Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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Y'know, it's awkward when I don't refresh after typing up part of a post and realize after the fact that someone posted in the ~5 minutes since my last refresh. Oops.

Deneb simply crossed her arms and nodded as the cleric asked her question. That was enough to summarize the situation: everyone present was a former Emerald Odyssey player from the Japanese server. While that on its own was understandable...

"I have a bad feeling that I'm the only one in this sort of unfortunate circumstance in this group..."

There was a moment of silence before Deneb coughed to clear her throat, acknowledging the presence of the panicking third person scrambling towards them with a slight nod.

"Yes, your instinct is likely correct. This current form mimics the abilities and skills of the character I was playing before the maintenance, so we could probably draw a simple comparison to any number of isekai series out there and summarize our situation thus," she stated, shrugging her shoulders before glancing around. Though she had expected players to congregate in the town, she hadn't quite expected herself to be the sudden center of attention.

It wasn't like she could speak about her current situation, though; that would be particularly embarrassing to speak about at length right now. If anything, hunting for a solution would have to wait until she could either slip off on her own after learning enough or finding someone that she could confide in.

And at this rate, neither was likely to happen.

"In any case, if you're asking questions, then I shall as well. Putting aside matters of getting home for the moment, as that seems highly improbable given our complete lack of knowledge, what do you all plan on doing now?"

@Bone Father@Anza@Rabidporcupine
Looks fine to me.
@Vulkan: Wait, I think I just realized something that might be a misunderstanding.

Are you working under the assumption that Emerald Odyssey is a VRMMO or a standard PC/console-based MMORPG? Because the original game's the latter, which would make some of the stuff about kitsunes and bars be a bit odd in context.
@Vulkan: An edit to make it clearer would be nice, yes.

"Hm... Okay, it looks like nothing's missing from my inventory, I've got a warp to the training hall, status and gear is intact..."

With a quiet stare at the visual interface in front of her, Deneb crossed her arms and leaned forward. As far as she could see thus far, everything was identical to how it was in Emerald Odyssey while it was a game. Even the smallest details of the town square, high-poly as they were before, were translated into what could effectively be called reality. The only thing that remained up for debate, however, was skills.

"I wonder if I'll be able to use them naturally or be forced to activate them..." she sighed quietly to herself before the voice of a woman calling out to her caused the ninja to turn. Her new height wasn't something she had exactly adjusted to either, and after a second she realized that the source of the voice was taller than her.

Damn. This was going to take some getting used to.

"Hm? Is there something I can help you with?" she asked, almost out of instinct. Deneb's gaze soon began zip about the woman's clothing, in an attempt to ascertain her identity, before a status indicator popped up at the edge of her field of vision.

"...Viridian, level 60 cleric, huh? Looks like you just hit the level, which means that you haven't run the 'Red God's Return' questline. Explains the staff and lack of BiS gear... Oh, sorry, don't mind me," she said, quickly waving in front of her as she realized what kind of information she was babbling. It was fairly obvious once 'status' had popped up that this was another player who had been dragged into the world, which confirmed one of her theories on the spot.

It was then, though, that another larger character seemed to approach them. The almost-carbon copy of Ganondorf was undoubtedly a player, and this wasn't the first time Deneb had seen him around, either. She wasn't much of a 'roleplayer' on either character, but credit was given where credit was due: food buffs were helpful during extended periods of farming for gear and materials, and it wasn't like throwing some money at a high level chef to get that handled wasn't a simple matter when she could simply leech off of her main's bank account.

"Mmm... I guess I'm supposed to call myself Deneb now, then?" she asked, stepping off of the bench and brushing herself off. Now that she was standing, the height difference between the two of the players in front of her compared to herself was... Jarring. And mildly aggravating, to boot.

"Now... You had a question for me? I'll answer to the best of my ability," she continued, focusing back towards the cleric in front of her.

Yeah, always room.

Honestly, while we're talking, I'd like if people who go mia tell SOMEONE if they're going mia so I can continue forward.
If you just dip and I dunno where the heck you are, I give it a few days before we push on without you. Just saying.
Tip: use the preview function to check tags. It'll spit out an error if you've got any misaligned or mistyped tags.

In any case, yeah. It's fine to use this place as a testing ground to learn how to forum RP if you need to, and so long as post quality is consistent I'll have no qualms.
@DocRock: Yeah, that sort of edit works fine.
As for formatting, one of your tags broke. Fifth paragraph.
@DocRock: Mmm...
Okay, not that I want to start needling off the bat, but it's kinda unrealistic to assume that a player-made NPC would accept everything stated about the situation at face value. If we're using Log Horizon as a frame of reference, it'd be like the NPCs being told they're just generated constructs in a computer. That ain't right.

Overlord is kind of different, but as those NPCs were written with the notion that they were created, it's a bit more justified.

Also, formatting errors.

Edit: I guess those formatting errors were on my side or something? Or they're fixed idk.

Editx2: Ah, nope, I'm not crazy. Cool.
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