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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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1 yr ago
Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Even if Anna had offered to switch seats with him on the flight, he would have refused. He could see how the window seat was vital for Anna's well-being and to be calm so he wouldn't want to take that away from her. The least he could do was put up with little leg room for a short haul flight. Most of all though, he was just glad that they were finally in the cab and going back to the others, even if he was still working out in his head what he was going to tell Dean about what happened.

He played everything out in his mind on repeat the entire journey, mentally bookmarking which bits to tell him and what bits to leave out. To no surprise to him, he was choosing to leave out the Ruby parts of their little 'adventure'. He wasn't ready to tell his brother, sister, pseudo sister in law and the others just yet about how he had still been visited by Ruby and she was still encouraging him to get back on the demon blood properly to be that extra power beside Anna. Hells, he wasn't even ready to explain it to Anna but the demons had other plans which made him come clean.


At the motel, he paid the driver and gave him a tip before getting out of the car and closing the door behind them both. "See you in a bit. Hope you get what you and we need from Cason. Good luck" he told her before letting her leave and head toward's Natalia's room where he presumed Cason would be, at least, if what he left behind was anything to go by. Sighing, he headed to Dean and Mika's room and after a couple of deep breaths to motivate himself, he knocked on the door and waited for one of them to open it. Turned out, it was Mika who opened the door and let him inside.

"You look like shit Sam" she commented, seeing how tired and just downright worn out he looked. "Thanks...I feel it." he replied, deciding to not even quip back like he normally would. "So...?" she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed so he had the choice of remaining standing or sitting down. Sam chose to sit down at the table and chairs, stretching his legs out before bringing back in again. "It's a long story but the demons knew where we were." He began saying, pausing only long enough to see if either of them would respond before continuing on.

"It started off fine, I found her where I thought she'd be, we got a motel room for the night then this morning things got weird. And I mean seriously weird. She said this lady across the lot from us was talking Latin to her, but to me she was just a lady closing her room door. It caused her great head pain when it was happening, so it was clear they targeting specifically her at the moment. Then it got weirder.." he began explaining, looking up he saw Mika's eyebrow raise.

"Weirder how?" she asked him, so he took another deep breath to gather his words carefully and began talking once more. "The bus we took for the airport was literally ran by a horde of demons..they said they came with a gift from Alastair, whoever that is, and forced fed her demon blood making her drink one of them dry and kill them." he said, not realising that Alastair was the one who tortured Dean in Hell. "So she's still pretty high on demon juice right now but somehow keeping it together" he sighed, running his hands through his hair.

"Wait...where is Anna now?" Mika questioned suspiciously. "Seeing Cason" Sam replied. "You let a high as a kite on demon blood eating girl in a room with a demon and YOUR SISTER!?" Mika question, unable to stop her voice from getting higher on the last two words. "Sammy!" she groaned in disbelief.


Cason's pacing was slightly irritating but considering who they were waiting for and why, she didn't complain and instead just let him continue to pace. Thoughts and concerns were buzzing around her head which was why she had to just stare out the window to see an outside world. Seeing the odd bird fly round and away to the next nearest rooftop was somewhat comforting to her. Before the asylum days she hated birds, now she always envied them always having the option to just fly away whenever they wanted to.

She too heard the arrival of a car, and as she honed in on it she saw it was a cab and knew it had to be Sam and Anna. "They're here" she muttered, more to herself than to Cason but it was loud enough he could have heard her. She let him get the door as she watched Anna walk over to their room and Sam to Dean's. Snapping more out of her thoughts, she decided now was the time to fully be mentally present in the room so she could be there for both Anna and Cason.

With Anna being let in, she sat upright more in her chair, crossing one leg over the other as she let the two of them talk between each other, Anna seemingly taking a moment to realise she was even in the room. Hearing that Anna was on demon blood again made her feel on edge, not for herself but for him. Cason may have declared he'd keep her safe but she also felt she needed to keep him safe. She really didn't want to fight Anna off of him if it came to it but she knew she had to be on guard just in case. So she listened to them both and was thankful when Cason actually defended her presence in the room and how she was trustworthy. "Right, anything you say here stays here. Contrary to belief I can keep a secret" she reassured Anna before letting her decide whether to continue or not.

She listened intently to what Anna was telling them. Some demon contacted her and spoke Latin? She was rusty compared to her brothers but she knew enough to be able to translate in her head what was said. She didn't like it in the slightest. Cason translating for Anna made Nat aware that she translated correctly and it quite honestly sent a shiver down her spine. So when Cason looked at her sternly and told her her brother could not know about this, she nodded.

The fact that Cason's face showed fear proved to her just how dire this truly was. "We're utterly screwed....." she sighed.

When Sam offered his hand to Anna and his hoodie, he was mostly expecting her to shrug off his hand and accept his hoodie, so when she declined the hoodie but accepted his hand he was surprised but content. The revelations on the bus hadn't completely made her disgusted with him. Taking her hand, he nodded at her request to just get through the airport quickly and to a ladies' bathroom for her. If anyone said anything or gave them weird looks, he'd just have to come up with an excuse of it's theater makeup or something and there's nothing to worry about. The last thing they needed was for someone to call the authorities on them out of panic.

Outside the bathroom, he squeezed her hand back and gave her a nod once more. "I'll be right out here" he told her, letting go of her hand and letting her walk inside. Stepping back slightly, only a few steps so he didn't look like he was lurking like a predator outside the women's restrooms, he kept an eye out on his surroundings. He saw people coming and going from both men's and women's restrooms, so seeing one lady walking in didn't seem anything unnatural or a threat in his eyes. Adjusting the bag on his shoulder, he pulled out his phone and gave Dean another text just to keep him updated on whereabouts they were. hey, at the airport. will text when landed.

Putting his phone away, he looked up to eventually see Anna walk out of the restroom and looking angrier than she did when she went in. Yet just by looking at her face, something told him she wasn't going to say what was on her mind, so he didn't ask. Taking her hand once again, he walked with her to their boarding area and check in to get through and finally get back to the others. "I've let the others know we're about to board and will check back in when we land." he decided to tell her, thinking a slight different topic might help her mind ever so slightly.

By the time they had to do everything they needed, it wasn't long before they found themselves boarding their flight and taking their seats.

---------TWO AND A HALF HOURS LATER------------

Landing at their destination, Sam was thankful for getting off. His long legs felt cramped and stiff from sitting in a small space for even that short amount of time. "I seriously hate the leg room on flights" he complained to Anna, still trying his best not to focus on the earlier situation for a little while longer. Pulling his phone out for a third time, he gave Dean a text to let him know they landed and are getting a taxi back to the motel, just as he had promised to do.

"you ready to face the group again?" He asked Anna once they got in the back of the taxi and he had given the driver the address.


Hearing Dean say that any time Nat wanted to hug him he would take it was like a hallelujah moment to her ears. He was finally it seemed willing to actually be Natalia's brother and not treat her like a nuisance whose in the way. Mika truly thought that if he could have seen just how much his sister had grown when he was away, he'd have actually been rather proud of her. Even though that growth was fueled by grief for Dean being in Hell, she still grew as a person. Nat looked after everyone and stayed pro active the most out of all of them. She still remembers the days Nat would help Bobby in trying to get her to eat when she herself refused to leave her room. "I'm glad. She's grown a lot these last few months, even if she's currently working through a set back. I think she'll make you proud sooner or later" she smiled, speaking from the heart.

Seeing him scrunch his face up at the mention of the hickey made Mika chuckle softly a bit more, "It's probably for the best we don't know" she replied, deciding to not let on that she knew exactly what happened the night before. She made a promise to Cason not to rat him out to Dean and she fully intended on keeping that. Seeing Dean both disgusted and amused just made the whole situation honestly all the more amusing. To Mika, it was like she was witnessing Dean have an internal fight with his hunter and brother sides and it was curious to her to see which side would win out. Though she hoped it would be the brother side just for the time being.

--------TWO AND A HALF HOURS LATER--------

Back in their room, she felt Dean's phone vibrate between them on the bed. Glancing down on at it, she saw Sam's name flash up on the screen. "Seems the other couple are almost back" she remarked at a guess, remembering how Sam said he would contact them when they had landed. What Anna wanted to talk to Cason about was still playing on her mind slightly, despite the lighter atmosphere in the air. Whatever it was, she hoped it wouldn't be too horrific but knowing what was looming ahead of them, she doubted it would be anything but horrific.


Natalia could visibly see how much tension seemed to fall from Cason's shoulders when she said she would stick around and help Anna. She didn't WANT to be around more demons than necessary, especially now past trauma has been brought back to the foreground of her mind, but she was a Winchester, a hunter...and now a friend/partner/whatever they decide to call each other to Cason. If he wants or needs her to look out for Anna then she would do it to the best of her ability.

She liked Anna even though she knew her the least amount of time compared to the rest of her family but she had never had a problem with the woman. She also figured if Anna made Sam feel happy and complete, as well as being liked by Cason then the woman was worth keeping around. As he pulled her close after the small chit chat, she smiled softly as their noses practically touched. She listened to him remind her that he would never let her see that horrid building ever again, a reminder that every now and then she realised she still needed to hear. She believed him when he said it. Believed that the only time she would ever find herself in the asylum would be in a nightmare.

As their foreheads then touched, she too closed her eyes briefly as she yet again took in his extra words. "I believe you" she told him, tilting her head just enough to rub her forehead against his in an sentimental manner.


Nat was back in her room now that her brother and pseudo sister were back in their own room. As much as she cherished bonding with Dean, she was glad he was giving her space again. For some of the time she got bored so decided to pack her remaining bits back into her bag and zipped it up, so if they had to leave soon after Sam arrived back with Anna, she was ready to go.

Now she was sitting at the table drinking a soda and staring out the window through the curtains, wondering what was coming for them and how they were going to be dealing with it.
Fia and Josh nodded at Drake's words. He had a valid point. Neither of them knew why this place had so many staircases when it looked like a perfectly normal house on the outside. It was just one of the many things that always reminded them that this place was truly strong in magical energy. Fia in her timeline would always joke and wind John up by saying it was their Tardis because it was bigger on the inside than the outside. "Good point" Fia replied.

Chas let John inspect what was in the jar and sighed with relief when John confirmed that it was indeed what was the cause of this boy's problems. He also felt quite glad that a total unintentional action actually proved a very helpful move for John. "Well that's something" Kay remarked, unable to resist walking up close to John and having a look at the leach in the jar. "It's amazing how something so small can hold so much power over someone" she remarked.

He didn't want to hurt Anna even though he ended up doing exactly that. He hated himself for hurting her and lying to her because he was so stuck in his ways with having to lie to Dean and Mika, he didn't know any different with everyone else. Yet here and now, he knew that HAD to change and that change started now with him being as honest as he possibly be. He couldn't understand how or why he was able to take on those demons just now when he didn't have much if any demon blood in his system and that quite frankly unnerved him as much as it confused Anna. Was Sam really getting that powerful or did he still have more demon blood in system than he thought he had? He didn't have the answers to those questions, yet now he wished he did.

Sam let Anna speak her mind at him, he deserved all the lectures she had for him. Hearing her ask the vital question of how they would treat him if they had been treating her the way they had, it shot a wave of anxiety and terror through his body. He knew they wouldn't react well, that's one reason why he was lying to the others. Instead of replying to that question however, he let her continue to speak and take in what he had told her. That was the fair thing to do in his mind.

He nodded at her request for full honesty and to deal with this power together. "Okay. Okay, we'll deal with this together, I swear to you I won't lie or keep certain truths from you anymore. Thank you for hearing me out...it's more than Dean would do" he told her honestly as he saw they were arriving at the airport and the driver stopping at the entrance.

He let her get her bag first before standing up himself, grabbing his own bag and slinging it over his shoulder. Sighing and taking in the conversation they just had, he wondered how things would go from now on as well as it making him realise he knew far less about this power than he thought had. Shaking the thoughts from his mind for the time being, he walked down the bus and got off, stepping down onto the sidewalk beside Anna. "I guess it's time to head back to the others" he sighed, offering his hand to her in an act of solidarity. He too knew that Anna would need to change her shirt in the nearest public toilets. "You want my hoodie until you get to the toilets?" he asked her.


Nat was honestly so relieved that Dean didn't want to know exactly what she got up to with Cason the night before. She was also relieved that he was willing accept that for now she was actually truly happy, even if Cason being the cause made him uncomfortable. She even couldn't help but chuckle softly when he brushed her nose as it made her feel so wanted by him, it reminded her of the times when she was very young and lived a normal life, as her mother would stroke the top of her nose in a downward motion-top to bottom, right down the bridge of her nose to make her comfortable and sleepy at night. Or the time when John was around in her life and would flick her nose playfully if she was being cheeky to him.

The memories of those actions filling her mind which made her chuckle softly. One of the few memories to return to her after so many were stripped from her in the asylum. "I've not had anyone do that to me in a very long time" she told him, her tone showing him that it's the first time in a while she's had a happy memory return to her. She then softened a bit more when he explained how he liked the look of happiness on her and yet still managed to be typical Dean by telling her if Cason steps out of line, to go to him. She gave a nod, "I promise, I won't pass go, won't collect 200, and just come straight to you. Hand on heart." she agreed, deciding to play the monopoly line.


Outside she was curious to what Cason could want to talk to her about. The first thing that came to mind was maybe it was something Mika said to him and he wanted to be truthful to her about it. She honestly wouldn't have put it passed Mika to have given him a stern word or threat in the name of protecting her. So when he just grabbed her face and kissed her deeply, she gladly returned it, wrapping her own arms round his waist as she did so. When he did finally pull away, she smiled at his words unable to stop thinking that was the most human thing she could have heard from him.

"It still works and I'm happy with you Cason. I know everyone around us says I shouldn't be but I am. I'm willing to see how we work together if you are. I want to be with you...as rebellious of a Winchester that is" she smiled and chuckled once more. She could only imagine how her father would be if he heard what she just said to a demon but she didn't care. Even if he was still alive, she couldn't imagine John caring enough for her- not like Sam and Dean do anyway. After she was done saying what she felt, what she truly felt, in the hopes it was something he wanted to hear, she let him talk about whatever it was that was seemingly on his mind.

Her smile dropped slightly when he mentioned Annabeth and what Mika had actually told him. Sam and Anna were on their way back and needed his guidance. Like him, she knew if that was the case it was demon related. Sighing it was becoming even more obvious that she could never get away from demons no matter how hard she tried- Cason excluded. "If you think I'll be good for her I'll stick around. I like Anna and if I can help in any way I will. I won't run away...not anymore. As long as it never involves THAT place" she told him. She never wanted to see that asylum again.

Back in the room, Mika listened to what Dean had to say. It was honestly the best possible outcome she could have hoped for. They both looked happy and close, probably closer than they ever have been and that was enough for her. "Trust me, I don't like it either but all the while she has a smile on her face and is willing to work with us and not against us at every opportune moment I'll accept it. I'm also all for it if it puts your mind at some ease knowing where you two stand with each other. I don't think I've ever seen her so willing to be hugged by you- it was nice to see." she told him, wrapping one arm round his back and rubbing her hand up and down it soothingly.

"Oh yeah..was that a hint of a hickey I saw her sporting when she walked outside just now?" she asked, an amused smirk on her lips, one eyebrow raised as she looked up at him.
As Drake tried to get up and asked for help, both Fia and Josh hurried to his side and gave him an arm to balance against so he could get up and feel stable in the process. "I think the others are still in the other room on this floor, what do you need downstairs?" Fia said to him.

Kay nodded, understanding the urgency and accepting John's response and reasons. No one deserved to be hunted and that included this guy from Seattle. Chas also wondered if the black thing that came out of the kid's body was also the attachment, it just so happened that Serena beat him to asking. "She's right, this..." he grabbed the jar that held the suspicious item inside, "escaped from him when he got knocked out. Is this what could be what's linking him to whatever is controlling him?" he asked John.

Sam never intended to lie to Annabeth, he hated that he was lying to her about Ruby. The only way he could live with it all was by telling himself that he wasn't lying as such, instead he was just holding back the truth and only telling her bits and pieces when he felt ready to. Truth was however, he WAS lying to her and it was because he was terrifed of making her more scared about herself and he was so used to keeping secrets from Dean and Mika, it seemed it was just dripping down onto happening with Anna as well. Something that he knew now needed to stop and change before it got worse and he really did lose her for good.

He too was aware that the driver was still driving and not stopping once. The reality of what they did or got forced to do hitting him harder, but nothing hit him as hard as seeing Annabeth clearly feeling betrayed by him and feeling angry. Her anger at him was as painful as when Dean was angry with him. It hit his heart like a ton of bricks coming crashing down on it and he wasn't sure how exactly to handle it. He knew he shouldn't have given Ruby the time of day last night and just tried ignoring her but it was painfully obvious to him, it was now too late to be thinking like that.

He tried to find his words when she began talking not once, but twice and pointed out crudely the terms he used when she poured her heart out to him before, over and over again. Glancing down at his lap, he gulped and sighed as he let her calmly rage at him. He knew that she was incredibly valid in her comments and that's why it hurt all the more. When she stopped, he looked up and met her eyes with his own. "I'm sorry Anna, I know I've messed up massively not telling you the whole truth. At the time it was true. I thought I had it handled....I thought I was rid of Ruby." he began explaining, refusing to look away from her to show he was willing to tell her the truth once and for all.

"Last time I saw her was when a lot of you came finding me at that motel. But then she came to me last night..." he was terrified to tell her this, the crack in his voice proved this fact. "She gave me vials of her blood, I haven't fed on her for weeks, I swear to you. She means nothing to me though, she's a means to an end and she says she's able to help me be strong enough to kill Lilith. I have tried to be free of it, and I was for a while, so I never lied to you when I said there is hope on the other side of this. That it's possible to get free of this....this addiction. I didn't even think it was possible for me to stop those demons anymore, but it seems there's enough in my system to be able to..do well...that" he sighed once more, now wiping the blood from under his own nose onto the back of his hand.

"I don't want to lie to you, I guess keeping bits of information, no matter how important they are from people is just second nature to me. Not even Dean and the others know about this. I know I have to tell them and that Dean is suspicious of what's going on with me" he admitted to her, "but please Anna...don't leave me or us. I want to be and do better and I will, I swear to you" he said with conviction.


Nat knew that Dean wouldn't talk about his time in Hell, no matter how much she wished he would but she only mentioned it because she wanted him to know that because of that she understood why he was even more in the Cason hate group. She was glad though that he was willing accept her promise in trying to not be so reckless from today onwards. She accept him gripping her tighter at the subtle Hell mention, giving it a tighter squeeze back. She may get annoyed by him but she did love him dearly.

When she looked up at him and he told her she was very much like Sam she couldn't help but smile slightly. Her comparison to Sam was very much a big compliment in her eyes as she quite frankly idolizes Sam because he was the first to find her and started getting her out, whilst fighting the demons at the same time. That made him her personal hero, even more so than Dean even if Dean did meet them half way out of the asylum and help Sam get her out. It was Sam who found her in her room after Cason left the door unlocked for them to get her. "I wouldn't say it was unfortunate. I'm glad I have you to have my back Dean...even if I don't show it or throw it back in your face at times. I'm glad you're my brother" she told him honestly.

She thought that would be the end of it when something she wasn't expecting suddenly happened. Dean checked her neck and made a point to say something about what she did with Cason the night before. The embarrassment coursing through her was immense, but she tried to keep it off her face....and failed. Her cheeks flushed pink, a true smile appeared on her lips as she brushed her hair back over her shoulder to hide the bruise on her neck. "Don't know what you're talking about...but noted." she tried to lie, but this time playfully and not maliciously.

"Honestly though..I know but I also know what I'm doing when it comes to Cason. I just ask for you to trust me and accept that he made me smile..like...truly smile and laugh last night" she asked him kindly. She didn't want to get into it with him about her activities with Cason, the thought of that was as embarrassing as having the birds and bees talk with a parent. She did NOT want to go through that.


Cason was right to not lie to her. It wouldn't have gone down well for either of them as she wouldn't have hesitated to throw fists until he gave her the truth and that would have upset Natalia which in turn would have made life difficult for herself. Like Cason, she just had a feeling something truly big and bad was rearing it's ugly head toward them and now was the time to end these family feuds and get back to being professional. So when he decided to be truthful it was of a great relief to Mika.

She listened to what he had to say and when he started with 'she was in a bad spot' she furrowed her eyebrows not impressed with where this was going but he was seemingly pulling it back and making it less negative sounding as he continued talking. The thought of someone, even him, putting a smile back on their girl's face and making her happy again? She'd let anything almost anything slide if that was the outcome. The tension in her shoulders seemed to drop when he said he was gentle and didn't do anything to hurt her or against her will. That was the best she could have asked for.

"Glad to hear it. I still won't say anything to Dean. I'll leave that for him to find out from Nat just expect him to be happy about it when or if he finds out. I think we both know his earlier comments were more of a promise than a threat deep down. But I'm glad you got her out of her mind for a while, it's all we want for her. She doesn't deserve that amount of trauma to rule her life and yes I know you can be safe which is why I'm choosing to believe you right now." she replied to him. "So as long as you're keeping her safe and happy I will continue to play the safety wall between you and Dean."

With the conversation naturally to an end, she let him head back into the room, her following him inside and seeing that Dean and Nat seemed to be still on good terms and dare she think it....a bit closer mentally as siblings. She watched on as Cason asked to have a private word with Natalia, making her pull away from Dean's protective arms and give Cason a nod.

"Sure" Natalia replied, stepping back from Dean and headed outside where Mika and Cason were just moments ago. Letting her out, Mika walked closer to Dean, "Everything okay with you two finally? She seems happier with you again" she remarked.

As much as Sam was reassuring Annabeth to get on the bus and say he doubted anything would happen, he wasn't one hundred percent certain of his own words. He was more on edge than he was prepared to let show as he didn't want worry Anna even more than she already was. He was meant to be protecting her, not freaking her out even more. Finding some seats, he let Anna sit down first before taking a seat opposite her himself, chuckling his bag on the ground just as she had done.

Things really didn't feel right on this mode of transport and he was quickly beginning to think they should have just gotten a cab to the airport instead. He kept telling himself he was being paranoid out of his protectiveness for Anna, but the secret truth was, just as Anna could, he took could hear the heartbeat of the demon and smell their blood a mile off. He just didn't want Anna to know that...just yet. He smirked slightly at her comment about his skills and gave a soft chuckle. "I guess it is" he remarked back just before the demon in question stood up, walked up to them and sat next to him.

Being this close was mentally and physically painful to Sam. All he wanted to do was cut the guy's throat right there and drink every last ounce of his blood but he knew he had to keep some restraint. He still hadn't fully told Anna the truth of how much he could relate to her current situation. His left foot began to twitch ever so slightly as he fought the urge to let it bounce on the spot and shake. Then came what he wasn't ready for..being yanked back and strangled in his seat. He fought against the grip of his assailants but it was proving utterly useless. Their grip was stronger than it seemed.

"Leave her alone!" He choked out, his voice raspy from the lack of air getting to him. He refused to stop fighting, to stop trying to get out of the grip and to get Anna out of this situation. His nostrils flared in anger as he felt the demons just keep him back harder and more forcefully. As he watched the main one slice his wrist and say it was a gift from Alastair, he knew they were in trouble. If Alastair knew where they were then they never truly would be safe until he was dead and gone. "Anna don't!" He tried to cry out but it was of no use, the demon force fed her his blood, making others go up in a puff of smoke as he mentioned Ruby.

Sam's eyes went wide, they knew his secret?! Of course they did, demons were gossipers amongst everything else more sinister. Breaking free of his assailants, he held his hand out, leaning forward and focused, making all the other demons begin to scream and writhe as they went back to Hell in a bellowing trail of black smoke. The bus flooring scorching underneath as they dissipate. His nose began to bleed once more, his eyes blurring his vision that he shook off to regain his focus. Shaking, he lowered his hand and slumped into his seat once more.

Looking up at Anna and seeing her own state. "Anna...don't be mad at me...." He begged as he panted to get his breath back. "I can explain..." He spoke once more.


Hearing Dean call her and idiot brought back all those times Bobby would call the boys idjits and it actually made the smallest of smiles begin to tug at the corner of her lips for a brief moment. "I know I can be... I'm sorry for the way I am Dean...." She said once more, reluctant to let go of him just yet. It felt good to be this close to her other brother and not for fighting reasons. It also was cathartic to her to be close to Dean and not Sam for once. She knew it couldn't have been that easy, especially in the early days of her joining them for him, seeing her get close to Sam so easily but constantly kept her distance with him. Truth was, at the beginning he terrified her and him being weary of her didn't help her fear of him.

Now she was usually angry at him or missing him like crazy when he wasn't around. Their siblings relationship really had to be one of the most complicated ones around in her mind. She gripped him a bit tighter when he started to stroke her hair, a soothing motion to her mind. "I promise I'll try and not be so reckless." She honestly declared to him. "I know I'll never agree to your choice with Cason, as you won't with my bond with him, but I'm glad you're trying to see our point of views as well as me see yours. I know this can't be easy for you...especially after...well..you know" she spoke, not wanting to say the H word. Hell.

"You're just trying to keep me safe, I see that now" she admitted, shifting everything so slightly to look up at him. "I really do" she repeated.

Mika was glad that Cason was silently agreeing to speak to her outside, and his surprise about Sam and Anna's request in the text didn't go unnoticed either. So it seemed there would be two subjects to talk about outside the room and not just the one she was planning. Leading the way outside, she waited for Cason, leaning against the wall, arms folding across her chest as he followed out still topless and casually.

His comment about giving him the mother lecture did make her smirk as it seemed she wasn't as subtle as she thought she was being. She waited for him to finish speaking before she looked at him and gave a nod. "It's partly why yeah. Firstly, from the bluntness of the text from Sam, I think something happened with those two and I'm guessing they need all of us for advice." She clarified on the text situation. "As for the main reason I wanted to speak in private, yeah I do wanna know.

I wasn't born yesterday to notice the two of you and your body language, not to mention your half dressed state. Did you or did you not sleep with her? I won't tell Dean if you did, no one needs to see how he would react to it. He gives her grieve because when he finally accepted she wasn't lying about his sister, he decided he wouldn't let anything happen to her. Just like with Sam. He refused to let their dad tear more of his family a part, like he did with her existence and with making him believe I was dead for years. John has ruined too much for him, he wants to make things right for Nat" she explained.

"But yeah, you're right about one thing, if you hurt her in ANY way, break her heart, betray her.....anything. I will be right behind Dean helping dispose of your body. Capiche?" She added, pointing her finger right at his face, a look of seriousness in her eyes meaning she wasn't just saying these words for fun. She meant them.

She would always take Dean's side when it came to this family, she always has and always will. She then walked back into the room to see if everything was still okay between the siblings.

As Anna started to explain what had happened with her, he listened intently especially as she mentioned the word 'demon'. He had hoped they would make it all the way back to the group without needing to bring up that word or work, but it seemed the demon world had other plans. He nodded at remembering exactly the demon Anna was referring to, wishing he didn't remember that night but it was so seared deep into his mind he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to. He saw how frantic and paranoid she was of who or what was around them, telling him if she was like this then it was for very valid reasons. He was just glad that Ruby hadn't shown her face as well and throw a second spanner into the works.

It worried him immensely that it may not be just Lilith that is after Annabeth. Lilith alone was a threat beyond anything he or his brother or any hunter has dealt with in their lifetime, and now they have to worry about possibly another big threat coming after her? He didn't know how much his mind and heart could take. Then there was the extra information of hallucinations. "Okay... we'll have to figure that out...I don't know how yet but I'll figure it out. Hallucinating has to be some kind of clue or hint for something" he replied to her, keeping her close whilst also keeping a careful eye on their surroundings.

He let her speak some more and shook his head to confirm her suspicions. He didn't hear the woman back at the motel speaking tongues, he didn't see anything out of the ordinary in fact. Which considering he took was on demon blood (unbeknownst to Annabeth), shouldn't be too have seen what she did? Or is it because he had a sneaky shot of Ruby's blood during the night that stopped him from seeing it? Yet more questions crept into his mind. He could now however understand why she needed to talk to Cason about this. If anyone is going to possibly have answers straight away, then it'd surely be their resident demon.

"If anyone is going to possibly going to give you some insight, it would be him. Let's get back as soon as we can" he replied to her as they reached the bus stop to find a bus arriving moments after they did. He saw how she watched the man who got on just ahead of them and even he found something to be off about him. "I think we do too...something isn't right about him. Just try and remain calm and be on guard. Hopefully he won't start anything on the bus" he whispered to her.


Dean remaining silent after Natalia spoke told the youngest Winchester that for once he truly listened to what she was saying and was finally taking it on board. She was expecting him to protest her words, try to say no matter what it shouldn't be Cason she was close with over what happened, that it should himself or Sam she bonded with or clung to, but there was none of that. It was just pure silence, which almost in a weird sense, scared Nat more. She was terrified in some ways of seeing Dean's pity for her or heartache. She never took people pitying her well, just as Dean never did.

Then Cason cleared his throat, breaking the silence like an earthquake. She let Cason speak up for himself whilst hoping that Dean wouldn't stop him. Those two needed air out everything just as much as she did with Dean. Mika also being silent showed Nat that the other woman in the room seemed to think the same as her. She didn't even notice that Mika had got a text and was reading it.

Listening to the boys talk it out and come to some kind of agreement made Natalia discreetly sigh with relief but she also didn't agree with the negotiation. Even after everything Dean was still threatening to kill Cason if she so much as remotely got hurt on his watch?! She couldn't accept that, but it seemed as Cason thought differently to her. All she did do was unlink her hands to lift one hand up to Cason's touch on her arm. Waiting until the boys stopped talking, she then decided to speak once more.

"I don't agree with your terms Dean, I can't but....if Cason has then I'll deal with it." She quietly said, before looking up a bit more to see him holding his arm out, signalling to go to him. She stood up but she found herself hesitant to move from her spot at first, yet the urge to be held by her eldest brother, the brother that was more of a father to her than John ever was overpowered any hesitation she had. She quickly stepped across the room in as few steps as possible and just grabbed onto him, wrapping her arms round his waist, burying her face in his chest.

"I'm sorry I'm a disappointment" she mumbled to him, "I don't want to fight you anymore..." She said once more.

Seeing everything unfold as Mika put her phone away, she knew Dean wasn't being the bigger person in his negotiation with Cason and she was convinced that Cason even knew that.she was just thankful it didn't end in another screaming match between the three of them. She didn't trust Cason either, but hearing how Cason risked his life to keep Natalia a bit more alive than the other demon bastards were willing to keep her, she had to respect him for that. She never realised that night as she was on watch by the impala that Cason would help Dean have a pathway to help Sam get Nat out of that forsaken place.

When Nat finally went and hugged Dean, it felt like they were getting somewhere with the two of them but it broke her heart when she heard Nat call herself a disappointment to Dean. Nat was many things but a disappointment was never one of them. Sure, she drove Dean mad at times and they clashed a lot, but that was because they were so alike and neither liked seeing themselves in each other. "Oh Nat...." She cooked but otherwise remained quiet.

She looked back at Cason and gave him a nod of respect. "In a slight change of subject, Sam text. They're both coming back but told us to hold fort here." She told them after a few minutes of letting Nat and Dean have their bonding moment that was much needed. "Which gives you two more time to squash this feud" she added, looking at Dean and Nat before looking at Cason and nudging her head towards the door of the room, there was just one thing she needed to know and not have Dean in earshot and that was just how close he got with Nat last night.
Fia gave it some thought then gasped and nodded, "yeah! Yeah it was! I KNEW it felt familiar to me when I got closer, but I couldn't figure out why!" She grinned, "Drake you're a genius!" she beamed, hugging him. "We gotta tell our parents, it could prove crucial information for them" she told him.

Controlling someone was not something that came to mind to Kay, despite having been controlled in different ways throughout her life. "That makes sense" she replied, then John sighed, "Then we don't deal with it today, we take a step back, make sure we're all good and go in fresh in the morning with this" she suggested.
Fia wondered how she was going to explain what happened on the roof as it wasn't a case of who but what. "That's the interesting question. It wasn't a who that was on the roof, it was a what." she began saying, continuing before Drake could interrupt her. "It was some weird orb bomb....thing. Of course, I didn't know it was something that would explode, so me being me just HAD to get up close and personal with it, tried to touch it despite being hotter than Hell and it kinda exploded on me, knocking me out." she said in a 'eh c'est le vie' attitude. "Mum got up there seconds before and it seems her and Chas got me down from the roof." she concluded her explanation.

Kay watched on as John went looking and successfully finding some form of ID on the kid. "So whatever wants one of a few of us, isn't so willing to let this guy go in order to do it. If you ask me, it's pure cowardness. If they want Serena or me or whoever, then they need to come themselves and face us" she replied. She really didn't see any other situation or option, but then she hadn't been in this life nearly as long as John or Chas had been.
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