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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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1 yr ago
I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Seeing Anya smile and sweep her hair behind her ear made him smile more. It showed him he was doing much better at portraying himself than he previously had. He let her take back her phone to type a new message and as he listened to the reply he couldn't help but laugh at the obnoxious computer generated laugh that came from it at the end of her comments.

As her smile dropped and a frown overtook it's place, he looked confused at her, wondering what it was that had her changing facial expressions so rapidly, noticing her look passed him and out toward the hallway again. He wondered for a split moment if she was thinking about the other two doing the research to help her, it seemed his internal questions were answered however when she began typing on the phone again and her query came through via the ai voice. "Ah yeah, I can give you a tour if you want? Some places would be better not to go in, we haven't fully made every room safe yet ourselves and I'm pretty sure there's some rooms we haven't even found ourselves yet, but the ones I know about? I don't mind showing you" he explained.

"Would save you getting lost in this place, it's bigger than you'd think" he smiled and chuckled, refraining from making a doctor who tardis reference in case she didn't understand it and end up showing himself up for a massive nerd.


When Lexi brought up Crowley, she didn't even notice Dean's eyes narrow at first as she had gone straight to her other comments about his previous comments on kids. She didn't even take into consideration on what his opinions are on kids or having kids.

She gave a nod of thanks when he poured her a glass of whiskey, pushing it toward her as she had her eyes on the laptop, only to find Dean asking the question she had hoped he wouldn't ask or even take much notice of. Grabbing her whiskey glass she took a sip of it as she sighed, partially lowering her laptop screen so she could look at him properly. If she was going to explain the story then the least she could do, is let him see her whole face as she told it.

"It's a long story but I'll try and keep it as short as I can." She warned him, swirling the whiskey in the glass slowly. "Crowley came to me once. Soon after Nate was killed actually. A shapeshifter I had been hunting was also hunting me back, and to get it's upper hand on me it broke into my house and murdered him..." she started talking, needing to take a split moment to gather herself. "So anyway, turns out that Crowley gave the shapeshifter a heads up on my location and is the cause for Nate's death. At some point I had somehow crossed his radar and pissed him off on a demon hunt of mine which lead me to some artifact which once belonged to him. He wanted it back, came to me days before and asked for it back but I had already sent it off to another hunter who stores such items. That pissed him off and out of retaliation, he found out a shapeshifter wanted revenge on me and Nate ended up in the crossfire" she finished explaining, trying to hold it together as best she could.

She still found it hard to accept in some ways, and she would never forgive Crowley for having a tempter tantrum to end all temper tantrums resulting in Nate's death. The guy was innocent in everything, just wanted to be a successful photographer and his life ended prematurely because she handed over a damn artifact. Taking in a deep inhale and exhale, she mentally shook off her emotions and looked at Dean in the face. A light that came into her darkness and about the only good thing to have come from the whole thing a year ago.

She took another large swig of her whiskey, only now realising that her hands were even shaking from mentally revisiting that horrific night. Coming home and finding her fiance's neck slashed open and laying in a pool of his own blood, with the shapeshifter standing over him triumphantly. Even to this day, she was so thankful for Sam arriving just in time and being there for her before she did something she'd regret as it would have meant she never would have met Dean.

Nat was curious to where Cason's answer was going, but it seemed he had other plans in the form of taking her duffel for her. She let him bump her forehead with his own, she was starting to learn that this must be some kind of comfort thing for him or a notion of affection, if affection was even something demons could give. Either way, she accepted it gladly.

She watched him solely as he repeated what she said, then gave it some thought before figuring something out. Of all the things he could suggested, a carnival wasn't something she'd have thought of, especially since he previously suggested a few different countries. Yet compared to the ideas of going Paris or somewhere else entirely, a carnival that was wasn't so far from their current location, but far enough away to be a fresh sight to see was highly appealing. She hadn't been to a carnival since she was around five or six years old, whilst she still had her parents. The idea of walking around somewhere so fun and just letting her hair down was the most appealing part of it.

"I'd love that" she said honestly, as she let him stroke her cheek once again with his thumb. "it sounds perfect for what I need right now and if you're gonna make such a bold statement then I have to see it for myself" she replied to him, making the most effort to show him a tiny smile. She knew she had some time before a genuine normal smile came back to her faced, but she was determined to see it happen. "So....and I can't believe I'm saying this because my car is my child, why don't you take the keys and drive us there?" she suggested.


Mika knew just as well as Dean did how much they all deserved a day and a night of normality. She certainly knew Dean deserved it, and it was one thing she instantly thought he and Natalia had in common with each other. Though deep down she knew the two of them were extremely alike and she figured that was probably why the two siblings bickered and fought so much.

She listened to the options he was giving to what he wanted to do and she couldn't help but smirk and snicker at the ideas. Usually when bars, drinking, trouble and them were put together, it ended up being a highly interesting night. "Ya know what? I think that's a great idea. Hopefully though it won't end like that one night when we were younger...vamp bar fight and ending up walking home drunk beyond belief and hiding in Bobby's old abandoned school bus." she replied, going down memory lane of that particular night from their twenties and chuckling more as she remembered it more and more. The bollocking they got from Bobby was of epic proportions in Bobby's own way and the dirt on their wet clothing was also pretty impressive. She didn't like the washing half of those the next day however.

"So shall we get the hell out of here and live like the old days?" she smirked, almost forgetting for that moment that they probably should say their goodbyes to Duke and Esme as well as letting them know that Sam has gone and Natalia is taking time out elsewhere with Cason.


Seeing Anna not happy to see him broke Sam's heart just that little bit more, even after he asked for just a moment of her time. He didn't however like that Max was looking at him suspiciously as if he was going to hurt Anna like an abusive boyfriend would. That couldn't be far from the truth and he hoped that Max would listen to Anna and trust her wishes. Luckily he seemed to and Anna agreed to talk with him.

He let her speak first when they were finally alone, her words cutting deep in his heart but he was determined to still say his peace. "I..I know I've been the world's crappiest boyfriend to you. I know I have...and I don't blame you for leaving but it didn't feel like you either. I wanna say I'm sorry, I love you Anna. I do, and I never knew how much my life wasn't complete until you came back into it." he began saying, never once straying his eyes away from hers.

His eyes threatening to well up but he tried to hold the tears back just long enough for him to talk to her. "Please Anna, just tell me why you left." he begged of her, reaching out for her hands, unsure if she would even let him hold her hands. "I wanna do better by you" he told her honestly.

"I need you" he said once more, before taking a risk and cupping her face in his hands and kissing her firmly and slowly, letting his lips linger on top of hers.

Sam let her walk in and take in the surroundings that was the room she could call her own for as long as she wished to stay here at the bunker. He let her put her duffel down as he rambled on and on without him even realising he was doing so.

When she pulled out the phone and speaker, he looked at her device with curiosity and wondered if this was she what she meant when she signed earlier about having things covered communication wise. He had to admit, it was basic enough in the design but impressive nonetheless. It was actually refreshing to know that he met someone who was seemingly as technologically minded as himself and not like Dean who would fall asleep when he tried having things explained to him.

He listened when the speaker spoke out what she had typed, making him sheepishly run a hand through his hair and smile with a little chuckle under his breath. He then held his hand out back and shook her hand back, "I'm glad you're not mad. I don't normally mess up first impressions quite that spectacularly" he chuckled, "So Anya, it's nice to meet you" he smiled.

"As for the size of the room? They're all the same size. So... enjoy the space" he explained to her. He could understand where she was coming from though, he and Dean had spent far too many nights sleeping in the impala if they weren't sharing a motel room.


As Dean went to the kitchen to grab the whiskey and glasses, Lexi sighed and wondered where the hell to start with this research. She could only think to start with looking online and luckily for her her laptop was still on the end of the table from the day before when herself and Sam were looking at various things, whilst Dean was still cooped up in his room.

She walked to her laptop and grabbed it, bringing it back to the other end where her and Dean had seemed to chosen to work from, despite the war room table being pretty large. Flipping it open and turning it on, she pulled out a chair and sat down whilst she waited for Dean to come back. She wondered what was taking him a while, but decided it wasn't any of her business.

When he did come back and said what he said, she nodded wishing she never had to hear the name of Crowley again. "oh, yeah. You're right about that asshat" she replied, her tone saying she knew exactly what kind of demon Crowley was and that there was clearly a long story behind it, but one she wasn't going to get into right this moment. Helping Anya was far more important to her than disclosing her history with Crowley.

She listened to him say his worries about this investigation and she could honestly understand it. She had heard of the power of the Colt, heard the stories from hunters who wanted it as a power move against all things that went bump in the night. She even heard the stories from Sam about his and Dean's history with the gun, so much so she felt like she had it in her possession once when the fact was, she never had. Then came the last part of Dean's sentence that made her glance up from her laptop screen, "Understandable. I couldn't imagine letting a kid know about this world. I know you and Sam did but...things have changed even since we were kids" she replied. "I wouldn't want my kid scared of every little thing that went bump in the dark before fighting it all. Kids deserve a normal childhood" she said back. She may not be a parent, but that never stopped her in the past thinking if she could be.

Her and Nate spoke about it once or twice, but every time they decided they couldn't bring a kid up as long as they were hunting. If they could have gotten out of the business then it was something they would have liked, but the world never gave them that opportunity. Shaking the thoughts of the past out of her head, she looked back at the laptop screen and typed in Anya's father's name in the search engine as a starting point.
Kay gave her a smile and tapped Trish's chin with her thumb. "Any time kiddo" she replied to her. "Just promise me you won't grow up too much faster, you deserve a childhood to remember fondly of when you're older" she told her. She herself didn't much of a childhood, and what she did have, it was tarnished with misery and she hated the idea of Trish going through that same turmoil.

Fia nodded and placed her forehead against his softly. "Good, you know you only have to ask for me to help. You're like my brother, I'll always help you out" she told him, letting herself linger for a moment before sitting back and looking around the room. "You know what's funny Drake? I think compared to how it is in our time, this is the cleanest and emptiest this room has ever been, and that's saying something considering its far from empty now" she chuckled. There was no denying it, Fia saw what an actual hoarder of all things magical her father truly was.

Josh smiled, lifting his hand and stroking her cheek with his thumb. "I'm glad to hear that" he replied to her truthfully. "Now come on, have your bath before the water gets cold" he smiled.

As he walked with Anya through the corridors of the bunker, he couldn't help but smile again as he noticed how she had a similar, albeit more tactile, reaction to the decor as Lexi had. He knew it was an impressive looking building once someone got down the staircase, but he had gotten so used to it that he didn't see it with fresh eyes...until the girls showed up. He looked down at her when she signed sorry and she was stressed. He shook his head and a smiled, "you're not crazy, I know that much. As for stressed? I'm guessing that's you're saying, that's understandable." He replied to her.

"But know this, whilst you're in this bunker? You can relax and feel safe here. No demon, monster or ghost can get in here without setting off a dozen or more alarms. It's the safest place to be." He explained to her, finding an empty decent sized room with a bed in it for her. Opening the door, he gestured for her to go on ahead into the room. "you can make yourself at home here. The bed might not be the comfiest in the world but they're comfy enough. Not only that, I can say with confidence Lexi is an incredible cook if you ever get hungry" he chuckled.

"As for helping you, you're welcome and I'm sorry for being hesitant about the situation before. I should have gotten more information on it first before dismissing it. I was out of line in that coffee shop and I hope we can make a better first impression of each other from now on." He added, wanting her to know that he wasn't usually that rude.


Lexi was glad that Anya appreciated her using very basic ASL before Sam took her down the corridors to find a room for her to relax in. Like Dean, she too was impressed with the amount of information on the paper, not having expected so much to be given to them. It showed her that Anya really did mean business and wasn't going to give up easily until she got answers she so desperately bad clearly needed.

Though when Dean started talking about Sam and the kinda of beings he gravitated to, she quickly shot him a look with a raised eyebrow before lowering it again as he quickly corrected himself. She was honestly thankful he wasn't calling Anya a monster. She smirked and scoffed as he teased her and nudged her in the arm, making her nudge him back. "Uh huh..sure!" She chuckled back.

She let him take the paper and look at it closer, studying it almost. She couldn't imagine what Dean must be thinking in his head when it came to this iconic firearm and honestly she was glad she never got the pressure of knowing she once owned it. She looked up at him as he spoke once more and placed a hand on his back, gently rubbing it in a comforting manner. "as it stands now, you can't think of hat possibility. All we can do think about the facts we got now." She told him.

"But yeah, this isn't going to be a job for sodas and caffeine." She agreed with him.

Natalia had no intention of leaving without Cason. Barely over 24hours ago, she never would have thought she'd been thinking like this but truth of the matter was, now her foggy memories were becoming clearer round him, he was like a security blanket for her sanity. She was starting to understand why Anna had trusted him so easily all those years ago and get close to him. She just wanted to get a head start on grabbing her things, so she didn't even notice how Dean pulled Mika closer to him, the complete opposite to her making Cason let go.

"The very idea of not babysitting or fighting sou ds like a pipe dream that I'm totally down for experiencing" Mika chuckled in reply to Dean as Nat and Cason started walking away from them. Walking back to their own room, she took the lead and opened the door, stepping inside and letting him walk in before closing the door behind them both. "this might sound awful, but it almost feels like I've forgotten how to be a normal person who does normal things" she laughed, "but maybe hit up a bar at some point, because I don't know about you but I think today definitely warrants a damn strong drink" she suggested.

In Natalia's room, she was already grabbing the few clothes that were out of her bag and shoving them haphazardly. She just wanted gone from this room as it all gave her was the overwhelming feeling of all the truths that were said inside the four walls. She paused her actions however when Cason asked her where she wanted to go. Mentioning all kinds of countries off the top of his head. "Honestly? I wouldn't know where to start deciding. As you know, I've spent all my teenage life in that hellhole, so I've never been anywhere." She began saying, "I wanna experience something away from this big upcoming war or whatever it will be, I wanna experience actual fun" she told him. "Somewhere that will make me not think of a hunter life" she added, looking him straight in the eye after zipping her duffel bag closed.

Seeing his smirk, she couldn't stop the left corner of her lips tilting upwards ever so slightly before they lowered again. "I wanna be harm free reckless, I just wanna be happy again" she sighed, grabbing her bag and stepping over to him.


The sound of voices coming from inside the apartment have Sam even more butterflies as he tried to remember exactly what he was going to say and how he was going to say it. He barely got time to figure it all out in his head when Max opened the door and looked utterly confused. He looked down at Max, finding his face looking familiar properly all over again, but did his best to not let it show on his face.

He was about to introduce himself when Anna showed up to the door and cursed Cason for ratting her out. "..hi. I came here for you" he told her. "Can we...talk in private?" He asked of her politely. "it's just I could let you leave without hearing me out a d I know you're pissed at Cason, but I didn't give him much of a choice to tell me where you are. so don't be too hard on him" he explained, deciding that if Cason was going to keep Nat safe, the least he could do is make Cason out to be more of a victim in this escapade of his, than Cason actually was.

He just wanted to engulf Anna in his arms, beg her on his hands and knees to some extent, but he didn't want to do it in front of Max. So he hoped that Anna would at least hear him out and let him say his peace. If she still insisted on leaving him after he said what he did, then he would try and learn to live with it. However he was going to fight hard to keep her and he was willing to do anything to win her back round to his side.

Mika was thankful that Natalia was agreeing to some time away. She knew deep down that it was her best option but she wanted Nat to decide for herself so she didn't make the girl feel like she was being forced into a particular decision. She listened to everyone talk, even watched as Cason had turned Natalia round to make her look at them as they talked with each other. She absolutely hated it, but she was thankful for Cason's help right now. She was even more surprised that Dean was agreeing with Cason.

"Then it's decided, we'll all take a rest day, or two and we'll reunite when we're ready to. Nat you know to call us if you need us okay?" she said, sliding her arm that was through Dean's, now round his waist, glad to be standing so close to him once more.

Natalia nodded in agreement, instinctively grabbing Cason's arms whilst he had a grip on her. "I know, and I will, I promise" she replied to Mika before patting Cason's arms to signal letting go of her, then when she was free of his hold she went to her room to grab her belongings. Unlike Esme, she had her car and knew she could just go whenever she was ready. She also realised this would be the first time she'd let Cason in the front seat after swearing the night before there would be no way a demon would sit shotgun in her car....


It took him most of the day by the time he said his goodbyes to everyone in the group, packed his stuff and got a seat booked on a plane, but he managed to get to California and head to the old stomping ground that Anna used to live with Max. He used the paper of instructions and directions from Cason to get there and by the time the evening came round, he was knocking on the door of Max's apartment.

It had taken him in truth a few minutes to even gain the courage to knock, all kinds of paranoid worries swirling round in his head. What if he was too late and this Max guy had convinced Anna that a normal relationship with a normal life was the way she wanted to live? What if Max could give her a safer and calmer life than he could? What if she really was done with him?

Shaking those thoughts out of his head, he managed to knock on the door and awaited for someone to answer, praying that Anna wouldn't kill him for going against her wishes and follow her to her location to bring her home. Yet he knew deep down he wouldn't be able to live without having at least answers for her leaving in the middle of the night.

Sam watched Dean's facial expressions the entire time Cason backed up his ideas about him going alone to bring Anna back. He knew Dean probably would want Anna back just as much as himself, and he certainly knew that his brother wouldn't like him going alone anywhere to bring her back, but truth was in the last four months, he had to do a lot of things alone whilst Dean was in Hell and thus that meant he was a lot more capable than his brother could ever know. "I know you don't like it, but trust me when I say I can do this on my own and I'll keep in touch the entire time. I will bring her back Dean" he tried to reassure him.

He then looked over at Cason as he nodded to keep Natalia safe from herself and from Dean whilst he was gone. If he was going to be worried about any of them when he wasn't around it was Nat. With his wish agreed to, he nodded a single firm nod to Cason before looking back at Dean and seeing him visibly amused at the request, which made him just subtly just shake his head slowly at his brother. It wasn't the time to show anything that could Nat could deem as an attack on her. It was now clear to him that she was still learning, even after all this time, how to react to human people again.

He did however sigh with relief when Dean said he was done fighting with Natalia, even though he knew his brother better than that statement. "Okay, I'm gonna grab my stuff, book a flight to where she is and get moving" he explained to everyone.

As the discussion went on, Natalia focused on the soothing slow movements of Cason's thumb running on the back of her hand to continue keeping her calm which luckily for him, it was working. "I really hope you get her back Sam" she told him, talking to him in a much kinder tone than she was previously talking to Mika and especially Dean. "So do I Nat, and stay out of trouble for me yeah?" he replied, giving her a very small genuine smile. Part of her wanted to say 'well that's asking a bit much isn't it?' but instead she decided to not say it, and just nod instead. "good enough for me" Sam smiled at her.

"Good luck baby bro" Mika spoke up before letting Sam finally walk back to his room to gather whatever he may need for the long trip to getting Anna back to him. She looped one arm through Dean's now they were alone with Cason and Natalia and wondered how this was going to go. "Can we continue this civil conversation or no?" she asked the group, looking between the three of them, seeing Nat simply half shrug. She wanted to remain civil, she truly did but Dean just had that knack of getting on her nerves so easily.

"Seeing as you're refusing to say much else Nat I'm gonna simply say this. You and Dean need to get passed this conflict at some point, even if you remain away from each other for a while. Find a hunt to do go your own way for a while or just swallow your emotions and actually spend some time with Dean. I don't care which route you decide to take, but you gotta decide. We all love you dearly and like Dean said earlier, he gets like this because he cares about you. You're literally the baby sister he never knew he'd need in his life and because of that things get heated. None of us are perfect, but he just wants you safe" she said to her calmly and softly.

Natalia listened to Mika talk, taking in her words and eventually sighing deeply. She honestly didn't know what else she could possibly say, the options she was being given weren't all that appealing either way. "I love you all too...it's why your words hurt Dean" she calmly told him, still refusing to let go of Cason. She knew this wouldn't be easy on her brother, but she hoped in time it would become easier. "I guess...I guess I need time away to clear my head. Just don't give up on me....please. I don't wanna be that sister you disown. I've lost one family, I can't lose another" she admitted to both Mika and Dean.

That was the closest she was going to get to saying 'I need you Dean', at least for now.

Sam continued to smile when Anya smiled back at him. "this is a good start" he thought to himself, but did notice out the corner of his eyes how Dean was smirking at the sight before him.

Lexi nodded, glad that Dean was in agreement with her even if Sam wasn't at first. It just seemed the most logical thing to do and she also had a habit of the moment a job dropped in her lap, she had to focus on it straight away. So when Sam wanted to give Anya a break first, she felt a bit surprised, especially as they usually were on the same wave length on the odd times they've worked together before she met Dean.

Both her and Sam looked at Anya when she shook her head and atepped up to the table. Lexi felt she understood Anya without her even needing to attempt to communicate with words. She looked down at the paper that Anya unfolded with one hand and pushed toward them after turning it over to the other side. She couldn't help herself by pulling it closer to her and looking at the information written on it.

"This really isn't your first rodeo...this is a great start. Thank you" she said to her before signing 'thank you' to her as she said it. Another bit of ASL she always remembered, even if she didn't know much else. Which she decided, if Anya was going to stick around she definitely wanted to change that. She felt like she just wanted Anya to feel like she was an equal despite not being a hunter and they were willing to try and communicate with her in any way possible.

Sam found it endearing that Lexi knew what thank you was in ASL, a tidbit of information he never knew about her. Another reason in his eyes for Dean to keep Lexi around. So much so he glanced at Dean with a 'shes a keeper' smile on his face.

Lexi was oblivious to the signal Sam gave his brother as she was reading the information that was on the paper, whilst Sam then looked back down at Anya and smiled again. "Let's get you a room" he said, escorting her casually to where all the spare rooms were, letting her know where the bathrooms were and such as they walked.

"He's being so good with her" Lexi commented when Sam was out of earshot, looking up at Dean. "She also seems like a real firecracker" she chuckled softly, lifting her coffee cup to her lips and sipping it, before lowering it again onto the table.

She knew she had overstepped yet again with her words about Mika, but she was still so tired of Dean assuming things about her because he wasn't trusting in anyone other than Sam and Mika. Out of the two brothers, she always felt like she wasn't good enough in Dean's eyes and in the early days she even wondered about just leaving them all together but Sam always managed to keep her staying. She didn't WANT to fight with Dean every damn day, but she felt like her temper had been squashed down for so long, she didn't know how to control it when Dean said something that she perceived as being out of line.

Dean holding Mika back was probably a good call as she could have easily slapped the woman for sticking her nose in and she knew if she did, she would have instantly regretted it and no doubt got a lot more from Dean than just words thrown at him. She flinched slightly when Dean yelled at her to just stop as Sam jumped in to be that calming source for everyone. Seeing her brother visibly hurting was starting to break through her anger to rid her of the emotion, but then Cason also jumped in and wrapped his arms round her, making her flinch initially yet again.

Hearing him agree with Sam made her take a few deep slow breaths to try and calm down, as well as reminding her she didn't need to fight her way out of every confrontation. It wasn't the asylum anymore, she had family, a home of sorts at Bobby's and in her car and in her family. Part of her wanted to shrug out of his grip and it felt like he must have sensed it as his grip tightened around her waist as he agreed Dean was an idiot but this wasn't the time for a busy up with him.

She stared forward at Dean as she forced herself to calm down and eventually she nodded and gave into Cason and Sam's pleas to calm down. She even dropped the clenched fist she didn't even realise she was holding. "....fine" she replied as Cason let go of her. "But if he so much as accuses me of sleeping with you out of some kind rebellion again, I'm having him" she told Cason, looking at him in the eyes, the hurt in her eyes being evident.


Mika could see just how wired yet again Nat was and it was honestly starting to truly concern her just how easily Nat was losing her temper all of a sudden. It had been months since she last saw her this bad, and even then the anger was directed at demons they tried to use to get Dean home. This was on a whole new level in her eyes and it quite frankly scared her slightly.

She placed a hand on Dean's shoulder to let him know she wasn't planning on stepping any more forward than where she was. She also didn't want Dean storming up to Nat and doing something he'd regret.

With everyone agreeing things needed to calm down before someone called the police or something for the disturbance, she felt calmed herself. She then looked at how Cason and Sam were able to calm Natalia down, glancing at the clenched fist softening of Natalia's. She was surprised that the brothers and Cason were agreeing with each other, as she was completely expecting one of them to tell Cason to stay out of it, so when neither did she felt she just witnessed a monumental moment. "Okay, now we're all calm, Sam you know where Anna is?" She asked, cautiously staying behind Dean still.

"Yeah, california" Sam replied, seeing the shocked face on Mika's face he just gave a sad nod. "I know...so much for not getting far" he told her, just knowing what she was thinking without her saying a single word.

"So what's the plan?" Mika asked him, wondering what he was going to do. "the only thing I can do...get to her location and bring her home...somehow" he shrugged.

He looked at Dean, knowing his distaste for flying, he wasn't going ask him to go with him. Sure he could drive, but that would take so much longer bad he was convinced if Anna was with Max, then he didn't have time to drive there. "I think I gotta go alone...and take a flight there. If we all go get her she'll refuse to come back." He told his brother, though he also knew it was risky leaving Dean and Natalia alone for a while. Which brought him to look at Cason.

"Can I trust you to keep her safe and stop any busy ups with Dean?"
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