"The same objectives can be achieved without ruining lives! I will not abide by people callously experimenting like this!" Krom had said it himself, he wasn't a scientist. There was no way he would know that if the genome wasn't coded properly how the individual's body might deteriorate, or they may become unstable and frenzied at the drop of the hat. One only had to look at Viral's own condition to see what happened when it was done incorrectly; they wanted a small army of these people, what if they were unusable or erratic? Would they just try again with another batch, dispatch the first? He wouldn't give them that chance. Infuriated Aito moved in to strike Krom down, one way or another he would make the man reveal what he knew. It wasn't even a pride thing that his own work was being duplicated, he didn't care about that whatsoever. It was the incomplete nature of their works, of undoubtedly the trouble that the subjects were being put in because of work that their scientists could never possibly grasp in its entirety. It wasn't as simple as reverse-engineering, it took a lot of effort from a group of brilliant minds to create Viral.
It would also take Viral to stop Aito from potentially going on a rampage, and he would do just that. For some unfathomable reason his son intercepted the blow meant for Krom, knocking him aside and instead taking the brunt, being knocked back a ways before stopping himself. As soon as he'd struck Viral the doctor calmed down, enough so anyways that he could appreciate what he had done. Though he was still in a Super Saiyan state he was far from the rampant lot of their race, perfectly reasonable even with his Ki surging. Looking at Viral perplexed for a moment he frowned, standing upright and bringing his power back down to its regular levels. "Viral... Why did you stop me? I'm trying to save people that the Saiyans are subjugating to experiments, like how Yumi was. Don't you want to stop that too?" When did he awaken anyways? Had he seen that entire display? Suddenly Aito felt ashamed of himself, getting carried away with his anger towards Krom like that. Moreover... How had Viral blocked that strike and was none the worse for wear? Sure he hadn't put his all into that punch but it was still designed to do a number, yet his son looked perfectly fine. Impressive.
Seriously though, should they be doing something about this? Everyone had to be feeling those energies by now, even June seemed to be somewhat uneased by the sheer pressure the two men were giving off. Vegeta was stood at the door not letting anyone out, his own face one of worry as he probably tried not to run out and investigate for himself. Sighing to himself Takeshi wondered if Krom's coming here was going to ruin everything, what with Shu now feeling happy and Viral actually sleeping. If that guy screwed it all up he was never going to forgive the creep. "Music? Uh... You know... Music... Er... Yeah I'll play some for you." Provided they had any in this place at all. Getting up he went to the television in the room, amazed for one they had a set, and after some dabbling with the buttons managed to turn it on. Someone had graciously set it to their language before they had moved into the home it seemed, and as he'd suspected before none of the channels made any sense whatsoever, even in their tongue. As if by accident though while skimming the channels he managed to find a song being played over some kind of video, some cartoon by the looks of it. Hey, it worked for him. "Hear that stuff Shu? That's music!" Takeshi announced proudly, grinning as he gestured to the television. Then the audio and video cut for a second, and the powers that were raging outside dwindled down to almost nothing. Furrowing his brow as the television came back he looked towards the window confused, wondering what in the hell had happened.
"That's it, I'm done waiting to find out!" Clearly something was going wrong outside and Yumi wanted to know what that was. Plus Viral had to be awake by now, she was concerned what that all might have done to him too. Storming over to the door she glared when Vegeta refused to move, grabbing him by the arm and yanking him aside before throwing open the door. Both Krom and Aito were getting an earful from her for disrupting Viral like that! "Whatever you two men are doing out here, take it somewhere else! Can't you see Viral is trying... Trying to..." Huh? She expected to find her friend asleep and Aito and Krom at each other's throats, but instead she found Aito and Viral staring each other down and Krom off to the side. Just what in the heck happened here? "Viral...? What are you doing...? What are you doing Aito?" Yumi asked as she glanced between the men, groaning before stomping her foot on the ground, "Someone explain what's going on!"
It would also take Viral to stop Aito from potentially going on a rampage, and he would do just that. For some unfathomable reason his son intercepted the blow meant for Krom, knocking him aside and instead taking the brunt, being knocked back a ways before stopping himself. As soon as he'd struck Viral the doctor calmed down, enough so anyways that he could appreciate what he had done. Though he was still in a Super Saiyan state he was far from the rampant lot of their race, perfectly reasonable even with his Ki surging. Looking at Viral perplexed for a moment he frowned, standing upright and bringing his power back down to its regular levels. "Viral... Why did you stop me? I'm trying to save people that the Saiyans are subjugating to experiments, like how Yumi was. Don't you want to stop that too?" When did he awaken anyways? Had he seen that entire display? Suddenly Aito felt ashamed of himself, getting carried away with his anger towards Krom like that. Moreover... How had Viral blocked that strike and was none the worse for wear? Sure he hadn't put his all into that punch but it was still designed to do a number, yet his son looked perfectly fine. Impressive.
Seriously though, should they be doing something about this? Everyone had to be feeling those energies by now, even June seemed to be somewhat uneased by the sheer pressure the two men were giving off. Vegeta was stood at the door not letting anyone out, his own face one of worry as he probably tried not to run out and investigate for himself. Sighing to himself Takeshi wondered if Krom's coming here was going to ruin everything, what with Shu now feeling happy and Viral actually sleeping. If that guy screwed it all up he was never going to forgive the creep. "Music? Uh... You know... Music... Er... Yeah I'll play some for you." Provided they had any in this place at all. Getting up he went to the television in the room, amazed for one they had a set, and after some dabbling with the buttons managed to turn it on. Someone had graciously set it to their language before they had moved into the home it seemed, and as he'd suspected before none of the channels made any sense whatsoever, even in their tongue. As if by accident though while skimming the channels he managed to find a song being played over some kind of video, some cartoon by the looks of it. Hey, it worked for him. "Hear that stuff Shu? That's music!" Takeshi announced proudly, grinning as he gestured to the television. Then the audio and video cut for a second, and the powers that were raging outside dwindled down to almost nothing. Furrowing his brow as the television came back he looked towards the window confused, wondering what in the hell had happened.
"That's it, I'm done waiting to find out!" Clearly something was going wrong outside and Yumi wanted to know what that was. Plus Viral had to be awake by now, she was concerned what that all might have done to him too. Storming over to the door she glared when Vegeta refused to move, grabbing him by the arm and yanking him aside before throwing open the door. Both Krom and Aito were getting an earful from her for disrupting Viral like that! "Whatever you two men are doing out here, take it somewhere else! Can't you see Viral is trying... Trying to..." Huh? She expected to find her friend asleep and Aito and Krom at each other's throats, but instead she found Aito and Viral staring each other down and Krom off to the side. Just what in the heck happened here? "Viral...? What are you doing...? What are you doing Aito?" Yumi asked as she glanced between the men, groaning before stomping her foot on the ground, "Someone explain what's going on!"