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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Fia sighed when Serena was continuing to be utterly stubborn and just do what they all want her to. "...fine" she replied back, now feeling too tired to argue with her anymore about how clearly exhausted Serena looked. She figured the others might have better luck than she was having.

Josh listened to what Bane was saying to them and nodded, but he certainly couldn't think of anyone who was capable of that kind of sight, he was still getting used to what he did know of so far. "I guess it's something we can look into tomorrow or something" he replied, knowing that none of this group really had the energy to do anymore searching in this moment.

On the couch, Kay simply gave a nod to the suggestion of going to bed. It did sound like the best option for her right now, even if she did try and make Serena get some rest herself. "Okay.." she replied sleepily, the events of the day and the resurrection now fully catching up to her. She pulled herself away from John's shoulder and stood up. "See you guys in the morning" she said to everyone left in the room, "night Kay" Chas replied.
Fia sighed and shook her head, "as much as I agree with you on the parts about mum and dad, I don't agree with you on the latter points. You're exhausted Serena, I can tell and you need to rest just as much as the others do. You realise they'll make you rest up right? They won't rest until you do" she pointed out. "If they're anything like the parents I know from my time anyway" she added.

Listening to what Bane had to say, Josh felt it was a lot to try and comprehend. "Is there a way for you to find out? Or any of us to find out for that matter?" He asked, curious if there was anything he could help with or not.

Kay nodded as she looked up at him, "it definitely had to have helped surely. Guess it's yet another bit of proof he really is Serena's kid" she replied. "Not that I've been doubting that" she added, before yawning, the events of the day and coming back to life suddenly taking its toll on her.
I'm on day 5 and close to being negative if my latest test is anything to go by.
Fia helped her put Drake onto the bed and let her have her moment. "He's definitely a lot like you both, always being the sensible voice in my ear" she confirmed. "He's probably the reason why I haven't been grounded as much as I could be" she snickered. She then looked at her the moment she said about tidying up downstairs, "nah ah, mum and dad will murder me themselves if I let you go down there to tidy up. Aunt Serena, they have things handled down there. Just let them deal with it okay?" She said to her.

Downstairs, Josh listened to Bane talk and explain that something big happened to Serena at the warehouse, it proving a lot to digest. "Do you think that's possible? For her to be the goddess NYX that is" he asked Bane.

As everyone catted, Chas took the initiative to pick up what he could and tidy up a chunk of the equipment left over the place just to make it a deterrent for Serena. Kay sat next to John and nodded with a sigh. "That she is, I thought I was stubborn but she takes the gold trophy for that one. I'm curious too, something clearly went down, especially if Bane and Josh are talking about it privately" she replied, letting herself lightly lean against him out of exhaustion. "Not to mention whatever went down, effected Drake" she added.
If I'm slow replying at the moment it's coz I picked up COVID from work at the weekend. So I'm trying to focus on rp's to distract myself but I do keep getting sleepy alot.
Fia helped Serena with Drake, taking most of his weight so Serena didn't have to, and deep down she did have to agree with her dad. Serena was looking burned out and did need to sleep herself. She didn't like how in this time Serena seemed so much more stubborn. She carried Drake upstairs and just gave John and Kay a look to say 'i'll get her to rest'.

Josh looked at Bane when he came over to him and rose an eyebrow out of curiosity. "What about? Is it about Serena?" He asked him quietly, as he gestured for Bane to follow him to a slightly more quiet area of the house so they could talk in peace, leaving Kay, Chas and John on their own in the main room with Trish. "If Serena comes back down to tidy up I swear I'm gonna carry her upstairs myself and knock her out to make her sleep" Kay said. It seemed drastic but it was out of concern for her friend's health.
The others had to agree that it did look like Serena wouldn't get any of what happened or that they had discussed off her mind. Josh shook his head, "Kay and John are right, no one is doing research tonight. You've all been through enough right now, you ALL need to rest up, not just Drake and John. That includes you too" he told her, slightly more firmly than he would have liked but it was evident that there was worry and concern for her welfare in his tone as well.

"None of this will get away from us over night. You need the sleep just as much as the rest of us" Kay added, helping John up off the floor properly. "So please? Don't do any research without us?" She then requested of her.
Kay, Josh, Fia and Chas all agreed that what Serena summarised seemed to be their only option in this time. Unfortunately neither Chas or Kay believed that this would be the only attempt at turning both Serena and Kay dark which didn't leave a great deal of hope in either of their heads or hearts. Chas couldn't help but think this was precisely why John always used to say who would be dumb enough to walk this path with him.

Kay helped him sit up a bit more, making sure he was being careful in the process. "Seems like the only thing we can do. I can't imagine Bane having any good ideas for why he would be targeted" she said then looked at Serena, "or would he?" She asked, seeing how wiped she was. "But I think for now we all need to rest and this can be thought about in the morning" she added her opinion.
"Yeah it worked, Drake is out cold at the moment but he's okay. Got colour back in him and Fia is by his side" Kay replied to John's concern. "So you don't need to worry about him at the moment alright? Focus on yourself now" she told him as Serena walked over and asked what was to happen now. Listening to the short conversation, she had to agree with John and she didn't know anything about the type of time travel that the kids were even able to accomplish at all.

"He's right" Fia spoke up, looking over her shoulder at the adults across the room by the stairs. "It took a lot out of both of us to get back here, me especially as I cast the spell. "It took me a good 24hours to recover before we could remotely intervene with things here" she added. "When it comes to the threat, all you guys can do is hope that it worked, and for me and Drake to find out once we get back. If we're lucky and things do change in the future then a fixed point here will change but chances are you guys won't even feel it change. It'll seem completely normal for you lot." she explained.

Truth be told, Natalia did indeed want to beat the teenager to an utter pulp just to get her annoyance at him bumping her into Cason and to let out some of her frustration and hurt she was currently being overwhelmed by. Yet here Cason was tightening his grip and stopping her from using the kid as a punching bag. She knew deep down she was beginning to spiral and it would no doubt mean she will get the biggest lecture from Dean about her behaviour. "I think we both know if I do, I'll go straight for that asshole" she muttered, just before she felt his nose brush against hers, 'what the hell is going on? Nat get away from him!' she screamed in thought at herself as the sudden rush of kids running and screaming began. Something was wrong, something was seriously wrong and she had to get back to the case, but Cason was keeping her well and truly planted on the spot in front him. She could only just about hear Dean's grunts in the distance, but not enough to fully break her out of whatever this was.

Mika watched the two in front of herself and Anna, every time Cason touched Natalia she wanted to storm over there and punch him or shove him away from her, but she knew she had to trust Natalia to fight this one all by herself. Hearing Dean clearly having a bigger fight on his hands than they anticipated, making her want to go help him but Anna was right, leaving Natalia alone with Cason wasn't the greatest idea she had ever heard. An idea that only sounded even more deplorable when Anna said 'oh no', making her look over, making her jaw drop as well. "Oh no bloody way! Nah ah! That is NOT happening on my watch! If Dean or Sam see that people will wanna wish the apocalypse did happen" she commented, narrowing her eyes at what was quickly unfolding.

Nat was about to gain the motivation to move away from Cason when she suddenly felt his lips smashed against hers in a blink of an eye. In her drunken state, she initially returned the kiss but her common sense rapidly clicked back into place and she shoved him away from her forcibly. "What the actually hell Cason!?" she yelled at him.

Mika watched it all happen with Anna, seeing her balling up her fists. "Not in public" Mika replied to her as she saw Natalia shove Cason with great force away from her. "besides, I think she's handling it" she said, trying to avoid all the rushing kids heading to the door before she suddenly looked to her left and saw why everyone was screaming and running for the exit. "You've got to be kidding me....zombies!?" she exclaimed and exhaled a sigh of annoyance. "Go try and help Dean get the door open from this side, I'm dealing with Nat" she told her, her tone conveying that it wasn't an order as such but forceful enough to let her know that she wasn't taking no for an answer.

She began to storm over to the two people that she was incredibly angry with on this hunt, but nowhere near as angry as the boys would be. She pushed teenagers toward the door as she stormed through and quickly stood between Cason and Natalia. "Keep away from her Cason! I mean it!" she warned him, "Mika I can handle this myself!" Natalia sneered, crossing her arms across her chest. "I don't care Nat, we got bigger problems right now! If you two hadn't noticed, the dead are literally coming out of their crypts!" Mika scolded, refusing to take her eyes off Cason to make sure he didn't try and grab Nat again.

Natalia looked passed both Mika and Cason and saw that Mika was indeed correct, the dead were coming out of their crypts. "Shit!" Nat cursed, pulling out her blade she had concealed in her outfit.


Sam was desperately trying to get the door open with Dean, he could hear the screaming from inside and he knew if they didn't hurry not only would they have a ton of teenagers dead in there, but also the girls (and he supposed possibly Cason's meatsuit, but he didn't care too much about him). "Dean I don't know how we're gonna get this damn thing open! This is the one the girls are in!" he, grunting as he tried every which way to get the door open. Pulling it, pushing it, hells, even lifting it.

"ANNA! NAT! MIKA! CAN YOU GIRLS HEAR ME!?" he shouted through the door, hoping one of them would be able to hear him and there would be a latch on the inside to open the door. He was just panicking that it might be magically sealed and they'd have to find a non conventional way to get it open again. He was also still annoyed at himself for getting the suspect of who the witch was oh so wrong. He was convinced it was the teacher, but for it to turn out to be the student, then the teacher becoming Samhain completely made his mind do an utter 180 on himself.

He was just thankful that he remembered about the whole costume and masks idea to hide from Samhain and told himself and Dean to cover their faces in blood.
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