Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@jynmi88: Both.

In any case, people = OoC now! :D
@Blight Bug: Just to say, I'm going to be flipping Decisive on Heisei next post. Do you mind or not?


Also, I guess we should probably figure out the winner of the Duel since next turn will likely decide things. I kinda want Ayami to win just because bricks are dangerous and karma is a bitch, but in the end it's your choice, I guess.
Lookin' forward to it, friend.

Looking for maybe one or two more people before move this to an OoC?
Okay, edit's in. No swinging at face and no premonition about topdecking Hira. =w=;;
@Blight Bug: Wait, which zombie wa-

Wait. Isn't that OPT only on your turn?

Edit: Oh nvm mb. I read it as an OPT and was like derp. Well, in that scenario, just assume I cancel the attack the second round and just tribute. I'll edit it in later, so just assume as such when you post, aight?
@KOgaming: So no premonition of drawing into it? Aw.

I thought it'd work just as well if she topdecked it. :<
"And you, my crazed opponent, have about as much sanity as a regular in an asylum," Ayami thought to herself as her opponent went on a bit of a tirade. The word 'ritual' had many meanings, regardless of the primarily religious undertones, and so the young woman simply stared in silence as the field slowly got more chaotic.

While she had expected a Ritual Summon given how he had been spouting off before, she did not expect the Synchro Summon soon thereafter. This was the first Tuner played this game, after all...

"A hit and run--kind of crude, don't you think?" she quipped as she drew the card from the top of her Deck.

This... She could work with this. The card was practically begging to be played now, and she had no intention of stopping it.

"My turn. Because I control no Monsters, I activate the effect of Nekroz Cycle; by banishing it and one Nekroz Monster--in this case, Nekroz of Unicore--I can add one Nekroz Spell to my hand. That will be Nekroz Mirror. Next, I activate Brionac's effect and discard it to add Nekroz of Valkyrus to my hand," she began to say, slowly moving the cards around before staring straight at the biker's helmet.

"Logic and faith are simply two sides of the same coin--to explain what cannot be explained, see what cannot be seen, hear what cannot be heard. I believe in no gods, only men--these people who have harnessed that strength to become their own. Let us see which is the strongest."

With that said, Ayami activated Nekroz Mirror, a small smirk faintly passing over her face as she continued on.

"I activate Nekroz Mirror and banish Shurit from the Graveyard to summon Nekroz of Valkyrus, then Normal Summon Hira, Light of the Nekroz. Her ability is to increase the attack of all Nekroz monsters on the field by 200," she said, playing the cards on the field and watching them step forth onto the ground. The latter seemed to be a young girl, slightly younger than Shurit, with white and red hair that reached down to her shoulders. In her hands, she held a staff with the Nekroz symbol emblazoned on it, certifying her heritage to any viewer.

"Battle Phase. Valkyrus, attack Heisei," Ayami declared, pointing forward as the old sorcerer pointed his staff likewise at the monster in front of itself. Hira, off to the side, pointed hers to Valkyrus as if giving him her energy. It took a moment, but soon a large barrage of magical bolts emerged from both, the former's piercing through the Dokurorider's body and bike and the latter's small few following alongside them.

"Main Phase 2. I activate Nekroz of Valkyrus' effect and tribute Hira to draw one card and end my turn."
@Blight Bug: I think the biggest reason is that it's last man standing rather than highest W/L ratio. The former incentivizes you to wait for the crowd to thin before picking out the stragglers. The latter makes you wanna rack up wins ASAP or die trying.

Anyways... Given how you have 0 cards in hand, I assume your turn's over when you run Trish over?

Also, I am now obligated to draw into my Legacy. rip lol
@jynmi88: As said in the OP, just stay closer to the humanoid end of the spectrum. Also the not-dead side of things, if possible.

So... Not really?
@Nariata: Mostly lighthearted shounen-esque with occasional bouts of seriousness.

So fairly anime-esque, yes.
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