Shokatsu Yu
Aluvera — Outskirts
Despite having heard Kokoma mention the 'game', Eunice seemed rather unperturbed (if only because she simply came to a stop with her back turned towards the party as the Shenke blew a shrill whistle) by the whole situation. The white-haired girl would take a deep breath, shoulders rising and falling slightly before she turned towards the rest of the group, as if she had never heard what had been said in the first place.
"So a tamer, then...?" she mused as a pair of rambunctious monsters soon came running towards the group. There was a slight pause as her eyes widened at the sight of the two, if only because of how rare and dangerous the two beasts brought to heel were. "Well, I suppose than in lieu of horses or the like, they would certainly speed up our journey... So long as we don't end up accidentally drawing too much attention to ourselves, I have no qualms about this either."
"I mean, they won't draw too much attention when other tamers start moving out in full force. Better this than a caravan, I suppose?" Yu remarked, shrugging his shoulders as he glanced between Kokoma and her monsters. "Regardless, I give you my thanks."
With that, both the young man and the girl leading the group would summarily take their seats upon the monsters—whichever ones the Shenke guided them towards—and once everyone was properly on board, the latter would direct them forward.
There was still daylight to burn, and the sooner they reached their destination, the better.
As the sun began to set over the horizon, Eunice would raise a hand in a gesture to get the group the stop. The plains seemed to stretch on endlessly, rolling hills dotted by a sparse few trees, but altogether nothing too dangerous had approached them since they had left. The beaten dirt road seemed to stretch on well out of their field of view, leaving everyone the leisure to appreciate the natural wonder so rare in the cities of the modern era.
"We should make camp for the night," the mage would say, hopping off the monster she was atop before turning to the rest of the party. "I don't suppose you wouldn't have any tents on hand, would you?
It was at this point, Yu realized as he followed suit, that he really didn't
actually have much of anything on hand... Or much proper 'adventuring know-how' to speak of. While the transfer had given him the ability to fight, there was a distinct lack of information on, say, setting up a fire pit. Given how camping in Japan was far more relaxed (complete with sinks, stoves, and electricity, among other things), well...
"Ah... No?" he half-asked half-answered as he opened up his inventory. In terms of food, at least, he had things on hand, though they were mostly desserts meant for raiding purposes. On that front he could provide, but...
"...Actually, on that note, does anyone have food to feed us all? Or, well, do any of you happen to know how to cook?"
There was a sheepish smile on his face as he spoke, but the embarrassment as the realization dawned upon him that they might be up the creek without a paddle was somehow buried behind it... Somewhat.
@Sho Minazuki@Rune_Alchemist@VitaVitaAR
With the (notably less charred) corpse of the rabbit in hand, Anastasia would soon find that she was able to butcher the animal without much hassle—or, at the very least, break it down into workable materials. A leatherworker was not a butcher by any means, but when it came to stripping it of its fur, whatever had brought them into this world deemed it due diligence to give her the information on how to do so without utterly mangling the body. With Myrtle's attention turned elsewhere, the young woman took it upon herself to at least explore the information that had curiously found its way into her mind.
The skinning, at the very least, found itself done without too much hassle, and given how she had handled killing the animal in the first place, bleeding it out and leaving behind a rabbit's worth of meat was no more problematic than that. She placed the skin and horn into her inventory almost as a matter of course, but the rest...
"Um..." the girl would begin, raising the prepared rabbit once the blood had all drained into the ground, "Myrtle, you were a culinarian, right? Should I be giving this to you, then?"
It was quite surprising to everyone when it seemed to look more like something found at a market—especially given how quickly the process had been done—but complaining about conveniences like these made little sense (if any at all).
@Hammerman@Operator Luna