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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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"The same objectives can be achieved without ruining lives! I will not abide by people callously experimenting like this!" Krom had said it himself, he wasn't a scientist. There was no way he would know that if the genome wasn't coded properly how the individual's body might deteriorate, or they may become unstable and frenzied at the drop of the hat. One only had to look at Viral's own condition to see what happened when it was done incorrectly; they wanted a small army of these people, what if they were unusable or erratic? Would they just try again with another batch, dispatch the first? He wouldn't give them that chance. Infuriated Aito moved in to strike Krom down, one way or another he would make the man reveal what he knew. It wasn't even a pride thing that his own work was being duplicated, he didn't care about that whatsoever. It was the incomplete nature of their works, of undoubtedly the trouble that the subjects were being put in because of work that their scientists could never possibly grasp in its entirety. It wasn't as simple as reverse-engineering, it took a lot of effort from a group of brilliant minds to create Viral.

It would also take Viral to stop Aito from potentially going on a rampage, and he would do just that. For some unfathomable reason his son intercepted the blow meant for Krom, knocking him aside and instead taking the brunt, being knocked back a ways before stopping himself. As soon as he'd struck Viral the doctor calmed down, enough so anyways that he could appreciate what he had done. Though he was still in a Super Saiyan state he was far from the rampant lot of their race, perfectly reasonable even with his Ki surging. Looking at Viral perplexed for a moment he frowned, standing upright and bringing his power back down to its regular levels. "Viral... Why did you stop me? I'm trying to save people that the Saiyans are subjugating to experiments, like how Yumi was. Don't you want to stop that too?" When did he awaken anyways? Had he seen that entire display? Suddenly Aito felt ashamed of himself, getting carried away with his anger towards Krom like that. Moreover... How had Viral blocked that strike and was none the worse for wear? Sure he hadn't put his all into that punch but it was still designed to do a number, yet his son looked perfectly fine. Impressive.

Seriously though, should they be doing something about this? Everyone had to be feeling those energies by now, even June seemed to be somewhat uneased by the sheer pressure the two men were giving off. Vegeta was stood at the door not letting anyone out, his own face one of worry as he probably tried not to run out and investigate for himself. Sighing to himself Takeshi wondered if Krom's coming here was going to ruin everything, what with Shu now feeling happy and Viral actually sleeping. If that guy screwed it all up he was never going to forgive the creep. "Music? Uh... You know... Music... Er... Yeah I'll play some for you." Provided they had any in this place at all. Getting up he went to the television in the room, amazed for one they had a set, and after some dabbling with the buttons managed to turn it on. Someone had graciously set it to their language before they had moved into the home it seemed, and as he'd suspected before none of the channels made any sense whatsoever, even in their tongue. As if by accident though while skimming the channels he managed to find a song being played over some kind of video, some cartoon by the looks of it. Hey, it worked for him. "Hear that stuff Shu? That's music!" Takeshi announced proudly, grinning as he gestured to the television. Then the audio and video cut for a second, and the powers that were raging outside dwindled down to almost nothing. Furrowing his brow as the television came back he looked towards the window confused, wondering what in the hell had happened.

"That's it, I'm done waiting to find out!" Clearly something was going wrong outside and Yumi wanted to know what that was. Plus Viral had to be awake by now, she was concerned what that all might have done to him too. Storming over to the door she glared when Vegeta refused to move, grabbing him by the arm and yanking him aside before throwing open the door. Both Krom and Aito were getting an earful from her for disrupting Viral like that! "Whatever you two men are doing out here, take it somewhere else! Can't you see Viral is trying... Trying to..." Huh? She expected to find her friend asleep and Aito and Krom at each other's throats, but instead she found Aito and Viral staring each other down and Krom off to the side. Just what in the heck happened here? "Viral...? What are you doing...? What are you doing Aito?" Yumi asked as she glanced between the men, groaning before stomping her foot on the ground, "Someone explain what's going on!"
"And how could you possibly know that? You are not a scientist, you've said so yourself!" Aito shot back, his jaw taught as he tried to reel back his anger, realizing just how out of control his Ki was becoming. "Your work is all based off of Viral, of of my own work! If anyone is qualified to handle this it's me!" He was not going to be lectured by some pigheaded grunt that he had no business here. The entirety of the Beastman project originated from his own creation, he likely still had a far greater understanding of it than any of their scientists did. Yet Krom refused to yield, as though somehow these people were better off at the mercy of scientists dabbling with matters they knew nothing about. Between the anger directed towards Krom and the project itself Aito's Ki had spiked, and with a heavy gust his Ki shot through the roof, his hair turning almost platinum blond as his energy visibly swirled about him. "So why step away then? Seems you've been intimidated," the doctor commented, glaring at the Elite as his energy swirled erratically, "Final chance Krom, I am tired of repeating myself. Tell me where the project is being conducted!" Slamming his right foot off the ground Aito shot forward, throwing a straight punch propelled by his own energy.

Takeshi was trying to think of something for him and Shu to do, but boy was it tough thinking with all that was going on. Just beyond the thin walls of this house two Saiyans seemed poised to go at it, with Aito's Ki reaching shocking heights. Krom's was no laughing matter either, though comparatively it seemed like the doctor had a decent edge on him. If a fight was going to break out between them then deciding on what game to play would be the very least of their worries. "Uh yeah... They're definitely having something outside," Takeshi said with a halfhearted laugh, rubbing at his neck then as he looked towards the windows. If it was anyone else he'd think it was just some playful show, but this was Krom they were talking about, a guy who everyone was convinced was some bad guy. If Aito was getting this riled up then obviously something was wrong, and things could take a very bad turn quite quickly. "Hey Shu, uh... How about we check out some music?" he asked as he tried to get his brother distracted again, pulling him close with an arm around his shoulder, "You like music buddy? I bet they have some good stuff here."
Ethan was terribly disoriented after falling into the cabin, his head spinning and winded from the landing. Gathering himself to his feet he tried to take stock of where he was for a moment, looking up the stairs to the sound of his friends still fighting away. He had to get back up there, the fight was still going on and they might need his help. Stumbling slightly he moved for the stairs yet fell short as something rammed into his side, driving him right up against the far wall. Groaning in protest as he tried to move, still unsteady from the fall, Ethan promptly halted himself when the cold touch of steel pressed up against his throat. A bandit? Lowering his eyes he met the gaze of the person responsible for his current predicament, puzzled by her appearance. She almost looked Muran and yet not quite... What was she?

"Lost...? Eh, uh... Yeah. I was wandering around up on the deck, having a party with the bandits, and I just fell down here!" Ethan laughed weakly, feeling awfully uncomfortable with that blade at his neck. Swallowing nervously his eyes shifted briefly up to the deck above as the sounds of fighting raged on, worried that things might be escalating further. When he looked back at the woman her eyes were locked onto his, a nasty smile on her face as she made a very blunt threat. "H-Hey, wait a second, no one said anything about killing anyone!" the Magi stammered, wracking his brain meanwhile for some way out of this mess. Clearly whoever this woman was didn't quite buy his nonchalant attitude, and the blade was ever steady at his neck. Oh, he had an idea! Hopefully it worked. "Can you uh, just step back a little, I think I'm gonna... I'm gonna..." As he spoke he was gathering up wind magic, and on his final words he released it from his hand at the woman's stomach, "Achoooo!"

Ethan being knocked off like that was certainly problematic, but there was no time for anyone to help him. A good many bandits still remained on the deck and every one had to be beaten to secure the ship. Finding herself against the man with the weighted chain Nymira darted in to try and close the gap, taking a swing at his leg to at least cripple him and finding her strike coming up short. Alarmingly the man grabbed her sides with both hands, dropping his weapon and easily hoisting her up into the air. Squirming in his grasp she kicked out a leg once she was above his head, catching him in the bridge of the nose and breaking it on impact, managing to make him drop her. Using her full body then she rammed into the side of his leg and caused him to topple over, driving her right hand into his jaw to put him down briefly.

The way this fight was progressing they would win, even with one of their own missing temporarily. On the deck of the ship were still at least six bandits and perhaps a few more at the landing, but with Cecil arriving as well as that meddlesome healer the odds were not quite as heavily stacked against them. Hearing Amuné calling out to her she frowned and rushed to the side of the ship, confused to see the girl and Wyth darting towards them. More men, where? Casting her gaze along the shore she tensed when she saw the four men in odd clothing approaching the landing, carrying with them weapons of various shapes and configurations. And sitting right down on the landing like some idiot was Zander, directly in the path of the four approaching men. What in the hells was he doing? "Zander you buffoon, move!"

It seemed like the bandits were already being given a run for their money, and by children no less. Scoffing at the absurdity of their plight the four men continued their way to the landing, pausing briefly at the boy knelt down by a bleeding ruffian, a ward cast around him. What was he trying to accomplish with that? Nodding his head towards the downed bandit the man bearing the gauntlet stepped forward, unleashing a single ice spell that sent a spike through the man's skull, killing him instantly. "You're in our way boy, shame we'll have to kill a kid today," the lead man spoke, flicking another switch on his weapon as electricity crackled loudly between the two prongs. This concentration of electricity wasn't magic, but it was highly potent all the same and should penetrate a simple ward. If not there were three other men with him, this boy was as good as dead.

Nymira cursed the Saints beneath her breath before gathering a mass of fire in her right palm, and with a grunt of effort cast a stream all the way from where she stood on deck to the landing below where the men stood. The fire crackled and hissed as it cut through the air, and all four men had to hastily disperse and back off to avoid being burned to a crisp. It didn't last long, and the few seconds after her cast the Dimuran was sweating heavily and her breathing labored. "Move you idiot, you'll die otherwise!" she shouted firmly, looking then to where Amuné and Wyth were further down the shore, "Stay away little one, we'll come to you!" In the midst of all else going on she neglected no notice the man with the chain had come to, and soon she found the links wrapped firm around her throat, pulling her off her feet and onto her back as she was dragged across the deck. Kicking and grasping the tried to wrestle the iron from her skin, the fatigue of her magic not helping her at all.
I'll get a post up tonight to keep us going :)
Normally nonviolent, Aito was wanting to harm Krom dearly right now. His selfishness was dooming who knows how many people to experimentation, tests and practices that none of them every likely asked for. Yes he had done the same with Viral, but that was one life, and it had been born that way; changing someone like Yumi who had known themselves to be a normal human or Saiyan all their lives wasn't right, there were risks and complications that came with it. "You mean you'll have them do as you demand! Again they're nothing but tools for you!" the doctor shouted back as his fist slammed into Krom's, gritting his teeth angrily in the process, "I would help them adapt or reverse it entirely, I'd let them live the lives they want! Not what someone else has decided for them!" As he wished to do with Viral, when he was healthy enough not to need a guiding hand. As his anger towards Krom continued to build so too did his Ki, to a point where his hair began to almost pulse, a light blond color changing his hair now and again. "Tell. Me. Where. It. Is."

Without knowing exactly what was going on outside it was difficult to say if they should be concerned or not. The amount of Ki being given off said they should be very worried, yet nothing was really coming of it. If anything this was more trying to intimidate one another, again something Takeshi couldn't explain. Whatever was going on outside had a very real chance of escalating, but until it did they were better off staying put and keeping out of it. Returning to where Shu was sat he dropped down into the couch, smiling at his brother as he kept going on about things to do. "In the house? Uh, sure, there's got to be something..." the older boy responded, a wistful smile crossing his face as he thought about him and Shu watching television back home. There had been some stuff his sibling really liked, and while he couldn't care much for it it made Shu happy. They don't have those channels here though, he was sure of that. "Uh... Anything you really want to do buddy?"
"You aren't, but you have the answers!" And he was going to get them dammit, he had to. Frustrated and impatient with Krom he stepped forward and grabbed the man's throat, intending to keep a firm grasp until he finally revealed what was wanted of him. Narrowing his gaze as the Elite grabbed at his arm he finally relented his grasp, his annoyance only building when he was continued to be denied. "What do you care of sacrificing the work, it's not yours!" the doctor shot back, stepping to the side and raising a hand to block the punch intended for his face, "There are other ways to do this without uprooting innocent lives! I will not allow you people to ruin others existences for the sake of your little projects!" Pushing Krom's fist out of the way he then tried for a punch of his own right into the man's gut, "I won't ask again, tell me!" In his rage towards the former Elite he became absentminded of Viral's presence, completely unaware of his son growing uneasy by the second by their fighting.

"Just wait here a second buddy, okay? Let me go check what it is..." Yumi and Vegeta were already pressed against the glass as it was, and peering between them he found he couldn't see anything at all. Even when Vegeta moved to the door he wasn't able to spot anyone, though it was fairly obvious that it was a fight by now no one could actually see it from here. So long as things weren't being blown up he supposed it wasn't that big of a problem. Damn it, and just when Shu was finally getting to be in a really good mood too. Rubbing at his head Takeshi tore himself from the window, heading back to his brother and dropping down on the couch beside him. "I'm sure it's nothing serious buddy, we don't have to worry about it," he lied, smiling to try and convince his sibling otherwise, "So uh... Should we get something to eat after this?" There was a brief pause as another slight spike in Ki was felt outside, someone was clearly agitated. "Er... Or should we just go right to training?"
Aito was losing his patience fast, this had been bothering him since he'd learned of it and he still barely knew any of the details. Krom was going to tell him what he wanted to know even if he had to force it. "I've learned my lesson and I'm paying the price, regardless of what my intentions were for his creation. Just because you can do something does not mean you should," the doctor said sternly, clenching his hands into fists as he continued to advance on Krom, "The difference is he was not born, he did not have a life before this. Viral is a Beastman, your subjects, or prisoners more precisely, they had their lives stolen, and for what? To develop weapons?" Yumi was changed because of their callous approach to these experiments, he wasn't going to allow anyone else to be victim to it as well. Exhaling through his nose silently Aito cracked his neck before suddenly darting forward, his movements not even visible as he reached out and grabbed Krom by the throat, lifting him off of his feet and slamming him back down into the ground. "I am not concerned with your petty politics or what may happen to you by telling me this, one way or another I will put an end to this project of yours. Those people will be freed and let to live the lives they want!"

"W-What? I can so hide things from you! In fact I might be hiding something from you right now and you wouldn't even know it, that's how good I am!" Yeah right, he had absolutely nothing to hide from Shu. Much as the little guy might want to go out and play more they had to wait, at least until Aito told them what they needed to know. Seriously, what was taking that guy so long? Getting somewhat impatient Takeshi almost considered going to the back yard to ask, but the sudden burst of Ki from outside convinced him otherwise. It wasn't energy he recognized right away, and while it definitely was intimidating it didn't feel bad. "I... I don't know... The hell is going on out there?" Takeshi asked as he got to his feet, gesturing for Shu to stay put as he started towards the windows. With Vegeta and Yumi in the way he couldn't quite see, and the few peeks he managed to get showed Aito was off somewhere else, though jeez it felt like the man was right next to them with how much Ki he was putting out.

There was nothing good happening if Aito was showing off his power like this. Krom was out there too, had he done something to cause this? Despite knowing the overwhelming Ki was coming from a friend and someone who would never harm them she still found herself slightly afraid, her body breaking out in goosebumps in fright. Was he always this powerful? He didn't seem like he had this much strength yet he was really up there, easily stronger than even someone like Korian. Swallowing back nerves she looked at Vegeta standing at the door, then exchanging an uncertain glance with Takeshi. Should they go out and try stopping this? Her real concern was that Viral was still outside and resting, no doubt this was going to bother him.

"What is everyone fussing about, what's going on?" Coming down the stairs June looked at the group confused, not able to detect the Ki like they were. She didn't need any sort of empathetic link like Yumi to notice how tense some of them were either, she picked up on that even before she made it to the landing. Seeing Vegeta, Yumi and Takeshi gathered at the back windows she furrowed her brow and went over to check as well, peering out and only seeing Viral asleep in the hammock. "What's the matter? Is Viral okay?" June asked with a hint of worry to her tone, "Should we go out and check on him?"

"Viral is fine mother, that's not the problem. Something has made dad angry and I think it was Krom." Vegeta explained, frowning as he tried to get a visual on what was going on. Now both of their powers were up, yet his father's still dwarfed the Elite's by a considerable amount. They were in a temporary home on a peaceful world and Viral was asleep in the back still, surely nothing drastic was going to happen... Right?
Still Krom refused to speak? He was no longer a subordinate of his King, he was in effect a prisoner in fact: answering these questions was no longer a question of if he wanted to, he needed to. Narrowing his eyes as the Elite continued to deny him he watched as Krom backed off, his mouth taught as he listened to more excuses. "It is only off limits because you refuse to answer me. You no longer answer to Yamate, realize that and tell me what I need to know. I will not ask again." His voice didn't raise in volume but it adopted a certain firmness to it, his eyes burning with anger. When Krom tried to turn it around on him Aito snapped slightly, his Ki rising where he stood and exuding almost a sort of pressure around the area. The ground at his feet cracked from the sheer force of it and as he slowly began to approach Krom each step created a small indent in the earth. "Viral was born like this, and he is stronger for it. You are forcing changes onto people, turning them into weapons to ensure your own survival. THAT is selfish and unethical, I will not allow it. Now answer me, where is the project being conducted?"

"If you don't want to get bored then keep bouncing, it's keeping me plenty entertained!" Takeshi laughed, watching his brother as he bounded about energetically, "And yeah back to the base. Unless they're using what I want to use we shouldn't have a problem getting it. You'll have fun with it buddy I'm sure." It would be something entirely new for the little guy and probably even a little intimidating at first, but he could see Shu having fun with it too. "And yeah, it'll be a bit buddy, but we'll get there. Just gotta be a little patient, you know?" Maybe he ought to come up with some back up plan just in case that didn't work out. But what else was there to do on Uuonoe anyways? He'd not seen a whole lot in the city, and doing the same old stuff wasn't going to cut it. Scratching at his head in thought Takeshi paused when he picked up a slight spike in energy, his eyes widening slightly as that spike turned into a sizable increase. What the heck was that?!

"Uh... Kind of? I mean there are some strong people who are small too," Haku mentioned with a nod towards the brothers, "But yeah, I guess the big ones are in charge. That could change though! Doesn't always have to be the big, mean ones." Wishful thinking that was, he didn't know how the heck anyone would take the King down. Even if he was supposedly a good guy, doing what he did to protect everyone, it still didn't make him very liked. "Glad you're healing though! And uh... Maybe you need some food too? A nice big lunch and then a nap would be great I'd bet. You could always go and ask-" He was about to say Aito or Vegeta, but the sudden sharp burst of power nearby made Haku clam up awfully quick. Paling slightly he looked towards the rear of the house and tried to guess what was going on, not recognizing it as Krom's power; if someone screwed up they were usually beaten or intimidated, he'd grown fairly used to experiencing what the Elites could do. But this wasn't an Elite, so who was it? The doctor? "Uh... What's going on out there?"

Kabocha just bit his tongue on that one, though he did cringe back slightly when Kai made the tentacle gesture. Easy for the twin to say all of this but he seriously doubted Kai would take it either, unless he was incredibly desperate. And as for new things he'd gone and defected from the military, that was a pretty new thing wasn't it? Rolling his eyes he tried to divert the conversation back to a change of power on Kortal, still believing they were better off with the King out of power. "I'll take the uncertainty, at least if I die now I know I died doing what I wanted, not what some egomaniac told me to do," Kabocha answered plainly, "And I know, and it's probably not up to us. But can we really do worse than Yamate? I mean come on, you're going to sit there and tell me you wouldn't want someone else in power? Heck it could even be one of us! With all the things we've seen we know a little bit about what makes a good leader, don't you think? We could do a better job!" Kind of crazy to imagine even as he said it, that someone in this very room could lead the Saiyans. Now that he thought about it maybe not. Like the others he soon picked up on a sudden power flux, his eyes darting right back to the rear of the house in surprise. Something was going on out there... Probably best they stayed put.

"Father...? What in the world...?" Why was Aito showing off his power? Just what in the hell was going on outside? What bothered Vegeta even more was first Krom had disappeared from view and then his father, now the power surge. Clearly whatever was being discussed wasn't going over well if this was happening now. Should they go out to help? No, if they were going to fight then throwing themselves into the mix was only going to cause problems. Exchanging a worried look with Yumi he moved to the back door, placing his hand on a handle but keeping where he was. "Viral's still out there... He's not going to do anything, right?"
Aito had asked for Krom's presence for one reason and one reason alone, to get the information he'd been denied before. The man had to know more about the project than he'd shared before and he was determined as anything to put an end to it. In order to do that though he needed more details, as it stood now he wouldn't even know where to go. "I don't care if its top secret, you're answering my questions." He wasn't going to be dodged this time, Krom clearly knew something and he was going to divulge it. Waiting impatiently for the Saiyan to reveal what he knew he clenched his jaw angrily when denied, a single vein in his forehead popping as he glared at Krom. "You don't seem to understand my question, so let me rephrase it..." Aito began as he stepped closer, stopping just barely a foot from the Elite. "Tell me what I want to know, now, or I'll make you speak. I don't give much of a damn how their politics work here, you harmed my family with your unethical, insane, outlandish practices. I've had it with this nonsense of yours, I'm putting an end to it."

"Aw jeez buddy... Now you wanna fight and play? You're going to run me ragged!" Takeshi whined playfully, plucking Shu's nose with a smirk, "We should wait until we know why we're here, you know? Don't want to go running off and get Aito mad at us." They still hadn't been told why they were called here or anything, kind of annoying honestly. Narrowing his eyes when he was accused of making things up his face reddened slightly, letting out a huff before he folded his arms in an indignant manner. "Of course I know what we're doing! We're going to go and do something really fun, it's back at the rebel base!" That was of course provided they would allow him and Shu to do it, he wasn't sure. It was something he'd noticed once or twice walking through the place though and he was interested in giving it a try himself. Smirking then at his brother the older boy stepped forward and pressed down on his head teasingly, giving his hair a ruffle in the process. "It's a kind of training, I think you'll enjoy it. But I won't tell you what it is till we get there, okay?"

"I guess... But when you're stuck working for a jerk like that you don't exactly like him much," Haku grumbled, laying his chin in one hand as he leaned forward, "I still don't like him. You say he's beaten but he still walks around like he's better than us, and every time he looks at me it seems like he's looking at something gross. I hate it, he isn't anything special out here and he still has some big ego." At least now he didn't need to take orders from the Elites anymore, he was more or less his own man now. Nice, but as he'd though over so many times before he had no idea what to do with himself now. "Oh well... So how are you feeling by the way?" Haku continued, pausing briefly to glance at T'charrl and smile, "You look better than the last time we talked, healed up yet?"

"Kai... Just... No, no tentacle arms," Kabocha muttered, shivering at the very thought of it. Those things even hugging him just bugged him out, never mind the other things they might do. If that was what Kai was okay with though then he now officially knew way too much about his friend. "I'll settle on something that isn't completely different from me, how's that? I'm okay with a little different, but there are limits man! I can only get with a girl who is so strange before it becomes too much!" Whatever, they had more time here on Uuonoe, he'd find someone to hang out with before they were on their way again. On the topic of Kortal's leadership he shared his piece with the twins, leaning back and letting out a sigh when Kai argued with him. "Someone else who is strong can take his place though, someone who isn't going to rule by scaring the shit out of everyone else," Kabocha pointed out, glancing sideways at his friends, "Come on, think about it honestly for a second. If you had someone leading the Saiyans, leading us, who wasn't treating us like crap, wouldn't you be willing to go back? We're here because our King sucks, I don't care what his reasons for what he does are. We're better off with someone else in power."

"Yes I'm sure the whole process is painful for you, but this can't wait. Or rather, I can't wait any longer," Aito corrected himself, meeting Krom's gaze with an annoyed one of his own, "At any rate I'd think you would be happy to be allowed off of the base grounds, unless you'd prefer to spend all your time there?" He didn't much care for the inner workings of the rebel forces either, he tried to steer clear of whatever they decided to do with the man. Much as he may not be favored around here however Krom may posses some invaluable information, information which could have a large impact on them. "When we last spoke you mentioned something like a Beastman project, yes? Turning people into what I assume you've turned Yumi into," Aito continued as he started pacing again, albeit far more slowly, "I want to know where this is being conducted, and who your subjects are. I can't imagine many people volunteering to have their entire physical being altered like that, unless they're zealous or insane. So tell me... You must know at least that much?"

Shu was going to bounce right out of his damn pants if he kept hopping around like that, what gives? Takeshi hadn't seen his brother this happy in over a year, and while nice it was kind of odd to see. "I did this... Really...?" he asked as if in disbelief, his eyebrows raising slightly. No way, he'd actually done something to cheer Shu up? It wasn't remotely what Vegeta or the doc probably had in mind but hell, if it worked then it worked. Chuckling at his brother's hyperness he nodded when asked about something later, reaching out and playfully plucking at his nose, "I do have something yeah, but its a surprise again! It's no fun if I tell you everything now is it?" he asked with a wink, "Besides, if I told you then you might go through the roof you'd be so excited, don't want to be breaking the house now do we?"

Being asked here was confusing, Haku didn't expect to be involved in much really. He was far more used to sitting in his quarters and leaving only when told, this new kind of freedom was unusual to him. Not that he minded it, he just didn't know much of what to do with it. To find that Krom was here as well didn't sit terribly well with him as he had no love for his former superior whatsoever. Just what was going on out there though? What did those men have to talk about that none of them could hear it? "I guess not, he had an escort and everything... And aren't you curious why he's here?" Haku asked as he returned to T'charrl, "That man's awful, I'm kind of hoping they lock him up and throw away the key. I don't care why they did what they did, it was miserable taking orders from them." No regard for most of their troops for one, or if they did have it then they never showed it. Plus being treated like crap was never a fun thing, he certainly didn't miss that.

"No way, she was completely into me! She was laughing and everything," Kabocha said defensively as his face reddened, "And do you know how hard it is to find a girl on this planet? Seriously, this place is packed and yet so many of them are..." he paused, shuddering before lowering his voice, "I met a girl with tentacle arms... I am NOT dating something with those!" At least if they were on Kortal or Earth he'd find a woman that was, well, more like him. Out here in a world where so many different races lived together there were plenty of people he just couldn't see himself getting on with; admittedly there wasn't a whole lot that deterred him from a girl, yet Uuonoe seemed to have just about everyone one of those things. "Oh right, aside from a crazy king waging war to protect everyone, nothing is wrong with Kortal at all," Kabocha remarked with a roll of his eyes, "Come on Kai, they need someone to straighten them out. I'm all for Saiyans taking charge, it makes sense because we're the strongest. But you think the way the King and everyone is doing it isn't wrong?" He might not have a method of his own, but clearly what was going on wasn't working.
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