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Urgh life keeps getting in the way and making me exhausted. 😅.
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I'm sort of back to RP. I hate unintentionally ghosting you people, so please bear with!
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Apologies to anyone I'm slow replying to RP's with lately. September was extremely busy for me and I'm back in therapy. So I burn out quickly mentally
2 yrs ago
That moment when you wanna write but you're on a train and the free wifi is absolute dogpoop, so cant access most things including downloading a Word app


30something who loves to rp to pass the time and meet new people! When the world is right, I'm a character entertainer for a party business and do fan films. Utter geek who loves gaming and reading and rather addicted to the art therapy colouring books haha!

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Lexi found herself watching as Dean walked towards the library without so much as a word, just opening a secret drinks cabinet and walking back with two glasses and a bottle of cheap whiskey. The fact it was still day time and he was doing this told her that this one hell of a story and there was a lot more to it than Sam ever let on that drunken night in the bar. She closed the laptop so the screen light wouldn't distract her and she turned in her chair to put her whole attention onto what Dean was going to say. She wanted to learn more about Sam, just as much as she wanted to learn more about Dean. Ever since Sam helped her not lose her mind through grief when he found her in her home distraught staring at the dead body of her fiancée, she felt a kinship to the man. She wanted to protect him as much as he protected her and helped her. He became a true friend and the very thought of something upsetting him so much, upset her. So when she heard Dean say he was convinced Sam would have married this girl in Denver was a surprise to her. Of the two brothers, Sam did strike her as the one to get married first, but she knew him as such a dedicated hunter, the idea of him finding a moment to marry someone was surprising.

She listened still as Dean began to explain what happened in their lives before she met Sam. Trials? Closing the gates of Hell forever? It was all such big news to her, something she didn't even think was even remotely possible. She couldn't imagine what must have been going through their minds when doing these trials, or what went through Dean's head when Sam stepped in and took the full brunt of the first one- whatever that trial was. She didn't say a word, just letting Dean talk as much as he needed to as it was clear he had a lot of this bottled up for a long time. Hearing that Sam had a seizure because of the trials broke her heart, sadness filling her eyes, unable to think of how scared this girl and Dean must have been finding Sam in such a scary situation. Lexi saw him shudder as he relieved those memories in his head, making her grab the bottle of whiskey and pour herself a drink as he began to speak again and explain just how much Anna meant to Sam. She couldn't think of Sam as someone who threatened his own brother with death for speaking someone's name, he always was so compassionate and caring in the time she had known him. It was like she was learning a whole new side of Sam that was driven by so much heartache.

Then it came
the words ‘then we lost Mika'. That name she recognised. Sam had told her about Mika and how she was everything to Dean, to them both. Had been together since they were kids, defied so many odds only to be ripped apart on a hunt. Sipping her drink, her eyes followed his hand as he reached out to John's journal, watching him flip it open and pull out photographs. Lexi reached out and pulled the photograph closer to her as he tapped on Anna in the group photo. They all looked so happy and like a tight knit family. The thought that it was now just he and Sam and by the sounds of it, sometimes their sister was devastating. Life had been so cruel to the brothers and it didn't feel fair in the slightest. “She's adorable” she remarked about Anna before he explained what usually happens if Sam and Anna do end up seeing each other. “I guess we can only hope that doesn't happen” she sighed, when she spotted another photo of Dean with a woman who she could only surmise was this Mika.

“This her? Mika?” She asked carefully, showing that she didn't want to pry too much but she couldn't hide that she didn't notice the photo. The two of them looked so happy in it and Mika looked so utterly in love with him as she sat beside him on a couch, leaning into him, hands on his arm. Lexi had to admit to herself, she didn't think Mika would look like how she did with the dyed hair and dark eyes, but they looked good together. She could tell that Mika was quite the personality just by what she could see in the photo and dare she say, the two of them looked like they were meant to be together until the end of time. Lexi felt awful for him but it was a loss she knew all too well. A loss that also eventually led her to Dean. Taking a sip of her drink, she stood up, Patting his thigh as she did so. “I'll be right back, stay there” she said softly, walking out of the war room and to her room where she went through her spare duffel that was solely for clothing and dug down into it, pulling out a small pouch full of photos and headed back to Dean in the war room.

Back in the room, she sat back down where she was, opened the pouch and pulled out one photo of her and her ex, pushing it towards Dean. “this is my one that got taken from me. His name is
was Owen.” She said, forcing herself to correct her wording into past tense. The photo showed herself with Owen in a photo studio whilst he was clearly the one taking the photo of them both, whilst he had made her laugh mid photo, looking very proud of himself for making her laugh, whilst keeping her very close. “He was an avid professional photographer and extremely talented
.” She said sadly. “That was taken moments before he proposed to me” she added, getting choked up to the point she made herself take a swing of her drink to regain any kind of self control.


Sam knew it would be a shock to hear his theory of why demons were trying to find his brother. It was truly the only thing that made any kind of sense and that Anya was the first one out of her and Lexi to be told that bit of information. He didn't want to tell her like that, but he had to let her know it wasn't because of her that demons were after Dean. At least, as far as they knew, solely responsible. Demons were always after them, so he didn't want Anya to feel bad for what had transpired.

Inside the shop, he let the artist talk with Anya and discuss where she wanted the design, glad that the artist was able to interpret where she was signaling with no words. It was one reason he explained why they had gone in to begin with, because he didn't want Anya to get frustrated like she did in the tech store. He followed the two of them through to the guy's station and looked at Anya as she felt the need to tell him something via her phone. He leaned into the phone's speaker so he could hear what she wanted to tell him clearly, making his eyes glance across at her in the process. At the end of the message he gave a nod. “Okay, I'll give them a message. I'll just be at the front of the store waiting on the couch okay?” He replied, leaning over kissing the top of her head before walking back to the front of the store. Sighing, he wondered how to word the warning without completely ruining what he presumed was a light hearted happy vibe in the bunker between Dean and Lexi. Pulling his phone out, he opened up the chat between him and Dean and hovered on it for a few minutes as he sat down to wait for Anya.

He hoped he wasn't going to interrupt anything and just started typing:

’Hey Dean, just a heads up. Before leaving the motel with Anya's belongings, she told me demons had attacked the owner asking where you were. They're on the hunt for you and know somehow Anya is connected to us. She's getting tattooed now so she's protected and I'm keeping an eye out. But needed to give you the heads up’

He clicked send and sighed, staring out the window looking at nearly everyone with suspicion.

With everyone else dealt with, Mika continued to wait for Dean, Cason and Natalia whilst trying to not get too much colder. If they took any longer she would have to leave them and go inside on her own, but it seemed Nat spotted her and ended her talk with Dean. Seeing the two of them actually hug and be close for once brought a warm smile to her lips, a huge wave of relief washing through her that neither were still fighting. “about time you two got along” she whispered to herself as she watched on, seeing Natalia head straight to Cason and Dean over to herself. She hoped this would mean the start of the two siblings turning a new leaf and instead of going for the jugular each time, actually try and talk and be calm with each other. As Dean made his way to her, and muttered about how her being out in the cold the way she was, she couldn't help but smirk lovingly, wrapping an arm around his waist as they walked back to the house.

“I know but I had to check on you lot and help Duke get Esme back to the RV. Girl looked like she was ready to fall asleep standing up. Other than that, yeah they're both good. We all had a good talk and actually agreed with each other.” she explained, before trying to find the right words to explain the Sam situation. “As for Sam, he's taken Anna to a motel or B&B in town for the night. Just to get her far enough away to calm things down. He's taken my car at my insistence. They just need a night to cool off mentally, they'll be back I promise.” She finally said as they reached the back door and she stepped inside, kicking her boots off by the door. “He's still angry but you know what he's like, he'll come around. So we don't need to worry about him for tonight. He knows if he needs help, he only has to get in touch and we'll be right there.” She tried to reassure Dean as she turned to face him and cupped his face in her hands, looking up at him. “So no more worrying for tonight. All we need to focus on is us, that bed of mine upstairs and getting some well earned sleep” she smiled, stroking his cheeks with her thumbs.

Despite the food being still in the bags from earlier and most definitely cold by now, she didn't even think about eating. She was too focused on tending to Dean and knowing that her loved ones were okay. “I love you Dean Winchester and I'm proud of you for stepping up with Nat” she said.


Dean's orders of not staying out much longer and to be good made Natalia smirk. It was the most brotherly thing he could have said to her to end their good heart to heart and she welcomed it. She just hoped that he wouldn't stop being like this with her after tonight and they could continue being in a more positive brother and sister relationship. She had to agree with him that Mika did look absolutely freezing and she didn't want to hold her up any longer by keeping Dean for herself. “I will get some rest. I'm just gonna go to Cason first, then be right inside for a good sleep. I promise” she told him as he hugged her back and kissed the side of her face. She meant it as well, she didn't want to be outside any longer than she had to be because it was really proving to be becoming a very cold night and something told her Cason wouldn't let her stay outside any longer.

“I'm always good” she told him back as she glanced over her shoulder back at him, walking over to Cason in a much lighter mood than she was earlier. “Ready to head back inside?” She asked him, thankful that he stayed in eyeshot the entire time, but remained out of the way. “This has been the weirdest day in a long time, and that's saying something” she remarked, ready to put it all behind her and just show Cason that she really didn't hold anything against him for keeping her in the dark about how hurt he truly was in the barn. She also kept hearing Dean's words in her head on loop, saying how he will make an effort to talk with Cason at some point and be civil. She knew it was the most she could ask for in this moment of time and she was content with that.


Hearing Anna verbally reassure him that he wasn't about to take advantage of her in her emotional state, Sam felt relieved. As she pulled his flannel down his arms, he let go of her just long enough to yank the shirt off his hands and throw it to the ground. As she went to work on his t-shirt, he kissed her back deeply before she broke the kiss, making him almost chase after it for a split second as she told him she was his. He smiled back at her as he let her remove his shirt, brushing his hair out of his face after. He leaned down to meet her lips halfway so she didn't crane her neck too far and kissed her back even more deeply than before, her fingers down his chest making him let out a little groan deep in his throat as she reached his belt buckle and flicked it open. “..mine” he spoke back in a low voice as he helped her get his jeans off, kicking them onto the ground the moment they got down to his ankles.

Trailing his fingers up her legs, he brushed his fingertips along her waistband of her own jeans, weaving his fingers under the buttons and undoing them expertly so he could push them down her legs. He wanted her in every way and now he knew she wasn't going to push him away, he wasn't going to hold back. He didn't know when they would get another chance to just be alone and express how much they love each other in peace. With no worries of what was coming, no drama from family or friends, just pure solace within each other. The world could burn outside right now as far as Sam was concerned, only Anna mattered in this moment and night.

It wasn't much of a shock that Cason would demand certain things for him to be able to be in the bunker. Natalia knew he wouldn't like the idea of being in there, but she also knew if she said no to Dean, then she would most certainly be nagged or begged to until she changed her mind. So she figured it was just easier to agree to help and get it over with so she and Cason could just go back to their half vacation lifestyle and doing the odd hunt.

"I'll tell them all you say hi, I know they'll be glad to hear it Dean. So yeah, tomorrow evening sometime. I'll keep you updated on our ETA in case we end up late or whatever. Chat tomorrow" she replied, amused at the idea of Dean purposely ordering in unhealthy food just to get under Cason's skin, before hanging up when Dean did. She then looked over at Cason with an apologetic smile, "I know it's not your favourite thing in the world to do, but I can't say no to him at the moment." She commented before listening to his idea for when they stopped at Denver.

"It's not an awful idea. You're right, Sam will hate it. But by the sounds of Dean's vague information they need all help on deck for this. So he'll have to suck it up and deal with it." She replied. Of course Nat did worry about how Sam would react to seeing Anna again, but she had to think about this professionally instead of sentimentally. Grabbing her phone from between them both, she quickly sent a text to Duke explaining the situation and if it was alright with them all, they'll pop in to stretch their legs and take a break from a 18 hour drive.

Clicking send, Natalia put her phone in the middle cupboard holder between herself and Cason and started the long drive back home. "If Duke responds, can you deal with it for me?" She asked Cason.

In the bunker Lexi looked up at Dean when it was clear he got done talking on the phone. She gave a nod of acknowledgement about what his sister's plan was and she did not envy the girl for doing that drive all the way Kansas. "rather her than me. I hate long drives" she smirked. Although Lexi did long drives regularly, she didn't enjoy them in the slightest and she wondered if that was one factor to why her own car was so done in.

"Sam briefly and vaguely told me about Denver. Said something about leaving a girl behind for her safety if I remember correctly. He kinda explained it badly when we were drunk in a bar one night" she replied to him about how he knew Sam wouldn't have enjoyed hearing Denver get mentioned, let alone anything else. Lexi was still surprised Sam got as drunk as he did that night when he admitted what his issue was with Denver, but she also knew she wouldn't have gotten any information out of him if he was sober.


Anya's flinch did make Sam feel a tad guilty for asking but when she started explaining, he was back to feeling glad he asked. Of all the things that she could have said, he wasn't expecting to hear that demons were on the prowl for Dean Winchester all over again. Sighing, he lifted a hand up and rubbed his temples. He was thankful that the demons didn't kill anyone so close to their home, but he also didn't like that demons were around and nothing had alerted them in the bunker like it somehow usually did.

None of this made sense but yet, made all of the sense at the same time. He racked his brain for a moment on how to breech the subject with Anya about what Dean did to get the first blade from Cain. It was the only thing that made sense to why Dean would have a pack of demons on his tail, which also meant he would have to let Lexi know at some point.

"Uhh...I got an idea of why they're searching for him. He has the First Blade, as in Cain and Abel first blade. It's what the mark on his arm is all about, if you've noticed it. It's the only thing I can think of and I'm gonna have to tell him when we get back Anya." He replied with a heavy sigh. He really hoped that none of this Cain stuff would come after Dean so soon, especially when Dean had been going through so much lately. He was still convinced that if he wasn't grieving and went on an suicidal rampage, Crowley wouldn't have convinced him nearly as easily to get the first blade to kill Abaddon. He'd even go as far as to be convinced that if Mika was still around, she'd have talked Dean out of this crap.

"Anyway, let's get you tattooed up and protected whilst we still can" he told her, deciding it was pointless to worry about Dean and demons now. Opening his car door, he got out waiting for Anya to get out so he could walk with her inside the shop and explain what it was she needed doing.

During the chat, Mika had decided to ignore the whole link between Esme, Dean and Duke that they once had remark by Esme. It was more information that she didn't want to hear after everything else she had heard this evening. Her mind just could not take any more information about everyone's past. She just wanted everyone to be calm and okay and well rested. She could, if she ever decided to know, ask either Duke or Dean about that link thing at a later date.

With them all finally on the same page, Mika knew there wasn't anything else to be said between them. She took one look at Esme and knew the woman needed more rest and a good sleep, not one plagued with nightmares and memories. It was funny, Mika thought, all this time she had been looking at Esme as just the other woman, but now she saw her as her own person and someone who deserved to have Mika's civility and dare she say, respect. Maybe it was the fact it was clear Esme was well and truly in love with Duke and Duke with her, or maybe it was partly due to the chat with Dean earlier, or maybe it was the fact Esme could actually help Natalia as she knew exactly what it was like. She didn't know the full reasons why, but she was open to having a change of heart. None of their group knew what they were going to be getting into, certainly not what Castiel was alluding to, and she knew better than anyone that life was too short to be holding grudges for life. “Duke let's get Esme back in the RV to rest up” she finally suggested, before turning to Esme, “I think spending a night not on Bobby's couch will do you the world of good” she softly smiled.

Stepping away from the two lovebirds, Mika then walked to the back door and opened it for Duke and Esme. As she held the door open, she used her foot to slide a pair of old battered boots she purposely always kept just outside by the door nearer to her and stepped into them so she wouldn't have to walk barefoot on the gravel. Holding the door open for Duke and Esme, she waited for the two of them to step outside before helping Duke get Esme to the RV, where she held the RV door open for Duke to get Esme inside. “look after each other and I'll see you both in the morning. Time to go round up everyone else” she smiled, patting Duke on the back before leaving the two of them to it for the night.

The air was freezing as it got so late, Mika only now realizing she was still in her shorts. Tightly hugging herself she walked across the lot towards Dean and Natalia, but still kept her distance so as not to interrupt the two of them. Waiting for one of them to notice her, she knew she had to call them inside.


Dean's comment about being surprised she hadn't ever said she hated him before now made Natalia think back to all their shouting matches, suddenly coming to the conclusion that he was right. She hadn't ever said that to him before, she's called him an asshole or jerk plenty of times, but never that she hated him. She couldn't quite understand how he could be understanding about it, but she took it as a little win that they could finally start properly seeing eye to eye. She wanted to be closer to Dean so much, but her temper and his lying always got in the way of it happening.

With Cason having smiled back at her and giving her a nod, she knew he had seen her smile at him before she looked back to Dean and told him about the fair. She saw the way Dean looked almost confused by the prospect, or was it a little bit of jealousy that she experienced something normal with someone other than him? She couldn't work it out, but the moment he brought up how it could be manipulation, she frowned a bit that he still couldn't fully try to move past his prejudices against Cason. She understood why, she really did. All other demons still scared the crap out of her and angered her, she wanted them all dead and gone or sent back to Hell as much as Dean did, but Cason really did feel different to her. She was determined to learn more about how he was able to feel emotion and love also, it was something the two of them could discover together, even if that meant Dean got out on edge over it.

As Dean started speaking once again, openly accepting that yes, she was happy with Cason, he would try and accept it all and actually talk with him. “thank you, it's all I want from you. He really does make me happy and as much as tonight doesn't really show as a good example, but he does keep me calm. I just hate it's taken me all this time to remember he's always been there for me” she replied, catching movement just off to Dean's side and seeing it was Mika walking from the RV. “I think mom is ready to call us inside” she joked a little, nodding her head towards Mika. Seeing her standing there, Nat couldn't help but wonder how she could be outside in just a hoodie and shorts when the air was so crisp, but then again, the way Mika was hugging herself, she was probably colder than she was seemingly trying to let be known. “I’ll follow you both in, promise” she told him, letting him know that it was okay to go back to Mika and she would be safe with Cason. Giving Dean one more hug, she wanted to cherish the calm sibling moment between them, sear it into her mind as firmly as possible before she scooted herself down the hood of her car and walked over to Cason.


After everything that had gone down this evening, Anna responding and kissing him back felt like such a large amount of worry and stress off his chest and shoulders. She was willing to still be reactive to him; that wasn't just a simple hug or cling to his side for protection from Dean. Her words were like a melody to his ears as she confirmed she would never tire of hearing him tell her just how much he did love her, despite everything happening or his mistakes. As she untangled herself and moved forward, tilting her head higher than his own, he moved in tandem with her, sliding his arms around her waist and keeping her safe and secure. The last thing he wanted was to ruin the moment by dropping her on the floor. The way she tugged at the back of his hair caused a small little groan to escape his lips, making him lift her just enough to get her onto his lap properly. This was what he needed and wanted, just to be alone with the love of his life and to take away all of the pain and anguish she was feeling.

Holding her close, he continued to kiss her not wanting to break away from her in the slightest. So much of him just wanted her but he also didn't want to push his luck and scare her off, but his desire for her was winning out. If she told him to stop he would, he mentally reasoned with himself as he moved his hands up her back and pulled her shirt off of her shoulders and down her arms. He took it relatively slow so she had time to push him away if she felt it was necessary to do so, but it didn't stop him from showing her that he needed her. Just him and her, alone for the night. When he knew she was okay, he picked her up so he could stand up and turn around, laying her down on the bed and climbing over her, leaning back down to kiss her again. He craved a night of normal couple intimacy and hoped that Anna did too.

Whatever was coming for them in the next few weeks could wait as far as he was concerned at this moment. He had wasted too many hours worrying about everyone else in the group and not focusing enough on the one person he cared for the most besides Dean and Natalia.

Natalia was under no illusions that Dean would no doubt at some point, do what he could to get her to come back to the bunker and see him and Sam. Despite her telling him countless times that until they made the bunker more safe for Cason, it was not going to happen. She was happy on the road, she was finally seeing more of the country living life on the road with Cason than if she stayed in Kansas, and she didn't have to walk around with the echoes of Mika following her. Cason's surprise at hearing that Dean wanted his help was hard to ignore, she was surprised herself. Sure, they had gotten on better in more recent years but it was still a surprise when Dean or Sam asked for Cason's help.

With Dean answering and replying, she heard the exact tone of his voice and knew what he was doing. She was almost tempted to put Dean on speaker so Cason could hear Dean for himself, but she also knew Cason would probably try to convince her to not accept to help Dean. As he huffed down the phone, she sighed to herself, he sounded so fed up that a job fell into his lap and he didn't want to deal with it. Then came the question she was waiting to hear..can she come stay for a few days under the guise of figuring out this demon deal. She tried to tell herself to not give into Dean's emotional manipulation, but she was still worried about him and like Cason, was convinced he would just starve in his room if she didn't visit. Putting the phone on speaker finally, lowering it to between herself and Cason she gave her answer
 “okay, we'll come help you and Sam out. But only to help this girl with her demon deal situation.” She replied, finally giving in and knowing she would no doubt get called out for it by Cason when the call ends.

“As for Denver? Yeah, Anna called a couple of days ago for a chat and to catch up. They're all doing okay over there. Duke has named a horse after Mika apparently now and Anna is missing us all but she's happy where she is.” She explained honestly. “Anyway
” she tried to change the subject so she couldn't get emotional in her tired state, “from where we are it's gonna take like a whole day at least to get to you. I'll see if we can do a pit stop in Denver on the way as I'll need it” she told Dean, not quite ready to look at Cason in case he was giving her judging eyes for caving into her brother's requests. Not only that, she knew how much Cason still hated traveling by car, despite her having convinced him numerous times to take the wheel so she could take breaks over the years.


Dean saying he needed to do a little bit of manipulation on his sister made her raise an eyebrow at him. She couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't be just honest with the girl, but who was she to judge? It wasn't like she had siblings she could have this kind of experience with. As he replied to Natalia on the phone, she couldn't help but listen in to what he was saying and taking in the tone of his voice. He was actually pretending he was still in an utter grief ridden funk just to get Nat to agree to come. She had to admit, Dean was good at playing the part as he didn't lay it on too thick to be unbelievable, but thick enough that if Lexi was Natalia? She would have believed it and agreed to his request. Then he mentioned Denver and her interest got piqued. She knew of Denver and that Sam would never go there for a hunt, she remembered when one evening they had off and in a bar together to just relax, she asked him about why he wouldn't go to Denver.

It took some convincing of the alcoholic kind for him to confide in her, but she did eventually get some kind of answer. There was a girl there who clearly meant a lot to him but he had to leave her with friends so she was safe. Lexi put it as a ‘the one who got away’ kind of situation even though Sam, by the sounds of it, enforced it onto the girl in question. Sam at the time admitted he was glad she got him to talk about it as he realized that she did get the situation to some extent. It was why she kept her ex out of the hunting life, kept him in the dark as much as possible to try and keep him safe. Why she took so many different routes home just to make sure nothing could follow her and learn her favored route home. Of course, eventually it was all for nothing and she lost her fiancĂ© but she at least tried at the time. Sam never did tell her what Anna's name was or what she looked like. Just that there was a lot of history there he wasn't ready to share.

Lexi made herself stay quiet as much as possible so Natalia wouldn't hear her in the background of the call, not wanting to put Dean under any kind of interrogation by his baby sister.


The way Anya had clearly forgotten about handing the room key back made Sam smile. She really was naive at times and it just added to her charm. As he waited for her by the car, he couldn't help but look towards the reception and inside the window, seeing her signing a full conversation with the guy behind the counter. It was clear that while she was staying here, she had obviously gotten on with the guy and he did look out for her. Something he didn't see very often in these kinds of motels. He may not have caught really anything that was being spoken as Anya's back was to him, but judging by the way the motel owner looked, they were discussing what happened to him. It got him curious and his quizzical mind was rather intrigued and needed to know what was going on. However he remained outside and kept out of it, knowing that when Anya was good to exit the reception she would. Whilst he waited, he pulled out his phone to see if there were any messages or missed calls from either of his siblings, but there wasn't and he couldn't help but wonder if Dean did actually call Natalia. So many thoughts ran through his mind intermittently about the case and how they could all help Anya, just wanting her safe.

As he put his phone back in his jeans pocket, he looked up and saw her walking back towards him and she didn't seem to be as peppy as she was before she went in. With an eyebrow raised, he wondered what was discussed to make her have such a change of attitude. He didn't exactly believe her that all was good, but he let her get in the car and got in himself, without saying another word initially. Sam pulled out of the parking lot of the motel when they were both in and headed towards the tattoo shop mostly in silence, even though the need to know what had her slightly upset or freaked out was eating away at him. She just didn't seem like herself right now and he felt the need to make things okay or cheer her up, but not knowing what has her stressed out, made things rather difficult. So he waited until they reached the tattoo shop, pulled into a parking spot outside of it on the main road and then turned his body to face her a bit. “I know you said everything is good but I get the feeling it's not. What's wrong Anya? You can talk to me” he spoke calmly and softly, but there was still that hint of concern for her in his tone. “If it's something I can help with I'd like to” he added, reaching out for her hand and held it.

Part of him knew he probably should have not said anything, but the bigger part of him just couldn't pretend something wasn't said to her that clearly got under her skin. If it had something to do with being able to help her and get answers she so desperately needed then he had to know everything. He had spent far too many years keeping secrets from people and it never ended well. The latest consequence of his own secret keeping was spending her life in Denver with friends and living a pretty normal life, whilst he was still a hunter.

The night was a long one but for once, a pretty simple hunt for Natalia and Cason. Just as she was suspecting, it ended up being a pack of werewolves and although she was expecting to run into one of the things, she didn't find the hunt too hard to deal with, especially with Cason on her side. That wasn't to say she didn't come out completely unscathed and there wasn't a good fight on her hands. But now the sun was up and she was heading back to her car with Cason. “I bloody hate werewolves, they're always so
rabid” she complained with a sigh as they reached the car and she unlocked the doors. It was then she felt her phone vibrate and ping in her pocket, pulling it out and seeing it was a text from Dean. “Huh
wonder what he wants” she mused out loud. “Dean's text” she told Cason as she opened it up and read it. “Seems he has a demon problem and needs our help, or more accurately said
your help” she told him, “he just wants to see me” she smirked.

Climbing into the car, she debated between calling or texting her brother before deciding on just calling him once she and Cason were in the car and the doors were shut. The thought of driving to Kansas was hellish to Natalia. There was a reason she drove to California on and off over the last few months, she didn't want to have to go back to Kansas. She didn't want to face what past laid there, but she did also want to see her brothers and if Dean was reaching out for a change then something must be either really bad or something has made him get out of his funk and grief. Either way, she had the need to find answers to why he was texting her. “gonna call him” she told Cason, speed dialing Dean's number.

When he did pick up, she spoke up, “hey, so what's this big thing in Kansas that you two can't figure it out by yourselves?” She asked, despite actually wanting to ask how he was doing and she was glad he was back working on a case.


Lexi didn't want to be in the way when Dean tried to get in contact with his sister. She didn't know how much chatter would occur in the phone call or if he'd even get through to the girl, so she figured that trying to make some start on finding some clues was better than nothing. One thing she wasn't expecting for certain was how quick Dean was actually going to be and that he just texted his sister. Yet his explanation of not wanting to get her killed because he called at a bad time was reasonable. She got the feeling from him very early on that family meant absolutely everything to him, Sam had told her as much on her trips with the younger Winchester before he brought her back to the bunker. “smart move” she replied to him, looking at him over her shoulder. “I'm sure she'll get in touch the moment she can” she smiled, glancing back at her laptop that was stuck on her default homepage with absolutely nothing on it to show she knew where to start with this case. Part of her just wanted to wait and see whether Dean's sister would get back in touch before doing anything as she really was stumped.

The dark web seemed absolutely useless this time round, she didn't know many of her contacts that could be in the area to ask around if they had seen the colt anywhere and she certainly didn't have a demon on her side like the Winchester's seemed to. Leaning back in the chair, she sighed and raked one hand through her hair, wrinkling her nose when she felt the ends of her hair were wet, forgetting for a split second she was moments prior on a wet floor. The cold reminder made her internally smile to herself as she let her mind drift back to having Dean pinned on the floor. Pulling her own phone out of her pocket, she began to scroll through her own contacts to see if there was anyone she could call or message just in case when she heard Dean's phone begin to ring.

“Seems your text didn't disturb her” she smiled, as she went back to her own phone so he could answer the call.


Anya's reminder that he was allowed to have fun did make him smirk at the time. He knew she was right, it just had been what felt like so long since he got to have any fun. Or what he would consider normal fun, he remembered how Mika would do all she could to try and bring some kind of normalcy to their lives in the bunker, especially when Natalia was around. The woman really was like a mother hen to them all, especially Natalia and her death just made Sam feel like there was no point for any of that. Yet here came Anya, appearing in his life and showing him that was a point for it and he had to let himself be a normal guy and not a hunter once in a while. Anya was going to be such a good influence on him he began to realize and he was willing to welcome it.

At the motel, he handed her the room key after getting out of the car and followed her to her room. Stepping inside to wait for her, he saw how basic the room was and it brought back all those memories of the times he and Dean would spend living from motel to motel and how run down some of those rooms looked. Seeing this room made him see that he did not miss those days at all, and was glad that unless a job took them too far out to drive back to the bunker, they didn't need to stay in grubby motels anymore. “I don't miss staying in these places
” he smirked and chuckled as Anya grabbed her belongings. He was slightly surprised at how little she had, but then again, it also wasn't a surprise as it wasn't like he or Dean ever had a lot of belongings when on the road either. As she gathered her things and came over and gave him a look that said everything he needed to know, he smiled and nodded. “Okay, let's head out” he said to her.

Letting her walk past him, he followed her out, closing the door behind himself and hearing it lock in place. He got a sense she couldn't wait to get away from the motel and part of him wanted to ask about what was on her mind, but he also got the vibe from her that she didn't want to talk about whatever was on her mind. “Here, give your things, I'll put them in the trunk whilst you go check out and hand the key back” he suggested to her, holding his hand out to take her bag, boots and jacket.

He waited for her to hand him her things before walking to the car and popping the trunk, putting everything in for her, closing it and walking round to the driver's side where he leaned against the door, arms folded across his chest and waited for Anya to return. He kept his eyes peeled at everything all around him and on Anya to make sure he didn't need to jump in and help her out for anything, though he couldn't see a reason why that would be the case.

Duke's words about how he didn't answer Dean's calls that fateful night that changed the direction of their lives forever was a surprise to Mika. She didn't even know Dean had tried to call him in, she thought it was always the plan to be the three of them- herself, Dean and Sam going to that asylum and thinking it was a standard demon hunt. Not once did she ever think Dean had his worries so much so, that he swallowed his pride and attempted to get Duke in on the hunt. One thing though that she knew for certain, was that things probably wouldn't have changed in the slightest even if he was there. Knowing Dean, he'd have had Duke staying outside to guard the perimeter with her. It’s just who Dean was and thinking back on that night, she could have done with the backup but none of this meant Duke needed to feel guilty, neither of them did but she also knew that guilt was part of them both.

As Esme turned to her and spoke to her, telling her not to feel bad or sorry for leaving Esme behind, she sighed but knew Esme was right. It was a horrible night, she felt helpless to the boys as she stood outside, fighting any demons that appeared to be heading inside whilst also staying by the impala. She wasn't helpless in the slightest, but that night she felt it because she wasn't inside helping them. “yeah it was quite the fight
but that was then” she replied, not wanting to go down memory lane of that night. Nat’s state still haunted her to this day and it was the only reason she didn't complain about Natalia's eating habits. She did find what else Esme told her about some mysterious shadowed person half helping her before her godmother found her, very intriguing though but didn't pry into it as like she said just now, it was the past.

Stepping away from the fridge door that she was still leaning against, she walked up to both Duke and Esme and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “She's right ya know? We gotta focus on the here and now” she spoke up, not believing that she was actually agreeing with Esme if all people. Yet now she had spent this short time with her without Dean lingering in the background, she was starting to see that maybe, just maybe, Esme wasn't all that bad. She then turned back to Esme again and gave her a nod of agreement, “I agree. I'm willing to put everything aside and start again
like you say, we all gotta stick together for whatever is coming. I'm sorry it's taken me this long to get a reality check” she told her honestly, knowing that Duke would no doubt have something to say to her privately about her actually offering an olive branch to Esme. It was a big step forward for Mika, bigger than Esme would ever know, but one that Duke would know all too well.


Feeling Dean holding her tightly, Natalia felt like the first time in her time with him, she was truly wanted by him. His actions were matching his words and she didn’t know how to process that as it felt simply like a dream. She couldn’t believe that for once, he was being her brother and nothing else. She took on board his words about Esme and it was good to have her as an ally. It confirmed to her that she did the right thing by actually asking for help from someone. Being buried in his chest, she didn’t know that he had gleaned up and saw where Cason was standing. All she knew was that Cason wouldn’t be far away, ready to jump in if he thought it was required. She knew Dean wasn’t going to be able to reply to her begging straight away, she knew it was a lot to ask of him but she had to ask it. With Cason around, she felt like she could battle the PTSD she was going through. She could begin to try and move forward and remember those lost memories with him. He centered her, gave her hope and calm.

As his grip tightened around her, Natalia tightened her grip on him. The next words coming out of his mouth both surprising her and giving her a sense of relief. “Thank you” she replied, feeling him pat her hair before she got the courage to look up and move her head from his chest. Sniffing from all the sobbing, she followed his gaze outward to see he was spotting Cason just ahead smoking. Looking back up at Dean, she loosened her grip on him, letting one hand go off his shirt and wiped her face. “I do love you Dean, I’m sorry I said I hate you because I don’t
” She finally said to him. She never told him she loved him and she knew if she expected or wanted him to be better with her, then she had to do the same toward him. Glancing back at Cason again, she gave him a small smile, not even knowing if he’d have been able to see it from where he was.

“He’s really not as bad as you think you know, I think talking to him might be a good idea. I hate seeing you two fight
” she told Dean before finally fully letting go of him, even if it was slightly reluctantly. It was late, it was cold and she was tired of being angry. “I mean
what demon do you know would go out of his way to win me a giant dog plush that is still in the back of my car at a fair?” she added, the words even making her break a little smile in the corner of her mouth. It was a ridiculous thing but she genuinely did love it but knew she’d have to leave it here at Bobby’s before they moved forward again. She hoped it would be enough of a starting hint for Dean to try and see the signs that Cason was different.


Sam had to laugh at Anna’s comment about Dean being outnumbered when it came to the amount of women in their group. He wasn’t just outnumbered by women, he was outnumbered by very feisty women with very strong opinions. He was convinced that if all four of them teamed up Dean wouldn’t stand a chance. Demons, vampires? No problem. Esme, Mika, Anna and Natalia team up? Sam’s bets were going on the girls.

Then his smile and laugh stopped when she brought up his phone vibrating and he just shook his head. “Just spam calls, it’s no big deal” he replied to her. He knew it was a lie but he knew right this minute was not the time to be talking with Ruby or telling Anna that Ruby was calling him. He also wasn’t in the mood for Ruby to be nagging him about dosing up on demon blood himself and getting stronger for killing Lilith. He wasn’t going to even entertain that whole conversation right now. He listened to Anna speak about how she hated this whole situation and the tension between him and his brother because of her. In his eyes, she had nothing to feel selfish over.

“It is petty, but you have absolutely no reason to feel like you’re being selfish or whatever. He was completely in the wrong and it was only a matter of time before I finally called him out on it. I’ve needed to be selfish against him for a while and he has Natalia to make amends with first. That should be more important to him right now” he replied. He lifted his thumb up to under her chin and turned her face to look at him, his other hand keeping her close to him. “We’ve needed this night to be properly alone for a long time now and I’m glad we’ve finally have it. So if that does make you selfish then so am I” he spoke, leaning down and kissing her softly, lovingly and slowly. “You’re my world Annabeth Donovan” he whispered against her lips.

With his words whispered, he solely focused on showing her just how much those words were true. He kissed her like it was already the end of the world and only she mattered to him. Passion, love, sensitivity, all poured into his kiss and onto her lips.

Kay was going to keep going until John all but stopped her by pressing a tissue to her nose and told her to stop. "O..okay..." She replied, feeling like whatever was coming for both her and Serena, it really was coming soon, just as the shadow said it was. She felt like she losing her mind, but there was no way she felt she could tell John or Bane that as it was clear she was worrying John enough as it is in this moment. "I think we are" she finally said, not sure how to take being linked to more than one person.

"Whatever is coming...we got three days to prepare for it" she told him and Bane.


Fia felt like Drake didn't need to apologise for snapping at her. She was expecting that what she did and how she went about it all would make him snap. It was understandable why he would, it was Serena, his mother they were talking about. She knew deep down that if the roles were reversed she would have snapped too. "Like I said, it's okay. I would have reacted the same way if I was in your shoes" she told him. She watched on as Chas and Lucifer continued to discuss things and Josh managed to get Serena to stir awake.

Josh exhaled the breath he was holding in when Serena opened her eyes and spoke to him. "You're okay. You just passed out. We think it's to do with Kay. She's gone through the same thing back at John's. He needs us all back there." He explained. "John sounded like he was freaking out on the phone" he added.

"And I don't wanna scare anyone but John freaking out is out of character for him, so if he's freaked, something big is happening" Chas chimed in.

Seeing his eyes open wide and quickly as she had him flipped back onto the floor, Lexi felt rather proud of herself that she hadn't lost her ability to get an advantage over someone larger than herself. She just never thought she would be using her skills on Dean of all people. His reply to her did take her a little by surprise bur it made her smirk rather proudly that he found what she just said actually rather attractive. She continued to smile down at him as he pinched her chin, keeping her hands either side of his head to keep herself up so she didn't completely fall ontop of him.

"Oh, a stellar reputation huh?" She replied, "well I'd like to think I'd help it" she chuckled, tempted to just keep him pinned but she knew as well as he did that they did have work to do and they couldn't act like naughty school children all day long. Rolling back onto her feet, she stood up and genuinely offered to help him up without any other motive this time. "We should probably get back on track...before we get anymore distracted by each other" she smirked.

Every single part of her wanted to be distracted by him, have a normal non hunting related day with him but she knew they had promised Anya to help her in every way possible and she was someone who never broke her promises, at least, not intentionally. "so uhh, how about you actually give that sister of yours a call? I can do more searching online in the war room" she suggested.

With him up on his feet, she headed out to the war room and sat down on the chair she did the evening before, as her laptop was still there waiting for her. Opening it up, she logged onto the internet and began to scroll through, not entirely sure where to begin after the dark web seemed like a complete bust.


Before Sam had gotten into the car, he noticed how Anya revelled in the cool autumn air and he instantly guessed she loved this time of year. It was just the way she was outside that gave him those vibes about her. She seemed to just suit this time of year if that was even a thing, he thought to himself.

In the car and driving into town, he gave a smile when she initially shrugged, not knowing what to do until she clearly thought of something, as her phone came out of her back pocket and she was typing away her idea. He listened to it as he drove and the thought of going to a farmer's market or autumn carnival made him want to curl his toes up and drop his head onto the steering wheel, but he didn't. Her sweet action of grabbing for one of his hands and placing it on her thigh making him soften just a little at her idea.

"It's not really my thing but...sure. if it's what you wanna do we'll do that. It's only fair I let you have a good normal day before the hard training starts with Lexi." He replied, even though inside he was saying it begrudgingly. He did want her to have as many innocent normal days as she possibly could and it wasn't like Lebanon was a horrible place to be at this time of year. "but I'm only agreeing because you agree to doing the tattoo and getting your stuff first" he smirked.

With that said, he drove happily and did eventually reach the motel she was staying at, thanks to his GPS on his phone. Pulling into the motel parking lot, he parked up and turned the engine off. "Okay, let's grab your stuff first, dump it in the car and we'll get you protected with the tattoo after. That way we don't have to double back before doing the market and carnival" he explained, figuring that was the best course of action to take. He really wasn't looking forward to the carnival, but he was also determined to put his grievances about them to one side for Anya.

Lexi couldn't help but smirk and smile at Dean insisting that he was fine, his accent really coming through thicker than before and yet again her stomach made back flips at hearing it. She saw how much he was smiling and laughing at the entire situation and she had to notice how different of a man he looked compared to when she first met him, the night she arrived at the bunker with Sam. He seemed like a complete shell of the man she was now witnessing before her. Lexi knew she would never tire seeing this new happier side of Dean and she most certainly wanted to stick around around to learn more about him.

"I'm getting that vibe from you already" Lexi teased back at his remark about being horrible at taking advice. Deep down at the back of her mind, she knew offering her hand to him and letting her guard down was a bad move, but she didn't listen to her own mind when she offered her hand anyway. A lesson she swiftly learned as the next thing she knew she was down on the ground and underneath Dean in the puddle on the floor. Staring up at him, Lexi could t help but chuckle and smile at her own rookie mistake after telling him how boasting will bite him in the ass.

"Okay, I deserved that. Note to self, don't teach Anya this mistake" she laughed, a laugh that echoed in her eyes as she looked up into his own green eyes. She couldn't peel her eyes away from his as he had her very much pinned on the ground. Could she have found her way out from under him? Easily, but did she want to straight away? Not in the slightest.

"Gotta say, I'm starting to think you're just desperate to get me wet" she teased as she felt the water seep into her the back of her shirt and soak the ends of her hair. Lifting one hand up, she placed it on his cheek as she forced her head up and stole a kiss from him unable to fight the temptation any longer. "you are so chaotic Dean Winchester but I love it" she smiled into the kiss before she made her move. Quickly looping her legs round one of his, she swung round to flip them both so she could pin him under her once again.

"But one thing you'll learn about me is I can be even more chaotic" she told him.


At the sign of telling him all was forgiven, Sam smiled and felt relieved that he had given her any wrong signals by his momentary lapse of confidence. He didn't even fully know why he reacted the way he did, it still baffled him but shaking it from his mind, he focused on the here and now. Anya's reply confirming for them to get out of the bunker for a bit, he nodded, quickly stepping into his boots before she lead the way out his door and down the hallway where the laughter from the other two got louder.

As it got louder and he heard a thud, he definitely didn't want to be around or know what they were doing to cause such a commotion in the kitchen. Grabbing his own car keys, he lead the way up the spiral staircase and out the bunker. He pointed to his car so Anya would know which one they were taking, not daring to take the impala without letting Dean know.

Walking over to the car, he unlocked it and waited for Anya to get in the passenger side before he got in the driver's side and headed out. "Anything you need to do whilst we're out getting your stuff from the motel? Other than the tattoo that is." He asked her, thinking that they might want to come up with idea to delay getting back ever so slightly if Lexi and Dean were going to be....doing whatever it is they were doing.
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