me know." Trudy texted back to Verity as Flynn checked the person over they looked to be in pretty bad shape as he set the bloodied tire iron on the ground. Gus made his way over towards a locked cabinet and pulled out Verity's keys and tossed them over to her. "Here, free of charge you can get out of here if you want." He said to her as he gestured to Verity's car that was on the garage floor which looked like it was good as new.

Flynn didn't like the idea of her going out alone the things that were going on today were really messed up as he looked at his friend. "Shouldn't we call the cops or something?" He asked Gus as he looked at him as he tried to dial the number on his phone only to get that it wasn't working and that all of the lines were tied up now. "I don't think they aren't gettin here anytime soon." Gus said to Flynn as he nodded slightly he stared at the person who had been bit once again who looked like they were barely breathing now.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School
Skills: N/A

"Maybe your sister is with your friends or something?" Kaitlyn suggested as she leaned herself up against the kitchen counter as she started to think about what she would be able to do right now. "I honestly don't know right now." Kaitlyn answered her as she ran a hand through her hair as she looked at Waverly.

She admittedly didn't have many groceries in her apartment and it wouldn't last her to long if she did decide to stay in here and wait it out whatever this was that was going on right now. "Also Kait is fine if you want to go with that." She answered which she did normally go by either. "What about you other than meeting up with your friends" She asked Waverly.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Location: New York City, Repair Shop
Skills: N/A

Verity took her keys and debated if she wanted to leave or not. Given what just happened would it be in her best interest to go home? And a fun thought entered her head as to what she could use as a weapon in her own home. If people were acting as crazy as what was being shown on the news and literally attacking people, being alone may not be the best thing.

"I called the police back at the diner and it sounded like they have their hands full with everything. May be best to hunker down until it blows over." She didn't add the fear that this thing may not blow over but she pushed that thought deep down. "Do you mind if I stick around for a bit? Maybe once things settle it'll be easier to get home." She looked over to the customer that got attacked and they didn't seem to be doing well. Verity decided to give them a wide berth. She was attacked once, she didn't need to re-live it.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kali Nordstrom

Location: New York Streets, Outside Home
Skills: N/A

It seemed that her snapping woke the paramedic from his shock. Digging into his bag, he pulled out a syringe and attempted to sedate the crazy teenager who had now been fighting against Isaac rather than the kid he had originally tackled. Finally, perhaps some sense could be made out of the situation, if any at all.

"Jeff was bitten, just like him." Kali responded to the teenager, as the paramedic worked his magic. "He broke into a fever, and we were advised to keep it down the best we could. We might not be able to help the fact he had been hit by a car, but what we can do is help wherever we can. So, unless anyone here has a better idea, the two of us are going to keep helping."

Despite the brave talk Kali spoke of, however, it seemed the situation was not improving. The tranquilizer seemed to have little-to-no effect on the wounded teenager, who had still been fighting against Isaac. And, to make matters worse, her elderly neighbor began to panic, pointing out that the homeless man who had attacked her husband looked just like the teenager that Isaac had been holding down on the ground.

"Mrs. Grant," Kali spoke, approaching her neighbor. She placed her hands on her shoulders, hoping a familiar face could help calm her neighbor down. "Look at me. It's your neighbor, Kail. You remember me, don't you? Isaac has it under control—he won't hurt Marvin, or anyone else."

Yet, with how the situation was unravelling before their own eyes, Kali could only hope she was telling the truth.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 22 hrs ago


Wasn't talking to? Excuse the fuck out of me. Hermès couldn't believe what the man wrestling Finley was saying. As if the world revolved around his every word. News flash, it revolved around Hermès every word. After all he was a teenager, duh. ”Yeah, wasn't talking to you either. Ya pazzo. I was responding to my cousin and friend.” He watched as the Paramedic plunged a needle into Finley that he could only assume was the tranq he'd asked for moments before. ”How long till it takes effect?” It couldn't be instant right? It took some time to get in the system, that's why it wasn't working yet. Or at least he hoped.

”Keep it down? Like a fever? You docs got ice packs in that truck? Or maybe some garlic? My Nonna always gives me crushed garlic when I'm sick. Says it's good for me. Maybe a cold wet rag?” Hermès wasn't really sure what to do to help Finley. After all, all his family's remedies involved being at home. Resting, eating crushed garlic, teas made from a bunch of herbs, or a small glass of hot red wine. Nothing that he could replicate out here.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Waverley Watts

Location: School

"Maybe..." Waverley said as she followed Kait into her apartment, though she didn't sound entirely convinced. She lingered at Kait's window, peering wearily outside. She wasn't looking for anything in particular; if she was being honest, it just felt better to have a lookout, out of habit if nothing else. She wasn't exactly a crime boss, but she still sometimes worried her transmissive transgressions might end with the cops pounding her door down. Keeping an eye on the streets below usually soothed the anxiety that gnawed away at her gut. "She never met any of them, but she knew the name of the bar we all worked at. If she were to go looking for me there...they'd take care of her."

"Once I make sure Riley is safe...I dunno. Try to skip town, maybe?" Waverley let out a sigh, turning her gaze away from the window towards Kait. She eyed the woman's hands, trying to decipher what it was she led them back to her apartment to get. "We don't really have a lot of extended family that we know of, and my mom is a cop - so either she'll make it out on her own, or..." Waverley flinched a little at how uncaring she'd sounded talking about her mother's fate. She wasn't close with the woman, but some part of her still prayed for the woman. For Riley's sake. "What about you? Got any family you can stay with outside the city while...whatever this is is handled?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mandy Mason

Location: New York Streets near car
Skills: N/A

Mandy couldn't follow what was happening. A guy had tackled the teen that had attacked Hermes. Mouths were opened wide, which made lip reading harder. Mandy hated it when hearing people try too hard to get her to hear them or lip-read. That wasn't how it worked. The old woman was pointing at the teen. Even Mandy could hear some of what she said. Was she saying that the kid was who had bitten her husband? She said he looked like him right?

One of the paramedics signed. That caused some of the tension in her stomach to loosen. She nodded. "Yes, it was just a bird." She explained. Unless this was a bird flu pandemic that had gotten very out of hand Mandy was not concerned. The wounds on her face would be easy enough to clean later. She just had to get home. That seemed less likely as the minutes ticked by and they got involved in stuff. How had they gotten wrapped up in all of this anyway?

"What is happening?" Hermes was freaking out. His brows were furrowed. He was tense and looking at the kid on the ground that the paramedics had injected with something. Mandy's medical assumption was it was a sedative. She was no EMT, and couldn't care for humans. Animals were easier. They didn't try to talk to her when her back was turned.

With Hermes distracted he couldn't keep her in the loop of what was happening and Hannah didn't have the experience. She wasn't used to family dinners where people talked over each other and Hermes would give her a running commentary. That first family holiday years ago popped into her mind.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 36 min ago

@Trainerblue192@Kirah@Carlyle The paramedic nodded as he did a once over Mandy's face just to make sure that it didn't need any stitches or anything like that. "You'll be fine just keep them cleaned." He said as he quickly turned to look at the infected kid still thrashing under Isaac's grip. "He was given a sedative." The same paramedic signed back to Mandy telling her what was happening, which didn't seem to be taking any effect he quickly got onto the radio to call in some police backup. The other paramedic turned to look at Hermes and nodded. "Theres some ice packs in the ambulance but nothing else. And they should have taken effect by now." They explained as he started to get worried that it wasnt taking any effect yet.

Gladys turned to face Kali and nodded she remembered her neighbor. "Yes I remember." She said, as she could hear some more police sirens as a car came over to them, one of the cops quickly sees Finley on the ground still thrashing on the ground. "The kid needs to be secured." The paramedic said, one of them thought it was Hermes for a second when his partner tapped him and went to quickly secure Finley luckily Finley didn't bite Isaac or anyone else yet as the handcuffs were secured. They took him over to the nearby car still thrashing and trying to bite at the one officer. "What happened here?" The other officer asked as the paramedics now went to secure Marvin getting him into the ambulance.

Flynn Price

Location: Car Shop.
Skills: N/A

"If you want to lady, theres a vending machine there if you need any snacks. Though I don't think that they aint gonna last long though if you plan on staying here for awhile." He warned he wasn't sure how long it'll take for things to settle down. Gus went back to tending to the injured customer as he made sure that they were doing okay they seemed to be out of it right now as he checked for a fever they started to feel a little bit warm to him. Flynn didn't really like the idea of having to stay here for awhile.

He made his way over towards the vending machine and put some money into the machine and ordered two cokes, once they dropped down Flynn tossed the bottle of coke over to Verity. "What do you think of all this?" He asked as he watched Gus going over to the window overlooking the rest of the shop and closed the blinds so that they didn't have to see the body.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School
Skills: N/A

"Yeah was thinking of skipping town myself." Kaitlyn said as she grabbed a bottle of water she had in her fridge and cracked it open taking a sip of it as she looked over towards the window that overlooked the street below. Her apartment wasn't the highest really and couldn't see the sky all that well unless you really looked up which was hard. "I have some family that live out of state." She answered Waverly as she leaned back up against the wall.

"So we go to the bar meet your friends there if they are anyway and maybe your sister is there?" Kaitlyn asked as she grabbed her apartment keys as well as anything she had in her pantry that could last awhile and some canned food she kept stored. "We can head out whenever you want to." Kaitlyn said as she grabbed her pack stuffing the food she had there and made her way into her bedroom packing up some clothes filling it with a second bag.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Location: New York City, Repair Shop
Skills: N/A

Verity didn't want to stay but there was little choice. Either this would all blow over quickly once the authoirities got control and she can make it back home or this was going to last a little bit longer and she would prefer to be around others, especially capable ones, than on her own.

Verity made her way over to the vending machine along with Flynn, who ordered two cokes and gave one to her. She took it and cracked it open, sipping it while Flynn asked her about how she felt. Verity took a look out the window, seeing the body before the blinds closed. "I've seen dead people before. You know, funerals, visits to the hospital, all that. It's different when you cause it, inadvertantly or not." She knew it was defense, us vs. them, but it didn't make it easier. "You ever watch a movie, like a horror movie or disaster movie, and part of you thinks 'that'll never happen? There's no way', but another part of you is hyper-aware that there's potential there? That's where I am at currently."

Verity took a seat and took a deep breath in. She was calmer now, at least. "Thanks again for the help back there. Sorry I was such a bitch to you earlier."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mandy Mason

Location: New York Streets near car
Skills: N/A

Mandy nodded appreciatively as the Paramedic explained. She had been thinking right. But it didn't seem to be working. She did some quick mental math and compared a big dog to the kid and he should have been asleep by then. He wasn't though. A cop got the kid into his cruiser, Mandy felt relieved at that.

"Hermes, we should go home." Her phone hadn't gone off in a bit. Her dad hadn't texted her in what felt like a long time. She took a few steps back towards the car waiting for Hermes to join her. With what was happening she just wanted to be home around her parents and in a building she knew. They had dropped Hannah off. A paramedic was there for the old man. The kid was in the cruiser. They could go, everything was going to be alright.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Carlyle
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Kali Nordstrom

Location: New York Streets, Outside Home
Skills: N/A

"That's good, Gladys," Kali replied to her neighbor. She then motioned towards the curbside for Gladys to sit down, helping her if she needed the assistance due to her age. "Why don't you take a seat for now? The police are here. I'll talk to them; just take some deep breaths for me, okay?"

She hoped she could calm Gladys' nerves, Of course, Kali knew it was nigh impossible—her husband was just attacked and they had been in a car accident. At the same time, however, it didn't take a genius to realize that her panic cries were not helping the situation, especially now that the cops were here. The kid, now restrained with handcuffs, was still actively trying to attack people as the officers led him to their cruiser. As much as Kali felt empathy for her neighbor, she didn't want her wailing to distract the officers.

After all, she had seen how Isaac struggled against her coworker. It took two men to subdue one. Whatever sickness these people had, they fought like rabid animals. Isaac was lucky he could hold the teenager down by himself this time, but chance was still up in the air.

"Are you alright?"" She asked Isaac, before turning her attention to one of the officers she planned to talk to. "My neighbors—her husband had been attacked by a homeless individual who bit him on the hand. They must've been on their way home, I think, to treat the injury when a car sped past and hit him."

Kali glanced at Gladys and then again to the officer. "You can ask her, but she's a bit.... shaken, seeing the kid over there. She says the man who attacked her husband acted just like him."
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Framing A Moose
Avatar of Framing A Moose

Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

Member Seen 3 days ago

Waverley Watts

Location: School
Skills: Radio Knowledge

Waverley nodded along to Kaitlyn's reiteration of their plan. She wondered if Kaitlyn had anyone of her own she needed to make contact with in the city; probably not, considering she was willing to help her, a near complete stranger, get back to her merry band of misfits. As it became clear that Kait was ready to go, Waverley stepped away from the window, instead making her way towards the door. She held it open for Kait, letting her take the lead guiding them to her car.

"Sounds like a plan. My friends, they're great if you don't mind counter-culture types," Waverley gave Kait an analytical once over, trying to determine just how outside of her comfort zone Beyond the Veil and its people might be for the TA. She seemed alright, if a little preppy. She was altruistic, which was generally enough to satisfy her pack of punks. As they stepped out of the apartment, a though came to Waverley's mind. She adjusted, maneuvering her police scanner out once more, flicking it on. She gave it a listen for a minute or so, before giving a satisfied nod.

"Not getting any reports on major traffic accidents, so getting there shouldn't be too complicated."
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