Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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@TheFake: I think that the char should be fine. Accepted.

Everyone else: As promised, we've begun!

There were a few moments of complete silence as Jun stood by, unable to quite process what had just happened. The last thing that he remembered was calling it a night with his friends and preparing to shut off his PC for the night to sleep and wait for the maintenance to pass. But now...

"What's up with thi—"

The sound of a woman's voice immediately caused Jun to freeze over before running towards the the nearby lake. His body felt unnatural already, but it was only when he—or, rather, she reached the water did the gears finally begin to turn. Silent laughter began to slip from those lips, but after a few seconds it became full laughter. That lasted for all of five seconds, however, before an angry scream erupted forth.

"Are you serious?! Like, okay, I get what sort of situation I'm in perfectly fine! I've seen enough light novel premises to understand! But why DENEB?! Why not—GAAAAH!"

Jun—now Deneb, the female ninja he had been raising as an alternate character—sank to her knees in despair. The dagger that she had been holding in her hand until now simply slipped out of her grasp, falling onto the sand at the shore without a sound.

"Aaah, this is horrible. It could be worse, but... Come on, you damned cliche premise! At least give me my martial artist instead or something! Even starting from one again is fine! Just... Why Deneb? No, why am I a girl?!" she complained, staring at the reflection of herself in the crystal-clear lake water. The sound of silence reflected back at her was enough to give the ninja a moment to reflect on her situation, however, and after about a minute of trying to take deep breaths and calm herself, Deneb finally took the dagger from where it was and sheathing it.

"Okay, freaking out about the current situation can... Wait. I need to figure out the current situation and how the world is right now," she rationalized internally, finally deciding to stand up and look around. Upon closer inspection, the lake she had been complaining in front of was identical to the one she had logged out at, which meant it was logical to assume that the worlds were identical. The problem now, though was trying to figure out what else carried over. Inventory? Map?

As if on cue, two semi-transparent screens seemed to pop up in front of Deneb, causing her to sigh in exasperation.

"I guess we're going that route, then?" she asked, quietly looking over the latter to see if there were any other 'players' in the area.

None. That was probably a blessing in disguise for the moment; at the very least, it meant that no one else was here to see her outburst. All she could see was a marker showing where she was and the landscape around her. It was possible, though, that the map simply didn't show other players, which would make this whole ordeal markedly more embarrassing than it was if nobody else was around.

She hoped that the former was the case.

"Well, no sense in checking now, I guess..." she mumbled, quietly skimming through the items that she had before focusing in on her target—a 'Return to Town' scroll. The interface was similar enough to how other games portrayed the system, with the added benefit of not needing to use hands to grab whatever it was that was needed. The convenience was appreciated by the ninja, of course, as she unraveled the scroll and activated the magic.

If anything, going to Inarrel would probably answer a few questions that she had.

The feeling of instantly teleporting was disorienting for Deneb, and the ninja almost tripped over herself as she wound up in front of the town's central plaza. Inarrel was a large coastal town that bordered on the edge of 'city', mainly due to its importance as a port town for the nation of Amniya. Of course, that same location, being right in the middle of the continent, meant that it was also a hub for players of all levels.

In other words, if there were any other players, they were bound to gather here. That brought on its own set of problems, though—what kind of players, how they would act, and...

"If there aren't any people wishing to stir up trouble..." she said quietly, finishing her own thoughts as she re-oriented herself and took a seat on a nearby bench. With the sun still bright in the sky, the ninja took this moment as a chance to begin to understand the new systems as best she could. It would be better than staying anxious about how different this body of hers was now, at least...

"I get that I modeled the character after my preferences, but really now? Is this some god's cruel idea of a joke?"
@supertinyking: Denied. Reasons are as follows:
For the sake of the RP, characters should be at least semi-serious in tone. Blatant joke characters (at my discretion) can and will be declined. In addition to that, all characters should be from pre-existing works (or, at the very least, ones with relative popularity in some regard). No original characters or what have you.

It is very difficult to justify this character with the given appearance and lack of backstory OR personality.

2. The current cast is more inclined to take out someone who tends towards the actions you have stated here. Even putting aside the arrival of modern military to put him down (which is likely regardless of whether or not the current PCs come), it is very unlikely that the character will be anything more than a one-note villain in their eyes (and, by extension, the RP as a whole).
Doubly so given the explicit mention of casual mass murder. The characters in this world have capabilities far beyond what existed in the original work you have pulled this from (I'll touch on this issue in a moment), and pitting them together against one character will unilaterally end with a death on the other side with no casualties.

3. The source material does not apply itself well to the setting of the RP, nor does the blank-slate character you have here. Unlike Robin, who has enough personality from existing in works outside of Awakening (and even then, there remain consistent elements to be referenced from that work), this character can be summed up as a one-note villain out for blood and murder. Even if the character and their powers are scaled up, ten against one, even with mooks, is still a slaughterfest for the latter.
It works for the game, but not the RP.

That should summarize my thoughts on the matter for the moment.
It's likely we'll start sometime before the end of this weekend. Gonna make sure things are prepped before this kicks off.
@Saarebas: All clear. There are a few minor spelling mistakes here and there, but it's nothing worth fretting over.
@Saarebas: Alright popped outta bed, gonna look this over.
Well, like I said about Mr. Dragon, gonna need a justification why you're playing on JP rather than a global server. Again, our bad, but it's a minor edit to be made.
's about it. Once that's in, I think you're good to go.
I'll update for Akiba group 2 once Fake and CL move.
Jin Kisaragi

Once he saw that his own strike had missed, Jin spared no time in moving to defend himself from the oncoming barrage. That was the flow of battle, and spending too much energy on needless offense would only bring about inevitable defeat.

At the same time, forcing an offense with that sort of speed... Needless to say, the only possible option was to catch her unaware and strike on two fronts.

Using Yukianesa to block and parry the two katanas being swung at him, Jin took a half step back before pointing his weapon at the ground. Before he could strike the earth, though, the sudden onset of a sudden burst of falling snow from the sky caused the Major to change his plans entirely.

With a deep breath, Jin struck his weapon into the snow below, causing a giant dome of ice to instantly form around the pair of combatants (and, by sheer coincidence, the two spectators to their match) before sheathing his blade.

"Hmph. I acknowledge your skill, but it seems like there's no information to be gained from you," he remarked callously, glancing out past the crystal-clear ice towards the townscape. The snow couldn't even be called a flurry at this point—no, it was nothing if not a blizzard, and an incredibly strong one at that.

"...Unnatural. The sky had cleared when the match had begun, and there was no sign of such a storm even potentially arising..." he muttered to himself before turning back towards the white-haired swordswoman.

"I apologize for my initial behavior, given that it appears that you are comparatively innocent in these matters. You may remain here for shelter if you so wish; I, on the other hand, shall go and seek the source of this issue. It can't be far, after all," he said, glancing at the two bystanders without a hint of interest before making a hole in their temporary shelter.

@VitaVitaAR@TheFake@Crusader Lord

Yukine Chris

As Chris rushed to try and join the fray herself, Hibiki's own punch had simply knocked the not-Tsubasa thing into the next building over. The resulting sound of crashing glass panes and broken electronics caused the young woman to wince, but even so there was still the problem of whatever that was remaining alive. Or, well as 'alive' as that thing could constitute as.

The Gear user's worries were soon given form as the fake Tsubasa slowly stepped out of the hole in the building, now missing a giant chunk of its midsection from the punch. Just as Chris prepared to join Hibiki in striking at their enemy, though, it fell over and began to dissolve.

There was a moment of curiosity from Chris at how the scene played out—doubly so given that the not-Tsubasa had left behind something. With a wary glance, Chris walked over and knelt down to examine... Whatever that was.

Upon closer inspection, the object in front of her was some sort of blue gem, pulsing with a small light. Glancing around for a moment before realizing that there wasn;t anything better to attempt to pick it up with on the streets, the young woman ducked back into the arcade and grabbed some random piece of cloth (apparently a handkerchief with the Lydian logo on it?) and picked up the gem. It didn't seem to be doing anything odd, at the very least...

"Mmm... What was that...?" she asked, walking back over to Hibiki as the whole area seemed to shift and waver around them. Worrying that something else was amiss, Chris grabbed onto Hibiki's arm, only to see that the entire area seemed to pop and revert back to the way it was before combat had begun. No rubble, no debris, no broken glass—even the people and the doll that her companion had tossed to the wayside were back where they were a few moments before the fight began, and their Gears had both been deactivated to boot. The only difference now, of course, was the gem wrapped up in Chris' hand.

Letting go of Hibiki, Chris took a step back and took a deep breath before quietly massaging her forehead.

"What... What the hell just happened?!"

@Raineh Daze
@VitaVitaAR: All clear.
I could probably also make gear that turns people into tanks to an extent. I dunno, it's making stuff that's fancy. I can make people rings of flight.

Yeah hf farming those mats buddy. Especially without an economy of geared players to get them for you.
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