Avatar of FulgrimLives


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6 mos ago
Excited to begin a new journey.


|:| Hello there, I am Fulgrim |:|

Or Grim, or anything else you like

My page may seem a little edgy at first, but do not let that discourage you. Truly I'm just a goober who enjoys writing romance, sci-fi and fantasy.

Before anything, please keep these in mind while interacting with me, just so we have a better experience:

With that out of the way, hello again. As you can see, clearly, I have a particular liking to the Warhammer 40k universe, however, I am not limited to it, in fact, I prefer OCs in original stories.

I have been roleplaying for almost a decade now (since I was a kid), with a couple of hiatus in the middle, I found this site and decided it would be a proper place for a fresh start.

Communication is key when writing with me, I love planning!

I write my posts in decently long paragraphs, usually without going into "Novella" territory, as I feel that is overwhelming for most people, I welcome anyone with any amount of writing skill to participate in a story with me, I am very open to most fandoms, and to original characters as well, as long as there's some level of fantasy or sci-fi involved, I am more than happy to participate.

My favorite genres are Romance (Most if not every one of my stories includes at least a hint of it), Drama, Fantasy and Sci-Fi. Horror is always on the table too, specially if it is body horror. I identify as a male, however, I am willing to write as anyone that a story requires, side characters included!

I got MANY characters ready for almost ANY genre.

Here is a breakdown of some fandoms that I enjoy Roleplaying (Do keep in mind that I update these CONSTANTLY):

- Tv/Movies/Anime -

- Games -

- Miscellaneous -

And bassically any other form of entertainment you can come up with, ask me if I know about it and I most likely will, please, feel free to reach out. I don't have any public characters, yet, but I may get around to it soon.

Feel free to send me your ideas, it's always great to see what other people come up with.

Most Recent Posts

I have been meaning to return to roleplay with one of my old characters, her name, is Arachnea.

If it interests you, leave a message here or send me a dm! Everything here is old and unedited from an old archieve in my pc, therefore, all of this can change for the sake of storytelling when we are ready to roleplay.

A bit of a warning:The following story contains a bit of intense violence and distress from the main character.

Arachnea's birth was a difficult and mysterious situation. Her mother was not able to survive the birth, and passed away minutes after the girl was born, she was left with no family, due to whoever was her father never claimed her. She was taken away to be tested, and investigate why she was born with the demonic features that made her similar to an arachnid, she was given the name 425A Salem, being nicknamed Arachnea by some of the people that held her captive.

Unknown to most people, her birth was tied to the allignment of forces in the fields between our world, and the rift between, esentially, making her father be an unregistered eldritch being from another reality, although, she's not nearly as strong as any creature from beyond the rift.

Though she never lacked food or the warmth of a bed, she was never truly happy, remaining confined to the same four walls, day after day. She was taught how to walk, talk, read. All the basic things that a parent would show their kid, having the academic knowledge of a 10th grader at best.

But the day came, when she turned seventeen, she was considered too dangerous to be kept alive, as she had grown aggresive and uncontrollable during the past year, using lethal force on people whenever she was throwing a tantrums, leaving three staff members severely injured. She had not realized the gravity of her violence, until it was too late.


The same day of her birthday, she was going to be executed. In her sleep, she was shot, multiple times, of course, she woke up. She pleaded as she felt the pain, her body trembled in fear and desperation, but she was ignored, the feeling of her blood rushing out of her body was traumatic, but what hurt her the most was the fact that the person that attempted to murder her was one of the few people in the facility who she felt a connection with, someone she considered a friend to some degree.

When the man thought he was done, he turned his back away, not expecting for the girl to be alive anymore. This was a mistake, something supernatural happened, her wounds had healed by some sort of dark force, allowing her to go into a blind rage and and take revenge for what had been done to her.

To this day, she still has the scars of the encounter along her chest and belly, as a reminder of what happens when you put too much of faith on someone.


She went out into the facility, and in a moment of rage, continued to murder whoever she found on her way, many of which, were innocents, forced to work to keep their families safe, essentially slaves to those who were higher up in the corporation. But she didn't think of this.

Until she found one, who pleaded the same way she did. This man had harmed her, even if not with his own hands, he was with the bad people that had tried to hurt her, therefore being involved. But seeing the tears of someone who seemed truly repented made her realize what she had done.

Was it worth it? Is it fair to take someone's life without thinking twice? Was she not being the same as them by doing this? 

She looked down at her hands, covered in the blood of people who had no control over the situation they were in, just like her. That was the point in which she swore to herself not to harm anyone if she didn't have to, haunted by what she had done, she ran, escaping into a world that she did not know of, a world with moonlight, a world with grass, fresh air, stars. 


She was unaware if she was born through magic, an experiment, a curse from the gods themselves. But in the present time, she is not searching for an answer, she is just looking for a home, a place and a way to survive peacefully.

Perhaps now she could actually begin to live.


That's what I have in mind for starters, if you want to participate either leave me a message here or dm me, I'd love to know what you think! She can be tied to pre-existing fandoms, but she's originally meant for Original Worlds, she can interact with essentially anyone, and I mean for her to have a romantic interest at some point.
@Letter Bee Once a round unless special permission, essentially yes, an order. just because I've gone through a few group Rps that went... Pretty much downhill because one of us wasn't able to post in a while, and the story advance without them noticing.
@Letter Bee Hello, to answer your question, mostly, however, I am willing to group Rps as long as we all have a bit of order when posting :)
Hello there, I am Fulgrim, or Grim, or anything, you can call me anything else.

As you can see, clearly, I have a particular liking to the Warhammer 40k universe, however, I am not limited to it. I have been roleplaying for almost a decade now (since I was a kid), with a couple of hiatus in the middle, I just now found this site and decided it would be a proper place for a fresh start.

I usually write my posts in decently long paragraphs, usually without going into "Novella" territory, as I feel that is overwhelming for most people, I welcome anyone with any amount of writing skill to participate in a story with me, I am very open to most fandoms, and to original characters as well, as long as there's some level of fantasy or sci-fi involved, I am more than happy to participate.

Here is a breakdown of some pop things that I enjoy roleplaying:

Star Wars

Harry Potter

Lord of the Rings (Middle earth in general for that matter.)

Bassically any Slasher Type movie or Horror.


40k (of course.)




Avatar, the last airbender

Alien and Predator sagas

And bassically any other form of entertainment you can come up with, ask me if I know about it and I most likely will, please, feel free to reach out, I am very excited to begin writing again!
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