Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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I think we have enough people without counting people doubling up...
There's still a very distinct lack of a tank in our cast.

Though I guess dodgetanking works...?
I think it's fine to have dupes considering we'll need to split the groups anyhow.
Also we needed melee DPS really badly. Seriously, LOOK AT ALL OUR SUPPORTS.

@OliveYou: Accepted.

@Vulkan: Also accepted.
@Vulkan: Er... Not off the top of my head, but honestly? Just throw a race up and we'll see.
@Anza: Fine. Accepted.

@Bone Father: Ah, I see. it's Neia.
(It says a lot that I recognized the character the second I saw the image lol)
Assuming the name's a FE9/10 reference? Anyways...

Minor nitpick: 'Whittle', not 'widdle'.

Otherwise I think the character's fine. Accepted post-edit because that'll bug me otherwise.
@Bone Father: Abilities are inherent, skills are learned. More or less.
There's some weird exceptions, but a lot of things that aren't directly of the player's learned skills should also be placed under abilities (thus why that pendant is filed there on my sheet; it's not a 'skill' as much as it is a special item).
I mean... I'd assume most characters would meet up eventually, so yeah?

Though given the initial interest size and people spinning forms up, it might be reasonable to expect to have to split up the initial group up...
  • Name (Former): Takefumi Jun
  • Name (Character): Deneb
  • Age: 21
  • Appearance: "Why my alt? Why not my main?!"
    When not disguised, Deneb stands at about 5'5" tall.
  • Character Level: 52
  • Character Class: Ninja
  • Personality: Deneb isn't particularly outgoing in any sense of the word, and prefers to remain quiet if not disguised as someone else. To strangers, she remains polite and cordial, and to allies and friends, she is more talkative, but as a whole the whole 'stuck in a girl's body with a girl's voice' thing is still uncomfortable.
    Bring it up, though, and she'll put you on a hitlist of people to make miserable for the near future.
    That doesn't mean that she's the type to go off brooding in some corner, though; her current situation is one that spurs her on to actively seek a solution, even if that means pushing her to go and find people to possibly help in her personal quest.
    In combat and strategically focused scenarios, though, Deneb tends to be the shotcaller and leader, which is both odd given her class and understandable given what her situation used to be. She's stubborn and headstrong in that regard, but when it comes up to trying to find strategies and diffuse tensions she's actually quite flexible.
    As a (former) long-time player, though, Deneb knows a lot more about the content waiting for her at the higher levels, which promptly makes her more cautious in some cases and more confident in others. Her experience as a leader also makes her more likely to chew people out if they act out of line or put people (not just others, but also themselves) in needless danger. She isn't a know it all, though, and only speaks extensively with regard to what she knows best; if someone comes to her asking for advice on class builds, for example, she'd direct them to a wiki or another high level player instead.
  • Abilities: As she is a human, Deneb has no inherent abilities to speak of aside from the superhuman speed and dexterity bestowed upon her by her class. That being said, though, Deneb has one ace up her sleeve that isn't explicitly a part of her class.
    As a reward from a gachapon, she has a small charm that can be used to summon another character on her account (in other words, Laoli) for a short period of time, have them unleash a single high-level skill, and disappear. It has infinite uses, but must cool down for a day after being used.
  • Skills: Deneb has a variety of skills focused around the debuffing of and manipulation of enemies, ranging from things like magically disguising oneself and short distance teleportation to more classic things such as manipulation of poison, proficiency with daggers and ranged weapons, and instant traps such as caltrops and oil slicks. Aside from these, though, one skill that Deneb has, often ignored by the playerbase at large for its lack of use in most scenarios, is [Mimic]. With this skill, it is possible for Deneb to copy the skills of another character (that do not use items) with a lower proficiency than the original (but not their statlines) so long as she is disguised as them. Any injury past a certain threshold, of course, renders the disguise null and void, and thus returns her back to 'normal'. The [Disguise] skill itself, though, has a long internal cooldown and a relatively short duration at its current level (1, which is what most players with the class invest into it, if at all), which makes utilizing [Mimic] even more difficult than it might otherwise possibly be.
    Aside from that, the judo that she remembers, while not registered as a skill of any sort within the game, is still perfectly usable... Just not as any meaningful skill.
  • Backstory: Jun is (or, rather, was) a college student at Tokyo University, and often spent his free time at arcades or playing Emerald Odyssey rather than attending any major afterschool clubs. Even so, his penchant towards academics (read, multitasking and studying while playing) and occasional attendance to the judo club led to his admission... Somehow.
    When he entered college, however, a few of the new friends he had made admitted that they wanted to try the MMO he had spent so much time on, and he was happy to oblige their request and teach them the ropes; after all, who better than an old veteran of the game to do something like that?
    That being said, Jun didn't want to use his main character, a Martial Artist by the name of Laoli, for that task; it wasn't fun to either simply stand by or crush all the enemies in front of him without a thought. The next best option was, of course, to make a new character entirely to help those people out.
    The next few years came and went, and as the others began to get more sporadic in playtime due to the pressures of higher-level education, his progress on Deneb began to falter as he had to spend more time on Laoli. News of the new expansion, however, reinvigorated those friends to start playing once more, and so the last day before its release was spent raising the ninja. Again.
    What the young man didn't expect, of course, was to be trapped... On the wrong goddamn character.
  • Other: Is rightfully mad at the world for dropping her in as a ninja instead of the martial artist she spend the last few years working on. In essence, her current goal is to either get home or, at the very least, switch to that character.
    Additionally, Jun's main also owned a small training hall located off to the wayside, and used it as a hybrid base/warehouse. Both characters have made use of it actively, and Jun has written a few sentences in his spare time while waiting for... Well, everyone else to get online.
Okay, form eval, form eval...

@Rabidporcupine: Well, like I said to DocRock, you don't have to be that detailed with abilities/skills, but it's fine if you want to keep it as it is. I'll be lenient.
But otherwise? Hell, I'd say accepted.

@DocRock: Yeah, you gucci. Accepted.

And... I guess I'll put out my character. May or may not have been poking at Ranma and stuff.
@DocRock: Well, if it's feedback you want, it's feedback you'll get. Lessee...

I'd recommend reading the form out loud to catch any grammatical or spelling errors, but let's dig into the form itself.

1. Japanese server, American player? I do believe proxies are a thing, but I guess it's on us for not implying that there were global servers. If you can come up with justification (e.g. transfer student or study abroad or something), it's fine.
2. You can get away with being relatively vague in regards to what a character can or cannot do in terms of abilities or skills. Hell, I'm expecting a lot of people to make stuff up on the fly, so no need to explicitly limit yourself to what you have there. It's fine to be vague.
(Besides, MMO skill trees are giant. No need to make it a list, basically.)
2.5. I think I'd consider 'investigation' a personality trait more than a skill, but details.
3. You can cut out most of the stuff after the character gets chucked into the game world and use that as an intro instead. No need to place that into the backstory when it isn't really 'backstory' as much as it is current events.

That's my 2AM two cents.

Edit: Right. No cash shop races. That's NG. I'd appreciate if you could tweak that.
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