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@Crimson Flame: I, uh...
That's not quite what I meant. I guess, as a point of reference, look at how the other forms that have been submitted and accepted have structured their powers/abilities section and use them as a basis. I wasn't looking for a list of pure bullet points so much as I was a few sentences or paragraphs detailing what it is the character can do in a nicely written and formatted way.

I mean, I still understand the powerset, but now the description is too sparse (as opposed to too specific).
@Crimson Flame: If you could, please compress the powers section a bit more. It's still... Really long. Having two thirds of the form be just powers doesn't help, and the formatting is also a bit rough.
For example, you could summarize the effects of his ghost form's "physical" effects in one subsection, while having another for what he can do with ecto-energy with another, and so on. Makes it easier in the future if Vita or I need to reference things in the future.
Am I also correct in assuming that Danny is taken from the end of his series' run on TV?

@supertinyking: I think if I had to pick one, it'd probably be Venom Snake, but my question on that front is how he'd handle being in a world without modern firearms. I can probably work out how to make things... Well, work? But adapting to the world is something to question here.
(I also forget if Venom Snake has the same penchant for survival as Big Boss, which is relevant in this setup, but still.)
Well, said it so I didn't have to. Anyways, proper form evaluations.

@Crimson Flame: Please condense the power section on Danny as requested prior. Also, I still need an answer on what the thermos might do in those edge cases (and I assume it doesn't need any power source? If it does, we might have a problem).

@EchoWolff: Hm... Fair enough. Joker fine. Accepted.

@Lugubrious: Lewa fine. Accepted.

To the two of you: move forms to Characters tab whenever.

So I suppose it's about time I threw my own form on the pile, then.

@EchoWolff: Well, sorry for the delay. Briefly looking over Joker...

  • I guess my first question is more one probing at the character's abilityset of choice more than anything else. It's more curiosity as to why you picked post-Madarame Joker in particular (as opposed to after any other story arc). That being said, is there any reason why you picked the manga iteration of Joker here, as opposed to the game version(s) or Strikers?
  • I presume that the lack of mention of the Wild Card here is intentional? Not that there's any issue with Arsene alone, but given the nature of the RP it might be wise to at least allude to it. For... Reasons.

That's about it from me, really. They're more clarifications and setup questions (I have no qualms about the choice itself), but it would help me in planning other things.
@Remuri: I will reiterate the fact that the character is too much of a blank slate to qualify for the position. There is, on a fundamental level, not enough actual personality to define the character due to both what they are and what they are from.

A PC from an MMO is fundamentally presented as a canvas for the player to project themselves onto and subsequently express themselves, be it by means of gameplay, visual elements (glamours), or otherwise. The difference between these characters and the ones I had given in examples in the interest check (namely, the Shepards from Mass Effect or Robin/Corrin from Fire Emblem) is that the latter have both defined appearances and personalities independent of what the player "might" imagine them to have.

To draw parallels between this and other games, I posit equivalent examples from both MapleStory and World of Warcraft, which are both MMORPGs in the same vein. In both of these cases, the player creates a character and progresses through the story (well "story") without ever really necessitating any sort of personality. In fact, the story doesn't actually matter in these cases—the only thing that matters is the progression of player power throughout the course of their leveling and their subsequent endgame loops. The same issue, I would argue, applies here. Something more like Dragon Quest IX or FFXIV, however, where the character is more closely tied to the story, would fall in line with the earlier Shepard example (though I'd still probably reject the latter due to the "no OC" rule; it's a weird can of worms to open and I could probably spend a while debating that subject if it ever becomes relevant).

If you mean to say the "character" that exists if the player does not assume the class, then the problem becomes twofold: neither the replacement character's personality nor abilities/capabilities are defined in any meaningful capacity, and shoving a bunch of skills that do X or Y thing at my face does not itself a proper skillset make. So unless you can define for me a character arc (a MEANINGFUL character arc, not a contrived one that is copypasted onto any character in the game that fits the criteria that is about as shallow as a puddle), I'm more inclined to reject than accept.
@Remuri: Rejecting out of hand. That type of character leans too close to a blank slate to the point where I'd likely classify them as an OC (and honestly I think this applies to a lot of MMO PCs).
@Crimson Flame: Well, the solution probably comes from the world itself and how the people within deal with ghosts (because they should exist in a world like this anyways). If the mana in the world prevents him from, say, phasing into the ground or anything else dense with mana, that should work for a start. As for combat utility... I think that making him unable to just phase through magical attacks and forcing him to dodge or just take them head-on should work.
Well, with the time I have now, let's start tackling Danny.

@Crimson Flame:
  • First: The thermos. There's no Ghost Zone to dump people into, so it's really just active until it hits capacity (and even then there are issues to be concerned about). Then there's the whole issue of the actual effects it'd have on undead or earthbound spirits and that's a whooole other can of worms.
  • You don't really need to break down every facet of Danny's ghost form for the sake of explanations, if I'm being honest. But there are a ton of smaller issues here within his powerset that I should bring up.
    • Possession of others. No. Let's not. I'm well aware that he uses that ability more often than not to get back at his bullies (among others), but it is inherently an ability that takes control away from other players, which is an issue regardless of use case.
    • Dream access: there's a whole bunch of stuff I could talk about here, but at the end of the day it's an extension of the possession issue. Like mind reading, but also pretty invasive even if there is no directly malicious intent.
    • Ability to use a weapon does not equate to skill with a weapon, to the point where I'd say if he managed to swing a sword around two or three times it wouldn't count as being skilled in swordsmanship. To expound upon this further: Danny Phantom (as a character) has limitations imposed on him by the medium in which his series originates (that being a cartoon series). There is no reason to animate complex swordplay if simple swings do the trick (a la comic book impact frames). He just can't reasonably have skill with any sorts on random weapons unless he has shown reasonable skill with the weapon and not just "able to use it because plot gave him one".
    • Casual intangibility. Like, okay, yes, he's part ghost in ghost form which should enable some level of phasing attacks, but this also puts the onus on the GM side of things to create encounters that he can't just cheese because "lol dive into the earth and yoink enemies into the ground and hope they can't respond". In context of the show, it works fine because a vast majority of his enemies are also ghosts and thus play by the same rules, but that doesn't apply here.

There might be more here that I haven't caught at a glance, but for a first pass, those are the issues that I noted. Might say more later, but that's it for the moment.
@EchoWolff: I'd rather there be no OCs of that nature in the RP, if possible. The only 'gray area' I can think of in this case is characters whose appearances are variable but whose personalities can be defined to some degree(e.g. Fire Emblem's Robin/Corrin, Mass Effect's Commander Shepard, and so on).

Again, if a choice is too nebulous, run it by me and I'll give it a check over (just so people don't commit on a form that I might take issue with).
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