Fia didn't know how to tell Drake what she knew as she knew it wouldn't come easy to acknowledge. She didn't want to hurt Drake in any way and that included emotionally. "what I feared seems to be coming true. You know when I went off on my own early on when mum first went missing?" She began to explain, looking at him the entire time before she continued, "well.. I asked around people who know dad as my starting point on how I can find mum and get dad out of his self loathing funk." She knew it might be coming across as stalling but she wanted to give him as much context as possible. "I found one contact....or more to the point, an ex contact of dad's. Astra. Word got around in Hell that dad was slipping because of mum's disappearance so naturally, she decided to insert herself into the family drama. Turns out it's your mum that sets the wheels in motion. I didn't want to believe me, I said some stuff that even dad would ground me for to Astra. But I did more digging over these weeks and when I saw mum full blown dark side phoenix for the first time? I saw it for myself...Serena was a key to unleashing mum's terror on our earth." She explained. Her tone was clear but it was also clear it was difficult for her to tell her best friend this. "That was when I had to do more digging and I found this..." She continued, digging out of her bag a book and handing it to Drake. Serena's book. "Inside there's a scripture with instructions on how to corrupt mum and then after her guilt for being manipulated by the down world to help them take control of mum. They're linked Drake.... I didn't want to believe it but the evidence is too high and I'm afraid we might be too late...the wheels are fully in motion and I'm not even a thought in their minds in this time" she said sadly.
The moment Serena said she knew Lucifer, Chas instantly looked at John then back at Serena and repeated the action a couple of times before he managed to find the words he was thinking. "oh no...not him. Not HIM!" He protested, "that man has been nothing but trouble in our John's life! Not to mention the weird thing they had going on in the past" he added, before looking at Kay apologetically. "There has to be another way" he said. Kay just looked at them all bewildered, surely they couldn't be talking about THE Lucifer Morningstar...the devil himself. Could they?! "Are we really talking about the actual devil?" She questioned, "yes and what scares me is if the down world, which includes Hell want you Kay...that Lucifer will know of you. John...please say you see where I'm coming from here? Do you really wanna risk him being anywhere near Kay?" He spoke.
The moment Serena said she knew Lucifer, Chas instantly looked at John then back at Serena and repeated the action a couple of times before he managed to find the words he was thinking. "oh no...not him. Not HIM!" He protested, "that man has been nothing but trouble in our John's life! Not to mention the weird thing they had going on in the past" he added, before looking at Kay apologetically. "There has to be another way" he said. Kay just looked at them all bewildered, surely they couldn't be talking about THE Lucifer Morningstar...the devil himself. Could they?! "Are we really talking about the actual devil?" She questioned, "yes and what scares me is if the down world, which includes Hell want you Kay...that Lucifer will know of you. John...please say you see where I'm coming from here? Do you really wanna risk him being anywhere near Kay?" He spoke.