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7 mos ago
Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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Hard to say what brought about such a sudden change in Shu, but if the little guy was happy now then who was he to complain? Not that Takeshi really could at the moment as he was focused on not getting his arm yanked from its socket by Shu. Stumbling along after his brother the older boy grinned and let out a laugh, "Easy there squirt, we haven't even started and you're already bouncing all over the place! You're so crazy sometimes!" Steak and fruit, now there was a pretty decent sounding meal! "Hell yeah, I bet we've got loads of that. After we finish playing I'll cook us up plenty of good food, then we can go take a nap. By the time we wake up we'll probably be back on Uuonoe!" Takeshi didn't particularly care for a nap as he was far from tired, not to mention he was curious about the Beastmen, but Shu took precedence. They would be around later if he really wanted to go and see some of them. Easing up the tugging Takeshi brought Shu to a halt, smirking as he reached out and prodded his brother's forehead with two fingers. "Alright, hang on a second Shu. We want to play fight yeah? We should probably go to one of the training rooms then, which are that way," he explained with a thumb over the shoulder, "So lead the way buddy!"

"Well... Realistically I'll only be called away for an absolute emergency. Father's expertise far exceeds my own still and the doctors with him should be more than capable of assisting him. No, I don't imagine I'll be called away at all now that I consider it," Vegeta mused, sounding a bit dismissive of the notion entirely. Chances were unless it was a life or death situation he'd simply pass the job onto someone else, he needed to sit down with Viral and get this report; his friend's health was a subject of conversation quite frequently and now was a good a time as any to get a proper look at how it was progressing. "I see... So you breached the facility, dispatched the Elites and rescued the Beastmen. "We didn't expect much resistance on the world, being as isolated as it is. Hearing some Elites were present is a bit of a surprise but clearly there isn't much cause for concern." Without another word Vegeta briefly glanced at Viral, seeming to stare for a moment before looking away silently. There was some fatigue on Viral's face, had he done the majority of the fighting? Everyone else seemed fine so it was possible, then again considering Takeshi's penchant for charging in, and Yumi's unwillingness to let Viral endanger himself he doubted it. "Well then, we'll have to keep them out of Korian's jurisdiction won't we? Appeal directly to the locals and ask for some kind of shelter for them, we'll circumvent having to deal with that... Man, and provide for them all the same. I think we've got just as much pull as he does."
"If you can repair yourself then why'd we find Norman before?" Ethan asked, smirking as he questioned Cecil. Reaching up he gave his friend a pat on the arm, turning his body in his seat to better face him. "If anyone here is sick or hurt we help them first, got it? We go out of our way to help people we don't even know, of course we're going to help our friends too." With how afraid Cecil was earlier it didn't seem likely that he was as fine as he claimed to be. Honestly most everyone was shaken up from today, it just happened the Machina had freaked out more than anyone else. Ignoring all of that because he said he was fine was just out of the question here.

"We leave as soon as possible, which means we're waiting on you," Nymira answered as she scrutinized Zander, "I know you're tired, we all are, but we must keep moving. As soon as we're a ways from this place I imagine we'll be taking a break, we can rest then." If the healer was accustomed to a cushy lifestyle before this then he was going to be in for a rude awakening. As she understood the situation he was traveling himself, yet he likely didn't have remotely the same hardships they did. Today was more hectic than usual but it was a good representation of their journey thus far, she thought. If they survived today's ordeal then she was tentatively confident they wouldn't fail her as retainers. Not completely anyways.

Nymira had the right of it, departing sooner rather than later was in their best interest. As the situation stood there was little in their favor concerning the death of the mayor, and especially concerning Zander's hand in it. They may be able to explain their presence at the manor, yet any bystander would have seen them gone in, and then leave after the chaos that unfolded. At the very least they would be kept in holding for a while and questioned, time which none of them could afford to waste. "If everyone's in agreement then we can probably get going right now," Ethan said as he pushed himself to his feet, stifling a groan as his body ached in protest. All that magic today had really left him in a sorry state, he'd sleep like a log tonight no doubt.

Upon Geoffrey's eventual return they were gathered up and prepared to move again. Their cart being just outside made loading up quite convenient, and with Geoffrey providing a third horse for Zander and himself there was no issue of how to transport everyone. Once everyone was settled in they were able to leave without much hassle, save for the small crowds bidding Geoffrey a farewell; to them he was but a simple innkeeper's son, yet it appeared that the boy held something of a reputation with his fellow townsfolk. Hopefully he wouldn't be too sorely missed on this journey of there's as there was no knowing when they might return to East Orosi. Whatever he had on his person had best serve him well, and whatever goodbyes were made should hopefully do enough until his return.

"We've got to get back to the ship first, get back whatever we can before we leave for good," Ethan pointed out as they traveled along. With the docks at their back they were all but removed from the town once more, for the third time today they traveled down the road trailing along the river. Easing up his grip on the reins he leaned forward to rest on Jorvind, inadvertently resting his head on top of Amuné's. Keeping his eyes open right now was a struggle with how tired he felt, and play it off as much as he tried to there was no denying he'd be out before long. Certainly wasn't doing himself any favors by not eating either, he reflected, a hand going to his stomach thoughtfully. A meal before sleeping would do wonders.

For her part Nymira hoped at the very least her daggers would still be on the ship. Crafting new ones would be easy, though she lacked the resources to do so. Something in the cart might be suitable yet she'd prefer not using sub-par ingredients for her weaponry. She supposed Zander had left his staff at the ship as well, and while a piece of wood hardly compared to a finely crafted blade it would be easier for him to retrieve that as well. "If there are guards still at the ship we should simply request our items back, I doubt word has spread out here just yet," she pointed out to the group, frowning however as she looked ahead, "If they should know though... I don't imagine they'll simply hand our weapons back to us. We'd best be ready for a bit of a fight."

"We won't fight the guards, that's not going to do us any favors," Ethan interjected as he sat upright again, running a hand along his face before shaking his head, "Hm... If we have to leave them behind then we will, no sense in creating more problems for ourselves." She was much too eager to fight, either that or those daggers meant more to Nymira than she let on. Simply put picking a fight with guards now would not only be risky, given how exhausted they were, but it would only incriminate them further. Running away was bad enough without leaving some officials lying in the dirt in their wake.
You have sinned! REPENT! REPEEEENT!
Takeshi had no idea Shu picked up on everything he said like that. Unless he wanted to get smacked by Yumi every waking moment of his life he'd probably best watch his mouth from now on, for his own sake if nothing else. Disembarking from the shuttle they watched the Beastman wander off and Aito address them, relieved to find they would indeed have time to themselves now. Just as well seeing as they had been put to work immediately after getting up today, they were long overdue for some play time. Blinking as Shu grabbed his arm and dragged him along the older boy let out a laugh, quite amused by his sibling's enthusiasm. "Yeah yeah, we do stuff now! We'll go and have some fun, alright?" First they should go eat, and after that they should grab themselves a nap. Takeshi still planned on playing with Shu as well even if his big plan for the little guy wouldn't happen until Uuonoe. Hopefully he didn't mind waiting a bit then. "What do you want for lunch? I don't know what we've got up on this tanker, but there's gotta be something good. Anything you're craving Shu?"

"Excellent, I'd rather learn everything now while it's fresh in your mind, thank you," Vegeta said as he waved his brother along. Seeing Shu and Takeshi leaving ahead of them he debated asking them as well, opting to after a moment's consideration; even with his state of being becoming disrupted as of late Viral was still more articulate and insightful than those two, he'd prefer an account that really covered a good deal of what went on. Glancing at Viral as he rubbed his head Vegeta frowned disconcertingly, keeping his words to himself for the moment however as he shrugged. "Father is seeing to them, and the doctors will be able to assist him. Unless something unexpected comes up I shouldn't be needed for a while," he pointed out, "At any rate as I said, I'd like to be filled in on what happened down there. I don't doubt once we return to Uuonoe we'll be questioned as to what we were doing, and what we witnessed. I'd like to pre-screen our reports then, I don't much care to give Korian every little detail if it can be helped. We did all of the leg work, I've no love for a man dictating orders behind a desk." If he'd wanted to he could have sent rebels along as well, yet they were still too vested in the war that was on hold. If they couldn't be bothered to put out a little for the cause then Vegeta figured they couldn't handle all the information either, turnabout's fair play.
"You're strong buddy, trust me. And I would really rather not fight you fight you, but if we wanna do that play fight like you said then I'm up for that." Takeshi smirked in amusement as Shu copied him, hearing the "you know" phrase come through a few times. He did it without thinking but it had been pointed out several times, and now hearing his brother he couldn't just ignore it. "You trying to copy your big brother, squirt? I should kick your butt for that," he teased, reaching over and playfully prodding Shu in the side, "And sure bud, if that's what you need. We can take a nap after lunch, then when we wake up we go and see the doc, how's that sound? No rush, but we should go. Then again... Vegeta can probably help too, would you wanna see him instead?" Their friend's old man was supposed to be way smarter than even Vegeta but so far he hadn't seen much. The guy was half asleep most of the time and the other half he was speaking in words way too big for them to grasp, it was hard to get a read on him. Viral seemed the same way too, the Beastman hardly ever looked pleased to see the doctor around. Then again Viral hardly ever looked pleased to begin with.

That was all she could really ask for, to be kept in the loop. Too often things went on that Yumi had no knowledge of and it was frustrating being absolutely clueless about them. While she knew the discussion about his struggles was hardly a pleasant one they needed to have it, she had to make her stance known. Hard as it might be to do sometimes she could never truly hurt one of her friends even if she might have to; Viral's words following that thought left her feeling terribly conflicted. Looking up at her friend's face as he turned to her she felt a pang in her chest, nodding somberly and casting her eyes down. "I'll never let that happen to you either. If hitting you is the only way to help that then I'll do it. But I'm always going to try calming you down first, that's a last resort." As their shuttle docked everyone filed out one at a time, with Yumi bringing up the back as she followed Viral out. Even without seeing his expressions she noticed how he swayed from side to side, only able to guess how he might be feeling. Every assumption she made wasn't a good one, yet she knew overreacting was only going to upset her friend.

Seeing as Aito was taking the initiative to get the Beastmen rounded up Vegeta figured he was done for the moment. Watching as they began to walk off with guidance from some crew he smiled slightly, proud to see their mission was a success. He didn't know how the operation on the ground had gone yet or whether or not there were any unexpected problems, though seeing the scientist bound and gagged being carried along certainly raised questions. So too did the young looking Beastman in one of their arms, something which he couldn't remotely explain; Beastmen aged but only to a particular point, at which the hormones in their bodies ceased to promote development. If this child was a true Beastman then he'd not be a child for long, but if he was a halfbreed like Yumi? Who knows what might happen with him. Come to think of it they weren't even sure what was to become of Yumi yet either, some tests would have to be done to check.

"Yet more tests to run, they never end," he muttered in exasperation, rubbing at his head tiredly. He could go and begin those immediately if he wanted, or he could linger and see to something else that required attention. Looking among his peers he noticed Viral wandering off from the others, looking almost dead on his feet as he shambled along. Noticing Yumi's concerned expression watching him hardly did any favors in absolving him of concern, he'd need some attention foremost. "Viral, hang on a second," Vegeta called over, holding up a hand as he approached, "I was hoping you could come with me if you don't mind? I was hoping to get a bit of a report about what went on. Also you seem like you could use a break. Why don't we go grab a meal together and chat?"
I mean all races have religious practices/ties to the Saints. As far as their own personal religion? That's open to interpretation, since no two Ydran tribes are wholly identical. If you want to give some customs to your character to make him unique go ahead, but be sure its reasonable and stays consistent :P
Yeah, I mean over time they'll improve vastly as Magi. Not only do you need the physical ability and the mental fortitude, but magic in of itself is almost like a muscle. The more you work it the more powerful it becomes, yet you need all three points to really be a good Magi.
@Rumplestiltskin Ooh, interesting interpretation. I always read them as a little more frail, but that's really only against disease and magical weapons.

@Vena Sera Use a dictionary.

Well their weakness to disease comes from not being around the illnesses as much, to state the obvious :P Ydrans who live in regular society are every bit as healthy as anyone else.
Wildman isn't wholly wrong really, as a good many are nomadic. They just resemble what we might typically think Elves to look like is all :p

I'll send you a brief summation in a PM, just as to not clutter up the OOC. Now that you mention it though I think I'm going to add in a summary to the OOC later anyways, more concise, so anyone else new coming in has some idea.

That might just work :o I considered just using my shoe too, but I don't want to get it all dirty!
Greetings! :D Let me see if I can just check off the list here for you:

Glad you're interested in the Ydra, and for the record they are totally NOT elves, regardless of what anyone says! >.>

And nope. Though if you want some idea of the current situation let me know, I can give you a quick overview with some bigger plot points just to get you up to speed without hours of reading.

I cannot say I'm accustomed to getting a resume for applicants, but it all looks good to me! :) We're under "Advanced" but we're generally fairly lax about length and all that. Mostly to keep the one-liners away. The rolled up newspaper only does so much!
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