Fia nodded in agreement, already knowing this information and always helped when she could. She didn't want Drake to stop breathing as Drake was the closest thing to a brother figure she had. She knew her parents had no plans on having another child, especially as she herself wasn't even planned. So Drake was the next best thing in her life to a brother without even being her brother biologically.
"It's gonna be okay Drake, that's why we're here stop it" she told him, holding him as he leaned on her. As John ran off declaring he has an inhaler somewhere, she called back, "we have one with us! It's in my satchel backpack! Grab it!" She didn't want to make a big deal of packing one before she and Drake left their time but there was no way she wasn't going to go prepared, so she packed it behind Drake's back out of love for his health. She had hoped it wouldn't be needed but it seemed her hope was misplaced.
"I'm on it" Kay said, seeing the bag Fia mentioned and walked quickly over to it, opening it and finding the inhaler in an inside pocket, where she pulled it out and handed it over to Fia, Serena and Drake for one of them to take it.
"It's gonna be okay Drake, that's why we're here stop it" she told him, holding him as he leaned on her. As John ran off declaring he has an inhaler somewhere, she called back, "we have one with us! It's in my satchel backpack! Grab it!" She didn't want to make a big deal of packing one before she and Drake left their time but there was no way she wasn't going to go prepared, so she packed it behind Drake's back out of love for his health. She had hoped it wouldn't be needed but it seemed her hope was misplaced.
"I'm on it" Kay said, seeing the bag Fia mentioned and walked quickly over to it, opening it and finding the inhaler in an inside pocket, where she pulled it out and handed it over to Fia, Serena and Drake for one of them to take it.