Warped metal, it just so happened he had precisely the tool for the job. Having to fix numerous dents on both the hull of the ship and on the deck he'd brought along a magnetized clamp, and such a device was precisely what Cecil needed right now. Digging through the bags on the back of his vehicle Norman looked down at Amuné when she came over. He expected something when she adopted an uneasy stance yet not her claiming guilt for the Machina's condition. Wyth had done it then? He supposed that was probable, a moorcat had an awful lot of power behind its paws. "Of course I can fix him. I've fixed Machina in far worse condition than he is, he'll be fine. All of his wounds are on the outside it seems, plus he's a bit shaken. Things will be just fine, don't you worry."
"Yes, though... Maybe saying you'll feel a pinch is wrong. Pinch means skin... Come to think of it this is difficult to explain what you'll feel," Norman mused, tilting his head to the side in thought, seemingly deeply trouble by that. "A warping sensation? That makes no sense. Perhaps a tugging sensation? I suppose that works, though I'm not certain if your sensors react to that kind of feeling. Hm... I suppose we'll find out. All you need to know is it's painless and it'll fix that dent of yours in seconds." Adjusting the clamp itself to properly fit his skull Norman eased it over Cecil's hair, letting the pads settle down before starting to lower the magnet itself. Easing it into the dent he felt it snap to the piece of the Machina, slowly starting to turn the handle again to fix him.
Just like that Cecil's head was fixed, the metal of his skull popping back into place with a soft snap and settling right back as it was. Satisfied that it was finished Norman brushed a fingertip over it just once to check for any more damage, giving Cecil a pat on the shoulder. "See my friend? Good as new! Just a small dent, it seems it wasn't deep enough to come in contact with anything, just superficial as I said." Folding the clamp up he slipped the handle beneath the band of his tool belt, dusting off his hands on his already sodden shirt. "Something to show me? Well then let's see it, in just a second though." Amuné was back, and she looked like she was awfully nervous again. So she wanted to go over in detail what had brought this about, that was fair enough. It was best he hear about it anyways so he could figure out if Cecil needed further attention or not.
"Strange... So he seemed to just... Go blank, as you said? And he attacked those men?" That was unusual, and a very rare occurrence. It did happen, occasionally a Machina's programmed personality would shut down leaving a 'blank state' as Amuné had described it. Generally speaking though they went about their task regardless, rarely did they lash out as Cecil supposedly had. Considering he was a combat Machina it wasn't unreasonable to assume that was his job, yet something still tickled him the wrong way. "I can certainly try. Thank you Amuné, I'll be sure to do my best." He wasn't expected back in Orosi for a little while yet anyways, in fact he wasn't even expected at the ship for a few more hours. What was 20 minutes checking up on an old friend?
"So then Cecil, now that we both know everything that happened, why don't we try figuring out why it happened. Amuné said you went blank for a moment there, and in a way it almost sounds similar to how we lose consciousness." Sometimes a warrior on the battlefield could fight on despite that, running purely on adrenaline. Yet Cecil was a Machina, he didn't possess that quality. So what had brought it about? Taking a seat on the back of the cart beside Cecil, the engineer placed his hands in his lap and slouched down slightly. "My initial guess is you defaulted to your original programming. You're a combat model, so you did exactly what you were designed to do. Normally I'd like to leave it at that, but something doesn't quite add up." Norman frowned as he sat upright, looking up towards the sky as he rubbed at the back of his head. "Typically a Machina has to be shut down completely and rebooted to reinitialize their personality properly. By the sounds of it though you just kind of... Faded, which suggests there may have been a glitch. Can you recall what you experienced then? Describe it to me as best you can."
Nymira was glad to have her daggers back, it meant going on she'd be able to defend herself. And she supposed in some small way it was nice running into Norman again, even if his droning on about his toys bored her to tears. Pleasant as it all was she would prefer to keep moving however and only remained silent on the matter since Cecil required attention. She hardly hid her displeasure though, frowning as her fingers drummed on her arm rhythmically. Getting further away from town would be ideal, especially if guards were already coming after them. Seeing as Cecil and Norman were quite busy however she knew they had some time yet before they began moving, meaning sitting still was their only option. Considering their guide Geoffrey was waiting as well she couldn't quite forge ahead on her own.
"Geoffrey was it...? I still don't quite understand why you agreed to take us to our destination, but I suppose I should thank you," the Dimuran said, glancing over at him and Zander, "Name your price once we arrive and its yours. Considering my retainers' navigation leaves a lot to be desired there's something invaluable about someone who knows their way around." He'd already proven himself more capable than Zander, and far less bothersome even with that accent of his. If not perhaps for the healer's saving grace being just that, his ability to heal, she'd have argued to leave him be. Perhaps they still could leave him in the next town, that should keep him safe from vindictive guards. "I have to ask as well, that bow... You're a marksman? I've not seen any of your people wielding one yet," Nymira said thoughtfully as she looked down at her hand, listing off with fingers as she recalled, "I've seen swords, lances, spears. The strange weapons those men earlier used. But no bows. I was beginning to think Murans were incapable."