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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
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That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Chas held the bottle to John's lips so he could take a sip of the strong alcohol, hoping it would help to some degree. He hated seeing his best mate in this state and he could only imagine what the girls must be feeling as they waited wherever they decided to wait.

"Hey Trish" Kay greeted as she heard the young girl wake up and ask what was happening. "John got hurt, Serena and Josh with Chas are helping him downstairs. We're waiting up here because it's not pretty down there right now. So I need you stay with us okay?" She explained.
Josh and Chas both watched Serena prepare herself for what she was convinced she needed to do. When they each got given their orders, they nodded before Josh went to write down each place Serena marked and Chas went to grab some hard liquor for John. Coming back, Chas opened the bottle in preparation for John, "were ready for when you are" Josh said as he noted everything down.

Kay leaned against the wall and folded her arms across her chest as she waited on the others to help John downstairs. She didn't know how to console Fia as she could barely co sole herself at the moment. Every few moments, she looked across at Trish and Drake to make sure Drake was still alright then over at Fia to see how she was holding up. "what if he's not okay?" Fia finally spoke up quietly, "he's John Constantine, he'll be okay. He's the most stubborn fool I've ever met. I don't know many people that will gladly fight all kinds of evil day in day out and still be the kind of person he is. He's arrogant but a good soul. He's also a damn fighter. He'll be okay" Kay replied.

The moment she saw Dean flinch at her harsh words, Natalia knew she went too far but in her state she couldnā€™t even bring herself to apologise. Instead she just made a mental note to try and remember in the morning when she was sober. The only thing she didnā€™t feel the need to apologise for was telling at them all to get out of her room when Mika tried to be the consoling and controlling mother in the situation by telling her to not to lash out at Dean. As they started to exit her room, she knew she had hurt the lot of them in her drunken outburst, she could see how Sam wanted to refuse and stay with her in particular, just like he did that night at the asylum when Dean wasnā€™t even sure she was trustworthy to keep with them. It was one reason she almost found Sam to be her favourite brother. Instead all she could do was stop Cason from leaving at the very last second, listening to herself begging him not to leave her alone when mere moments ago thatā€™s all she wanted. To be left alone.

She didnā€™t want to let go of Casonā€™s arm, she found herself strangely feeling clingy which wasnā€™t in the slightest bit a normal characteristic for her. ā€˜what sober couldnā€™t say huh Nat?ā€™ she thought to herself as she watched Cason stop, turn and run his hand down to make her hand go into his own. ā€œI donā€™t care....ā€ she mumbled back at his retort about it not being a good idea. Hells, she knew it was a terrible idea and that her brothers would absolutely detest her wanting Cason with her over them, but she was hardly in the right mindset right now. Or was she? She stared at the floor as Cason walked over to the door and quietly closed, she presumed in an attempt to be discreet so not to cause more drama with Dean but she couldnā€™t let herself focus on that right now. As he walked back toward her slowly, she could practically feel the caution he was taking radiating off of him, making her slowly look up at him. She shrugged at his question about whether he should know why she picked him over her own family. ā€œI donā€™t know why....sure you started this, but....youā€™re also the only one who didnā€™t yell at me like a child. Youā€™re the only one who didnā€™t push me into giving answers I didnā€™t want to give...and...ā€ she paused mid sentence to take a deep breath and use the back of her wrist to wipe the remaining few tears that fell silently down her already tear stained face. ā€œI donā€™t know...there was a...a... familiarity to your actions toward me just now. Itā€™s calming in a way, like..I've felt you do that before to me. I donā€™t know, I donā€™t think Iā€™m making any kind of sense right now....ā€ She told him as she managed to finally make full eye contact with him.

ā€œIā€™m terrified Cason. Terrified theyā€™ll treat me like Iā€™m chipped glass about to shatter any moment all over again from the pressure on that chip. So I guess... I just need you to stay with me. Make sure I stay put, I at least trust you to rat me out if I do anything stupid.ā€ She admitted, finally letting him know she may trust him on some things a bit more than she previously let on. Maybe there was something to him like Annabeth had mentioned before, it was just taking her to finally open up to everyone in the room for her to actually see it. ā€œas for your other observation? I am exhausted. Iā€™m not one for being openly vulnerable like this...itā€™s taking it out of me.ā€ She said one last time with another sigh escaping her lips. It was a couple of minutes before she made herself get up off the chair and walked over to the bed to lay on, deciding if she did pass out from exhaustion, it was better to do so on the bed than sitting upright on a chair. Looking back at Cason, she thought about the question that was swirling around her head over and over again, the one she was desperate to ask him but didnā€™t know if she should ask him. ā€œCason...?ā€ she began to ask them talked herself out of continuing, ā€œ..never mindā€.

She pulled her hooded cardigan type garment she was still wearing right around her small frame in an attempt to hug herself, afraid to admit that she did want to be held right now. Pulling her feet and knees right up to her chin, she stared at the bland covers on the bed.


Sam let Annabeth cling onto his arm as they exited the room, also seeing just how deflated she was feeling about everything she had heard just now. Yet there was also something comforting about that for him as it told him Annabeth clearly had some kind of attachment to Natalia already that she was feeling anything about this whole debacle. He also knew they had to do something about the information overload they all heard, and that didnā€™t even include the harsh truth Nat spat out at Dean about his time in Hell. He had thought the same thing as his sister, but he had the experience to know you donā€™t just say shit like that to Dean. The firmness of his brotherā€™s final words before they all filed out the room also didnā€™t go amiss on him. Dean was more pissed than he was letting on and he had to give his brother credit for not absolutely ripping into Natalia, instead choosing to go down the almost disappointed paternal route of ā€˜this will be discussed when youā€™re soberā€™ instead. He knew if this was himself in Nataliaā€™s shoes, Dean wouldnā€™t have been nearly as forgiving as he was tonight with her. Silently, he placed his hand over Annabethā€™s hand and gave it a reassuring light squeeze but whether it was for her reassurance or his own he couldnā€™t fully say. He watched on as Dean pulled Mika out of the room by her arm, an action he was all too used to seeing with those two.

ā€œI donā€™t know Dean, we all know sheā€™s capable of either of those options but if I were to take a gamble on what weā€™ve seen of her state? Iā€™d like to trust sheā€™ll go to bed and sleep all of this off. She certainly needs to, I know she's been venomous with her words before, but tonight was something else.ā€ Mika replied to Dean when out of earshot. She thought over everything they had witnessed, a hand to her lips as she pondered their next actions on how to deal with Natalia. It was clear she was worried about the youngest Winchester, and everything they were finally told had left a haunting stain on her mind, just as it had with the rest of them.

She was then about to say something when she looked up and saw Cason closing the door and not exiting the room, an action that made her raise an eyebrow in curiosity and confusion. ā€œwell thatā€™s an interesting change of eventsā€ she remarked, then looked back at their remaining group that was outside. ā€œthe way Iā€™m seeing this, we have two options. 1) we take it in turns to stay up in one of our cars to watch her room to make sure she doesnā€™t go all Houdini on us or 2) we trust that sheā€™ll stay in the room and if she does try to leave Cason will have the sense to rat her out to us. I know we donā€™t particularly like or trust the guy but thereā€™s no denying how soft he is around our girl in there. I could have sworn I saw a look of guilt or sympathy and empathy on his face in there. Almost like..he knows more about her story than heā€™s letting on.ā€ She explained her earlier observations, her tone showing her rare maternal motherly side.

ā€œShe didnā€™t flinch when he touched her, another interesting action I noticed. So putting all of that together I trust that heā€™ll stop her from escaping or if she does, heā€™ll risk experiencing your wrath Dean to rat her out and have us go looking for her. So my money is on option 2, rather than option 1.ā€ She said looking at him whilst gently rubbing her hand up and down his upper arm. ā€œSheā€™s got a point Deanā€ Sam spoke up, having silently listened to everything Mika was saying. ā€œI donā€™t like him being in there over me, but Mika has made some very valid observations. Sheā€™s not the mother of our group for nothingā€ he commented with a sad smile creeping into his lips briefly before disappearing again. Samā€™s words made Mika look down with slight embarrassment and a sense of humbled thanks toward him. She was used to him seeing her as his pseudo sister in law, but wasnā€™t used to him calling her the mother of the group. Yet she could see his logic, especially when she thought back to when she lectured Cason in the crypt for hitting on Natalia. It was a perfect example of her going into ā€˜mom modeā€™ and needing to protect the youngest of their group.

ā€œso what do you and Anna say? Agree with me and Sam or disagree?ā€ she asked Dean softly, keeping an hand on his arm which proceeded to sliding her other arm through his, wanting to be the voice of reason but also wanting to be simply Deanā€™s girlfriend who was supportive of him. She knew what Nat said to him must have hurt like a ton of bricks hitting him, as there was no denying Nat had a very sharp tongue when she was hurting or angry (or in this case: both). There was just something about how Natalia was behaving that told Mika Natalia wouldn't try and run off on some suicide mission. If the girl wanted to go on some suicide revenge mission, surely she would have done it by now?
In some ways, Kay wanted to stay and be there for John but in other ways she wanted to be anywhere but there. It also took her by surprise when John made a point to think about Fia and request someone stayed with the teenager. Had he almost bonded with their future kid already? Was he already one step ahead of her emotionally about the whole prospect of having a kid? She mentally shook the questions from her head, knowing now wasn't the time to be panicking about all of those things. "I'll go sit with Fia" she said once Serena suggested about leaving the room. "I'm not far if you need me...any of you" she told the room, making sure to get one last glance at John before exiting the room and going to find Fia, crossing paths with Josh in the process. She gestured to the room with her hand and with a simple nod, Josh headed in. "I'm here to help" he stated as a form of greeting.

Upstairs, Kay looked for Fia, eventually finding her in the room with Drake and Trish. Seeing Trish having gone to Drake when they were preoccupied gave Kay a sense of relief and calm for a brief moment before turning her attention to Fia. "He's gonna be okay kiddo" she told her, but she got no reply from Fia, instead all she got was a half assed nod. She also noted how Fia's leg was bouncing rapidly on the spot from where the teenager sat, biting the skin around her nails.
Chas looked down at his mate, worried for his life even though he was keeping it together for the sake of everyone else. "What is it mate?" He asked him, noting how Serena was going to scrub up so she didn't contaminate anything or risk infection to John. Never had he been so thankful for knowing someone who had decent medical knowledge until now.

Kay tried to not look at Chas and John, instead just keeping her ears focused on the two of them talking. She knew if she looked over she wouldn't be able to hold it together and right now she needed to keep her kind focused.

"What is it Fia?" Josh asked as he opened the bedroom door. "It's dad, he's hurt real bad and Serena really needs your help to save him" Fia replied, trying to not cry and make herself incapable of being understood. "Okay, okay...just take deep breaths, I'll go down and find her" he reassured Fia, but she didn't find it reassuring in the slightest. She knew her very existence rested on her father pulling through. Josh threw a hoodie on that was flung on the back of the door and rushed downstairs as Fia went in the opposite direction to find Trish and check on Drake.
Kay nodded, glad that Serena was confident in her ability to help John and save his life. She listened to the instructions being thrown at them all, making note of the ones to her and knew she could do that. Fia and Chas both nodded, with Fia wasting no time in rushing off upstairs and heading to Josh and Trish, banging on their door. "Josh! Wake up!" She called through.

"There's another room, it has a massive table you can use. It's on this floor but I'll have to carry him there" Chas replied after taking a few milliseconds to think if there was anywhere, coming to the remembrance that he seemed to have of John having another room he sometimes used, and that the mill House would no doubt conjure another room for them even if there wasn't one right now. He just didn't bother with disclosing that information right now as it wasn't important. He also figured the girls would soon learn for themselves that the mill House wasn't exactly a normal house.

Kay grabbed the tools that were available to them at the moment, whilst Chas picked up John. "Follow me" Chas stated, and began to take John to the room with the large flat table he was thinking of. Once in the room, Kay steadied her hands enough to create a flame to cleanse the tools, putting each one down as she did to cool off.
Fia nodded but she couldn't shift the whole thought process she had in her head. She should have used the sight spell and rune quicker, she felt she shouldn't have just trusted they were alone when she knew that was not always the case in their lives. She felt like her dad in her time would be so disappointed in her for letting her guard down.

"Serena can you help him?" Kay asked, not even able to focus on Fia or her self scolding right now. All she cared about in this moment was John and his health and life. She didn't just come into his life just to have it all taken away from her, and yes, it was selfish of her to think like that but she was never selfish normally and right now, she felt she had every justification to be selfish. Not only that, she was willing to heal John even if it put herself at risk of being unwell.
The remark about Chas was one Kay could easily agree with. The poor guy had been with John for years, seen all kinds of shit, tries his best to live a normal family life all at the same time but also makes sure things are good here at John's too. He was a complete saint in Kay's eyes. Then came the others and seeing John in the state he was got her instantly scared and worried for him.

She let Serena take control of the situation, knowing she knew what to do a lot better than she herself did. Chas nodded at Serena's commands and removed John's shirt for her. Kay stepped up so John could properly see her, "shh, you're gonna be okay....it's gonna be okay" she told him. Fia stepped back and ran her hands through her hair, angry that she wasn't fast enough in stopping the hellhound getting to her dad. "If I just had been quicker to react..." She mumbled under her breath.
Kay smiled and nodded in agreement at the idea of making some breakfast for everyone for when the others got back. She helped Serena out by starting the brewing of the tea and coffee for everyone, considering they didn't know what Fia and Drake liked drinks wise. Then came the sound of the horn and her heart dropped, her breath hitching and almost forgetting to breathe for a few seconds before she started breathing again.

"Got it" she replied, rushing to where the first aid kit was last seen, and thankfully was still where it was left. Grabbing it she brought it over to Serena ready to be used. "Hopefully there's everything you'll need in there still" she told her.

Chas grumbled his sigh as he helped John inside, Fia closing the door behind them all. "Don't be stupid mate, you're gonna be fine" he told him defiantly, determined not to have his mate die and in turn causing the end of Fia's existence. "Chas is right, don't talk like that" Fia piped up as she helped Chas get John down the stairs and over to a couch.
"there's definitely something about this place that makes one feel comfortable, so I don't blame him right now" Kay replied to Serena's initial remark. "As for what else you've missed? Don't think anything else, the whole morning was taken up with John and the other two figuring out the tracking issue and what to do to stop it." She explained, "haven't even had a chance to sort out some breakfast yet" she softly half chuckled.

Fia kept focusing on trying to keep some kind of control on John's injuries, but she knew this was even out of her expertise. "You're gonna be okay dad... we're almost back" she spoke to him, trying to keep the panic out of her voice at the same time. It took another couple of minutes before Chas pulled up to the mill House and honked the horn to alert those inside. Fia and Chas both helped John out of the car, Chas taking most of John's weight whilst Fia ran to the door, opening it and holding it open for Chas and John.
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