The familiar sound of rubber pelting against someone resounded from behind Hermès. If it wasn't for the fact that they were outside and in front of an injured old man, then he would've sworn he was back in gym class playing dodgeball. He turned to follow the sound and found himself face to face with a short, attractive, red head that seemed to be around his age. Though the way she spoke to those kids he could've sworn she was another senior citizen telling the younglings to get off their lawn. The weak ball toss adding to the image of an older graying ginger instead of the youthful one standing behind them all. Standing beside her was a man that seemed a bit too old to be with her, so Hermes decided they were more than likely coworkers of some kind.
”Hey, you two pulled up at a bad time. Got an injured civilian here and are awaiting paramedics. We've been instructed to stay clear for now and give him some air and room for when they arrive.” Hermes relayed to the two new faces. Ten minutes felt like an eternity, but it was a hell of a lot sooner than anything else he supposed. He kept the phone up to his ear, staying on the line as he was about to turn back around when he noticed Finley walking up towards them. The wound obvious even from this distance. ”Fin you ok?” He signed towards his friend as he began to speak on the line once more. ”There's another injured, from this distance i can see a nasty wound on his shoulder, potentially a bite.”