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Yeah, there's room.

Edit: SAO Abridged works better if you've seen how bad the original is IMO, but it shouldn't be too bad.
I'd still say Log Horizon s1 is worth a watch if you have time. It holds up well quality-wise.
Don't touch s2. It doesn't.
@Rabidporcupine: I think I mentioned 'inspired' but not 'directly analogous to' Log Horizon.
So don't worry about that. Assume an entirely new game, with an entirely new world removed from anything in Log Horizon.

This includes skills, classes, etc.;
Either or is fine.
It has been five years since the release of Emerald Odyssey in Japan. Lauded highly for its engaging gameplay, story, and high level of customization coupled with an affordable price and multi-platform integration, this MMO has made a stake for itself in the ever-shrinking PC game market of the nation. And this day, of course, marked the release of their newest expansion.

With the maintenance slated to start at midnight, many players were busy handling whatever needed to be handled before the servers went down. But as the clock ticked down and the minutes passed by, an odd phenomenon began to occur—players simply began to disappear without a trace. The number was small enough to warrant minor concern, but in the end every one of those missing now was simply marked as such.

And life went on.

Of course, those who had disappeared had not simply been 'erased from existence', but had instead been transposed into the world of Emerald Odyssey—within the bodies of their characters, no less. With no clue what had just occurred, these former players must now come to terms with their new situation and carve their own path from here on.

There's not much else to really say about this, when you think about it; it's a Log Horizon-style RP, which in other words is simply an extension of the isekai genre. Surprising, I know.

The RP itself will run with, ideally, mid-level characters (despite the talk about a new expansion in the opener), and will be co-GMed by me and @VitaVitaAR. Now, for a quick rundown of the relevant mechanics for the RP...

In terms of skills, we're probably going to be fairly lenient so long as things fall within the realm of 'feasible for a given class at a given level'. Doesn't hurt to run things by us first, though.

Player-created NPCs do exist, and like in Overlord, anything written about them has thus become reality. Or something like that.

The relative technology level of the things in the game are about on par with medieval Europe reaching into Renaissance-era things like cannons. There is one exception to this rule thus far, which will be elaborated upon when it becomes relevant in story.

Menus and hammerspace inventories do exist for the sake of convenience. This includes things like a chat button, call function, and even silly things like achievements.

In any case, here's a form if people want to get started early.

Any questions? Pop in and ask away.
Astrid Kim

Just as Lancer had directed, Astrid remained quiet as she knelt by, concealing her presence as best she could as she watched the battle come to a close. There was an ample amount of information gained from simply waiting around, which was a blessing of fortune in and of itself, but it seemed that things wouldn't simply end like that.

"I understand, Lancer. I still believe I can hold my own should it be necessary, though," she replied as she watched her Servant materialize in front of her. There was a small tinge of doubt in Astrid's heart about whether or not the Lancer could handle both of the enemies at once if they were to team up and strike, but for now she would quash that doubt and remain on standby.

If worst came to worst, she could attempt to intercept the man and leave the female Servant to Lancer, but even that was pushing matters a bit too far...



The grey-haired Archer let out a slight laugh as his Master seemed to hesitate about his choice of words, but continued to pace onward regardless of that fact.

"Naive of you to think that I would simply allow us to be tracked so easily. Even that damned detective took ages to figure out my identity; how long do you think it would take those simpletons, even with my name so open? The key, my Master, is to simply never be caught. Though it is far from my ideal scenario, something as simple as manipulating the uneducated to gather information for us would not even be considered as something worth noting. After all, if they are caught, it falls to our enemies to dispose of them. We need not even contact them directly, you know?"

With that said, however, the old man slowed down for a moment before thinking about the current location of the Grail War.

"Mmm... That being said, though, Master, how fares organized crime in a place such as this? Unlike London, this is a small town in the middle of America. I saw no location suitable for street rats or the homeless on our flight over, so would it be correct to assume that no such criminal element exists? That would be quite a shame..."

@King Cosmos
@DocRock: Classes can be whatever you want to spin up. Just ask, as the RP simply takes inspiration from and is not directly analogous to the aforementioned series.

As for the latter, I think that DnD Dragonborn are fine, though if you ARE adapting a sheet I'd recommend:
a) a change of name for the race so as to avoid confusion/theoretical in-world copyright, as well as a more straightforward explanation
b) actually filling out the form given in the OP and making sure that you aren't just straight listing or copy-pasting information thereof. Not everyone will have played DnD (*coughcough*) and directly porting everything may have some adverse effects in terms of... Well, things being stacked in the characters' favor.

Honestly, the best way for my co-GM and I to analyze a form is to see it first, so... Yeah. That.
Wow, fast interest, huh?

I'll probably prepare an OoC sometime in the next day or two? Yeah, that sounds about right.
It has been five years since the release of Emerald Odyssey in Japan. Lauded highly for its engaging gameplay, story, and high level of customization coupled with an affordable price and multi-platform integration, this MMO has made a stake for itself in the ever-shrinking PC game market of the nation. And this day, of course, marked the release of their newest expansion.

With the maintenance slated to start at midnight, many players were busy handling whatever needed to be handled before the servers went down. But as the clock ticked down and the minutes passed by, an odd phenomenon began to occur—players simply began to disappear without a trace. The number was small enough to warrant minor concern, but in the end every one of those missing now was simply marked as such.

And life went on.

Of course, those who had disappeared had not simply been 'erased from existence', but had instead been transposed into the world of Emerald Odyssey—within the bodies of their characters, no less. With no clue what had just occurred, these former players must now come to terms with their new situation and carve their own path from here on.

There's not much else to really say about this, when you think about it; it's a Log Horizon-style RP, which in other words is simply an extension of the isekai genre. Surprising, I know.

The RP itself will run with, ideally, mid-level characters (despite the talk about a new expansion in the opener), and will be co-GMed by me and @VitaVitaAR. Now, for a quick rundown of the relevant mechanics for the RP...

In terms of skills, we're probably going to be fairly lenient so long as things fall within the realm of 'feasible for a given class at a given level'. Doesn't hurt to run things by us first, though.

Player-created NPCs do exist, and like in Overlord, anything written about them has thus become reality. Or something like that.

The relative technology level of the things in the game are about on par with medieval Europe reaching into Renaissance-era things like cannons. There is one exception to this rule thus far, which will be elaborated upon when it becomes relevant in story.

Menus and hammerspace inventories do exist for the sake of convenience. This includes things like a chat button, call function, and even silly things like achievements.

In any case, here's a form if people want to get started early.

Any questions? Pop in and ask away.
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