Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@Beloss: Once people are down at B7f, where they were told to go after they ate. =3=;;

@GreenGoat: You could move Scathach and Victoria down? That duo's ready to go, after all.
With Tyaethe's confirmation reaffirming Tiral's earlier wariness, the ice mage slowly lowered his dagger as the rest of the knights kept from trying to stab or slash at anyone else.
Well, save for maybe one or two, but the higher-ups could deal with them later if necessary. With the problem resolved (for the most part), Tiral sheathed his dagger and walked out of his circle, glaring daggers at the elf who was clearly speaking as if she wasn't the cause of all of their problems.

That, of course, was about as blatant as a lie as they got. Though he hadn't been close enough to the vanguard to see the man who was killed first, he had been able to get a view of a few arrows being shot; that, coupled with the earlier arrogant dialogue, spoke much more than any simple words needed to.


Why did the Roses let someone like her in again?

With a sigh, the mage patted his mount on the head and motioned for it to remain in place as he walked over to the fort, the stench of decaying corpses and days-old blood assaulting his nostrils. The smell of death was never pleasant, after all, but it was bearable if he could get a better view on the situation. Ignoring the one attempting to speak with the rat, Tiral stepped through the doorway, instinctively cringing as the smell got worse. The sight of the dead made him give momentary pause, and with a solitary wish for their souls to find solace and a rhetorical apology for his investigation, he moved to work.

Granted, there wasn't much to investigate in the first place; with a scenario like this, the fact that the ordeal was premeditated was as obvious as the sky was blue. Eve so, it didn't stop him from trying to find any trace at all of the plan in the first place. The culprits could just as easily have memorized the plan, to be fair, but it never hurt to check.

After a few minutes of looking around, Tiral sighed and shook his head in defeat. Nothing of note after all, then. But something like this... It felt too strange for a simple group of enemies to execute without good reason. There was definitely something else afoot, even if the enemies at hand were dealt with.

Sighing, the mage turned to leave the fort when a small slip of paper caught his eye. It was only visible to him now because his eyes had become somewhat accustomed to the relative darkness for the short while he had spent there, but the outline thereof was faintly visible against the bloodstained ground upon which it laid. Carefully picking it up, Tiral grimaced when he noticed a rather large bloodstain on the paper; it was fresh, too, which meant... Well, nothing good, obviously, but given that it was probably from one of the recently dispatched enemies he couldn't help but check it out, at the very least.

Taking the piece of paper carefully in hand, Tiral walked out of the fort and took a deep breath of the air outside. Even if there were also dead bodies and blood here, at least it wasn't stale and musty like it was there. With that in mind, Tiral slowly opened up the folded piece of paper and made out as much as he could. The bloodstain made most of the words indecipherable, but what remained was probably notable enough to report.

"Captain!" he called out, lifting his eyes off the paper to turn to his superior as he walked over. "You may wish to take a look at this. You and everyone else, actually."

Displaying the paper as one would a public declaration, Tiral stood by as whoever wanted to read the paper did so.

"Move the 'blank' ahead of schedule. Time is of the essence," he said out loud, closing his eyes to trying and figure out what that meant. "...Were there any major items passing through here recently, or was this just an incident to cover up something more malicious...?"
Well, finals are all over and done with (and have been for a few days now), so freedom!

@ADamnFiddle, I think @KoL is still waiting to be aware of your existence. Do you still exist?
I guess I should also ping @ShadowKingman and @GreenGoat while I'm at it.
I'm planning to move once KoL does, probs.

And yes, GO is eating up my attention like nothing else. Merlin's coming on the 22nd! \o/

Also, my last final is tomorrow, which is a more legitimate reason as to why I haven't done anything recently.
I have a programming final looming over me that's due Friday and a single exam on Monday. Then FREEDOM.

Speaking of which, I REAAAAALLLLYYY want to get to the next arcs. There are quite a few in the backburner, and hoo boy am I hyped to set them into motion.

Yes, arcs. I'm splitting the teams up. Remember when I mentioned specific Servants go specific places? Yeah.
I mean, they'd prob choose them anyways post-debriefing, but not always.
Though still quite wary of the entire situation, Tiral pulled back on the reins of his horse as the rest of the Roses came to a halt. Though he, just as the rest of his colleagues, had seen what had just transpired, the ice mage had never been one for hotheaded action. So when the Captain drew her sword, Tiral sighed and backed up his horse a bit. If they were lucky, the situation could be defused in short order. They had the numbers, after all, and it wasn't as if anyone would be stupid enough to try and provoke unnecessary conflict.

Until someone did, of course. Always. Something ALWAYS had to make things worse. Luckily, the few arrows fired only seemed to irritate the person in front of them (he had to give her props to nullifying that mess), but the real kicker came when Gillian, smart as he was, decided that exacerbating the situation was the best possible option.

"I swear, if we get out of this mess and find that you two caused some of our colleagues to die, I'm going to freeze your heads in ice for everyone to see..." he cursed under his breath as he dismounted and sized up the situation. It looked as if everyone was fighting, and he'd be damned if he didn't try to stop it now.

Hm. Maybe not their heads, but if things stayed as they were, then they'd certainly sustain some unnecessary losses. Glancing around to make sure nobody on either side was focusing on him (they were mostly focused on the "threat" in front of them, it seemed), Tiral pulled out his dagger and began to chants, slowly creating a magical circle under his feet that began to grow intricately complex the longer he continued. If he announced his intentions now, then surely someone would try to stop him mid-process. Couldn't have that.

It took a while longer than he'd have liked, but by the time he was done, the fighting seemed to show no signs of stopping. Damn.

"Alright! If every one of you fools doesn't calm down and drop the fighting right now, I'm going to turn this place into a world of ice and stopping you myself! That goes for you too, knights! Stand down or I make ALL of you stand down!" he shouted, glaring at anyone still fighting nearby.

It was a threat, yes, and he was indirectly targeting his superiors (which he honestly had no intention of doing from the start), but he'd take a reprimand if it meant not getting wrapped up in a mess and possibly getting more information about the situation at hand.

He could totally back up the claim, though. It'd make him almost pass out, more likely than not, but he could definitely seal everyone in ice for a while and make them cool off a bit.

No pun intended.
/Grand Order is a really divisive game, but there are no character designs that make you want to strangle the devs in Fuyuki.
They do exist, though. I absolutely HATE LArturia and Orion, for example. Oh, and Boudicca too. :I

Mashu's design gets better as she armors up, tbh. Ritsuka's isn't anything notable, but iirc the two /GO protag designs were based off of r63 Rin and Shirou. So yeah.
Wow, your hate for Grand Order knows no bounds, huh?

Fuyuki as an arc was more a setup than anything, but I'm interested in seeing how they play one particular scene out. Not naming any for spoiler reasons, but yeah.

Reaaally wanna see Camelot and Babylonia animated now, though.
Given the grandiose way in which the messenger had arrived, Tiral had been on his guard ever since the Knights set forth to check out the Fort. If the last two excursions they had set out were any indication, what was waiting for them at their destination was certainly not going to be very welcoming.

Granted, the one who had delivered the message had been riddled with wounds, so it wasn't anywhere near as subtle this time around, but that didn't stop the mage from worrying in the first place. At this point, he considered using the clairvoyance spell he had been messing around with the past few days or so after it was discovered that the lightning wards were a bust for the moment, but trying to set that up on a horse was a level of inefficient that he wouldn't even try such a thing without a lot more experimentation.

That wasn't something he had the time for right now.

The vanguard seemed to have things under control, luckily enough, so Tiral was free to simply ride along, unhindered by any worry the rest of them might have. Thankfully, he wasn't in any sort of position of authority, so this time he was free to just prepare countermeasures for any incidents that came up. No worrying about tactics or anything; just simple measures and countermeasures for what might be a giant mess waiting for them.

He didn't have much faith in the people remaining in the fort, assuming that any were left.
Kumozaki Keisuke

"Huh. I didn't expect this mess to devolve as fast as it did, to be honest. Two broken tables and at least one of them flipped was the minimum I was expecting," Keisuke responded to Atalanta, glancing offhandedly at the Berserker who was fuming in rage before sighing and shaking his head. "Maybe we'll find more reliable allies when the time comes. In regards to your question, though... I don't believe were were told anything more than 'meet on the bottom floor'. I assume that once everyone has arrived, though, the Wizard Marshal will debrief us all at once. I would assume the lack of concrete information about whatever incidents are at hand is just magi being secretive, as always, though, so I'm sorry to say that I have as much a clue as you do as to what we shall be hunting."

With that said, Keisuke silently dropped off his now-empty tray of food off at the collection area before slipping out of the room, trying his best to not gain any unwarranted attention. Trial by fire it was, then. Though he himself hadn't made any attempt at interacting with the other Masters, the mission ahead would probably tell him what he needed to know about them.

For the moment, at least. Walking over to the nearest elevator, Keisuke pressed the button and waited for the doors to open. Probably wouldn't take too long, assuming that the people working on the other levels weren't jumping up and down with them right now trying to prepare everything.


Sakata Kintoki

Kintoki's wide grin very quickly became a slight frown as Sinfjotli accused him of cheating. That was... Not golden at all, man. How could a GOLDEN guy like him cheat in the first place, anyhow? It wasn't like him.
Poisoning sake didn't count. People's lives were at stake there, y'know!

"Oi, oi, calm down there--" he began to say before being cut off by both his Master and his opponent's Master intervening in the current situation. He appreciated the help, and though the other Master's remarks about not knowing if he was cheating or not stung a bit, he was at least thankful that it wouldn't lead to any more angry shouting. He was a tad disappointed about the catgirl Servant leaving, but if he was in her place, he'd probably have done the same.
Well, either that or he'd have intervened more. Quite frankly, Kintoki wasn't entirely sure if it'd have caused more problems than it would've solved, but that was probably something he wouldn't have to worry about.


That train of thought lasted all of five seconds before a new Servant asked to try his strength against him. Kintoki was about to accept before he realized that his Master had decimated the table in front of him (he had been too focused to her somewhat familiar rage to notice in the first place). Shrugging his shoulders, Kintoki reached over and dragged another empty table over in front of himself before propping his arm up on the table.

"Let's go."

@Beloss@ShadowKingman@Raineh Daze@Flamelord
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