Hard to say what brought about such a sudden change in Shu, but if the little guy was happy now then who was he to complain? Not that Takeshi really could at the moment as he was focused on not getting his arm yanked from its socket by Shu. Stumbling along after his brother the older boy grinned and let out a laugh, "Easy there squirt, we haven't even started and you're already bouncing all over the place! You're so crazy sometimes!" Steak and fruit, now there was a pretty decent sounding meal! "Hell yeah, I bet we've got loads of that. After we finish playing I'll cook us up plenty of good food, then we can go take a nap. By the time we wake up we'll probably be back on Uuonoe!" Takeshi didn't particularly care for a nap as he was far from tired, not to mention he was curious about the Beastmen, but Shu took precedence. They would be around later if he really wanted to go and see some of them. Easing up the tugging Takeshi brought Shu to a halt, smirking as he reached out and prodded his brother's forehead with two fingers. "Alright, hang on a second Shu. We want to play fight yeah? We should probably go to one of the training rooms then, which are that way," he explained with a thumb over the shoulder, "So lead the way buddy!"
"Well... Realistically I'll only be called away for an absolute emergency. Father's expertise far exceeds my own still and the doctors with him should be more than capable of assisting him. No, I don't imagine I'll be called away at all now that I consider it," Vegeta mused, sounding a bit dismissive of the notion entirely. Chances were unless it was a life or death situation he'd simply pass the job onto someone else, he needed to sit down with Viral and get this report; his friend's health was a subject of conversation quite frequently and now was a good a time as any to get a proper look at how it was progressing. "I see... So you breached the facility, dispatched the Elites and rescued the Beastmen. "We didn't expect much resistance on the world, being as isolated as it is. Hearing some Elites were present is a bit of a surprise but clearly there isn't much cause for concern." Without another word Vegeta briefly glanced at Viral, seeming to stare for a moment before looking away silently. There was some fatigue on Viral's face, had he done the majority of the fighting? Everyone else seemed fine so it was possible, then again considering Takeshi's penchant for charging in, and Yumi's unwillingness to let Viral endanger himself he doubted it. "Well then, we'll have to keep them out of Korian's jurisdiction won't we? Appeal directly to the locals and ask for some kind of shelter for them, we'll circumvent having to deal with that... Man, and provide for them all the same. I think we've got just as much pull as he does."
"Well... Realistically I'll only be called away for an absolute emergency. Father's expertise far exceeds my own still and the doctors with him should be more than capable of assisting him. No, I don't imagine I'll be called away at all now that I consider it," Vegeta mused, sounding a bit dismissive of the notion entirely. Chances were unless it was a life or death situation he'd simply pass the job onto someone else, he needed to sit down with Viral and get this report; his friend's health was a subject of conversation quite frequently and now was a good a time as any to get a proper look at how it was progressing. "I see... So you breached the facility, dispatched the Elites and rescued the Beastmen. "We didn't expect much resistance on the world, being as isolated as it is. Hearing some Elites were present is a bit of a surprise but clearly there isn't much cause for concern." Without another word Vegeta briefly glanced at Viral, seeming to stare for a moment before looking away silently. There was some fatigue on Viral's face, had he done the majority of the fighting? Everyone else seemed fine so it was possible, then again considering Takeshi's penchant for charging in, and Yumi's unwillingness to let Viral endanger himself he doubted it. "Well then, we'll have to keep them out of Korian's jurisdiction won't we? Appeal directly to the locals and ask for some kind of shelter for them, we'll circumvent having to deal with that... Man, and provide for them all the same. I think we've got just as much pull as he does."