"The Commander won't be in charge of these people, I can promise you that. It makes more sense for a neutral party such as ourselves to oversee this," Aito explained with a nod, "And you will not be tortured, I may have attacked you but that's well below me. Nor will we allow the rebels to do any such thing, there are limits that we on Earth do not cross, and torture is beyond that. If you're so concerned for your well being then you may well be better off in our custody than theirs." And yes, Krom was going to be in some form of custody regardless of who he was with. The fact of the matter remained that until recently he was an enemy combatant, and one who could still pose a threat. Until they had ascertained whether or not he was truly with them they couldn't risk giving him complete freedom. As for Yumi's proposal for her and Viral to help with readjusting the subjects to society it was a sound plan, though there was just one small problem with that... Viral had left. "Where did he run off to now?" Aito asked himself more than anything, furrowing his brow as he glanced around the yard. He had struck his son and now he left, where in the world would he get off to?
Yumi had been wondering that too, thinking at first maybe Viral went inside to go and rest. Yet when she sniffed at the air she noticed his scent led off in the opposite direction, meaning he was either heading towards town or off into the woods nearby. That was worrisome, what reason did he have to do that? "I'll go find him Aito, I'll bring him right back," she said quickly, hurrying off before he could argue with her on it. Wouldn't Viral be happy if he was able to do this? He'd said a lot recently about not having a purpose or knowing what to do with himself, this could be just what he needed! "Viral? Where are you?" she shouted, hoping to find him before he got too far off.
"Yes, uh... Just don't overdo anything and you'll be fine Shu, I'm sure." Probably not best getting into too much detail, it would both be completely lost on the young boy and only serve to upset him further. Such a tedious job speaking with this one sometimes. "We'll give you all kinds of music, and then once you decide what you enjoy I can change it to be more like... Whatever genre you prefer." Provided of course they could get their hands on it. There may be limited music on the ship already, whatever else they had would depend largely on what the Uuonians could give them. Best not to make too many assurances then in case they ended up without proper choices for Shu. "Out of curiosity Shu... How have you been feeling today? You seem to be in much better spirits than you have been, has something changed?"
Yumi had been wondering that too, thinking at first maybe Viral went inside to go and rest. Yet when she sniffed at the air she noticed his scent led off in the opposite direction, meaning he was either heading towards town or off into the woods nearby. That was worrisome, what reason did he have to do that? "I'll go find him Aito, I'll bring him right back," she said quickly, hurrying off before he could argue with her on it. Wouldn't Viral be happy if he was able to do this? He'd said a lot recently about not having a purpose or knowing what to do with himself, this could be just what he needed! "Viral? Where are you?" she shouted, hoping to find him before he got too far off.
"Yes, uh... Just don't overdo anything and you'll be fine Shu, I'm sure." Probably not best getting into too much detail, it would both be completely lost on the young boy and only serve to upset him further. Such a tedious job speaking with this one sometimes. "We'll give you all kinds of music, and then once you decide what you enjoy I can change it to be more like... Whatever genre you prefer." Provided of course they could get their hands on it. There may be limited music on the ship already, whatever else they had would depend largely on what the Uuonians could give them. Best not to make too many assurances then in case they ended up without proper choices for Shu. "Out of curiosity Shu... How have you been feeling today? You seem to be in much better spirits than you have been, has something changed?"