Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@Sync: Let's see...

1. Whoa, 10m range is big. *Big*. Dial it back a bit, esp for a char at 40. Also, elemental bomber without invoking elements feels weird.
2. Sleight, not Sleigh (assuming it's a typo, nbd).

I think once the FORMER is fixed you're good to go. Latter I would like fixed because I'm a bit nitpicky.
@Rin: Accepted.
@Sync: Yes, still open.
@Experiment 249: Seems fine now. Accepted.

@ERode: I guess they're fine for now? It's really hard to judge this without seeing it in action. I'll say if there's anything that oversteps bounds, but else? Accepted.
Either or is fine.
@Experiment 249
-cracks knuckles-
Okay, stuff handled, let's check this out.

1. Abilities are definitely scaled way too high for what the char's level is. The gear seems like an endgame set, not a midgame set. This, I am sure of. Too many bonuses. All of these bonuses.

What the heck, nerf that. I'd slap the dev who came up with this if they proposed this as any sense of 'balanced'.

2. First paragraph of Backstory section. Wrong game buddy-o.

3. Looping back to abilities (under the assumption that we handle literally everything gear related because seriously what the heck), well...
Eladrin seems like it's got too much going for it. Remove.
Fey Step remove.
Dancer's Fog is okay assuming the character doesn't suddenly have a max HP buff since it's a HoT and not burst heal. I'm also working under the assumption that because it's fog, it lowers visibility as a tradeoff?
Dryad is fine.
Fairy Swarm is fine.
Mirror Image is fine.

4. XP as compared to combat experience? Because in an RPG of any sort, you'll get EXP to get levels. I think that should be clarified.

5. Size is fine, you can shrink more if you want. Just don't be unreasonable.

That's all for now. I think. I'll let you know more if you change more.

With the healer's response in mind, Deneb took a moment to quietly evaluate their options. Neither of them had footwear nor equipment that was suitable for traversing the hilly terrain that they were planning to explore, and as far as she knew there were no readily-available buffs for dealing with things as petty as walking. While the lack thereof was been useful in the game proper, a lack of any real way to mitigate fatigue might make things comparatively... Difficult.

"Viri, then. I would recommend you at least change out of those shoes, if possible," the ninja stated, a mildly annoyed look on her face as she glanced at her own feet. "I optimized my inventory a few days ago, so I don't particularly..."

When she caught sight of the fool swinging away at a few of the boars a little whiles away, though, Deneb quietly put that matter at the back of her mind. As far as things went, the two of them as they were now—a cleric and a ninja—were far too squishy to be checking anything out without a tank of some variety. Given how nobody else seemed to have followed them out, though...

"...Hello," she finally managed to say after the player in front of them (at least, she was fairly certain it was one given the hat) finally managed to stop acting like a buffoon. While his proficiency with his weapon left something to be desired, it wasn't like she could talk much either; with no combat experience to speak of, it would be a wonder if she could fight at all.

"Well, a tank couldn't hurt," Deneb thought to herself, shrugging as she sent out a halfhearted party request to the paladin in front of them. She had taken the opportunity during the awkward silence that followed the pose to scan over his class and level, and ignoring the name that only made partial sense due to her marginal exposure to Western media, the player in front of her could probably act as a meatshield for Viri if necessary.

"If you want to join us, we'll be heading east. Haven't a clue what we'll find or how much trouble it'll take us to finish scouting the area, but our goal right now is to secure the town and get things sorted out. You're free to decline and head into town, though; there are a few people trying to get some player-run infrastructure set up, so if you don't feel like playing bodyguard you're free to check in with them and help out."

With that in mind, though, testing her capabilities on the boars present instead of attempting to fight blindly against what could possibly be far more dangerous opponents further away from town didn't seem like all to bad a prospect.

"Maybe we can detour for a few minutes to test the waters..."

I guess I might've been a bit unclear, then. The info that they got was obtained after pulling up a submenu. I'd make a mockup, but I'm shit with wireframes.

In essence, the 'players' view the world as we do our reality; it's only when they consciously pull up the interface do things change. I guess a close comparison would be, like, Google Glass?

I hope that's a bit clearer. Once the stuff is visible, then... You know, info.
@Ozerath: HUD info accessible to all. All that UI stuff is brought up without having to physically interface with it (but it makes it easier for some people).

Enemies drop a body when they die. Interact with it or manually harvest what you need. Latter is harder, but nets you stuff that might not have existed in the game's base state.
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