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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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"The Commander won't be in charge of these people, I can promise you that. It makes more sense for a neutral party such as ourselves to oversee this," Aito explained with a nod, "And you will not be tortured, I may have attacked you but that's well below me. Nor will we allow the rebels to do any such thing, there are limits that we on Earth do not cross, and torture is beyond that. If you're so concerned for your well being then you may well be better off in our custody than theirs." And yes, Krom was going to be in some form of custody regardless of who he was with. The fact of the matter remained that until recently he was an enemy combatant, and one who could still pose a threat. Until they had ascertained whether or not he was truly with them they couldn't risk giving him complete freedom. As for Yumi's proposal for her and Viral to help with readjusting the subjects to society it was a sound plan, though there was just one small problem with that... Viral had left. "Where did he run off to now?" Aito asked himself more than anything, furrowing his brow as he glanced around the yard. He had struck his son and now he left, where in the world would he get off to?

Yumi had been wondering that too, thinking at first maybe Viral went inside to go and rest. Yet when she sniffed at the air she noticed his scent led off in the opposite direction, meaning he was either heading towards town or off into the woods nearby. That was worrisome, what reason did he have to do that? "I'll go find him Aito, I'll bring him right back," she said quickly, hurrying off before he could argue with her on it. Wouldn't Viral be happy if he was able to do this? He'd said a lot recently about not having a purpose or knowing what to do with himself, this could be just what he needed! "Viral? Where are you?" she shouted, hoping to find him before he got too far off.

"Yes, uh... Just don't overdo anything and you'll be fine Shu, I'm sure." Probably not best getting into too much detail, it would both be completely lost on the young boy and only serve to upset him further. Such a tedious job speaking with this one sometimes. "We'll give you all kinds of music, and then once you decide what you enjoy I can change it to be more like... Whatever genre you prefer." Provided of course they could get their hands on it. There may be limited music on the ship already, whatever else they had would depend largely on what the Uuonians could give them. Best not to make too many assurances then in case they ended up without proper choices for Shu. "Out of curiosity Shu... How have you been feeling today? You seem to be in much better spirits than you have been, has something changed?"
"We'd find a way to make this work, whether its keeping them among themselves or easing them into society at large. Anything is better for their well-being than being isolated and kept under scrutiny like some curiosity." Viral was a Beastman and maybe he wasn't the easiest person when it came to interacting in public spaces, but he'd proven he could do so. There was no reason to think these people, both those modified like Yumi and others wholly made from scratch couldn't learn to do well. Even if they were simple soldiers as Krom suggested that shouldn't take away from their basic rights to live as they pleased, not on call to battle at the drop of a hat and nothing more. Soldiers had lives too, even Viral had things outside of combat. Hearing Krom's concern struck a skeptical chord in Aito, having a difficult time seeing a man responsible for so much trouble having such a desire. "If that's your priority then we can fight the monsters, we know how to kill them and we'll exterminate any and all we come across," the doctor said firmly, "If we agree to help cull these beasts then you have to agree to let us give these people some semblance of freedom, its only right."

"And the war is technically on hold, right? So that means the rebels can start helping too!" Yumi suggested hopefully as she stepped in, "Between us, the rebels and the Saiyans there's no reason for the Beastmen to have to fight all the time, or for anymore to be made. We can let them learn how to get used to society again and be comfortable, and then we can let them decide what they want to do." There were plenty of people who could help with this too, anyone from their group would do just fine, albeit to varying degrees. If they wanted just enough to get on though then she could even help with it, she was far from high class but then she doubted any of the Beastmen cared about that. And there was someone else who could help her with that as well. "I'm kind of a Beastman now, so it just fits that I do what I can to help these people. And Viral can help too! No one knows what it's like better than he does," Yumi added, looking to Krom expectantly, "Neither of us are going to hurt them or do anything bad, and we're the best choices you have for helping these people. Why not let Viral and I do it?"

Music for therapy was a novel idea yet not greatly supported by research, but it could just do the trick for Shu. His mood was undeniably better today than it had been in ages and giving him music to sway his emotions one way or another could prove invaluable. "Well yes... Any of the senses can be lost if not careful, it happens very often actually, especially with old age," Vegeta explained plainly, not taking into consideration how it might unnerve Shu to hear such a thing. Meeting Takeshi's angry gaze then he cleared his throat, putting on a small smile as he added, "But for someone your age its very rare, and as long as you take care of yourself you won't have to worry about a thing." Definitely didn't want to end up giving the kid even more things to be worried about. Music could actually do wonders for Shu and once they got back to the ship, whenever they did, he would look into outfitting their room with a sound system. Shouldn't be terribly hard, there may even be something here on Uuonoe that would serve the same purpose. "Well I'll set up a music system in your room on the ship, and you'll be able to select whatever music you want," Vegeta said, "Well... Given whatever we can get from these people."
Hearing those people could never return home, or others might not even be fit to crushed Yumi. When she was being tested on for as briefly as she was the one thing she wanted above all else was to see a familiar face again. If she wasn't able to do that? She probably would have lost it, as she worried now those people might be. There had to be a way for them to make this work though, Aito sounded like he might have such an idea even. Yet Krom again shot that down, sounding like he knew an awful lot about killers not fitting into society. Funny, speaking from experience? "Well... What if someone was there to help them adjust? We get rid of the scientists and someone else is there in place, to help them with the change? And then once they're okay, whoever is there can go?" Yumi suggested, smiling uncertainly at her own proposal. It was asking an awful lot of everyone involved but then it might be the only way to make it work. It really should be one of the Saiyans if they did go with such a plan seeing as they were the ones responsible for the project in the first place.

"We should see the state they're in before we put a plan in place, don't want to make too many assumptions," Aito cautioned, looking at Krom again with a disapproving frown, "That being said there's no reason for this project to continue, not if you have a sizable number of Beastmen. The program should be discontinued and the subjects allowed to lead some semblance of a normal life, at least until they are called on, if they ever are." He had been admittedly rash in his effort to totally dismantle it all earlier, they had to take into consideration what the change in lifestyle would mean for the subjects as well. If all they knew were the facilities, or they became so dependent on the attention and care given by the scientists then removing that could cause serious problems. They had to free these people, that remained a certainty, but perhaps it should be done in a more staggered effort. "So then Krom, that just leaves you. If we can ensure that these people are given proper care and attention I can't imagine you have any reason to protest. I see no reason for this to go on any longer and trying to maintain it is moot."

Weird that something as simple as music had Shu all giddy and hyperactive. Was it honestly that special to him? Come to think of it however Takeshi couldn't recall one time his brother had been around music with him, so he guessed it was something new for the little guy. Funny how something so simple had him this excited, really kind of reminded him of just how out of touch Shu was when it came to stuff like this. "Yeah that's right, musicians play music. Look at you using your little brain buddy," the older boy teased, smirking when Shu called him out as not being a musician. He could probably play something if he tried, playing guitar looked cool and pretty easy to pick up. "Huh? Oh uh... I mean yeah music can make you happy. If it's all upbeat and happy and stuff, you know? As far as it making you sleep is concerned..." Uh, did it work like that? Furrowing his brow confused Takeshi looked over at Vegeta who was still at the window, grabbing a pillow and tossing it at the boy to get his attention. "Hey Vegeta! Shu's wondering if music can help him sleep! And be happy and all that!"

Hm, it seemed like the powers had been dialed back finally, thank goodness. Yumi was out there now as well so hopefully she could keep everyone in line for the time being. Sighing to himself Vegeta shook his head, reaching back as a pillow was thrown at him and catching it blindly. "You can just ask for me Takeshi, don't have to be a child," he chided, turning back and lazily tossing the pillow onto the edge of the couch, "And yes, there is plenty of research showing that music can influence mood, as well as help someone relax and sleep. You have to be very selective about the music though, anything too loud, too high in tempo or otherwise will disturb Shu too much. You also have to put into consideration the lighting of the room of course, as too much stimulus will rouse him from sleep," he added, beginning to get much too into it now, "And you should be particularly careful to turn the music off when asleep, you're still hearing it and prolonged exposure can lead to hearing loss, regardless of volume. I'd recommend it though, it's easily done and can have numerous benefits."
Viral couldn't be blaming himself for this, it was out of his control regardless of whether he'd volunteered or not. The ones to blame were the people who actually carried out the experiments themselves, not the person they got the information from. In some way Yumi thought her friend had been forced into agreeing too and worried that those in the project now were being forced as well. So how could they help that? Giving them a choice seemed like the only reasonable decision, they should get to pick what their fate would be. "Why can't they go back to society? I've gone back, I've changed and I can get on with people just fine," she argued on their behalf despite knowing it was moot; Viral did have trouble in some settings, and if these people had half the issues he did then they would struggle as well. "We can... Well... What if we helped them get used to it again? Someone could be there to show them what to do, they could go back home, be happy again..."

"They can have their own society," Aito interjected, furrowing his brow in thought as he rubbed at his chin, "They can have their own civilization with just their kind, they won't pose a risk to other people then and will have those similar to themselves around to cope. Given what they've been through it might be more damaging to separate them now than to keep them together." But where to put them? He almost considered bringing them here to Uuonoe, but did this world have the space needed for a whole new race of peoples to take up lives? True the world was larger than just this metropolis they were in and there were undoubtedly other cities like it, but what about living space or them? "Or... We have the best of both worlds, put a halt to the project and give the subjects those facilities and that world to live on," Aito mused aloud, looking to Krom as he spoke, "I don't know numerically how many you have by this point but it should be enough, I'm positive it is. There is no reason for these experiments to continue then and the scientists and whoever else is there can move off planet. It's only fair that those people be given the world, its resources, to rebuild their lives. You Saiyans owe them that much."

"Well if you think it might be fun... I don't know, maybe we can try it sometime. Would need to find loads more people to play with though, you know? They have big teams for that sort of stuff." That would be interesting, unless they got everyone in their group to play they would have to turn to humans to join them. Somehow Takeshi figured humans playing sports against Saiyans wasn't the most fair thing in the world. "I don't know what its called buddy, I'm not a musician you know? I just have heard different types is all, there's loads of kinds of music. We can see what sorts you really like when we get back on the ship." Though they would need something to play the music in their room wouldn't they? He remembered people carrying around big boxes back home that played music, could they find something like that here? "I mean... I don't know, music can make you happy I guess? Or excited, it kind of did now didn't it?" Takeshi asked, smirking as he reached over and ruffled Shu's hair, "We'll find out when we play it later won't we?"
That didn't make sense to Yumi at all, and apparently it didn't make sense to Krom either. They knew now that Viral had a special means of fighting those monsters but there was no way they could have known that beforehand... Right? The way it sounded though everything traced back to Yamate, maybe he knew even more than he was letting on, even to the likes of Krom. That was worrisome, just how much did that man know about what was truly going on? "It's not fair for you to assume things about Aito, just like its not fair we assume things of you," she said calmly, trying to be a voice of reason among the tidal wave of testosterone going on, "Either way that's behind us, we should focus on making it right now," she added as she glanced back at the doctor, "And not attacking each other for things we can't fix in the past." It was strange, speaking to Aito in such a way. When she was a child she had nothing but respect for the man, and while she did still she could see he was flawed just as everyone else was. Something about Viral being involved in this no doubt had pushed him to the edge, otherwise she couldn't see him losing it like that.

How was Viral feeling about all of this? He couldn't be too pleased with all of this being shared as it might make him look bad. Not that Yumi thought so, he must have had his reasons for doing it. Hearing too that he'd taken some punishment on Shu's behalf more than absolved him of any guilt there might be in her eyes. "It is not your fault Viral, not at all. You didn't order Kai, Choi and Kabocha to come and kidnap me. You didn't put me through the tests or try to make me fight, none of that is your doing," she reassured, smiling as she reached up and placed a hand on his cheek, "So don't blame yourself for any of it, okay?" He couldn't blame himself, he'd end up going back down into that pit just when he was starting to seem a little better. If Viral felt guilty about her being tested on though, and maybe about others too, there was some way they could fix it. Turning back to Krom she approached him slowly and cleared her throat before pointing to him sternly. "We should at least give those people who were experimented on a chance to decide for themselves, don't you think? If they want to fight then they can fight, but they shouldn't be forced to, none of them should. It doesn't matter how useful they are for others, it matters what they want more than anything."

"Eh... The kind of ball I'm talking about is kind of a drag buddy, you know? Tons of rules, a bunch of idiots trying to score or throw it in a net or something, it's a lot of nonsense and crap we don't need when we play." You could have perfectly good fun without having to use numbers to show who was doing better, even someone as competitive as him thought it was ridiculous. Yet humans seemed almost intoxicated by sports, if their time in the World Tournament was any indication of that. Smiling in amusement as Shu gushed over television Takeshi regarded it with a bit of a dismissive shrug himself, not finding this show to be anything particularly impressive. "Maybe we can get music for our room on the ship, how about that squirt? There's loads of kinds of music too, not just what you're hearing. Maybe there will be something you like even more, you know?"
"My magic isn't all sunshine and butterflies, or were you not paying attention on the bridge?" Caelan asked, frowning as he pat the waterskin at his hip, "Healing just so happens to be something I can do, it's usually used for fighting whatever monsters are in ruins." He didn't want Link getting the wrong idea that he was some saint or something, he wasn't. Anyways onto the traps... Experience said there would be booby traps down here, but then how much sense did that make? If these were escape tunnels there shouldn't be any, you didn't want to risk killing the people trying to get out. Recalling the map Caelan could see the spiderwebbing of the tunnels meaning there was more than one route; one probably had no traps in it, the others were littered with them. If that were the case, as Regol's shadow was kind enough to show, then he had his work cut out for him. No pressure, he always loved it when other people's lives were on the line because of him. Nodding when pat on the back he let out a sigh, figuring it was no or never for them to get moving.

"Well if we keep our eyes open and don't do anything stupid we won't be included among them." Good thing about pressure plate traps was if you knew how they triggered you knew how to disable them as well. Applying pressure onto the plate itself released a catch below, and that catch often retracted lines which pulled the wraps, be it a swinging axe or a wall of spikes. If you removed the plate though, disabled the pressure sensor you were completely fine. Going to where Regol's shadow had been shredded seconds earlier he stopped and picked out the plate, taking a knee as he prepared to do his work. "Uh... You two might want to stay back, just saying. Never know when one of these could screw up and kill you," he joked grimly.

With no blade to use he formed a shard of ice in his hand, thinning it to have the thickness of a blade itself. Then using it to pry beneath the pressure plate, and being especially careful not to press on it, he pushed the blade in further until he broke the seal, using the edge of the hole to push the plate up and off. After that it was a simple matter of finding the wires connected to the spike traps, which he did, he encased them in ice to freeze them in place and prevent them from moving. Just to test himself he gritted his teeth and pressed two fingers down on the sensor, smiling when nothing came of it.

"And there you have it, one disabled trap... And probably a hundred more to go," Caelan said as he dissolved his makeshift blade, wiping down his hands then on his pants before continuing ahead. They didn't get more than 50 meters along before he found a tripwire trap, and with some careful scanning of the walls he found an axe suspended in an indent, just waiting to fly out and take someone's head off, or cut them in half. "With tripwires there's two ways of dealing with it... Either set it off, let the trap do its thing and try to pass by, or clog up the hole and hope it works..." He'd try the latter, and he happened to just have the tool for it too. Pulling the plate from earlier out of his pocket he pressed it up against the opening in the wall, using ice magic again to freeze it firmly in place. Using just the tip of his foot he then released the axe, watching as it swung and slammed into the plate, denting it but remaining put. "Sure neither of you want to go it a try?" Caelan asked, glancing back with a smirk, "There's nothing to it really."
If they didn't balance their work then they'd burn out in no time. Ulyssa might be fine with studying incessantly, in fact Soren almost thought she was looking forward to it, there was no way he could pull through. Being physically active was one thing and while not always fun it was easier for him to do; head in a book, sitting still for hours on end, the very notion of that made him cringe. Relenting as Lyra cut in he raised an eyebrow as she went silent for a moment, wondering why it was she cut herself off mid-sentence. When she started again a moment later she appeared somewhat uncomfortable yet tried to play it off, and out of respect Soren didn't ask her what it was bothering her.

"Finding our room doesn't sound terrible, I wouldn't mind cleaning up a little." They had bathed in the lake just to feel some semblance of sanitation yet it paled in comparison to an actual shower or bath. Reaching up with one hand he rubbed at his shoulder, giving it a slight roll as his joints popped and muscles groaned in protest. Owyn's question was a fairly obvious one seeing as he even knew the answer, and he hardly paid any attention to the particulars this far. "Looking around sounds fun, but I'd like to see our room first. We'll see you girls later," Soren added, waving to them before nodding to Owyn, "Let's go, shouldn't be too hard finding our place."


Well the quarters at Beacon weren't anything to write home about but it certainly trumped sleeping out on the forest floor. Two sets of bunk beds, a few dressers, a restroom attached to the bedroom and two desks, simplistic yet just what they would need. Almost as soon as they had entered the room Lyra darted over to the top bed, and with no reservations pleaded to have the uppermost bed. Ulyssa relented with a smile, finding her excitability to be amusing. "Don't mention it, I don't mind having the bottom bunk," she replied as she set her bags down, sighing happily at now having a room of their own. Piquing her interest as Lyra gushed over the view at the window she moved over to join her, peering out at the view. It really was a lovely sight, certainly better than just looking out at the sea of green that was the Emerald Forest.

"Who knows? Could be we'll have other first year students like us too," Ulyssa observed as she went to the beds to inspect them. The bottom bunk was pristine and well kept, though she was curious about the assortment of stuffed animals gathered around the pillows. The top bunk on the other hand made a little part of her die inside, with all of the owner's clothing as well as various personal belongings strewn all over it. How in the world did anyone sleep like that? "Ridiculous, I can't share a room with someone like this..." she commented with a shake of her head, climbing up the ladder and glancing at the mess. Just as she had begun to rearrange the items and try to sort them out the door swung open, causing Ulyssa to jump and promptly descend the ladder, not wanting to anger their new roommates right away.

"Oh boy, what a day! All those Grimm too!" Stepping into her room Rayne raised her arms up in a stretch, letting out an unladylike belch before setting her hands on her stomach. And they even got themselves a hefty lunch out of it, what could be better? Once in her bedroom she headed directly for her bed, ignoring Ulyssa's baffled expression at first as she climbed up, grabbed a black hooded sweatshirt with a skull on both breasts and dropping back onto her feet. Only now did she finally acknowledge the other two girls, not that she hadn't seen them initially. "So you must be some of the girls who didn't die during initiation, awesome! Pretty cool that we'll have new roommates for a bit!" Rayne said cheerfully, grinning as she extended a hand to Ulyssa. "I'm Rayne, and this here is..." Huh, where was her teammate? Furrowing her brow the girl let out an audible sigh before cupping her hands around her mouth and turning to the door. "Noriko, get your butt in here! We have new roommates."

Slowly another girl entered the room, her eyes downcast as she shuffled her way inside. Why did there have to be new people? She was much more comfortable when it was just her and Rayne, now she'd have to get used to even more company. "Uh... H-Hi..." the Faunus mumbled, folding her hands at her waist and wringing them together nervously. Oh no, she could feel everyone's eyes on her, what would they say? She had her beret on as always and kept her tail concealed, but what if they knew somehow? What if they treated her like other people treated Faunus? Growing red in the face Noriko squirmed uncomfortably on the spot, letting out a meek gasp when Rayne threw her arm around her shoulders.

"Don't mind her, she's just shy around new people! She'll warm up to you in no time though," Rayne declared with a wink, putting her free hand on her hip, "Anyways welcome to our room newbies, hope you like your stay here! We just have some simple rules for you to know, so pay attention! One, lock the door if you're the last one out, we don't want bozos coming in here. Two, replace something if it runs out, its common courtesy, you know? And three don't touch our stuff or you're dead."

"S-She's kidding... About the dead part..." Noriko added timidly.

Even a simple room like this seemed luxurious to Soren. Accustomed to homes with not even 6 rooms, and whose rooms were smaller than this, even sharing this with three others seemed like a treat. Having bunk beds was a bit irregular especially given their age but he wouldn't complain, a bed was a bed. Before either he or Owyn could get settled though they should introduce themselves to their roommates, or roommate, as the case might be. One other boy was already present in the room and seemingly engrossed in his book to the point where they were paid no mind. Exchanging a silent glance with Owyn, Soren shrugged his shoulders and cleared his throat to signal their presence.

"Uh... Right, it was a little difficult I guess, but we made it through," Soren responded, awkwardly taking the older boy's hand and giving it a shake. He wasn't one to complain normally but would anyone seriously want to go through that? It was taxing and they were left sore as could be from it, and knowing it was only the beginning hadn't instilled much excitement in any of them either. "I guess that puts you a few years ahead of us too, must be nice to almost be done." Even better was they would have this room to themselves, provided there weren't new students again next year, which undoubtedly there would be. The mention of their fourth roommate, Aero, could have just as well gone without mention for how little interest Soren had in it. If these two were going to be gone by the year's end then it meant little to form any meaningful relationship with them, a first name basis was about as far as they had to go. "Right... Well I'm sure we'll get along swimmingly," he commented as he slung his bag onto the bottom bunk, hoping that was the end of their chat.
This entire project was wrong, why couldn't anyone else see that? Subjecting people to experimentation in such a way wasn't allowable regardless of the intent of the practice; creating a Beastman from scratch was one thing, they were born that way and it was all they knew. In Yumi's case however she'd been forcibly changed with no regard for herself, how could anyone abide by that? Despite his firm stance against the work it seemed like Aito stood alone on the matter, with even Viral coming to Krom's defense for refusing his demands. Having Yumi slap him and ridicule him for his actions was just the bitter icing on the cake that was dejection, even if he knew her words to be true. In his anger he had overstepped his boundaries, yet how else would he make Krom speak? The man was clearly too stubborn to divulge anything, and the risk that the subjects were at because of this project was simply too great to ignore.

This fighting between them had to stop if anyone was going to get anything done. After handing Viral her shirt to use as makeshift gauze she furrowed her brow as he began to explain himself, curious that he was so passive about his answer. Before she could press him further Krom offered a much more in-depth explanation, and it was one she wasn't expecting in the least. It didn't make sense, why would Viral who was so bitter over his enslavement help these people? In part it made her sick to know that this whole business had been done both knowingly and willingly, and the other part of it was she was angry, angry at the Saiyans for ever carrying out the project in the first place. "Okay, fine, I'll accept that Viral somehow had a part in it, for now. But answer me this question then," Yumi began as she stared down Krom, "Before we ever fought those... Things, there was no way anyone knew that Viral's power was strong against them, right? But you started this project when he was captured over a year ago, so then what was the point of it at first? It couldn't have been to fight the monsters, the only way I see it was you were building yourselves more soldiers." That reason was enough for her to want to abolish the project as well, it just felt wrong that they were more or less growing Beastmen to fight. Maybe that was Aito's reason behind it too, it certainly didn't seem fair.

Stupid television cutting out, why couldn't things just fricken work? Banging on the set a few times Takeshi grew impatient with it, about ready to give up until the picture finally returned along with the music. He knew smacking it hadn't done anything but hey, he'd take credit for it! Taking a spot beside Shu yet again he leaned back into the couch, kicking his feet up on the coffee table to relax. "I mean... I think so? They don't have the same stuff here that they do back home," the older boy pointed out, "And there's loads of different stuff on television, you know? They play stuff like this, there's news, and there are games they play too. Never understood any of the games though, bunch of grown men throwing a ball to each other like idiots." Then again he and Shu did the same sort of stuff didn't they? Albeit without all the rules, and they didn't always keep score even though he tried to sometimes. "What do you think squirt, like music? Nice stuff huh?"
If you wanna play the anime hero then you might die for it, just putting that out there ;D
Why... Why had Viral taken that hit? Had he put any more strength behind that and struck his son he could be seriously injured from it. Immediately Aito's will to fight vanished, his energy receding as he looked at Viral in confusion. Moreover his son even seemed angry with him for some reason, was it for trying to attack Krom? That made absolutely no sense as the Elite should be their enemy, even with his change in allegiances as of late. Being called a monster as well certainly was strange, what had he done to deserve such a malicious title? "Even if we cannot reverse it, we must prevent further experimentation!" the doctor argued his case strongly, looking to Yumi as he spoke, "They are conducting tests like they did on you, tests to turn more people into their weapons! We cannot allow this to continue!" It was unethical, it was dangerous, it flew in the face of everything that a scientist and doctor should respect. Turning his gaze back onto Krom it hardened again, his mouth pulling in a thin line before he scoffed. "This man is trying to defend his King and his pet project despite the damage its causing, its disgusting that-"

Yumi wasn't here to listen to arguments, she wanted to know why everyone was fighting. They were supposed to be here relaxing for everyone's sake, Viral's especially. Storming over to Aito as he yelled at Krom she reached up and smacked his cheek hard with the flat of her hand, staring up at him in disapproval as he reeled slightly from the unexpected hit. "And how is pummeling him going to help those people? I understand you're angry about it, I went through it, I'd want to stop it all too. But beating answers out of him isn't the way to do it." Letting out a sigh she shook her head before looking up at Aito again, then to Krom disapprovingly. "Men, always eager to fight over every little thing, you're unbelievable sometimes..." Now then, if these two boys were quite through with their fight there were other things she wanted to see to as well. Looking over at Viral and seeing his bloodied nose she frowned worriedly, walking over and easing her shirt off, having just a plain black camisole beneath it. "Sorry they woke you Viral, here, use this for your nose," Yumi offered as she held up her shirt for him to take, "I want to ask... What do you think about all of this? It concerns you too, and I've made my position clear."

Maybe some nice music or television would help distract everyone from the nonsense outside. Yeah, that would be nice, as everyone was still a bit agitated from the scene. After fiddling with the television for a bit Takeshi finally managed to find a channel with some music and even a cartoon to boot, just what Shu might need. It only lasted a few seconds though before a power surge knocked out the station, sighing when Shu commented on it vanishing. "It was just here though! Hang on a second..." Banging on the top of the television seemed to do nothing, nor did wiggling the wires or pressing the power button repeatedly. Huffing in frustration Takeshi watched Yumi storm outside before shrugging it off, more engrossed in this task now. "Come on you damn thing, work!" Pressing the power button a few more times on the remote it finally turned back on, a few seconds later than before but onto the same channel. Smiling triumphantly he tossed the remote onto an empty seat, dusting his hands off as though he'd worked hard and taking a seat back beside his brother. "There you go buddy, enjoy the show!"
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