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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Lexi's calmness came from the fact that unlike Dean, she just saw Anya and Sam as adults. That and she knew if she got judgemental and disappointed in the two of them, she would instantly become a hypocrite. She was also far too amused by the idea Sam and Anya getting so freaky with each other that they left bruises on each other, Sam seemed like the last person to be like that in bed to her. Dean seemed exactly the type, but not Sam.

She could stop the chuckle escaping her lips when Dean mentioned about being curious on Sam's state and she had to nod to agree. "it'll be a sight that's for sure!" She replied, letting Dean just pull her down the hallway. She didn't even get to pick up her towel that she had previously laid out, so it seemed this incoming shower was going to be highly interesting. She continued to walk with him when they caught sight of Sam leaving his room and she had to lift her free hand up to her mouth to hide the amused smile on it. The man really looked like he had an action packed night and if they didn't know he was in the bedroom all night, she could have sworn he suffered those injuries on a hunt.

"Quite the uhh...collection you got going on there Sam" she added to Dean's words, trying her hardest to stifle the laughter that was itching to come out of her mouth. The only times she had only known him to go around shirtless was if he had come out of a shower and still to find a clean shirt out of his bag. It was rare as they didn't usually share a motel room, but there were times they did have to share, or his room had a broken shower so he popped into her room to use her shower.


Sam really hoped he could get through the halls before bumping into Dean and Lexi, but the moment he stepped outside he heard his brother's voice call his name and he knew instantly why. He closed his eyes briefly to centre his mind so he didn't get snarky with him and Lexi's words that followed made it extremely difficult.

Turning his head to briefly look at them both and saw that neither had a right to be judging him. Dean was in what felt to him, less than he himself was and Lexi was just in the bare minimum herself. Not to mention they still looked a mess despite having slept at some point in the night. Or so he assumed. "Like you're one to talk Dean!" He called back, turning his back to them both yet again and hurried to the kitchen where he found Anya sitting on the worktop and having a coffee.

"You probably know, but they're up and already making things awkward for me. So be prepared" he warned her, walking up to her and leaning over her to get a mug so he could get some coffee himself. He was going to need it if he was to be able to cope with Dean's teasing. With the coffee poured into his mug, he lifted it up to his lips and took a sip. "Though those two seem still really close. Walking toward the shower I think, hand in hand and barely dressed. So if we need it, we got our own verbal weapons to use against them back" he smirked to her.

Mika felt she had to try and keep a bit of hope and positive thinking about whatever was coming for them. She knew if she let herself think about the realities of there always being a price to any ‘easy’ job, she most certainly wouldn't cope and would just refuse to leave the house. She couldn't do that anymore, she couldn't try and convince Dean and the others to just walk away from what was coming because of the realities that it most certainly meant. So she forced herself to keep the hope that it would be fine, whatever it was and they'd all get out safe and sound. They needed a win.

As Dean rocked back onto his feet just enough to get back onto the couch, she followed his guidance as she watched what he was doing. She knew this tactic, it reminded her of when he did it once when they were teenagers and she had just an argument with her dad about Dean and Bobby being in her life. She remembered how Dean squatted in front of her because she refused to lift her head up, so he did the only thing he knew how to make her look at him. When he finally got through to her, he did this exact same thing- crawl onto the couch, lay down and pull her with him so she could just hug him. It always brought her out of herself or made her calm, so when he did it once again here and now, she felt a sense of familiarity in the action. Mika let herself lay between his legs, her head on his shoulder as she hugged him and he combed through her hair with his fingers.

The moment he played the first introductions card, she really couldn't help but smile back at him. “Hi Dean, I'm Mika” she joked back to him, letting him lift her head up just enough to kiss her. Kissing him back just as softly made her get that sense of feeling at home, that feeling that one only got when they were truly with the person they loved with all their heart. Sure, she was literally home in Bobby's house, but in so many ways Dean was also her home. Wherever he was, her home was. The slowness of the kiss felt so much more intimate than any other kiss of theirs, she tangled her leg over his when she felt him sliding one of his legs between hers. The whole time she matched his kiss, not caring how it seemed. Dean was right, they had lost so much time from either being a part or arguing about the past. Life was too short and she was determined to make up for that time every chance she got. As he deepened the kiss, she did too, lifting a hand up to his neck, placing it on the underside of his jawline. She may not know just how much Dean was dreading whatever was coming, she knew he wasn't exactly ready for it. None of them were.


The mood shift from Anna told Natalia that what she was about to hear wasn't going to be good. it now worried her immensely of what she was about to be told. She could see how frightened and anxious Anna was about having to tell her and she swore to herself, whatever it was Anna was not going to be to blame. Whatever the group was keeping from her, it was serious, that much was clear from Anna's body language. Then the information started being told and Nat found herself looking wide eyed at what she was hearing. It wasn't just complicated like Cason said, or that the iron was slowing the process of healing for him earlier, it was more life threatening than that. When she was in the asylum, Cason almost literally died, the demons torturing her telling her he was dead weren't fully lying. They really thought he would have been.

She continued to listen as she watched Anna tuck hair behind her ear and then explain further that a lot of Cason's stab wound was because of Dean, that it was Dean who ordered they leave him behind for dead, made her blood boil. Yet again Dean had been determined to rip Cason from her, never had the intention to TRY and pull him out when he promised her at the car he would bring Cason back to her, if she stayed back. She felt she had been stupid for deciding to trust him and his words. She trusted all of them! Sam, Mika…they all told her they would Cason out if she just remained in the car. The hurt in her eyes wasn't easily hidden. She believed every word Anna told her, how she begged them to go back for Cason. Now it all made sense when Anna rushed over to him when they all got back to Bobby's. It all made sense why they looked shocked he was even alive. She was going to absolutely rip Dean a new one for this.

Instead of saying anything initially, Nat just walked up to Anna and pulled her into a hug. “none of this is your fault. You were hurt and betrayed by his decision as much as I was.” She told her, showing she was still wanting to be her friend and held no grudges against her. “Dean promised me he'd get Cason back….they all did. ‘no man gets left behind’ and all that. I guess I shouldn't be surprised they lied to me again…it's a habit for them after all….” She told Anna, trying so hard not to cry herself. She was done crying. All she could feel was betrayal and anger towards her siblings, and she never thought she could feel that from Sam. Sam always had her back, always. Now she's found out he went along with Dean's decision? She didn't know how to process that kind of betrayal. Dean she expected it from, but not Sam….not even Mika. Then again, Mika always took Dean's side.

Pulling away from Anna slowly, she looked her in the eyes. “I don't blame you for any of this. I know you would have tried everything you could to fight my brother on that choice. I'm on your side Anna.” She told her honestly, trying her best to show her that her anger was not aimed at Anna in the slightest. She didn't know how she was going to face the boys out in the main diner now, but she knew she had to. Every bit of happiness she was feeling had been ripped from her very soul with this information. But Anna was right, she did deserve to know and from what Anna told her? It was most definitely something Dean and probably Cason would have kept from her until it was well and truly water under the bridge.

“Come on…let's get back to the other two before they start wondering what's taking us so long. But thank you Anna, for being so honest with me. It means the world” she gave her a little reassuring smile to show she meant it, even if that smile didn't reach her eyes.


Cason's words about him knowing it's possible for his kind to fall in love, raised Sam's curiosity about the subject. If there was a book out there that explained that, he most definitely wanted to find it and read up on it. It was the book worm in him and his never ending need to constantly learn about their enemies. “If there's a book, we'll find it. I get the feeling you wanna know more about it all as I do” he replied to Cason before letting him continue talking and swearing to Sam that he would never put Nat in danger or hurt her. Sam seemed to be content with Cason's answer, and the fact the man was willing to let his issues with Dean go for the sake of Natalia and his love for her told Sam everything he wanted to know. There was no other reasonable instance where he'd see Cason just moving on from his dislike of Dean and willingly work with him, so Natalia clearly did mean something to Cason.

“Okay” she began saying, “I believe you and trust you to make her happy and safe. I don't need to say you hurt her, I hurt you…we both know you already know that” he added before smirking at Cason's little joke about waterboarding him with holy water. “Only if you hurt my sister” he joked back, but there was a sense of seriousness in his statement. He then looked towards the restrooms and still saw no sign of the girls. “Have they dropped into a black hole or something?” He then joked, before seeing Maddie coming over with half their order. “rest is coming up boys” she stated, putting the bag down on the table. “sure I can't ya anything sugar?” She asked Cason, having been aware there was nothing for him.

Dean's reply about needing the exercise made her half smirk and half chuckle, whilst shaking her head lightly, her still damp messy red hair falling in front of her face on one side. Lifting one hand up, she tucked it behind her ear to try and keep it under control if it was even possible right now. She noticed the way he began to smirk at her and she felt like she could go weak at the knees. He really did get right under her skin in all the best ways and she wouldn't have it any other way. The next words that came out of his mouth made her raise an eyebrow, but smirk back. "Well...Dean Winchester, that's quite the proposition you've made me" she replied, stepping around the bed to his side of it and perching on the edge.

"I guess I should give you an answer" she flirtatiously smirked back, looking down at how close their fingers were to each other's. Suddenly a solo shower seemed completely out of the question and not an option. Deliberately looking up to his face slowly, she smiled more. "I say lead the way" she replied, unable to get the smile off of her face.

Getting back up, she went back to grab something to wear that wasn't a bed sheet. She wasn't expecting to bump into the other two on their way to Dean's shower, but she also didn't want to take that risk either. So she found a loose fitting strap top and mini shorts, pulling them on as Dean headed toward the door first, opening it and stepping out waiting for her. As she turned to head to the door, she saw Dean leaning back in over the threshold muttering to her about what he just saw which made her raise an eyebrow. "Oh really?" she whispered, highly entertained by the news that Anya and Sam got rough in the night. She stepped up to Dean, taking his hand once Anya had walked past Dean. "After the shower, we're questioning those two. Make it as awkward for them as possible" she told him with a wicked smile on her lips. It was just too tempting of a situation to put Sam and Anya in, she couldn't pass it up.


As Anya pressed her hand against his forehead and used him to sign, he smiled widely and let out a little mini chuckle as she showed what a playful mood she had woken up in. It was intoxicating and he had to really implement self control or he truly would just stay in bed all day and not move unless it was to get a drink and nothing else. It seemed Anya was getting that from him as she made the first move to get up off the bed and look for the shirt she had found last night to borrow. He couldn't help himself but watch her the entire time, taking in the way her body moved. She was rapidly becoming a drug he never wanted to come down from.

He snapped out of his thoughts about how much he hoped she would stay for a while and how much he just felt the need to be near her the entire time. He wished he could figure out why he felt like that so quickly when he barely knew her or what it was about her that drove him crazy, but either way he wasn't complaining. He gave her a nod of understanding at the universal sign for 'drink' as she pushed himself up to sit up a bit more, rather than letting himself remain laid down. He was convinced if he stayed flat on the bed, he would just easily go back to sleep for a bit.

Matching her smirk at her next sign, he forced himself to get up and off the bed, where he leaned down and grabbed a pair of sweats to pull on so he was somewhat decent for walking through the bunker. He couldn't be bothered to find a shirt, knowing eventually he would find his way to the shower but only when he was certain that Dean or Lexi wasn't in it. From his room, he heard another door open and that was when he figured either or both Dean and Lexi had got up and about to be wandering through the halls. This made him look in his mirror and try desperately to smooth out out his matted hair like some school girl trying to hide her morning walk of shame signs.

It was proving useless, some strands of hair just refused to flatten and it made him sigh before he just took a deep breath, exhaled once more and stepped out of his room.

It was difficult at several moments to stay out when they had their chat and admitted to each other some very hard truths. There were times when she did want to just run, get away so she could get her thoughts and emotions in check without looking him in the face, but if she was going to tell him she was determined to change and fight for them? She had to stay put and that's why she did. She could have easily gotten angry at him, could have made up new reasons to shout and scream at him, but she was just too tired of doing that. She didn't know if it was because she had actually matured quite a lot in the four months he was in Hell or the situation that happened the night before made her see that life was too short and she had to keep those she loved close to her, but whatever the reason was, she was actually thankful for taking the more positive choice.

She knew as well as any hunter that growing old whilst in this life was a rare luxury, but she wanted to fight to get them both an opportunity to try and get that luxury. It was her way of telling him if they had normal lives she would marry him if they ever came up. She had always said she was his, and that feeling had never gone away. Yes, she did love Ethan for a while, but that filtered out the moment Dean had crept back into her head during that time apart. She still hated how her and Ethan ended, how violent they both were and vile they were with their words. She still regretted those words, Ethan never deserved any of it but leaving on such bad terms almost made it easier for her to leave him and to run back to Dean. That night would forever be seared into her mind.

“dammit Bobby just tell me where he is! I've already tried Duke, but I can't get through to him. Please! I'm begging you, I need to see him!” She practically screamed down the phone as she had him on speaker whilst she drove down the road and out of town. Her face is tear stained, knuckles bruised and cut from when she punched Ethan's worktop in frustration. A little nick on her left cheek, just under her eye when she dodged a flying vase he threw at her. Hair disheveled from the argument and fight. She just had to get to Dean, if she could just find him and beg him to take her back, get answers for all those late night phone calls….she could at least get an answer one way or another of where she stood with him. She had to know where the two of them stood with each other. If she and him were never to be again, then she had to stop all contact. Make it known to Dean that if they were to be apart then the calls had to stop. But she hoped it would be different, that he would pick her over this other woman.

She knew Dean in ways that no one else did or could. She wasn't ready to let go of their history. To let go of all those memories of him sneaking into her house via her bedroom window, the way he stood up to her dad to protect her. “..fine kid, I'll text you his location” came the words she was waiting for finally from her phone. “thank you” she said, ending the call and kept driving.

When she found Dean again, she stood in the distance watching him. It had started raining, and she tried to convince herself to move forward. “Just move girl..just move…” she told herself. After a pep talk to herself, she managed to step forward as they locked eyes. “...hi” she simply said looking like a drowned rat, vulnerable as she just looked at him.

Him confirming to her that he would fight to live as long as possible with her made her snap out of her memory. It was probably the first time she ever heard him say it. She always thought it was slightly one sided but to finally hear him say those words made her rethink that belief. As he rocked forward and kissed her deeply and passionately, she knew the kiss all too well. She kissed him back just deeply and passionately, her hands placing themselves on his hips before he reluctantly pulled away in an act of self control. She opened her eyes slowly and looked him in the eye. His green eyes always making her feel like the world just fades out into oblivion. They were so bright in comparison to her incredibly dark eyes, just yet another thing about him that seemed so different to her but complimented her perfectly.

Nodding at his words, she hoped it would be true. “And I'll always be there too. Let's just hope it goes our way. I can't handle thinking of any other way” she told him.


In the bathroom, Nat wouldn't help but raise an eyebrow when Anna locked the door behind them both. She suddenly got a feeling this wasn't a case of Anna just not wanting to go here on her own. She leaned against the nearby sink as she watched Anna give a little smirk before she turned serious and began talking about Cason. At first, she thought maybe she was going to check what Nat's feelings truly were toward Cason or give her advice on how to deal with him as Anna had spent a lot of time with him, but that wasn't the case. She began to vaguely talk about the barn, which made Natalia frown and look at the ground as Anna spoke. She did eventually look back up at the woman, taking in what she was being told. All she knew was that Cason said it was complicated but he was fine. She, of course, thought from his tone that there was more to it than just being complicated but as he wasn't prepared to bombard her with what happened at the time, she wasn't going to press him on it.

Instead of speaking up, she just listened to Anna. The girl clearly needed to get something off her chest so she wasn't going to interrupt that incase Anna bottled it and closed herself off again. She wanted to be Anna's friend, be someone who Anna felt she could turn to and talk to whenever she needed it. She wanted to be someone Anna could count on to be her ally and not just because she was dating Sam. “Well I for one am happy you're with Sam. You make him happy” she simply commented as she saw Anna begin to try and smile. It made her begin to smile back, but that smile didn't last long as Anna's next words got her instantly worried. ‘when we left him’ were the words that echoed and repeated round her mind as she heard Anna continue talking.

“Uhh..care to elaborate? What do you mean, when you guys left Cason?” She asked her, folding her arms across her chest to stop herself from pushing herself into an upright position. “Anna, what do you mean by that? He just told me it was complicated, but I always felt there was more to it. What happened in the barn?” She asked her, now wanting the full truth, no matter how painful it would be to hear. She had to know what Cason was holding back from her, no matter the reason for keeping her in the dark about it.


Sam was oblivious to the way the waitress had spoken to him. He just saw it as her being friendly because he, Nat, Mika and Dean had become known in town thanks to their links to Bobby. He was so in love with Anna, he didn't even notice when other girls would flirt with him.

In the booth as they waited for their food and the girls, he listened to Cason's reply and acceptance of his thanks. He gave a nod, accepting his reply as the truth even if he would always regret not being there for Natalia when it really mattered. Though it would have been a stronger sense of regret if Mika and Dean hadn't gone after her as well as Cason. He couldn't bear the thought of Nat dying alone and her thinking none of them cared enough to try and save her. He gave Cason time to then explain how he felt about Natalia after his initial words, seeing how Cason had carefully chosen his words about his relationship with her. Hearing him say he would do anything to keep Nat safe, he could hear it was the truth in Cason's tone and that was all well and good but keeping his sister safe was just one part of being involved with her in his eyes. He didn't want Cason stringing her along, make her get emotionally attached if Cason wasn't going to be able to do the same.

All his knowledge told him that demons were incapable of feeling emotions like love, so how did Cason really feel about Nat? “But how do you feel about her? Outside of being fiercely protective? I've never seen her this happy before and I don't want her heart to be broken. I'm willing to give you a chance, more so than Dean ever will…I just need to know she'll not get emotionally hurt by you” he told him honestly, deciding to just get straight to the point. “I love that girl and I just wanna protect her the way our dad never did” he added with a soft sigh, wondering what was taking the girls so long. He didn't want to lecture Cason, but he needed convincing that Cason was actually being truthful with him as he knew how well demons lied. He needed to know as much as possible if he were to take his side when Dean eventually noticed the bond that Cason and Nat had developed properly. He knew Dean would take it well whatsoever and Nat would need all the allies she could get to defend her decisions to be with Cason.

Lexi didn't have any nightmares, she didn't even really dream too much. She just found herself in an incredibly deep sleep the whole night. It was quite the change for her as, like Dean, she would at least have one nightmare in a night or a sad dream about her ex visiting her. But not this time. Being with Dean had completely calmed her mind.

As he pulled her closer to him after throwing his phone onto her nightstand, she began to stir awake but she didn't want to quite open her eyes just yet. So she decided to pretend she was still asleep just for a moment more, making the most of feeling Dean holding her close. But her breathing would have given her away to the fa t she was waking, and she found herself starting to smile as she felt him in her hair and then ear.

"Mornin'" she sleepily replied, slowly opening her eyes as he spoke once more about getting up. She let out a little yawn as she continued to mentally wake up, then turned her head just enough to be able to look at him. "You're probably right" she replied with a sigh. She then fully turned round in his grip to face him properly, smiling as she finally got a proper look at his face. No sign of him having woken up due to a nightmarish memory, just a look of peace and happiness as he looked down at her and held her.

"Wouldn't want the kids to come banging on the door demanding breakfast and answers of what we did last night" she smirked, a soft sleepy chuckle escaping her lips at the very mental image of what she just described. Stretching her head up, she placed a kiss on his lips, feeling like she could truly get used to this kind of wake up. Forcing herself to pull right back from him, she pulled at one of the sheets on the bed to wrap around her body as she sat up, then made herself stand up.

The sheet draping down her back, showing off her shoulder blades and part of her back as she stood. It had been so long since she woke up and got up like this, but she knew she could get used to it. Her bare feet patting across the floorboards as she walked over to grab a towel in preparation for going to take a shower, chucking it on the desk once she found it. She then walked back over to Dean, the temptation to just climb onto the bed and hover him great, but she had to behave herself. "so...you gonna get up or just lay there in bed looking incredibly tempting and like a good excuse for me to come back to bed" she smirked.


By the morning, Sam was well and truly worn and sore. Anya's kiss behind his ear stirring him awake in a soft way he hadn't felt in a long time, or if ever. Yet he didn't actually open his eyes, instead he continued to lay there 'asleep' for a little while. If he could just pretend for a little while longer, to hold onto this moment for just that much longer before waking up and accepting it was a new day, he'd be a happy man.

He was aware of how silent the rest of the bunker seemed to be and just assumed that Dean and Lexi were still asleep, which if true would have been quite something as he knew Dean had a habit of waking up in the night a lot. He'd almost lost count of the amount of times he had gotten up stairs a normal time, only to find that Dean had been up and awake at a stupid time in the early hours. A small sigh escaped him, giving away that he was in fact awake, making him open his eyes slowly as he tilted his head and kissed the top of Anya's head.

Everything from the night before came flooding back into his head as he remembered how much Anya had completely worn him out. She had some serious stamina that he had to admire as they went on for a second round, a smirk appearing in his lips. "thought you was going to break me last night" he teased, pulling her closer to him so he could wrap both arms around her to keep her close for just that bit longer. He didn't want to let go of her in the slightest even though he knew they couldn't stay like this all day.

"I guess we should get up..." He finally sighed, his thumb rubbing her shoulder as he made no effort to take action on his words. He ached all over, was certain they both had bruises in places that not even he could hide from Dean and Lexi and it made him realize that the moment they all were up, there was going to be a lot of questions asked and teasing.

Kay was terrified as she tried to regain her breathing pace to a normal slow pace. Looking up at John, she could finally see she was back, in John's home and the mysterious Fae was nowhere to be found. She found herself, clinging onto John as she tried to not burst into tears over what she just saw. She still didn't know what was going on, what happened or really where she had gone. She didn't understand any of it, but she had a feeling if this kind of situation was happening, then they must all be getting close to a few answers.

Then she heard Chas' voice come through the phone, with heating Drake's in the background panicking. Whatever happened to her, Serena was now feeling it from the link they shared. "I...I think you both..are feeling what happened to me..." Kay said to Bane trying to make sense of everything, and hoped that now she was awake, Serena and Bane would be able to come round shortly too.


Fia went over to Drake's side to comfort him, wrapping an arm round him and onto his back. She wished she could say everything would be alright but she didn't know that for certain. She just had to be there for Drake in the here and now and hope that she was being of some kind comfort.

"John mate, I was about to ask you the same thing for there! Serena just collapsed, eyes clouded over. Said something about Kay before she passed out..or at least, what I think is passing out. What's happening?" Chas replied on the phone when John finally picked up. he glanced around DT everyone but for the most part kept his eyes on Serena. He watched as Josh ran over now that he had shaken himself out of a shook induced frozen state.

Chas didn't doubt Lucifer's words, as he never knew of the man to lie. If he says he owes John a favour then it's most certainly true. John didn't do anything without making sure he was owed something in return, it's just how his friend was. He took a file after Lucifer and Serena did and began to look through it, making sure not to miss a single detail.

His attention got interrupted however when Serena suddenly gasped and held her head. Instantly putting the file down, he went to get up but Lucifer best him to it, as well as Josh. When she said Kay's name before her eyes clouded over, he instantly got concerned. He didn't waste any time getting his phone out and began to dial John's number. He had to know what was happening back at The House.


Kay didn't come round, she remained under whatever was having a hold on her. Her eyes remained locked in the golden state as she was limp in John's arms.

"no!" Kay screamed at the male in this void, vision? She couldn't even say what it was. But she could say it felt so real to her. "It's going to happen one way or another. You can't run away and hide from this place ..from us. You ARE one of us" he told her sternly, closing the gap between them in a blink of an eye, scaring Kay to her core. "let me go..from whatever this!" She practically begged, but he just grabbed her arm and dragged her to the wall. "Look at this!! Look!! This is YOUR fate!!" He screamed in her face, making her look at the wall where it depicted her causing destruction on Earth, turning it all to rubble.

"BUT you can change it if you just come home to us!" He warned her, letting go roughly. Kay shook at what he was telling her, not wanting to believe his words but what was happening in Fia's time, it was true. He then grabbed her arm and pulled her to look at another wall, brushing vines out of the way to reveal a future where she killed Fia, Serena and other loved ones. The shock made her gasp and run away, not seeing where she was going and she fell off a cliff. Making her wake up

In her unconscious state, when the mysterious Fae male grabbed her, a red hand mark appeared on her body in front of John, a tear fell from her eye. Then she woke up with a start and a gasp.

Mika wasn't surprised at the comment about Duke having always loved Esme. She still remembers the phone calls of Duke calling her for advice or to just outright get stuff off his chest. She didn't know at the time it was particularly Esme he was talking about, but remembering the conversations, what's since transpired and with what Dean just told her, it didn't take much to figure out Duke always was talking about Esme. She remembers having to tell Duke to play it safe, no matter how much it hurt to try and hang back or how difficult it was to do, or whatever the complication was, if he was meant to be with the girl, it would happen when it's destined to. Seems she was right after all, even if she never realized at the time her words fitted for her own situation with Dean as well.

She never expected Dean to get down onto his knees in front of her however. He never did that for any reason. Yes, he may squat down in front to check on her if she was a little scratched up or something, but he never went down onto his knees in front of her, or anyone for that matter. This very action showed her he meant everything he had been telling her, that he really did want to move on and she was the one he wanted. The moment he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her, his head on her chest, she went slightly wide eyed from the surprise action. She moved her arms to wrap around him, one hand on the back of his head as she just about heard him whisper to her. It was so much to withstand and take in, but she didn't dislike the raw emotional truthful moment they were having with each other. It was needed for a long time and now words were coming out, it felt like a huge weight was being lifted off of their shoulders.

She looked down at him as she felt him move his head to look up at her, finding it difficult to not to just cup his head in her hands, instead moving the hand that was on the back of his head to the back of his neck. His next words caused more tears to fall down her cheeks as she nodded. “I want to move forward too Dean, more than I've probably let on in the past. You know I love you, I always have. Even as kids, I've loved you. As I’ve said, it's always been you. I never want to be with anyone else, I was given a second chance at life for some unknown reason way back when and I don't want to waste it anymore holding onto bad vibes and grudges. All I want is to kick ass, fight what's coming by your side and if we're really lucky? Grow old with you” she told him honestly. It was true, she never used to believe in marriage or anything like that, despite being a completely hopeless romantic deep down, but with Dean it was so different.

She leaned down to meet his face, touching his nose with hers, closing her eyes for a moment to just take in and savor the moment so it was always firmly in her mind. Seconds later, Mika kissed him, firmly but lovingly to seal her promise that she will continue to be a better person for him. She let her lips linger on his forehead as long as she could before needing to break for breath. Looking into his eyes, she gave a small but genuine smile. “We've got through some pretty tough times, we can get through this. I'm willing to fight for us” she told him. She meant every word, she wasn't going to run anymore, or lie or close herself off. It was time to show Dean she had changed and was still changing, and most importantly, she wasn't going to waste being alive and having him in her life.


Nat never intended to baby Cason, she had just wanted to tease him a little from his mini tantrum about iron. Even though it was a very valid thing to have a tantrum about. She also felt the need to check his hand after the previous injuries he had sustained in the barn. She was paranoid about any pain he got and felt if she didn't check, she would just worry constantly. She still wanted Cason to be well…Cason.

When Cason said he don't eat, only for Anna to call him an idiot for pointing out the obvious, she couldn't help but chuckle, trying to stifle it as best she could. She knew her and Anna would get along once Anna felt she could be more herself again. She liked Anna's little playful snarky moments, it felt like if she was left alone with Anna, the boys would get worried about what they could concoct up as it would be trouble doubled.

With it decided what she wanted and Cason yet again complaining about her food choices, she rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face. Pointing at the description under the cheeseburger, she leaned into his side. “it states it has lettuce and tomato in it…therefore it has salad and a healthy aspect.” She smirked cheekily up at him. She knew it was complete crap she was spouting, but she couldn't resist just making the remark. “Okay how about this, you don't moan about me craving a cheeseburger tonight. Let me have this bit of junk food after almost dying yesterday and the next time we eat out, I will pick a healthy salad or something” she negotiated to him, whilst almost playing the ‘but I almost died and therefore I deserve comfort food to get over the trauma of it's emotional blackmail card.

As Anna spoke up saying she would just get the chicken salad out of worry of eating, her heart sank for the woman a little. She couldn't imagine having to be scared of what someone could or couldn't eat. She put it down to her relationship with food and how she always saw every meal as a gift and possibly her last. So when Cason managed to convince her that she could eat what she actually wanted and would be fine, she smiled at Anna picking the same as her. “Best choice” she commented before Anna grabbed her whole attention about walking with her to the restroom. “Sure!” she replied, putting the menu down and stretching her arm out to link arms with Anna before walking to the restroom with her, leaving the men alone.


Yet again, Sam found himself agreeing with Cason and he really was wondering what was happening in the universe to make him agree with the man so much. It felt like he had fallen into an alternate universe or something. “he's right ya know.” He added as she decided to change her choice of food and get the same as Natalia. He then kept his own menu on him, so he could refer to it to make the take our order for them all when Anna asked Nat if she would walk to the restroom with her. A simple request, and not exactly shocking for women but he still felt glad that Anna felt comfortable with Nat, wanting to leave his side. He knew she would be safe with his sister, and let go of her as she let go of him. He watched as Anna and Natalia went off round the corner to the women's restrooms and then stepped up to the counter to wait for a waitress or waiter to approach him.

He leaned against the counter top on his elbows, and started thinking about how much he could drill Cason about looking after Nat. The whole premise of it amused him yet again as he couldn't believe he was about to do the dad thing of sussing out boyfriends as if Nat was a teenager. “hey Sam! Long time no see!” A waitress came over with a smile, recognising him instantly. “No lingering brother this time” she chuckled, grabbing her little notepad and pen in preparation to take his order. “hey Maddie, yeah it's been a while and he's back at the house with Mika. Been a long drive back and so I'm out doing the food run this time” he smiled. “So what can I get ya?” She asked, clicking the top of her pen. “2 cheeseburgers with fries, one burger with added hot sauce..” he began saying, “lemme guess, Natalia's?” She smirked, “bingo. Uhh.. 2 chicken burgers and fries and for Dean his usual- quarter pounder burger and fries, as well a slice of the apple pie” he finished ordering, putting the menu down. Maddie nodded as she laughed, the order sounding all so familiar. “alright, got it. It'll be about 15 minutes tonight.” She explained.

“That's fine, we can wait in the free booth over there” he replied, pointing to the single free booth to his right. The waitress then smiled and walked off to the kitchen window to hand in the order slip, whilst Sam gave the gesture to Cason to walk to the booth as he led the way and sat down. He remained silent for a little while then decided to just come out with what he was thinking, “so I uhh, never thanked you for getting Nat out of that place last night. You've probably been thanked enough by her but I have to say it myself. I hate that I couldn't get her myself like last time.” he remarked, deciding to start with a thanks rather than straight in with the drilling. “Seems like she's really taken with you and happy” he added, not knowing just by how much and he certainly wouldn't ever guess the emotion of love was between the two of them.

Mika saw him begin to let himself cry, seeing just how awful he did truly feel about everything but determined to try and make amends by being truthful and hopefully still be good with her. She didn't want to lose Dean just as much as he didn't want to lose her. But everything he explained hurt so much, and she knew what she said to him would have hurt him also but she couldn't hide how she was feeling anymore. She spent too many of their young lives lying to him and there wasn't a day that went by where she didn't regret those lies. She wouldn't forgive herself for letting her fear of him rejecting her by the way she looked back then win over everything else. Her fear was what made her lie for all that time, but she hoped she had proved to him she was doing all she could to be better and more honest with him.

She felt like she hadn't lied to him for 3 years, but she was finding out these last few weeks especially, that all he had done was lie to her. Mika understood it was a messy and complicated situation, she put him in a difficult position by pushing him away out of her own selfishness and fear. But what was his excuse? Was it the same as hers or was it solely he simply couldn't bare being on his own and would do anything to have someone replace her? The thoughts of him ever trying to replace her hurt so much. Even though she spent some time with Ethan, he never replaced Dean. Every second she was with Ethan, she just wished he was Dean, but that time she saw Dean with Esme? She had assumed he really wanted nothing to do with her....until those phone calls started.

Mika continued to let him speak, flinching ever so slightly when he carefully placed his hand on her knee once more. Her hands shaking as she toyed with the decision to place her hand on top of his. She really couldn't decide if it was something she wanted to do right now. Her happy wake up felt so shaken and ruined in this moment. "Yeah...you do owe him a lot" she replied to him about Duke being there for her. "He stopped me from just ending it all together Dean, he saved me, literally at one point when he had run off away from you and found me on a hunt, ready to just die and set things back to how they probably should be, saved my life, brought me back from the brink... he knew how my heart wasn't really with Ethan when push came to shove. I tried SO hard to be happy and move on but he wasn't you....he would never be you." she cried.

Then the real pain came crashing down on her. Dean admitting he was still jealous of Duke for being with Esme and having her heart. Part of her wanted to be really callous, just straight up cold, but deep down she knew it would do nothing but just rip them a part all over again. She tried to find words that weren't 'yeah well... welcome to my world when me and Duke see you being all close with Esme, now you know how it feels'. She kept coming up blank on what to say, all she could do was wipe away at the endless stream of tears down her face. "I can't lose you Dean, I can't...I want us to work passed this but I can't ignore how much this hurts to hear." she eventually found the words to tell him.

Slowly, she found the courage to place her hand ontop of his, not quite holding it yet, but it was a start. "I love you with all my heart, and I will fight tooth and nail to keep you by my side. I'm done running away..." she sighed. "All those late night calls that time ago broke me. I would find a hunt anywhere close by just to not feel that pain from hearing your voice on the end of the line. I'd come back so battered every night and Ethan couldn't take it anymore. He could only patch me up so many times before he was done with me and my secrets. I still remember when he hit his limit... I came home and found out you had been calling late at night. Demanded to know who you was, even asked if you were the cause of my back scars..." she began to explain, a sad smirk appearing on her lips briefly. "Of course, that was a stupid assumption and had to tell him of how they really came to be....well, minus the whole Wendigo part. Told him the old family home got broken into and some crazed druggie went on a killing spree with a machete and that's how the scars happened." she sighed.

"it eventually came out in a huge fight. Gave me the famous ultimatum you or him after vases and folders were thrown across the room and that was the night I grabbed my stuff and just left- texting Duke and Bobby demanding one of them tell me where you were" she told him, "and you know the rest" she finished, forcing the memories to stop playing in her mind as she described them briefly. It felt so cathartic to finally tell him the truth of how her and Ethan came to end. That she was never truly fully happy with him, despite what Dean may have told himself all that time ago, before she finally looked up at him, lifting a free hand up to his face to make him look at her back. "I will do my hardest to not be so hard on Esme, she doesn't deserve my wrath or pain. I get that, I really do. It'll just take me time to get the image of you and her together out of my head whenever I look at her, but I know this will hurt...but honestly? Seeing her with Duke will help me move on from that mental image. Even if it slightly hurts you" she told him softly.

"I need you Dean...I love you so much, I can't live or breathe without you" she told him.


Nat smiled when Cason couldn't wait to jump out of the car the moment Sam parked up. She thought about how she would have to help Cason get over his discomfort of cars and his negative thoughts about how they were death traps. She understood why he would think like that, but she still thought he had to try and get a better relationship with cars, especially after he admitted to her that he had grown fond of hers. She watched as he walked up to the passenger front door and opened it for Anna, letting her out whilst Sam got out of the driver's side. It always sent her a heart a flutter when she saw how old school Cason was and gentlemanly he was for a demon.

As he walked round to her side, opened the door and held his hand out to her, she smiled and took it, stepping out of the car and closing the door behind her. "Thank you" she said, taking his hand and walking up to the front door of the diner. She didn't even know that the diner's handle was iron. It had been a while since she was here and honestly forgot. So when he pulled his hand away quickly as it burned his skin, she instantly checked his hand over before nodding and opening the door on his behalf. Though his little mini tantrum about all the iron everywhere was kind of amusing to her as well as endearing.

"You'll be alright babe" she replied, taking his hand and gently pulling him inside, noticing how Sam went to Anna and walked up and in behind them both. Sam couldn't help but smile at how Nat and Cason was and he began to wonder what the hell was wrong with his mind if he was smiling at the sight of his sister being in love with a demon. "I must be losing my mind" he sniggered to himself, walking over to Anna and taking her hand as she giggled at Cason complaining about the iron handle. The covering of her mouth to hide the giggle made Sam look down at her and smile more broadly as it seemed to him that taking her away from the house was proving to be the right course of action. With her hand in his, and close to him he walked with her to the door of the diner and stepped inside, opening the door for her in the process. If Cason was going to be a gentleman to Natalia, then he felt the need to show he could be too toward Anna. He didn't intend to make it a competition but it was subconscious take his mind ended up choosing.

Inside the diner, he stood by the other two, grabbing some menus and handing one to Anna, then to Nat and finally Cason before keeping one for himself. He glanced over what was in store, realising it had been a while since he was in here and noticed how the menu had changed since he was last here with Dean and Mika. "well this is a new menu compared to last time..." he thought out loud to him, his eyes scanning everything on it and what each meal encompassed. Nat overheard him and smirked, "well it's not changed so much that it's hard to pick what Dean and Meeko would want" she pointed out, tapping her menu at the burgers. She saw Dean's favourite was still very much on there, but then, he was a simple man when it came to food. It wasn't difficult to pick him up something he'd like. She then saw a simple cheeseburger and fries meal that made her stomach growl at the thought of eating it, a flush of pink spreading across her cheeks. "Cheeseburger and fries for me" she declared, trying to hide the fact she was blushing over her stomach calling out for sustenance.

Sam smirked, hearing her stomach grumble. "You always go for the cheeseburger if it's on the menu" he teased, "hey, it's a classic okay? You don't mess with classics...unless it's putting hot sauce in it, then and only then you can mess with it" Natalia said back with conviction, pointing her finger at Sam, then at the menu. That was where she was different from Dean, she loved hot sauce in burgers when Dean couldn't take the heat 99% of the time. Sam then looked over at Anna, "seen anything you want?" he asked her, having already decided on a chicken burger and fries, the same as what Mika would want.

Feeling him tighten his arm around her when she laid back down made her feel so secure. Lexi suddenly got reminded just how much she had missed this kind of affection and intimate moment with someone. She didn't want to mess anything up that would take this moment away from her. She had to keep a hold of it with both hands, no matter what.

Hearing him chuckle at her remark about Sam doing good bringing her back here, she was glad that he agreed with her. Life felt pretty good right now, better than it had been for a while if she ever let herself think about it. She knew it wasn't love at this moment, but it was a strong enough feeling that she was content in feeling for a long time to come. Lexi didn't want to move from her spot as she stared off to nothing in particular, just letting the moment completely swallow her whole and keep her happy. "It's been a long time since I've felt so at home somewhere." she admitted openly to him, wanting to admit it to him, to show him how happy he made her. She just hoped she made him equally happy.


After a while she soon fell asleep beside him on the bed late into the night and slept peacefully. Life was good, she ached and felt safe in the arms of Dean. This truly felt like a new chapter in her life that she couldn't wait to experience.


A while later as they laid down on his bed, Sam stared up at the ceiling, a firm smile on his face as he caught his breath finally, one hand on his chest, another by his side. It had felt like eternity since he last gelled and connected with. He could feel his whole body aching and knew for sure that he had bruises down his back if the feeling was anything to go by as he laid on it. He lifted the hand that was by his side up and ran it through his hair, brushing it back and away from his face beyond content with his current situation and didn't even care if they were caught or not. It had to be late and thinking back to how Dean and Lexi were, chances were they either were in the same position as himself and Anya, or asleep.

As Anya's hands came up and lazily signed the word fire, he couldn't help but chuckle understanding that word. "One word for it" he replied to her, raising his other arm and wrapping it round her, pulling her into his side, kissing the top of her head sweetly. Never in his wildest ideas did he think that the girl he just tried to help and calm down in the tech shop would end up being laid out on his bed naked beside him after having absolutely rocked his world. She was like this piece of dynamite that came into his life and nothing he could have done would have got him far enough away from him, but he wasn't complaining.

He willingly jumped over and took the explosion, glad that for once, he let go of his inhibitions and just let himself be happy and let off steam. "Best trip to the tech shop I ever did." he chuckled, nuzzling into her hair and stroking her arm. Tomorrow morning would be quite the scene he came to assume, knowing that both he and Dean had done the exact same thing tonight with two absolutely incredible women.
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