Even if Anna had offered to switch seats with him on the flight, he would have refused. He could see how the window seat was vital for Anna's well-being and to be calm so he wouldn't want to take that away from her. The least he could do was put up with little leg room for a short haul flight. Most of all though, he was just glad that they were finally in the cab and going back to the others, even if he was still working out in his head what he was going to tell Dean about what happened.
He played everything out in his mind on repeat the entire journey, mentally bookmarking which bits to tell him and what bits to leave out. To no surprise to him, he was choosing to leave out the Ruby parts of their little 'adventure'. He wasn't ready to tell his brother, sister, pseudo sister in law and the others just yet about how he had still been visited by Ruby and she was still encouraging him to get back on the demon blood properly to be that extra power beside Anna. Hells, he wasn't even ready to explain it to Anna but the demons had other plans which made him come clean.
At the motel, he paid the driver and gave him a tip before getting out of the car and closing the door behind them both. "See you in a bit. Hope you get what you and we need from Cason. Good luck" he told her before letting her leave and head toward's Natalia's room where he presumed Cason would be, at least, if what he left behind was anything to go by. Sighing, he headed to Dean and Mika's room and after a couple of deep breaths to motivate himself, he knocked on the door and waited for one of them to open it. Turned out, it was Mika who opened the door and let him inside.
"You look like shit Sam" she commented, seeing how tired and just downright worn out he looked. "Thanks...I feel it." he replied, deciding to not even quip back like he normally would. "So...?" she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed so he had the choice of remaining standing or sitting down. Sam chose to sit down at the table and chairs, stretching his legs out before bringing back in again. "It's a long story but the demons knew where we were." He began saying, pausing only long enough to see if either of them would respond before continuing on.
"It started off fine, I found her where I thought she'd be, we got a motel room for the night then this morning things got weird. And I mean seriously weird. She said this lady across the lot from us was talking Latin to her, but to me she was just a lady closing her room door. It caused her great head pain when it was happening, so it was clear they targeting specifically her at the moment. Then it got weirder.." he began explaining, looking up he saw Mika's eyebrow raise.
"Weirder how?" she asked him, so he took another deep breath to gather his words carefully and began talking once more. "The bus we took for the airport was literally ran by a horde of demons..they said they came with a gift from Alastair, whoever that is, and forced fed her demon blood making her drink one of them dry and kill them." he said, not realising that Alastair was the one who tortured Dean in Hell. "So she's still pretty high on demon juice right now but somehow keeping it together" he sighed, running his hands through his hair.
"Wait...where is Anna now?" Mika questioned suspiciously. "Seeing Cason" Sam replied. "You let a high as a kite on demon blood eating girl in a room with a demon and YOUR SISTER!?" Mika question, unable to stop her voice from getting higher on the last two words. "Sammy!" she groaned in disbelief.
Cason's pacing was slightly irritating but considering who they were waiting for and why, she didn't complain and instead just let him continue to pace. Thoughts and concerns were buzzing around her head which was why she had to just stare out the window to see an outside world. Seeing the odd bird fly round and away to the next nearest rooftop was somewhat comforting to her. Before the asylum days she hated birds, now she always envied them always having the option to just fly away whenever they wanted to.
She too heard the arrival of a car, and as she honed in on it she saw it was a cab and knew it had to be Sam and Anna. "They're here" she muttered, more to herself than to Cason but it was loud enough he could have heard her. She let him get the door as she watched Anna walk over to their room and Sam to Dean's. Snapping more out of her thoughts, she decided now was the time to fully be mentally present in the room so she could be there for both Anna and Cason.
With Anna being let in, she sat upright more in her chair, crossing one leg over the other as she let the two of them talk between each other, Anna seemingly taking a moment to realise she was even in the room. Hearing that Anna was on demon blood again made her feel on edge, not for herself but for him. Cason may have declared he'd keep her safe but she also felt she needed to keep him safe. She really didn't want to fight Anna off of him if it came to it but she knew she had to be on guard just in case. So she listened to them both and was thankful when Cason actually defended her presence in the room and how she was trustworthy. "Right, anything you say here stays here. Contrary to belief I can keep a secret" she reassured Anna before letting her decide whether to continue or not.
She listened intently to what Anna was telling them. Some demon contacted her and spoke Latin? She was rusty compared to her brothers but she knew enough to be able to translate in her head what was said. She didn't like it in the slightest. Cason translating for Anna made Nat aware that she translated correctly and it quite honestly sent a shiver down her spine. So when Cason looked at her sternly and told her her brother could not know about this, she nodded.
The fact that Cason's face showed fear proved to her just how dire this truly was. "We're utterly screwed....." she sighed.
Even if Anna had offered to switch seats with him on the flight, he would have refused. He could see how the window seat was vital for Anna's well-being and to be calm so he wouldn't want to take that away from her. The least he could do was put up with little leg room for a short haul flight. Most of all though, he was just glad that they were finally in the cab and going back to the others, even if he was still working out in his head what he was going to tell Dean about what happened.
He played everything out in his mind on repeat the entire journey, mentally bookmarking which bits to tell him and what bits to leave out. To no surprise to him, he was choosing to leave out the Ruby parts of their little 'adventure'. He wasn't ready to tell his brother, sister, pseudo sister in law and the others just yet about how he had still been visited by Ruby and she was still encouraging him to get back on the demon blood properly to be that extra power beside Anna. Hells, he wasn't even ready to explain it to Anna but the demons had other plans which made him come clean.
At the motel, he paid the driver and gave him a tip before getting out of the car and closing the door behind them both. "See you in a bit. Hope you get what you and we need from Cason. Good luck" he told her before letting her leave and head toward's Natalia's room where he presumed Cason would be, at least, if what he left behind was anything to go by. Sighing, he headed to Dean and Mika's room and after a couple of deep breaths to motivate himself, he knocked on the door and waited for one of them to open it. Turned out, it was Mika who opened the door and let him inside.
"You look like shit Sam" she commented, seeing how tired and just downright worn out he looked. "Thanks...I feel it." he replied, deciding to not even quip back like he normally would. "So...?" she asked, sitting on the edge of the bed so he had the choice of remaining standing or sitting down. Sam chose to sit down at the table and chairs, stretching his legs out before bringing back in again. "It's a long story but the demons knew where we were." He began saying, pausing only long enough to see if either of them would respond before continuing on.
"It started off fine, I found her where I thought she'd be, we got a motel room for the night then this morning things got weird. And I mean seriously weird. She said this lady across the lot from us was talking Latin to her, but to me she was just a lady closing her room door. It caused her great head pain when it was happening, so it was clear they targeting specifically her at the moment. Then it got weirder.." he began explaining, looking up he saw Mika's eyebrow raise.
"Weirder how?" she asked him, so he took another deep breath to gather his words carefully and began talking once more. "The bus we took for the airport was literally ran by a horde of demons..they said they came with a gift from Alastair, whoever that is, and forced fed her demon blood making her drink one of them dry and kill them." he said, not realising that Alastair was the one who tortured Dean in Hell. "So she's still pretty high on demon juice right now but somehow keeping it together" he sighed, running his hands through his hair.
"Wait...where is Anna now?" Mika questioned suspiciously. "Seeing Cason" Sam replied. "You let a high as a kite on demon blood eating girl in a room with a demon and YOUR SISTER!?" Mika question, unable to stop her voice from getting higher on the last two words. "Sammy!" she groaned in disbelief.
Cason's pacing was slightly irritating but considering who they were waiting for and why, she didn't complain and instead just let him continue to pace. Thoughts and concerns were buzzing around her head which was why she had to just stare out the window to see an outside world. Seeing the odd bird fly round and away to the next nearest rooftop was somewhat comforting to her. Before the asylum days she hated birds, now she always envied them always having the option to just fly away whenever they wanted to.
She too heard the arrival of a car, and as she honed in on it she saw it was a cab and knew it had to be Sam and Anna. "They're here" she muttered, more to herself than to Cason but it was loud enough he could have heard her. She let him get the door as she watched Anna walk over to their room and Sam to Dean's. Snapping more out of her thoughts, she decided now was the time to fully be mentally present in the room so she could be there for both Anna and Cason.
With Anna being let in, she sat upright more in her chair, crossing one leg over the other as she let the two of them talk between each other, Anna seemingly taking a moment to realise she was even in the room. Hearing that Anna was on demon blood again made her feel on edge, not for herself but for him. Cason may have declared he'd keep her safe but she also felt she needed to keep him safe. She really didn't want to fight Anna off of him if it came to it but she knew she had to be on guard just in case. So she listened to them both and was thankful when Cason actually defended her presence in the room and how she was trustworthy. "Right, anything you say here stays here. Contrary to belief I can keep a secret" she reassured Anna before letting her decide whether to continue or not.
She listened intently to what Anna was telling them. Some demon contacted her and spoke Latin? She was rusty compared to her brothers but she knew enough to be able to translate in her head what was said. She didn't like it in the slightest. Cason translating for Anna made Nat aware that she translated correctly and it quite honestly sent a shiver down her spine. So when Cason looked at her sternly and told her her brother could not know about this, she nodded.
The fact that Cason's face showed fear proved to her just how dire this truly was. "We're utterly screwed....." she sighed.