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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
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That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Chas sighed at John's choice of plan. He should have known better than to think John pick any other plan. "Of course that's your plan" he replied, shaking his head, but then looked at John again, "alright...take the lead" he agreed even though he didn't like the idea whatsoever. He just hoped this wouldn't go south for them all. He made one last glance up toward the roof of the building even though he couldn't see the others on there due to the angles, but he couldn't help but glance up anyway. Opening the door, he stepped to one side to let John in first, before he would follow in after him.

Kay knelt down beside Serena to help finding Bane, but like her, she couldn't see him either. She didn't know if it was due to some kind of spell Midnite was using or if it was purely the angle they were looking in by. "John will pull through Serena, don't worry. We just have to wait for his signal" she tried to reassure her. Fia kept a sharp eye all around them, stating back with Drake, "this will work..won't it? Drake, I can't lose my mum..." She said quietly.
Fia welcomed the kiss on the forehead as it was a rare thing for her lately to happen due to his future self's grief taking over him completely. She stepped back when he went to her mother and glanced away like most kids do when he and Kay shared a kiss briefly. Looking back at him when he told them both to be safe she nodded. "We will, I'll keep mum safe no matter what, I promise" she told him back before he went to the side doors of the building they needed.

Kay and Fia both looked at each other as Kay telepathically asked Fee to give her help with flight, and Fia just summoned her wings herself. Fee abided by Kay's request and let her have control of her orange and red wings, Kay then looking and seeing how much more yellow and orange Fia's were in comparison to her own. "hers are brighter due to her young age, as she gets older the reds will become visible" Fee explained to Kay. "Come on, Drake and Serena are already up top" Fia told Kay, bad with a nod, both Fia and Kay propelled themselves upwards into the air, hovered for a second or two for Kay to get used to being airborne then with a swift flap up then downwards of the wings, they soared upwards to the roof and met the other two on the roof, landing one foot at a time on the concrete and a little step forward. They then both shook their shoulders to make their wings disappear into their birth mark tattoos.

Downstairs Chas snuck round the building with John, "so how you gonna distract Midnite long enough to trick him into showing you where Bane is?" He asked his mate.
Kay still didn't like the kids being involved but she was slowly coming to terms with accepting it as they did know more than she or the others did in this moment. The plan seemed like a solid one that Fia suggested and figured it couldn't go wrong if they all kept to the plan. Or so she hoped. She listened to John and nodded, "I promise" she replied.

Fia stood beside her mother and nodded, "what Drake said. We got this and be careful yourself." She told her dad, knowing all too well how reckless he could be, a trait that never changed even when she came into the world. "Drake, let's get up top, we can follow them from up there whilst being look out" she then said, looking at Drake before looking at her mother, "I take it you know you in this time how to fly with your wings?" She asked, not sure how much Kay had learned at this point. "No, but Fee can help me" Kay admitted.
Fia and Kay both got out the car when John did and saw the chain pieces go into their pockets. Looking down at the pocket then at John, they were curious to what he was he doing but neither wanted to say anything. They looked over at Serena when she instructed a shadow to stay with the cab, before Fia looked at Drake and nodded in agreement. "Agreed. At least some of us need to go above, have a bird's eye view of everything and everyone so to speak" Fia said, knowing exactly how ironic or cliche her choice of wording of but she was unapologetic with it.

"Keep Serena and Kay back initially, keep them out if sight. Myself and John can go in first, keep Midnite and his cronies distracted for as long as possible whilst Serena goes and gets Bane. We can't go in guns blazing and this needs to be done smartly. One false move and this whole rescue mission goes down the drain" Chas commented his opinion. "Okay, so how about me and Drake take Serena and Kay up top on a roof with us, you guys try and Midnite to show you where Bane is and when we get a signal with the location, Serena can sneak in, retrieve Bane and get back to us on the roof. If things start to go south, we'll drop in as backup?" Fia suggested.
Chas let Serena guide him before nodding in agreement. If she hadn't have said to park a few blocks down, he would have done anyway. "Way ahead of ya there Serena. I thought of that doing that for everyone's sake" he told her, giving her a small smile despite how determined and focused his mind was. When he reached a suitable location, he pulled up into a parking spot at the side of the road and stopped the car.

Fia and Kay watched the road wizz by before things slowed down and they pulled up to a safe spot and John spoke to Fia. They barely noticed or at least, registered that he was charming a chain in his hands in the front seat. "Not much, they're changing their tactics to attack now and not once myself and Drake are in the world and teenagers. But it'll be an ambush no doubt. That doesn't seem to have changed. In our time we did a spell to see if there was any way of breaking the loop, and every single one encompasses an ambush of some kind. So we're gonna need to be on guard the whole time." She explained.

"I don't like that at all." Kay stated. "Mum, as long as we keep Serena and you away from Midnite and that mage we can win this. I believe that, I have to believe that" Fia replied.
With everyone in the cab, Fia looked at Serena as she got spoken to. It was a question she didn't went to have to answer but she did anyway, "yeah...it's all connected with the same people" she replied. She then looked out the front window ahead of her from her seat as Chas started the car and began driving to the docks. On the outside she seemed calm, but on the inside she was nervous about what they were going into. It felt like for her and Drake, they were reliving the start of their horrors all over again.

Kay glanced at her daughter and she wished she could have been able to tell what she was thinking but she couldn't. She remained silent for the journey as did Fia. So many thoughts plaguing both their minds. This could be the night that they lose everything and for Fia and Drake, again, or it could be the night things change for the better and they actually get a win. Both of them terrified losing any of the group whilst Josh and Trish remained back at the mill House.
Feeling her father's hand on her cheek, Fia couldn't stop herself from smiling and briefly closing her eyes then reopening them and looking at him as she listened to what he had to say. "I understand, but I got your back too dad...you taught me well" she told him, hugging him for a moment. She didn't want to forget the way he was being now, but knew when she went back to her's and Drake's time, they had to forget what they did in this time. But right now, she wanted the memories of John still bring willing to have a bit of hope they could win this battle, wanting to be close to his daughter because it still hurt that in her time, he had completely closed off from everyone, even her.
"Come.on, let's get moving before Chas tells us to hurry up" she then said to John.

Kay and Chas let Drake get Serena into the can first before they thought about entering the cab. They looked at Drake and nodded, "we're gonna do our best to not to lose anyone." Chas confirmed, pulling out his car keys from his pocket and walking round to the driver's side and getting in. Kay then got into the back of the cab, guessing John will want the front passenger seat next to Chas.
Kay had a feeling the reason why John was holding back was because of Fia, so she let him hang back as she went on ahead with Chas. Fia looked down at her hand then up again at John, looking him in the eye as he told her to just focus on getting Kay, Serena and Bane out if it goes south. It was a plea she didn't like, she didn't want it to come to a point where she'd have to leave her father behind. "It won't come to that, I'm not leaving any of you behind. Without you getting out safe with mum, there'll be no me after all" she told him back, giving him a slight smirk that could mirror his own. But she wasn't amused, despite her outer appearance, she was dreading losing either or both her parents in this time.

Chas stayed with Kay as he looked behind him seeing jOhn and Fia having a chat, as well as Serena and Drake and he could only imagine what was being discussed with them. Noticing Fia's smirk, he felt like he was looking at John and it was endearing as well as slightly disconcerting due to technically Fia not even existing in this time yet. Yet seeing Fia standing there beside her father gave him hope that she would be a beacon for John not to screw things up or give up on anything.
Kay, Fia and Chas all let Serena do what she could to track Bane. Kay looked at John as he commented about enjoying magic he hadn't seen or used before being used by someone else. Kay let him wrap an arm round her waist, stepping close to him. The others made a mental note of the fact Bane was by the docks, Kay even forgetting this area had docks as she usually stayed clear of them for fear of being found by people she didn't want to be found by.

"Okay, let's go" Fia commented when Serena pinned down Bane's location precisely. She was nervous about what they were about to find when they got there, but that wasn't going to stop her from helping. In hers and Drake's time, they never got to help because it happened when they weren't nearby, now they had a chance to give that extra aid. She just hoped they wouldn't be too late or fail.
When Fia had mentioned about using a tracking spell, she had momentarily forgot that Serena was capable of tracking Bane through their bond. She watched Serena got a link forged to finding Bane, as did the others and when it was forged, she looked on as the shadows came to Serena's aid.

Kay noticed how John was smirking at the shadows coming to Serena's aid and she really hoped that this wouldn't be the start of John losing control and going rogue in this rescue mission, but she was also aware that there was still a lot she was yet to learn about John. It just unnerved her slightly, but she wouldn't let it show to everyone in the group. "We're ready when you are to go Serena" she told her.
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