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Answer is yes.
Astrid Kim

Once her Lancer had finished negotiations and returned to her side, Astrid simply nodded and began to slip away. Nobody had even acknowledged her presence with her Servant taking the spotlight, so leaving the park was just as simple as entering in the first place. There was probably still something to be said about how nobody even glancing in her direction, but the translator had no reason to question her luck at the moment.

With the runes that Lancer had carved for her still in hand, the half-valkyrie wasted no time in leaving the park and making her way back to the hotel. The information that had been gained was invaluable, yes, but there was still a part of her that simply wanted to sleep and get rid of her exhaustion before the caffeine and adrenaline fully wore off... Which it was already well on its way to do.

"We'll get you a change of clothes tomorrow," she said, making her way back to her room. "I do worry a bit about someone attacking at night, but... Hm. Can I leave that to you, Lancer?"

There was a bit of uncertainty in Astrid's voice with that last sentence, almost as if she wasn't entirely sure if it was okay to direct her Servant as she was. The blame for that could probably go towards her own heritage, but that justification didn't change how she was feeling regardless of that fact.



"You wound me, dear Master. I was simply complaining that the job wouldn't be as simple as it usually was," the old man responded, a half-mocking smile on his face as the two continued forth. "It is obvious that a place such as this could never become a utopian landscape like those found in fairy tales. It may take me a smidgen longer to gather what pawns I may need as a result, but nothing so consequential to the point where I might have to remake my plans from scratch!"

With a laugh, the Archer paused for a moment before turning towards his Master. They had been walking along, yes, but he was only acting as a bodyguard to this capacity and no more.

"Did you have any particular destination in mind, or will we simply spend the night wandering about like tourists? You simply asked me for a suggestion, but it is up to you to decide. Either one is fine by me."

@King Cosmos
@TheMushroomLord: If you're gonna do anything you're unsure of, make sure to CC both me and Vita if you plan to send a PM.
The joint offensive front from the two senior knights in front of him gave the mage-knight some breathing room, but the sudden barrage cause Tiral's face to pale ever so slightly. While it was unlikely that a single one of those projectiles had the force of the magic that was aimed at the Captain's head earlier, being able to deflect all of them entirely was a different matter.

With another swing of his dagger, Tiral quickly shifted the focus of his magic from offense to defense. In an instant, the icicles that had been lined up to fire at the witch became shields of ice instead, and one after another they began to form a shell-like barrier in front of those who stood in the rearguard.

Words of encouragement were needless platitudes right now; all that needed to be done was break through that defense, and the fight was done.

The sudden shout from another large player who had just arrived caused Deneb to immediately straighten up, and given how loud the voice was she decided that it wasn't anything to be embarrassed flinching over. Despite her silence as the others spoke, however, the ninja was quietly taking in all of the information that people were spitballing at one another, one piece at a time.

There were far too many things to address at this point, starting from the mechanics of the world to what had and hadn't changed, but the one thing that stood out to her was the brazen announcement of a name and profession from the Ganondorf-lookalike.

"I... Will politely decline giving any personal information," she stated, her eyes drifting away from the group for a moment before she sighed and looked back at the group (which, as far as she could tell, had grown larger since she had last spoken).

"Well, if we're going to be gathering information, I suggest we split up," she began, fiddling with the menu as her gaze darted around rapidly. Soon after, a friend request would be sent to every other person present, and the ninja took a step back so as to not be crushed by the overwhelming atmosphere of the group.

"Under the pretense that we are splitting up, though, I would recommend that we all keep notes and make sure to contact one another reliably. I believe the memo function does still exist, though, so you can use that rather than wasting time and resources with paper," she said, closing her eyes to think before nodding. "This should be enough for now. That comment that the dragon over there made does strike me as important, however. If we presume to use Inarrel as a base of operations, then its safety is paramount. If anyone else wants to handle scouting the region for any changes rather than worry about setting up infrastructure or more down-to-earth information gathering, you are free to follow."

With the same sort of attitude and tone she used to explain a raid to any first-timers, Deneb stood by the others, back straightened and eyes forward. Even though she (as Jun) was no great orator, the way that everyone seemed to be taking the whole situation did feel a bit off to her. It was fine to be enthusiastic about the 'what-ifs' of the world, but if the slated update had gone through and there was an unknown end-game raid implemented near the town, well...

There'd be problems. Lots of problems.

@Anza@DocRock@Rabidporcupine@Bone Father@Saarebas
I think it'd be fine to do so now, yeah.

(I'd also appreciate the group breaking up and doing your own things elsewhere, because I'm not omnipotent enough to be able to keep up with an 8man party lol)

After recovering from the impact of clashing with the car and being hit by a variety of attacks that it seemed to be unable to understand, the woman began to weave through the array of tentacles aimed at her. Just as she aimed to strike down the girl that she had finally made it in front of, though, one of the bullets fired by the man who was assisting the child managed to land and hit the assailant's shoulder, followed soon after by a glowing spear that pierced through both of her legs and catching her in place.

There was a pause as the woman attempted to recover, but a second strike never came. A tendril found its mark right in the woman's center of mass, lifting it in the air dramatically before the body it was holding up began to crumble.

The false 'Chrom' was faring no better, as though the body itself showed no change in facial expression, its movements began to dull after the tenth clash with the clone in front of him. More and more attacks managed to slip through its defenses, and eventually the wounds began to pile up to the point where it was impossible to ignore any longer. Time and time again it would attempt to use the same move, only to be intercepted or avoided and fail.

In the end, the false Exalt, too, fell to the ground and fade into nothingness.

In the place of both enemies now lay a single gem, one red from the woman and one purple from the shadow of Chrom. No other trace of them remained in the streets, deserted and damaged as they were now.

@Crusader Lord@TheFake@VitaVitaAR@Rabidporcupine
@Vulkan: I don't want to force a rewrite, but if your intention was the latter, then it did feel a bit nebulous to me. The second half of the post is fine, of course, but the first half does feel odd.

Though at this point it's perfectly fine to leave it as is, imo.
@DocRock: Mmm... Rather than put the dialogue in readable colors, I'd start new paragraphs, especially if you start monologuing. Easier to digest when there's a clear transition from spoken to non-spoken. Personal opinion.

PKers... Well, it's too early to speak.
The ship problem, though... This is good. Very good. Do not worry, I will make good use of this.
@DocRock: Yes. That sort of backstory carries over.

Also, just to clarify for everyone once more: The original game was not a VRMMO.
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