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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Fia nodded in agreement, already knowing this information and always helped when she could. She didn't want Drake to stop breathing as Drake was the closest thing to a brother figure she had. She knew her parents had no plans on having another child, especially as she herself wasn't even planned. So Drake was the next best thing in her life to a brother without even being her brother biologically.

"It's gonna be okay Drake, that's why we're here remember...to stop it" she told him, holding him as he leaned on her. As John ran off declaring he has an inhaler somewhere, she called back, "we have one with us! It's in my satchel backpack! Grab it!" She didn't want to make a big deal of packing one before she and Drake left their time but there was no way she wasn't going to go prepared, so she packed it behind Drake's back out of love for his health. She had hoped it wouldn't be needed but it seemed her hope was misplaced.

"I'm on it" Kay said, seeing the bag Fia mentioned and walked quickly over to it, opening it and finding the inhaler in an inside pocket, where she pulled it out and handed it over to Fia, Serena and Drake for one of them to take it.
No one in the main room liked what they were starting to witness from Drake. It was clear the kid was starting to have a panic attack of some kinds and something they discussed about Bane not being around was clearly the trigger point for it. Not even Josh's hold on the boy was working. Chas nodded when Serena told him to get Fia, to which he instantly walked at a quickened pace to find her onto the almost bump into her as Fia, John and Kay started to walk back. "It's Drake, we need your help Fia" he told her.

Fia was just turning round to get into the main room when she practically collided with Chas. She was about to make a joke when he stressed that something was wrong with Drake, making her run over and seeing he was going into one of his panic attacks. "Drake! Drake I'm here mate" she told him, gently coaxing Josh away and placing her hands onto Drake's arms. "Deep breaths Drake, slow deep breaths..." She began saying calmly, as she focused her calm energy onto him to give him that extra help. "You're alright Drake...you're alright. I'm here,I got you" she told him, just like she always did to calm him.
Josh felt like Drake was keeping things from them but he didn't want to ask for dear it was far too important information that they wouldn't get an answer anyway, so instead he walked over and placed his hand on the boy's shoulder, giving it a squeeze of support, unable to know what else he could possibly do. "Whatever happens I'm sure we can figure it out and stop it" he told Drake.

Both Kay and Fia shrugged, "I don't know, Chas and Josh will know though. Bane was already gone by the time me and Drake got to them" Fia explained, "so let's get back into the main room with everyone else and catch up on what they've discussed yeah?" Kay suggested, looping her arm through John's then taking his hand, interlocking their fingers for extra support for him and herself. Fia noticed and couldn't help but smile slightly, glad that that action was done even in this time.
Sorry I've been a bit slow replying. I've had last minute work bookings due to other companies cancelling last minute and stuff. On top of that I've been busy dealing with rubbish couriers and getting a new phone set up 😂
Josh looked between Drake and Serena, wondering why Drake went white as a sheet at the mention of Bane not being around them currently. He was about to ask the same question as Serena did, but she beat him to it. "Wait...so if Bane isn't with her, that makes her vulnerable to what happens in your timeline?" He asked his future son.

Fia and Kay heard John out, Fia as always impressed with how easily her dad seemed to put everything together and get it spot on, all without her saying anything. "I wish I could say you were wrong dad but....you're not. Without Bane, the shit show of our timeline begins" she explained to them both. "So we gotta go get Bane back somehow...right?" Kay asked in suggestion, though she felt like what she said was easier said than actually done.
Chas and Josh both shook their heads when Drake asked again if Bane was not here in this very moment. "it seems not no. I hope he's alright" Josh replied to Drake. He didn't want to give that answer but he hardly had a choice in the matter, it was the only answer he could give and hoped that Serena could somehow get into some sort of contact with him.

Fia nodded at John's question, "I've seen him in his human form and shadow form, but that's baout it. He's usually in one or the other in my time" she told him, not wanting to give too much information about the future and their extended family. "why do you ask?" she asked him back as she leaned against the wall.

(ooc: sorry for late reply, this week has been hectic as I got work at the weekend)
Chas nodded at Drake's reply, it made sense that he wouldn't know the answer, or if he did he wasn't going to say it. It was just as he assumed and he accepted that. He then looked across at Serena when she began speaking and asked about Bane, "he said he was going to scout out Midnite in the shadows. I tried to convince him otherwise but seems he's as stubborn as you are" he told her with a slight smirk.

Fia shook her head in amusement at her father's quip about being a smart bloke. It seemed that even now in this time, he was as witty as ever. "we don't know" she shrugged in response, "its one thing we never fully got an answer from. Something had to have happened in some way to stop him warning us" she commented.
Chas somehow wasn't surprised that both men would take it the hardest of the women going dark. He knew what John was like, he had been there when he lost Astra, when he lost anyone he liked, whether it was down to his own doing or not. That history made Chas know that there was no way he would cope well at all losing Kay, especially because of Serena if she goes dark side. Hell, Chas wouldn't even be surprised if John held it against Serena for some time in the kid's timeline, but that was something he wasn't going to bring up. "so there is something Trish is capable of? Ability wise?" he couldn't help but ask Drake.

Fia and Kay both nodded when John said about making all seeing eye charms. Fia couldn't help but smile at the suggestion as it felt so familiar to her of her father before things went to utter shit. "you really do always have an idea for everything" she remarked.
Josh gave Trish's hand a reassuring squeeze when she looked at him before looking at Serena as she spoke up, telling everyone in the room exactly how he managed to snap her out of her anger and dark turn. He turned ever so slightly pink in the cheeks and ran his hands through his hair sheepishly over it, but nodded. "then I'll keep reminding you of why you're here" he said, half mumbling the answer which made Chas smirk, forcing himself to stop himself from sniggering. Young love was so reassuring for him to see and in a way a sign of hope that in this shit world full of darkness and hatred, there was still a chance for something good in the world.

Fia and Kay both nodded their agreement that no one in the group should go alone anywhere. The only people remotely safe to do so was Drake and Fia as they could easily get out of a sticky situation by going back to their own time. She did however agree that the rest of the group shouldn't be alone at any moment, just to play safe. "I agree completely, I don't think any of you should be alone right now. Me and Drake can keep watch when needed as we've got the advance supplies and knowledge to do so. But I don't want you letting mum out of your sight, just as Drake don't want Josh to let Serena out of his no doubt." Fia explained.
Chas wasn't expecting Trish to ask him any questions on the subject being discussed, let alone the question she actually asked. "uhh...honestly, I usually find a way to knock him out if it's really bad or constantly talk him down, even if it's shoving a bottle of alcohol in his hand and make him get so pissed he just passes out" he shrugged. He knew his answer wasn't helpful in the slightest to Serena's situation, but when it came to John, there wasn't many options he could do. "which I'm aware isn't useful or helpful. Wish I could be more help with this" he then added with a sigh.

Kay let John pull her into him, returning the kiss gladly even if it was a reaction she wasn't expecting from him. She was glad however that what she said seemed tog et through to him somewhat and make some kind of difference to his outlook. She gave him a small reassuring smile and nod, "right" she said, before turning her head and looking at Fia when her voice broke through the moment. She let John reply as she saw Fia nod after giving what he said a bit of a think. "okay...but we do this as a team. You can't succeed on your own" Fia replied to her dad.
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