Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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Ah, that's a shame. Best of luck to you in the future, friend. o7
Follow along either crew that left? Make a new mini group with people that didn't leave the square? That's off the top of my head.
Jin Kisaragi

"...Hm. So be it," Jin stated, turning back to the girl for a moment before introducing himself. "Jin Kisaragi. Major. I'll be making use of your abilities for the near future, so I'll be in your care."

The girl's decision to join him on his hunt was a tad expected, but Jin felt no reason to push for her to stay. To refuse help at a time like this was foolish, though the Major himself had to question if her clothing was appropriate for trying to explore an unknown town in the middle of a blizzard.

Not that he would fare much better, of course.

With that in mind, the Major took a step out of the dome of ice he had created and was promptly assaulted by a barrage of snow. With a frown, he pressed ahead, shielding his face with his arm as he moved out into the city. What had gathered at his feet was enough to make progress slower than he would have liked, though, but there was at least one destination in mind.

Before the duel earlier had begun, there had been one feature of the area that stood out to him: the large tower that stood well above the nearby buildings. If there was anything to check out, it would be that.

The few minutes that Jin estimated the walk to take were hampered by the snow that was rapidly piling up in front on him, and by the time he had finally made it to his destination it looked as if there was a good two inches of snow that he had just forded through. The tower itself seemed to have a lobby of sorts—a reception hall, if anything. The lack of staff at hand, though, meant that something was distinctly amiss.

"Stay on guard."

It wasn't necessary to say any more than that at this point.


Yukine Chris

After her momentary outburst and a few odd glances her way, Chris took a deep breath to calm herself before walking back over to Hibiki. At the very least, whatever odd plushie she had managed to procure was still intact, which meant that despite everything that had just happened (people and all), they were back to right before that fake Tsubasa had arrived. The gem was still in her hand, wrapped in the cloth, though, which meant that everything that had just occurred probably wasn't some odd fever dream.

"Yeah, it seems like everything fixed itself," she said, walking back over to Hibiki before taking another glance at the gem in her hand. It still seemed to be pulsing with an odd light, but it didn't seem as if anyone else was noticing. With a curious look on her face, Chris started moving the jewel around, watching as it seemed to light up as it moved one way and dim as it went the other.

"Hey, Hibiki, do you think we should follow this? That weird jewel is acting like one of those trackers, and I'm not sure what it'll guide us to, but..."

It was better than blindly wandering around and watching her friend burn all of her money on UFO Catchers, at least.

@Raineh Daze
@Ozerath: Ah, it should be fine. I think the mental image is pretty strong as-is.

And yeah, the first one is okay, second is recommended.
@DocRock: Don't worry about turn order; so long as you're not machinegunning, you're a-ok in my book.
-waves arms-

Everyone doing okay? Need me to do something to spark some posts?
@Ozerath: Well, I guess add the picture whenever. Other than that...

Yeah, I see no problems. Accepted.
Bwah, sorry for the delay.

In any case, the people who are working on the guild-y stuff: don't worry about doing things and needing permission for the most part. If you want to verify something, by all means, but otherwise just keep going and we'll only call things out when we have to.

Go crazy with everything else. Not too crazy, but yeah.

Once the groups had sorted themselves out (for the most part), Deneb gave a quick nod and a quick 'good luck' to the rest of the players before beginning to walk towards the town's eastern gate. It was a bit odd that more people hadn't joined along to explore and scout, but if infrastructure was a higher priority, there would be no complaints from her.

"Oh, I should do this before we leave," she remarked, casually sending a party request to the healer as she passed through the walls proper. There was a part of the ninja telling her to turn her head back and check physically to see if she was following, but if the party function worked like she was expecting then that wouldn't be necessary.

If it didn't... Well, she could skip over trying to see an indicator on the minimap and just turn around then rather than wasting time otherwise.

"Let me see if I remember properly... There are two stable mid-level dungeons situated to the northeast and southeast from here. The capital is further north, but that shouldn't be any worry while we're trying to secure the town. The only worrisome location near the town, then..."

"Viridian... Was it?" Deneb finally asked, stopping in place to examine the map she had laid out in front of her. "I'm going to head further east. It's off the main roads, so I'm expecting a lot of uneven terrain. Have you ever gone hiking, by any chance?"

It was a fair question, given that the ninja's shoes right now weren't exactly fit for traversing any sort of rough terrain. A change of shoes would be nice, but that would require leveling up a bit more...

Kumozaki Keisuke

Keisuke held back a smirk as he watched the scene in front of him unfold. Despite not wanting to be treated like a child despite acting like one, the Caster in front of him still seemed to be swayed by the other Master's words. If her actions couldn't be treated like those of a child who had just been given some small form of validation, what else could they be described as?

"Well, if that much is enough to satisfy you..." he trailed off, shrugging his shoulders as he moved over to check whatever documents had been drudged up on their destination. The only thing that was known, it seemed, was that their destination was Egypt.

"First freezing cold eastern Europe, and now the sands of the Sahara... Maybe I should put in a request for my suit to be upgraded as a Mystic Code..." he sighed, shaking his head in annoyance at the prospect of sand getting everywhere. There was no lock on the era yet, nor was there any information on what they might possibly face, but that didn't make the situation any better.

"Is there an estimate on when your calculations will be complete by?" the Enforcer asked, placing the information to the side as he decided to do some research over the course of the next week in between training.

"Calculations will be complete in three to four days; the rest will be calibrating the device and making sure that it remains stable," one staff member chimed in, to which Keisuke simply nodded before turning to Eleonor.

"So... Do you plan on formally introducing yourself to the other Servants at dinner, or do you plan on meeting with them all individually before then?" he asked, pulling up a seat next to a computer and beginning to look for documentation about their next destination.

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