Avatar of Frozen0Titan


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I'll make my post soon, Sunday at the latest.
I figure I'll give it another day. If there's no response from Frozen0Titan by then I'll have Thessir continue on his way.

I was of the mind that you would post first. IF you're waiting on me then I'll make a post soon, but you don't have to wait on me.
--- Warehouse ---

Tibrus was glad he took the small concoction when he did, else he'd never hope of dodging the blade as he did. While ducking to the ground Tibrus burst forward, shoulder-tackling the thug with surprising force and speed. The orange arcs that jumped about Tibrus' body now latched onto the thug, who would find that his movements slowed. It wasn't a full paralysis but the man would be fighting at a disadvantage now.

Using that speed the Architect pulled back out of the swords reach to see what this thug would do.

--- Practice Halls ---
Kazudain had watched impassively as things progressed. He found the boy's ability quite fascinating, though he did note something particular about the boy's shift.

'Hmm, it doesn't cover everything. So the technique isn't fully mastered perhaps yet? File for later.' Watching still as he gathered the power internally. Maldur for his part was greatly annoyed by his unwelcome passenger. After the failed attempt of using his masters lightning against him, the cat beast made to freeze the runt but said runt dove into his shadow with a surprising swiftness. Turning quickly Maldur caught the boy's scent as it reappeared, right under his master cloak.

It's master was stupid sometimes. Maldur knew if it had the capacity to he would groan at some of the things the man had done during their long history together. Getting caught by this young cub of a boy wasn't stupid; a bit surprising yes but not stupid. The boy was quite crafty, the master was correct in saying they had to fight a bit more unorthodox to win.

Which is what its master did, which is what Maldur believed was stupid. It just miffed the cat-beast that letting yourself get stabbed worked for his master.

As one trains in the use of lightning magics they find that as a side effect their own thoughts and reactions tend become naturally faster as they try to control the chaotic energies. As a master with centuries of experience and training in the element, Kazudain's reaction time gave new meaning to the term swift. Being in a meditative state did slow him in some ways but there were always a means to bring oneself back to the forefront of awareness and respond. Pain being a chief means of such and it wouldn't be the first time the man used it.

As the blades pierced his flesh Kazudain was instantly out of the trance, grinning as his own makeshift trap was sprung. Before the blades could touch his lungs, a truly massive current of lightning burst from the man, stunning those watching by both light and sound. It covered Kazudain and flowed through him, burning the poison from his blood stream with easy direction. At the same time it would flow through the boy's dark imbued limbs that stretched from the shadow of the man's cloak and covered his legs. It would also flow through the blades currently nicking his sides. The heat from the blades would no doubt cauterize the wounds giving Kazudain some time before they needed to be healed.

Unlike the earlier bolt, this constant current was flowing in an amount by several orders of magnitude. If the small bolt only made the dark ooze merely bubble, this constant flow would prove far more devastating.

With the poison now burned away, Kazudain was free to move as he wished. With a crack of thunder the man appeared on the other side of the hall from his starting position. While the ooze that clung to his legs would probably remain, the limbs that stabbed him wouldn't be so lucky.

While it seemed that a few minutes had passed, the entire exchange from the boy's appearance from Kazudain's shadow to that man's movement across the room had taken only 4 seconds.

If he was right and the boy's limbs did stretch out if not disconnect entirely from the sudden movement, Maldur would freeze them solid in blocks of ice after letting out a bellowing roar to unsettle the boy further.
@A Lowly Wretch - You're right. My bad, gotten rid of the post.
Waiting for deletion
--- Practice Halls ---

Feeling both the nick and the warm numbness spreading through his leg, Kazudain merely looked back as the blade disappeared into shadows once more. Turning back to Thessir, the man's grin looked somewhat feral. Without a prompt Maldur growled low, eyes aglow as a ring of ice appeared on Kazudain's leg, binding tightly to the limb as a tourniquet. Kazudain knew it wouldn't stop the poison's spread but it would slow it down a margin.

"It's rare to see one so young have hold of poisons so potent. A black market purchase no doubt." His grin seemed to get wider as he held the wounded leg up. "It seems we must fight a bit more... unorthodox Maldur." He knew a few blessings that would help but it was a race against the clock as this one needed a little time to build.

Slamming his paw on the ground Maldur made his irritation known by summoning a vast sheet of ice upon the ground, stretching to both sides of the hall. With a roar that shook the hall Maldur was encased in gleaming ice armour. Brushing against his Master, Thessir wouldn't see the spark that passed between the two.

With nary a warning Maldur crossed the distance to Thessir faster than would be anticipated. Attacking from the side Maldur swiped with a large paw, claws outstretched. If Thessir didn't dodge he'd be in for a world of hurt. If he did, he still have little time to react to the mace of ice that encased the end of the tiger's tail. If that one slammed home, Thessir would be knocked flat. And if he dodged that, he'd likely get struck by the beam of lightning coming from the wounded master. All the while ice would sprout where Maldur stepped, growing outward to make uneven ground.

Maldur had a odd love to children, even those Thessir's age no matter the race. But the cat-beast could smell the potency of the poison used and that made all bets off. There were other reasons why this angered Maldur but for now he focused on the young boy before him. Thessir would find that the cat-beast wouldn't give him a moments peace, moving with a swiftness that seemed impossible for it's size.

Kazudain concentrated, in a somewhat meditative state as he breathed slowly. The smile was gone, all his focus was on keeping his heart rate slowed and gathering the power needed. It was somewhat like his debuff blessing but this version was a little more, let's say, self harming in ways. While he would still need a potion brewed to remove the effects of the poison, what Kazudain was about to do would rid him of the poison already in his system.

--- Warehouse ---

Quickly taking out a flask from his pocket, Tibrus thought for a moment on how it came to this before taking drinking it all. Orange sparks soon danced across his form. He looked to Enishi and spoke softly through the charm Faye gave them.

"We'll have to hold that idea for now. You handle the larger one, he's definitely more skilled. We'll join you once we subdue the thug. Miss Faye,-" He cast her a quick glance, still whispering through the charm. "Knock-out and sleeping charms if possible, or if you have a better idea I'll differ. I can hold the thug off for a bit to give you time but this brew won't last very long."
--- Practice Halls ---

Walking back into the practice halls Kazudain felt that yesterday's odd meeting could have gone better. On the one hand Maldur should have waited to see what was going on and on the other he should have stopped Maldur from doing what he wished as he knew he could stop Maldur, but didn't.

Oh well. They would meet that boy again no doubt. He did agree with Vuldur, about the boy needing a lesson of sorts. What that lesson was he wasn't entirely sure, but he had a feeling it dealt with not jumping to conclusions... Until he spoke with the Northern Beastkin again he wouldn't jump to any conclusions himself.

At the moment he and Maldur had entered the halls for their next bout. This time it seemed they would fight an actual student of the Academy. Let's see how they do.

"To a good match young man." Drawing his sword he kept it at his side, ready to move when needed. Maldur remained silent, eyes on the student Thessir while his body coiled, waiting and ready.

--- Warehouse ---

His body may not have been as spry as either Faye's or Enishi's, but he was able to keep pace and not hunch over for breath. Gazing through the window Tibrus took a quick glance around, taking note of the chemistry stations and the protective gear worn by the workers.

"Must be something dangerous in those boxes to wear such gear. Or something they don't want contaminated." He spoke with only a whisper, loud enough for only his companions to hear. There were many chemicals that needed such precautions, for such an amount to be here and he didn't know about it... He slid back down to the ground with a crouch, motioning for the pair to follow. He motioned to Enishi.

"Now would be a good time for those familiars lad." He pointed upwards with both a finger and chin. "There are plenty of rafters and supports to let a bird fly about and give a different perspective over those large crates. And if you can handle more than one at a time, a bird can keep an eye on a rat as it scurries from the ground or climbs the crates." He turned to Faye next.

"With both carrying your seals we can move to another spot around for another viewpoint." The whole time he spoke low. While it didn't feel right doing this, this whole situation didn't feel right.
@AzureKnight @PaulHaynek @Pyromaniacwolf @Polaris North

--- Northern Parts (Afternoon) ---

Disappointed but far from insulted, Kazudain had bid the General a respectful farewell before the pair departed from the Practice Halls themselves. Walking around the Northern parts of the Kingdom the pair sauntered with a casual pace. Some, mostly children, pointed towards Maldur before going on their way. The rest merely went about their business, passing by Kazudain and Maldur with wary a thought. That changed when the pair heard a commotion further up the road.

Curious, the pair investigated only to find a young boy facing an older Wolf Beastkin in apparent anger.

"Well, this is certainly interesting, isn't it Mal-" Turning to the cat beast, Kazudain found only an empty spot. Looking back he saw Maldur approaching the boy from the side as he declared a challenge upon the Beastkin.

Kazudain shook his head ruefully. "What am I going to do with him." He swiftly followed.

Maldur meanwhile without preamble waltzed right up to the boy and nudged him in the arm with his nose, groaning a greeting. The nudge was soft enough not to knock the boy over but it would certainly surprise him considering his current state of mind. Turning to find a very large feline beast that could stand just under your chin would also be a very surprising thing indeed.

Kazudain would come up to Vuldur's side, shaking his head at his companion. "What am I going to with you Maldur. Forgive him, loyal companion he is, the cat beast still does what he wants." Upon turning to face Vuldur, Kazudain perked up a little.

"You're from one of the Northern tribes are you not? I've not seen many venture this far south in a long time." He caught himself with huff. "Forgive me, I forget my manners. I am Kazudain, and my large companion there-" He gestured to the large cat-beast. "-is Maldur. What be your name good sir?"

--- Warehouse (that night)---

The afternoon following the meeting had gone by rapidly without much note. Tibrus gathered the various supplies for Faye and grabbed extra in case they were needed. The walk itself to the Warehouse was silent, but comfortably so. The street they walked was well lit though not many others ventured this road so late. He turned to Enishi when addressed.

"I'll both show and tell you." He jerked his head to the side. "Follow me." Tibrus led the pair down a slightly thinner side street, cutting into a pair of alleyways before coming to an open space with a large tree. Fireflies danced about in the air around the tree. Its branches doing nothing to block the moonlight from shining upon a set of seats where the Architect soon sat. He gestured for the others to follow suit. He then pointed to a small passage way behind the tree.

"That path there will go straight to the right side of the warehouse." His voice was softer now, if only a little.

"For your question boy there are a few, but there is one thing to be done first." He looked to the pair equally. His voice became even softer.

"We need to be hidden, any sound dampening or muting wards as well as attention misdirection wards will do. Even better if it can work in relation to being within distance of this tree as the area of effect. Here-" He pulled out a small bag, filled with multiple pieces of cloth, stone and metal, all the size as requested by Faye. "-Here are more materials to weave your craft."
wrong post, sorry.

You haven't posted for the Athos conversation yet.

Done and done.
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