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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
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If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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"You resting would take a load of my mind, yes," Yumi said with a relieved sigh, smiling before placing her hand on her chest, "But please Viral, if there's more than just that bothering you, you'll tell me right? You've finally gotten better and I want you to stay that way, don't think you have to suffer silently. That's why you have your friends here, so we can help." He had to accept that, whether he liked it or not all of them were here to stay. Even Vegeta who he swore disowned him was invested in his well-being, the way he showed it just wasn't like how the rest of them did. "If it ever did get that bad, if I thought you were going to hurt us, I'd defend myself. I didn't this time because I was confident that you were still there, even if you had trouble with it," Yumi muttered, glancing at her hands and rubbing them together nervously, "I don't ever want to have to fight you, or any other of our friends. What we're going through with all this fighting is hard enough without having to hurt someone you care about, don't you agree? I want to avoid that if at all possible."

Shu might not be saying anything but one only had to glance at him to see how he was pressing himself into the seat. Was flying in the shuttle really this scary for him? On the way down it hadn't seemed bad, but then they had been sitting side by side hadn't they? "Play fight? Well sure buddy, if that's what you want to do. And you're already strong Shu and you know that, you proved it today," the older boy said, smirking over at his sibling, "You kicked a bunch of bad guy's butts and helped free all those people, that's pretty strong, you know?" He wanted to keep the conversation cheerful and happy for Shu's sake, but hearing about his trouble with sleep couldn't be ignored; dismissing the problem used to be how he handled it, but Takeshi was made to face he had to deal with it sooner rather than later. "Well uh... I don't know a lot about dreams or how they work, maybe you should ask Aito about that? And no one on the ship's gonna hurt you buddy," he added, reaching over and patting Shu on the shoulder, "I'm right there with you. Besides, you're so strong it'd be hard for anyone to do anything."

After breaching the atmosphere it was only a few moments to the carrier, and with the landing everyone was allowed out into the hangars. For the group it was another routine stop yet for the Beastmen, save for Eris and the lion, it was a wholly new experience. As some of the ship's crew tried to usher the newest passengers along they stood by idly, looking around the area to try and grasp where they were. It really did seem that some had never left those cells before given their mystified expressions. Judging by the way they wandered aimlessly too Vegeta assumed no one had really gone into detail as to what was happening now. He'd expect that of Takeshi and Shu yet he'd hoped to see a little more initiative on Yumi and Viral's part. Letting out a sigh he rubbed at his neck, ushering out the final few before closing his shuttle back up.

"So these are the Beastmen huh...? Sure is a lot of them," Aito mumbled as he entered the hanger, hands in his pockets as he shuffled along with June at his back. Letting out an audible yawn he stopped before the group, glancing around at everyone before smiling slightly. "Welcome everyone, welcome. Sorry for the..." the doctor paused, yawning and blinking sleepiness from his eyes, "For the confusion, I'm sure you're wondering what's going on about now. We're your friends and we've come to see you all have a chance at life, outside of this planet. From here we'll be returning to a world known as Uuonoe, and what happens after that is up to you. You're the masters of your own fate now." They seemed to have a grasp of language, however basic, as some of them nodded in response and a few even appeared to converse with one another. No doubt quite a lot of work was ahead of them and it would doubtless be some time until every single one of them truly settled in. "My name is Aito, by the way. I'm something of a doctor, so if any of you feel you need attention feel free to come see me. Otherwise welcome aboard!"
Was it jealousy that was keeping her at Viral's side? That didn't seem right and yet Yumi couldn't find any alternative to her own behavior. Maybe it was just her being protective, refusing to let a Beastman who they knew nothing of cozy up to her friend. Maybe this was her way of protecting him, by keeping Eris from getting too close and upsetting her friend. "You seem tired, maybe you should rest when we get back? I'm sure we can handle helping these people if you want to," she offered, furrowing her brow when Viral turned the conversation on her. Biting her lip in thought she placed both hands in her lap, thinking about it for a moment before shrugging her shoulders. "You could have sure. And I could die in any fight we have, on any planet, you never know," Yumi thought aloud, looking back at Viral and smiling again, "But I don't think about it like that. I was scared for a moment there sure, but I knew you'd come around, you always do. Now I know I just need to be careful if you get like that, and you'll come back to us in no time."

Once they got moving at a decent pace, and more importantly the ship had been stabilized, Takeshi finally went about lifting them higher into the air. Unlike his acceleration before he made it a good point to take it nice and slow this time, climbing gradually until they were almost breaking the atmosphere. "Food and a nap? Uh... Yeah, we can do that if that's what you want buddy," the older boy replied with a nod, "And maybe after that we can play?" He'd slept perfectly fine last night, what was it that had Shu so uptight? Nervous about today? Whatever it was hopefully it had passed by now and they could relax come bed time. "What's scary about napping anyways?" Takeshi asked after a moment, frowning as he finally processed what Shu had said. Looking to his brother confused he continued, "I mean it's not like we're out in the jungle, you know? No predator's going to try eating you while we're on the ship, you're safe. So what's bothering you?"

Yumi figured handing off Riley and going with Viral was what he wanted: carrying around the child was annoying her friend so she'd get rid of him for a little while. No sooner had she done so did Viral seem bothered by her tagging along, furrowing her brow in confusion. So did he want her around or not? These mixed messages she was getting were making it awfully difficult to figure out what it was he wanted. While a good portion of the Beastmen went onto Vegeta's shuttle, with Riley and the scientist included, she and Viral went to join the brothers in the other ship. When she noticed Eris tagging along as well she very nearly turned and shoved the woman out of the shuttle, having to stop herself short and instead give the woman a silent glaring at. She waited for Viral to sit before promptly taking the spot beside him, smiling smugly as Eris had to sit across the aisle instead of beside her friend. "How are you feeling by the way? What happened earlier must be taking a toll on you," Yumi asked finally, looking to Viral and placing a hand on his paw, "You're not hurt from that are you?"

Going through the motions of shutting the ship, checking everyone was strapped in, all a bit tedious for Takeshi's liking. Taking off without getting everyone secured though would likely lead to some mishaps, so it was all necessary. Once both shuttles were prepped for launch he ignited the thrusters again and eased the ship back into the air, finding it wobble slightly as he tried to keep it stable. After some fiddling he managed to get it right, easing it forward with the throttle. "Uh... I've flown it maybe... Twice?" the older boy admitted with a sheepish grin, "But I'm getting better! See, we didn't crash now did we? Have a little faith in me buddy, we'll get there." Once clear of the trees he gave the throttle a bit more of a push, picking up speed until they were racing along the planet's surface. Until he saw the blip of their larger ship on the radar he'd keep going as he was, flying straight over the oceans. "I kind of hope we just put these people on Uuonoe, you know? I mean it's a lot of folks that are gonna need help," Takeshi said to Shu, glancing over and smiling slightly, "If we're gonna goof off we can't be watching these people right? Let's have the rebels do it."
Ethan hadn't a single clue what the name Starsion meant as it was his first time ever hearing it. Funny that Amuné knew of it though, it went to show just how "back water" his home was by comparison. So that made a Dimuran princess and some noble healer by the sounds of it, quite the crew they were gathering for themselves. Hearing the little Ydran girl's comment about Zander he barely suppressed a snorting laugh, taking the girl's hand and smiling. He might be difficult but that didn't make him a bad person, just as it didn't make Nymira a bad person; there was a notable difference between this Zander and the one from earlier in the day, already it seemed like he was coming around. Given a little more time and Ethan was confident they'd have another friend yet.

'Dumb meanie' was markedly better than what Nymira had in mind to call Zander, refraining for Amuné's sake. To hear he would indeed be coming with them despite her and Amuné's wishes was frustrating yet she expected it at this point. If they ran into those two men again from the river she wouldn't be terribly surprised if Ethan tried to befriend them either, regardless of how many times they were nearly killed as a result. Rolling her eyes at the thought she glanced to Geoffrey as he spoke up again, frowning when he announced he'd be coming along as well. This was not some traveling circus or pleasure trip, she had a job to do out here and she couldn't do that with so many people! Infuriating however it may be none of them knew the area, she certainly didn't trust Ethan's sense of direction and Cecil was far too out of it, meaning they had little alternative.

"Well thanks Geoffrey! You two really don't have to do that for us, but we appreciate it," Ethan said with a smile, giving Amuné's hand a gentle squeeze and looking down at her, "So the big meanie and his friend are going to travel with us for a bit, but we'll keep doing what we were doing." Find Amuné's parents, get Nymira to meet with other people in power, help Cecil figure out where he was made and then his goal, it was a quickly growing list of objectives. If Zander was traveling with them permanently now as well he no doubt had some goals, goals which could take them all over the kingdom. Could be seen as a hassle but he saw it instead as a chance to learn more about Adelon: considering Ethan had rarely ventured further than neighboring villages this was invaluable experience for him.

"Yes... Thank you, I'll be sure you're repaid for this kindness," Nymira added stiffly, "But we really should be going. Never mind our business here, if we want to retrieve our things then we need to get back to the ship. And Cecil requires aid, though I don't know where Norman might be." Traveling back to Galloway would cost them dearly in terms of time, not to mention there was no guarantee the buffoon would even be at his shop. Having one of her retainers injured was unacceptable regardless and she knew there was little chance of Cecil performing his job well if he was hurt. Being a Machina as well she wondered if Norman might be able to fix whatever had him all out of sorts, maybe his brain wasn't working properly. "Zander, if you are coming with us are you fit to travel? I'd prefer not to wait any longer if we can help it."

Right, they were going to have to somehow get Cecil help before they got too far. If he were a Muran or any living being they could just have a resident healer look at him and be done with it, but he required special attention. Considering their friend was somehow special too he didn't think it a good idea to have just anyone work on Cecil either, meaning they had to find Norman. Like Nymira pointed out he may or may not be back in Galloway, he may be here for all they knew, finding him was going to be a challenge. While Nymira "chatted" with Zander, Ethan looked back to Cecil and glanced at the dent in his head, his mouth pulling into a line before he turned it into a smile. "How are you holding up? Is your head still uh... Still hurting? I know you don't usually rest but do you need to lay down?"

For all the Church's influence and power there were still parts of the kingdom left in the dark. Whether they didn't care or didn't know some sections of larger cities were notorious for their crime, for trafficking and murder and smuggling goods among the few offenses. In spite of its growing power and the ever expanding ranks of guards and soldiers the black markets thrived as they always had, and likely would continue to grow as time progressed. In one such place something of a bidding war was currently taking place: not over food or weapons, not over drugs or any material goods but over Ydrans. Something of a rarity in this part of the world there was high demand for their kind, for their prowess in the wilds as well as their appearances. Some people with... Discerning tastes might pay a small fortune to own one or two, and there tended to be a particularly large audience for younger Ydrans. Today's group saw old and young alike, chained leg to leg with arms locked at their backs, corralled together on stage like cattle.

"2 Gold coins for the woman here, 2 Gold coins! She's a mother of two and strong in body and mind. She'll make an excellent servant in any home and a good caretaker of your children! Let's start the bidding at 2 Gold coins!" In the crowd of roughly 50 people half a dozen hands shot up, causing the man to grin behind his long beard in delight. "2 Gold, 2 Gold! Do I hear 3 Gold? 3 Gold for this lovely woman?" Waving one of his workers on they unlinked her from the rest, pushing her to the forefront of the stage. Grabbing her by the back of her shirt he forced her onto her knees, then placing a hand on her chin to lift her face for all to see clearly. "Look at her! Perfect and delicate, yet strong! What man in his right mind doesn't want a woman like this? Come now, surely she's worth at least 3 Gold!" More hands shot up this time and calls of 3 Gold quickly rose, then 4. Simply having a woman to do one's work was appealing to few, but show that she had looks and suddenly men in the room became far more vetted in purchasing her. It worked every time, they liked to think themselves high class and intelligent but, at the end of the day, they all gave into their lust. And like a minstrel played his lute he'd learned exactly how to make them sing his tune.

At last a man had won the bid, 5 Gold Coins for the rights to the Ydran woman. Watching as she was led off to be prepared for her departure he glanced back at the rest, debating on who to sell next. One of her children was broken down into tears by now and being yelled at by his guards, making the man roll his eyes in disgust. Life was hard, the sooner the children accepted that the stronger they would be for it. At least they had made it this far, there were several who died on the journey, and more still who died in the villages, resisting capture. Enslaved or not they would live on, they should consider that a blessing. "Right, now we'll move on to this man here!" he shouted, waving forward an elderly Ydran, "I'm told he's an exceptional craftsman and unparalleled in his woodworking! Anyone with an artisan in the family or who owns a shop could benefit immensely from his skill! Hell, I've seen it myself, the man makes some fine products!" he began, grinning once more as he scanned the crowd, "Let's start the bidding at 60 Silvers!"
"You say that like I'd ever forget Viral, which I wouldn't. And now that we know that you'll never be a weapon for them, that's long gone. You're our friend, not a war machine." That being said he would always fight if he wanted to, and they would be right at his side to fight with him. She wouldn't ever let him think he was just some tool again, she'd do everything in her power to convince Viral he was so much more. Just like she'd never abandon Viral she refused to abandon Riley mostly on the principle and fact he was just a child, someone had to take care of him. If a fight did break out she'd be ready to set him aside, though she hoped for his sake it never happened. "Oh good idea Viral, or I have an even better one! I can throw Riley here at the Saiyans as a weapon, they'll never see it coming." Hearing Riley whimper in protest she smiled apologetically, bouncing him on her arm gently. "I was kidding, I wouldn't do that."

Now Shu was getting it, sort of. They beat some bad guys, saved the Beastmen and were now getting them off the planet, wasn't that all good? For someone who was stuck in a place like this Takeshi figured he'd know what it's like, and getting out was some huge thing for these people. Now that they had kicked some butt and done all that they could finally get the Beastmen off planet, with some help of course. No way was everyone fitting on the single shuttle as they quickly learned which meant calling back to the ship and seeing if they could send another one down. When that was all set to go Takeshi gave Shu a grin and thumbs up, letting him know everything was good to go. "Take it easy squirt, we're done with the hard stuff, now we're just going home," he reassured, reaching over and ruffling Shu's hair before taking a moment to get him strapped in, "Just hang tight, we're only flying a short way."

Yumi waited eagerly for the ships to arrive, keen to get not only themselves but the Beastmen off this world. No other opposition had been seen on their way up yet that didn't mean they were completely out of the woods, and they wouldn't be until they were back on board the ship proper. Watching the pair of ships come in for them she smiled reassuringly at the still uneasy Riley, helping to block his ears when the roar of the thrusters became louder as both vessels settled down for a landing. They knew who was in the first one but she was a little surprised to see Vegeta come out of the second, not expecting him to have come down. Nodding as they were given directions Yumi looked to Viral then, frowning when he told her to go off with Vegeta. "Don't be ridiculous. We started this together and we're going to finish this together." Which likely meant she needed to find someone to hand off Riley to, as uneasy as he seemed about that. Giving him a gentle smile she went over to the lion-Beastman, who unlike Eris took the boy willingly and whose presence didn't seem to make him panic. Thank goodness, she was worried about that. "Now then, ready to get in the ship?"

Takeshi glanced back into the hold of the shuttle as people began to file in, waving them towards the seats for them to get settled. Hopefully they didn't mind something of a bumpy ride as a flawless pilot he was not. He'd get them there in one piece which was good, but it might be slightly turbulent. Expecting just Beastmen to join them he was surprised to see Yumi and Viral wander in as well, and even more shocked when that Eris woman followed suit. Groaning inwardly at what was bound to be an awkward ride he turned and slumped slightly into his chair, letting out a sigh before "Why me...? There's two shuttles..." Now he was stuck with the two women who were having a cat fight over Viral earlier, just grand. Taking one more glance back to see if that was everyone he flipped the switch to seal up the shuttle, glancing across to the other ship and giving Vegeta a thumbs up. "Alright then, time to get going, everyone get settled in and hold on tight!" Giving the throttle a tentative push the ship slowly moved up, wobbling a little before it stabilized and got moving again.
Yumi's mouth pulled downward as Viral pointed out her leaving, looking down at the lift as she hefted her shoulders in a shrug. "I came to visit though as often as I could. You know me, I can't just sit somewhere forever and not go stir crazy. I had to get out and do things, train more, it's just who I am. And I wished I could have taken you too, but those scientists always told Vegeta that you had to be kept at home for one reason or another." Either Viral had some defect, he was ill, they wanted to run some training or something else, there was always a reason. Looking back at it she was fairly certain it was all lies to keep him in the building, maybe worrying he'd go rampant and kill again. Pursing her lips when Viral again criticized her watching Riley she glanced up at him, placing her free hand on her hip testily. "If it came down to that I'd hide him and help fight, don't be ridiculous. Besides, you're saying that like my involvement somehow changes the course of a fight." When there were so many other fighters among them, stronger fighters, her inclusion didn't much matter some days. Her style of fighting might be more refined than some but most opponents nowadays seemed to rely solely on tremendous strength, and it worked.

"Yeah we'll go fast, I wanna get this done sooner rather than later. World's nice and all but... There's nothing here, it's boring!" And they had already beaten the troops around, not even a single person to fight. Oh well, they could at least take a little bit of pride in having beaten those here, even if most of the soldiers were real pushovers. Shrugging at the mention of an easier way out Takeshi glanced ahead at the soldiers lying about, still out cold from the pounding they'd gotten earlier, courtesy of him and Shu. Even if they were child's play to beat there was still a bit of pride in winning. "I mean we beat them, that's something to feel good about right? We beat them and saved the Beastmen because of it," the older boy pointed out, smirking as he gave Shu a thumbs up, "And you helped, thanks you to we're saving all those people back there. I'd say that's a reason to feel good, you know?"

There likely was another way out, faster too, but they just returned to the hole put into the wall from before. Using that exit was a straight shot back to the shuttle, all they had to do was uncover it from the branches thrown all across; in hindsight using a bunch of random branches to cover a ship wasn't that good of camouflage, but then again it hadn't been found either now had it? As the back door of the shuttle swung open to let them inside Takeshi took one glance around, taking stock of the inside before letting out a sigh. "Jeez... No way are we fitting everyone inside of here," he commented, rubbing the back of his head as he stepped on inside. Before he even lit the engines he went to the communications panel, and with a bit of fiddling managed to connect to the ship above. If they wanted to move everyone at once they needed a second ship, no doubt about that.

"Where are they? Your people didn't abandon us did they?" Eris asked testily, frowning as she scanned the skies for some sign of those boys.

"Of course not, don't be stupid. They're probably just having some trouble is all. Shu can't fly the ship and Takeshi is... Well, Takeshi." To be sure though Yumi searched for any signs of Ki beyond their own, wondering if maybe more troops had showed up to fight. Nothing out of the ordinary however appeared and she could feel the boy's approaching, hopefully soon to silence Eris. Glancing at the sleeping Riley on her arm she smiled at him dotingly, brushing a bit of hair from his face and adjusting him carefully to make it more comfortable. "When we get back to the ship we'll help you all find some quarters for your own, until we get to Uuonoe anyways."

Their own quarters? They had those back in the base, why didn't the sound of this make her feel any better about it? Already she was suspicious about these people, now she was jumping to conclusions about being confined all over again. None of the others were panicking though, either too afraid to act out or too confused. "I want you to keep us all near one another, some of us don't do well being separated. We've always had our rooms side by side," she pointed out, looking at Viral expectantly, "I'm sure you can make that happen? Otherwise we'll just share rooms, I don't see it working any other way."

"Now Eris, I'm sure they'll do their best for us," the lion-Beastman said exasperatedly, having been trying to stifle his fiery counterpart since this began. Besides that fact if these people were strong enough to beat the Elites then they were the sort you didn't want to make an enemy out of; a former commander, the sons of the King, as he had learned, and their allies, no doubt all formidable fighters. Was he afraid? Of course, he had his pride but he wasn't a fool, he knew fighting these people would spell doom for them. Until things were established it was best to play things safe. Hearing the sound of engines not too far in the distance he lifted his head skyward, spotting two black silhouettes approaching from over the treetops. As they drew closer it became increasingly apparent they were both ships, one larger than the other, and hopefully with enough room for all of them.

As both shuttles settled down the smaller one's hatch opened, and after a moment Vegeta crawled out of it. "So there were more than we anticipated, that's good. I'm glad to see we were able to save so many," he commented, looking over the gathering of Beastmen thoughtfully. More than they had figured but not a bad thing, it would better their case for getting these people their own place to live. "I'm sure you're all confused right now, but we really should be moving along. If you can just split into two groups and get into these ships, we'll get you all settled in and off of this planet."
So Viral fought for those who made them? But then the Saiyans made her and the rest, shouldn't they be fighting for the Saiyans then? "Fighting for those who made you... I'd sooner kill them then fight for them again," Eris muttered bitterly, glancing again at the scientist. She'd always harbored resentment and yet was unable to do anything about it, knowing full well she was at the mercy of Elites. The way they treated the Beastmen, the way they treated her: looking, laughing, prodding and touching, she was through with that. She'd stay her hand in killing the man if only because their new leaders demanded they not, though it didn't lessen the desire any. It was puzzling to hear as well that there were other Saiyans and not at all aligned with the ones here. Maybe that wasn't so outrageous considering those two boys, they were obviously Saiyans and yet working against the King. Clearly there was more to what was going on than she knew, and she hated being lost like this.

"I won't argue he does what's logical, but he doesn't just throw things aside. I've never known him to do that with anything," Yumi pointed out, furrowing her brow briefly in thought before looking at Viral, "That includes you. There was a time there where he was so busy he didn't ever see any of us, but I don't feel like he abandoned either of us then either. And now... Well he's always back at the base or wherever pulling strings and we're out in the field kicking butt, can't be helped that we do separate jobs." Vegeta was perfectly capable of fighting alongside them however and probably should sometime soon, didn't want to get all rusty. "I've had him for all of 5 minutes Viral, it's not as though I've been watching him all day," Yumi retorted with a roll of her eyes, "Anyways there's no one else here taking care of him, and someone needs to. I'm not going to just leave a child to themselves, especially not when there might be soldiers around still." Until they got on the ships and were off this world she had very little intention of releasing Riley, even if holding him was a little awkward.

"No no no no, I don't mean we really should blast out of here. It'd be quicker but it'd scare those guys probably, you know? We'll just go back to the hole we made earlier." There was probably a real entrance for them to use, multiple even, but they knew where this one was. Folding his hands at the back of his head Takeshi took the lead out of the room, retracing their steps through the now familiar corridors to the entryway. "Well yeah I made it, but why bother finding another when we can just use that one, you know? I mean we could look for a real door, but that could take forever. May as well just use what we made." Plus if they went for their own door then they'd have to somehow lead the others to it, or find their way from that point to wherever they had been before. Considering they had absolutely no idea where anything was here? Best to stick to the same route. Passing through the first room on the way back Takeshi casually glanced about at the still unconscious soldiers lying about, smirking in satisfaction at their handiwork. "Some of these guys you beat buddy, feels good doesn't it?"
Negotiating with someone who ran off in fright wasn't going to be easily accomplished. Doing so through a third party, one who had no idea who they were no less, that only made it harder. "No, no we aren't his guard really," Ethan answered with a laugh, placing one hand on the table and drumming a finger against it, "We're more... Uh... Well we're just friends traveling really, trying to help out where we can. Sort of... A pilgrimage almost." It was a blatant lie yet Geoffrey wouldn't know that, and it was easier than telling him the truth of the matter. That Nymira was a Dimuran princess, that Amuné was searching for her parents and Cecil for where he was created. Come to think of it he hadn't even divulged his own reasons for traveling yet, not to anyone in the group. So long as the story stuck then they were on a pilgrimage, should be less attention if they kept to that.

"I don't know if we really have the luxury of time to eat, but we appreciate the hospitality," Nymira said dismissively, folding her hands on the table top as she frowned, "Nor do I think we'll be staying the night. As nice as it would be we really should be moving." Perhaps in the next town they would set in for an evening or two, get some proper rest that everyone sorely needed at this point. Staying in Orosi however seemed out of the question as it would no doubt be abuzz with word of the attack within the hour. Watching Geoffrey go off to fetch Zander she grabbed the flagon with mead and examined it, taking a sniff and wrinkling her nose in disgust. Similar to some ales that her people brewed but oddly sweet smelling, that she could do without. Just as she'd placed down the flagon she heard Geoffrey snapping at someone, glancing up to see Zander standing at the door, evidently having been eavesdropping. "If these people don't kill him, I just might..." she grumbled.

It wasn't such a bad thing Zander had been listening in when the conversation concerned him anyways. It saved them from having to repeat it later, no real problem there. Letting the other boy sit Ethan smiled reassuringly, not wanting to give the wrong impression at this impromptu gathering of theirs. "Free fellow of course. We're not the guard, we don't take prisoners," Ethan answered with a dismissive wave of his hand. Reflecting on what he'd just said his cheeks turned a light pink, his smile twitching as he held both hands up. "Uh... That's not to say we kill people, we just... Well we don't take prisoners." The last thing he wanted was to give Zander, or anyone else here reason to believe they might take a life. Giving that sort of impression with everything going on would only serve to condemn them further.

"I'm sure they realized that, they aren't children, Ethan," Nymira quipped exasperatedly, rolling her eyes at her companion. "You'll be free, though I wouldn't guarantee your tongue won't be cut from your mouth if you try being fresh with me again." A sort of good-cop bad-cop routine if there ever was one, and quite clear to see who played what role. Sighing to herself at the mention of weapons the Dimuran folded her arms beneath her breast, turning her head away in disdain. "Our weapons are still at the ship, with the exception of Ethan's who was taken by a guard. Not only is it ridiculous to expect this Olga to go get them, it's not worth risking life or limb for a simple tool. They'll be replaced, that's all there is to it." Her daggers weren't anything unique, and while she'd forged them herself she could easily recreate another set, given some time and the resources.

"We're going to be leaving here as soon as we can. And I don't think we'll need your tonics for any of that, thank you though." No one had really seen their cart, save for the handful of passerby that they saw along the way here. Even so it was an nondescript cart, no real notable traits save for those who rode on it. Making it worn down and ramshackle might even make it easier to spot out than the newer look it had now, no sense in complicating manners.

So that was his full name then, Zander Starsion. Ethan wished he could make some connection with the name, to some faction or to appreciate the significance of his family. All he understood was that it was somehow affiliated to the Church, and evidently was known for its talismans. "Well Zander Starsion, that's a two way street. You protect us and we'll protect you, that's the only way to do this sort of thing," Ethan said as he got to his feet, smiling as he extended a hand out, "Whatever happens here on out know we've got your back too, as long as you have ours." Yet another mission to add to their ever expanding list it seemed. His own goals were being pushed further and further back with each addition, but he hadn't a fiber in him to allow him to send away someone in need. His own goals would just have to wait for the time being.

"As lovely as this is, we really shouldn't be staying much longer. Need I remind you we're trying to leave this place?" Nymira asked, getting to her feet and placing her hands on the table, "I expect you to carry your own weight while we travel, healer, just as we all must. We're your ally but we are not your caretakers, be sure to remember that." Whatever weight that name carried she cared little, it wasn't known enough to register with Ethan and so she'd pay it little mind. Even if he was some kind of nobility so was she, and she had more to show for that than Zander and his rags.

Eris didn't care whatsoever about the scientist, he was just dead weight and another mouth to feed. Setting the man down in a rather humiliating position she let out a sigh, giving Viral then a puzzled look. "No alphas or betas? How do you know who's in charge then?" she asked, frowning in disapproval, "I thought you were the alpha, no? So if you're no the leader then who is?" What a complete disappointment that was to hear Viral wasn't in fact the alpha. This already didn't make any sense and she was sure it would only get more confusing the further along they went. Oh well, so long as she was still allowed to fight she didn't particularly care. "Why would you dump supplies for us? And I doubt it would make all that much space anyways," Eris added in, smirking when Yumi shot her a frustrated glare, "Whoever this 'Vegeta' is should be working to help, not making you throw away perfectly good items."

"Vegeta will help if we ask, we just have to get in touch with him," Yumi said stiffly, adjusting Riley onto her hip as she stepped closer to Eris, "And don't talk about my friends when you don't know them, okay? He'll do whatever we need and then some, you know that too Viral." Yes he could be a little... Difficult, he always had been. If there was something you asked him to do and he had no personal vestment in it it was near impossible to get him to work on it. As the lift came up to the top she glanced around half expecting troops to be waiting for them, relieved to find not a single face around. Sighing with relief she put on a smile for the still unsettled Riley, patting his back as she stepped off. "We're almost out of here, just you wait. You're not going to have to be afraid anymore."

Takeshi wasn't sure how being squished against different people would make the ride any better. Definitely a better idea for another ship, provided there was another that could be spared. As the lift came to the top he stepped off alongside Shu, smirking when his brother asked him about bouncing. "You'll see squirt. I've gotta find someone to help me set it up, but you'll see when we get back." He'd seen something back on Earth before, some kind of weird bouncy surface that kids could play on. Even now he hadn't a damn clue what it was called but he felt like that sort of thing was right up Shu's alley. "Come on buddy, we gotta go get the shuttle for everyone. Kind of just wanna blast out of the place right here, you know? Probably would spook the Beastmen though..." Which meant walking all the way back, how annoying. Waving Shu along he smiled back at the others, flashing them a thumbs up, "We'll be back, meet us by the entrance!" he added before heading off with his brother.
"Well... Maybe? Unless you sit up front then maybe not. There might be another ship Vegeta can send down to help too," Takeshi pointed out, tilting his head thoughtfully as he pondered it. They had another shuttle didn't they? Even if it was only big enough to fit 3 or 4 people that made their trip up way easier. At the very least on their way back to the base it would just be the two of them, plenty of leg room in that case. Tugging Shu along to the lift he stopped briefly and tried to encourage him a little more, frowning when Shu questioned it. "Well... Okay, forget the whole Elite thing. You'll get a nice big reward whether we find another guy or not, okay? You did good today so you get a treat when we get back." Now he just had to figure out exactly what that treat would be. Fruit? Play? Nah, he'd done both of those plenty of times and they weren't anything special. Ushering Shu over to the side of the lift while the Beastmen came over he scratched at his head, trying like hell to think of a unique reward. "Hey Shu...? You like to bounce... Right?"

Eris was doing her best to try and be friendly with Viral and yet he just seemed to be getting more and more frustrated. Hadn't she been told that she needed to do more than just cuddle up to him? How frustrating that this was getting her nowhere. "There's plenty of scientists though, I don't get what makes him so special," she commented, frowning as she turned the man and examined him. He wasn't strong, nor was he particularly commanding, and he'd hid behind Saiyans more often than once when one of them got out of hand. What made him so damn valuable then? "Well... As long as I can threaten him that should be fun. It's always amusing to watch him squirm." Stepping onto the lift she set the scientist down for the time being in a rather compromising position, rear-end up and face down on the ground. To make it worse for the man she laughed as one of the others sneezed on him, shrugging when they seemed worried about it. "Don't worry, he can't hurt you anymore," she commented with a grin, nudging the man with her foot, "Isn't that right? Now you're the beta at best, you're nothing Mr. Glasses."

Yumi would have been happy to go get the shuttle if she hadn't inadvertently stuck herself with Riley. Now that she had him she wasn't just going to drop him, not when he started crying while with others. Watching the scientist be treated like trash she rolled her eyes but refrained from shouting at Eris, figuring it would only frighten the child. Yes he was a scumbag and deserved punishment but that wasn't how they did things here; back on Uuonoe, if the rebels saw fit to punish him in their custody then that was their business, but with them he'd just be kept under wraps. "When you two get the shuttle just be careful about where you land it," Yumi said more to Takeshi than Shu, he'd not be flying it, "And we've got to do something about those boxes they sent with us too, that'll free up a little bit of space." They still didn't know for sure if there was even enough room on the shuttle for everyone or not, probably a good idea to do that sooner rather than later. If it wasn't big enough then she wondered how they would manage to move all these Beastmen at once. Maybe there were more ships here they could 'borrow'?
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