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Elise Kim
The Horizon — Dining Area

Before she could place her attention towards her bowl of food, Elise found her attention being pulled towards the young woman that had called out to her.

"Ah?" she responded almost instinctively towards her name before turning towards the source—Pyralis, as it were—and nodded with a smile. "By all means, feel free."

The subsequent arrival of the more muscle-bound Louisa was greeted with equal cordiality, and the slight smirk soon turned to a wry smile at the newest arrival's words.

"It's just past noon here," the white-haired girl spoke, motioning towards the window ever so slightly with her head, "but I suppose some people might still consider this morning, no?"

Deciding to not take any further jabs at the other woman's expense, Elise turned her attention towards her food once again...

Only for a certain brunette to burst onto the scene, chipper as ever. The few months she had spent with the girl already had allowed Elise to grow used to her boundless enthusiasm, but the way she seemed to consume food as if it was water was still a bit...

Was 'comical' the right word? Or 'terrifying'? She still couldn't tell which.

"...Right. She certainly comes and goes like a storm," she said, finally pulling her attention away from Hoshiko as she ran off to bother Norika in order to take a few bites of her noodles before they grew soggy.

There were a few moments of silence as everyone present took the time to eat, but after taking the time to savor what was in front of her, Elise took another deep breath and glanced back towards the other Pilots sitting with her.

"I don't think we'll need as much energy as she does for the day, but I guess we'll see soon enough," she said, placing her chopsticks off to the side for a moment. "I heard that we'd be getting split into smaller teams to help the advance force earlier, but they said that they were still in the middle of finalizing who's handling what."

With another sidelong glance towards the other pair off to the side, Elise leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms in front of herself before turning back towards the others.

"You'd think they'd have told us in advance to prepare better or something, though..."

@Medili: Hm...

I think there's probably some leeway. Maybe that six limit should be removed or something...

...Yeah, I think you're fine if you want to apply.
Elise Kim
The Horizon — Dining Area

If someone was to ask Elise about how life as a Frame Pilot would have been a year ago, 'surprisingly comfortable' would not have been her first answer. The skybase that she and the other Pilots lived on was essentially a flying cruise ship, as far as she could tell—and all the luxuries that came with that were just so subtly uncomfortable to her at first. Even now, after a year on The Horizon, things still didn't feel quite right. Regardless of if a lot of the cities across the world had returned to something barely resembling normalcy, being able to sit up here with a clear view of the skies as she ate after spending the four before carefully rationing out rice with her father...

The only thing Elise could really do now was to accept that her current living situation was both a blessing and a curse, if anything. And so here she was, about to start eating a bowl of ramen in the middle of the skies above Tokyo. The base had made the rounds around the world more than a few times over the course of her time here, and it felt just as fitting to eat local cuisine while they were present anyways.

Not like they couldn't while The Horizon was elsewhere in the world, of course, but it was about the principle of the matter... Or something like that.

Of course, it wasn't as if working as a Pilot was all about this sort of life—doubly so, given how she was supposed to head out later today on a hunt. A joint effort with the Japanese government in Tokyo to attempt to reclaim parts of the Saitama prefecture, if she recalled correctly; something more important than the usual small skirmishes with weaker Warped to help get them more used to fighting, at least.

Hopefully the taste and warmth of the broth would calm her nerves instead of letting her stew in her thoughts any more... Or that the others would finish getting their meals before briefing. A nice chat was always nice to help break the tension in the air, and they did have some time to themselves for the moment.
@Mole: Form for the most part looks okay, but there are like... Two minor nitpicks I'd like to fix.
  • 'First Frame Pilot' refers to the first person who tested a Frame Gear out; any after are just called Frame Pilots (and maybe they have a fancy name for a subgroup but who knows).
  • Chi-Mechframe name... Could probably be changed a bit? As for the reason, I will refer you to the name of Hoshiko's; they're a bit too similar, and it might make things confusing for the future.

Anyways, other than that... I think the character is fine.

With that settled, it's time for me to kick the IC off. Woo.
All right. Well. I have my own form spun up here. First post to be coming sooner rather than later; any forms accepted after that point can be weaved into the story well enough, I think.

@Mole: Aye, that we do.

Honestly, depending on how many more people hop in, I might be giving my co-GM more work to keep up with demand.

@Laduguer: Character looks fine, though I would note that the organization is not Japan-based. Accepted otherwise.
@VitaVitaAR: Accepted.
@Izurich: Well, both Vita and I were actually planning to spin up characters (I was just helping with conceptualization just now, actually) to make sure that it'd be possible to set up smaller squads of two rather than always being a 3-man team. A fifth (third minus us) would also mean the ability to shift combat encounters to be challenging depending on the team composition, but I suppose that it would be possible to start with four and just leave the remaining slots open and give excuses as to why they weren't able to join at the very start of the scenario.

...Yeah, fair's fair, then. I suppose this is a good a time as any to finish preparations on my end for starting things off.
@JDubs: Character looks fine to me. Accepted.

Hm... That makes two now, then? Ideally we net at least one more, but I think I'm already getting a good idea for how the roster is panning out.
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