Avatar of FujiwaraPhoenix


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  • Name: Tachibana Masaru
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "...Y'know, I look surprisingly good in a suit."
    Masaru stands at an above-average 179cm (5'10") and hides a surprisingly lean and well-toned body underneath his clothes.
  • Psychological Profile: At heart, Masaru is a person driven by his passion and pursuit of mastery in what he enjoys—and, by extension, his desire to share those feelings with others. In the past, this manifested as him streaming and regularly competing in tournaments; now, however, hunting Anomalies and honing his skills beyond the virtual stage seems to have taken its place. To that end, one could argue that he seeks power "for the sake of pursuing it", which could be seen as problematic in its own right, but due to the lack of any actual red flags in his behavior (e.g. megalomania, a desire for revenge, an all-consuming ego) Sefirot seems to be indulging in his pursuits rather than stymieing them—likely due to the fact that the better of a combatant he becomes, the more dangerous stuff they can throw him at. He welcomes the challenge, though.
    When not training, Masaru is actually rather relaxed, often times opting to spend his days hanging out as anyone around his age might. Whether that takes the form of reading, playing games, or just having a good meal matters not, so long as he is able to enjoy life for what it is rather than what it could have been—a trait no doubt inspired by the incident that brought him to Sefirot to begin with.
  • Skills: More than anything else, Masaru's preternatural skill with a bow is what shines more than anything else. Coupled with what was essentially years of dedicated training while streaming (including no small amount of climbing, rolling, and dashing around), however, and that skill has since begun to evolve into more of an informal combat style that leverages both mobility and distance control to strike down his targets. Being able to do all of that while entertaining a crowd of viewers has also given him the means to react to and interpret situations on the fly while also providing valuable information (or lighthearted banter) to his partners in action.
  • Abilities: Beyond higher-than-natural combat aptitude and reflexes, Masaru doesn't have anything that would set him apart from other people. One might argue that his ability to react on the fly and read enemy tells would qualify as an ability, but the man himself insists that those come from practice and refinement rather than natural talent.
  • Equipment: Masaru's primary weapon is a bow enchanted with the ability to control wind, water, and lightning. Though nameless (as far as he knows), the weapon itself is fairly complicated when it comes to actually manipulating the magic behind all of the elemental manipulation; as such, Masaru (with his limited time with the weapon this far) is only able to make rudimentary use of the latter two elements as of the start of his employment as an Agent. The bow itself also has the standard functionality of a bow (being able to shoot arrows of any sort), but also comes with a quiver of "infinite" arrows to make use of.
    Beyond that, the gamer-turned-Agent carries a small wakizashi-sized sword that can double as an emergency supercharged arrow should the need arise.
  • Background:
@XoXKieroBombXoX: Discord's only for people who have gotten acceptances. OoC's where most of the character creation/choice stuff will be.
Okay, form long. Slapping backstory in a hider to save on screen space.

  • Name: Tachibana Masaru
  • Age: 22
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance: "...Y'know, I look surprisingly good in a suit."
    Masaru stands at an above-average 179cm (5'10") and hides a surprisingly lean and well-toned body underneath his clothes.
  • Psychological Profile: At heart, Masaru is a person driven by his passion and pursuit of mastery in what he enjoys—and, by extension, his desire to share those feelings with others. In the past, this manifested as him streaming and regularly competing in tournaments; now, however, hunting Anomalies and honing his skills beyond the virtual stage seems to have taken its place. To that end, one could argue that he seeks power "for the sake of pursuing it", which could be seen as problematic in its own right, but due to the lack of any actual red flags in his behavior (e.g. megalomania, a desire for revenge, an all-consuming ego) Sefirot seems to be indulging in his pursuits rather than stymieing them—likely due to the fact that the better of a combatant he becomes, the more dangerous stuff they can throw him at. He welcomes the challenge, though.
    When not training, Masaru is actually rather relaxed, often times opting to spend his days hanging out as anyone around his age might. Whether that takes the form of reading, playing games, or just having a good meal matters not, so long as he is able to enjoy life for what it is rather than what it could have been—a trait no doubt inspired by the incident that brought him to Sefirot to begin with.
  • Skills: More than anything else, Masaru's preternatural skill with a bow is what shines more than anything else. Coupled with what was essentially years of dedicated training while streaming (including no small amount of climbing, rolling, and dashing around), however, and that skill has since begun to evolve into more of an informal combat style that leverages both mobility and distance control to strike down his targets. Being able to do all of that while entertaining a crowd of viewers has also given him the means to react to and interpret situations on the fly while also providing valuable information (or lighthearted banter) to his partners in action.
  • Abilities: Beyond higher-than-natural combat aptitude and reflexes, Masaru doesn't have anything that would set him apart from other people. One might argue that his ability to react on the fly and read enemy tells would qualify as an ability, but the man himself insists that those come from practice and refinement rather than natural talent.
  • Equipment: Masaru's primary weapon is a bow enchanted with the ability to control wind, water, and lightning. Though nameless (as far as he knows), the weapon itself is fairly complicated when it comes to actually manipulating the magic behind all of the elemental manipulation; as such, Masaru (with his limited time with the weapon this far) is only able to make rudimentary use of the latter two elements as of the start of his employment as an Agent. The bow itself also has the standard functionality of a bow (being able to shoot arrows of any sort), but also comes with a quiver of "infinite" arrows to make use of.
    Beyond that, the gamer-turned-Agent carries a small wakizashi-sized sword that can double as an emergency supercharged arrow should the need arise.
  • Background:
@VitaVitaAR: Color me... Intrigued. Will see if I can cook something up for this.
@VitaVitaAR: Aye, Youmu post-nerf OK. Accepted.
@Izurich: Hm... Okay, yeah, checks out. I thiiiiink I have an excuse for why Remi in particular got the short end of the stick, so we should be good to go. Accepted.

@Vlad Tepes: I believe that if DM is soft-nerfed, Alucard should be fine? I'd say accepted here as well.
@Vlad Tepes: In addition to the queries Vita has, I want to ask if you would you be opposed to not having access to the shield specifically? While the other two give access to strong offensive and defensive capabilities, only the shield offers any form of near-impervious instantaneous defense on a whim.

@Izurich: Okay, might be funny to say, but I think you went a bit overboard with the nerfs to Remi. You could opt to bring her strength back up because we do have characters above that level, healing factor up a bit, blood magic up to the level of giving her access to her full spellcard arsenal if she chooses to do so...

Or we could play the 'Remi needs character progression because reasons' card if you think that'd be fun. Up to you.
@Izurich: Hm...

Thinking on the two, I think that Remi (funnily enough) is probably the more feasible option so long as "manipulation of fate" is brought into line. Marisa's big problem in this setup is that she has too much firepower to start with (I really don't want to think about balancing encounters around Master/Double/Final Spark), so Remi is probably better in comparison.
@Lewascan2: Hm... Yeah, I guess that with that synopsis we're starting okay, but I'd have to see a detailed form before I make any calls one way or another.

And heaven knows I've been in enough rabbit holes, so any work spared from having me jump into yet another one would be greatly appreciated.
Well, I'll concern myself with that Alucard form after it's done. But, right, let's get to doing GM things here.

@Izurich: Hey, long time no see! With regards to Flan... I think the biggest problem with Flan is that her ability to destroy is just too fundamental to her as a character that justifying her without it seems... Difficult. Like, we've seen her in action very recently in 17.5, and the way things work out there is that the second she stops wanting to play around, uh...
Well, Yuuma goes pop.
Even if she isn't the sort of crazy psycho kid that fanon content loves to portray her as, losing her core ability changes her a bit too much for me to think that a nerf would be okay (if feasible to begin with).
(This is ALSO ignoring the shenanigans she gets with things like Four of a Kind, Laevateinn, etc.;)

@Lewascan2: Starting to dig through data here to try and get a grasp on powers and the personality and the like, but it's sorta tough with how little info I seem to be getting off your link? I think my immediate concern is getting a grasp on the former and if the personality will mesh well (enough) with the cast as it stands.
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