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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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Ethan wasn't much in the mood for arguments, though he was glad Amuné voiced her opinion on who to ride with. He was just as fine either way even if he knew she had something of a penchant for him, and her telling Geoffrey herself settled the matter. Chuckling as she took his hand he smiled down at her, nodding once in agreement. "Yeah, stupid plan. We won't lie to the guards." But then speaking the truth seemed even worse, there was absolutely no reason for them to believe what they were told. Best case scenario they could just avoid the topic altogether and not have to discuss it, and while their going back to find the massacre would look badly they couldn't help that.

Everyone's attention was stolen away by the roar of something up ahead, something not quite natural. When Norman appeared on some kind of metal steed everyone was confused by the contraption, and his explanation of the vehicle did little to alleviate that. Smiling in amusement as Nymira snapped at him the engineer brushed off her critique, putting up his hands and lifting his shoulders in a shrug. "You wound me, honestly. I thought you might be interested in trading with my company, once I get up and running," he began, looking away as the Dimuran adopted an abashed expression, "But I guess not. Perhaps some other clan would be interested..."

"Alright, you've made your point, grease-monkey..." Nymira snapped, folding her arms and scowling, "The details are wasted on us anyways, no one here has the expertise you do. Save yourself the trouble and spare us the headaches."

Norman nodded respectfully at that and let out a chuckle, taking his gloved hand to his cheek to wipe some grease from it. "All's fair I suppose, I won't argue with that," he responded, looking then to Geoffrey as he questioned the vehicle. The boy sure did seem intrigued, though he questioned how much knowledge he had about Demacite. "Nah, it's fire aspected actually. Unaspected Demacite generally doesn't hold any charge, I'm basically using it as a combustion system," Norman explained, leaning down and prodding the container, "Simply put, the Demacite discharges a burst of energy every now and then, and that energy us used to turn the wheels. I can use the throttles to pump out more energy and get more speed. That's the gist of it anywho, the actual mechanics behind it are a slight more complicated than that. As far as being stable... Well, unless you take a tight corner, yeah. And because I haven't gotten the balance just right, its barely keeping steady when it's just me..." he mused, frowning as he scratched at his head, "Darn thing teeters like a sunnuvagun, I need to figure out how to stabilize it..."

"You're doing it again Norman. Spare us the chatter," Nymira commented dryly, turning away as Geoffrey spoke up. It made sense to skip the ship now, there was nothing for them there and it may only lead to complications if faced with the guard. If Geoffrey knew where to go from here then she supposed leaving navigation to him wasn't so bad, so long as he did his job she didn't mind. "Yes, we'd best be going," the Dimuran added. Before that however Cecil did need attention, and with Norman bringing his condition into question the Machina seemed very uneasy about it. He appeared fine, what was the worry?

Norman cringed a bit when Cecil fell out of the cart, smiling sympathetically when he found himself in the dirt. "Hey now, these things happen. Everyone and everything gets a bump or a bruise now and again, I'd be constantly angry if I got mad any time that happened," he said in a dismissive fashion. Joining them at the back of the cart he eased Cecil down to sit on the tail end, lifting up the cap and inspecting the dent. "Hm... Well the good news is its a superficial wound, nothing more than a dent. I can't run diagnostics here but you seem to be operating fine, so I just need to pop that little ding out. One second."

Watching Norman return to his strange vehicle Ethan breathed a bit easier now knowing they were free from that mess. Not having to return to the ship was a huge weight off his shoulders and once Cecil was taken care of they could return on their journey. Wherever that was, Geoffrey was leading this leg and no one knew what the next town was even called, never mind where it was. "Boy... Sure has been one heck of a day, hasn't it kiddo?" he chuckled, looking at Amuné and placing a hand gingerly on her head, "But we all came out of it in one piece. Banged up, but no worse. Sorry we never had a chance to ask about your folks, I promise we'll do it in this next town, okay?" He'd wanted to get some information but that chance was long gone now, unless they wanted to risk being brought in by the guard. "How're you doing by the way...? You going to be okay?"

"Ah, here we are! This should help you out," Norman said as he returned, a small clamp in hand with a magnetized pad attached. "It might pinch a little bit Cecil, fair warning. All I'm going to do with this is put these on the side of your head," he explained, pointing to the two padded tips of the clamp itself, "And then lower that pad to the dent. It'll grab hold of the metal and I can pull it back out, slowly. Your skull's comprised of a very solid yet malleable metal alloy, getting a dent is perfectly reversible. So just sit tight while I do this, you'll be good as new in a second."
"I'm not saying some things don't matter, don't misconstrue my words. And having a mission or job doesn't change the fact you have needs and your health matters. You're not an inanimate object or a tool that can just be worn down. I know that now." He'd underestimated Viral's intelligence initially and then refused to accept responsibility for his father's work, whether out of reluctance or by being intimidated by it. Whatever the case he'd been neglectful, and then further ignorant in thinking that neglect would be excused. It was no small wonder why Viral didn't trust him. "Food? Yes of course, I'll go prepare something for us right away," Vegeta said, his voice monotone as he kept his eyes off of the Beastman, "Please just sit here and relax, I'm sure you're tired from today. Take a nap even if it helps, I'll be back when its done."

Takeshi tried pushing Shu off of his legs, laughing all the while. Like hell he was going to let his little brother get a hold of him that easy! "No you don't! I'll get away!" he retorted, feeling his hand slip off of Shu's head and miss him entirely. When his arm was grabbed and his foot wrapped up he became thoroughly caught, unable to do much other than squirm. "H-Hey, that's cheating you know! I can't even fight back now!" He could fly away with Ki but then where was the fun in that? Using his free arm he dragged himself a bit further, pushing himself and rolling to try and get Shu off of him. No matter how much he rolled though the younger boy's grip was firm, and after a while he stopped, laying on his back and laughing breathlessly. "Sheesh... You really aren't letting me go huh?" Takeshi asked, looking down with a smirk, "Fine, I'll not let go of you either!" Reaching down he grabbed the back of Shu's shirt, being unable to really reach anything else as he tried to pull his brother off of him, "Come on you little fuzzball, let go!"
"I doubt the guard will be hostile. Word shouldn't have spread out here yet," Ethan remarked tiredly, putting on a smile to try and hide it, "If worst comes to worst we can always try and lie. Say we finished in town and were coming to retrieve our things." He didn't much care for lying yet in this case it was far better than the truth; the mayor was dead, several of their comrades too and they were hoping all that would be ignored, so could they have their things back? Optimistic as he might be even he knew how poorly that would go over. Hearing a request to allow Amuné to ride with Geoffrey he turned to the latter, seeming to deliberate it if only for a second before shaking his head.

"No, that's alright. I don't want to be sleeping just yet and having her to mind keeps me attentive..." Ethan began before laughing breathlessly, "Well... Attentive-ish. Besides she's gone as far to name this horse, I think its fair she gets to ride the one she's named." He would sleep once they had camp established, once everyone was well and set in and the danger had passed. He could never forgive himself if he passed out now and something were to happen to anyone. Doubtless the others were in the same state as him anyways, if they could manage then so could he.

Nymira was fine to have someone act as her guide in these unknown lands. She was even fine with being given suggestions as to where to travel for her mission. Having someone speak on her behalf though? And to do so without her permission? Unallowable, and certainly not someone who carried themselves as commonfolk and who spoke in such tongues that she could scarcely understand him. "I think we'll be fine addressing the guards ourselves," the Dimuran added in with a frown, "We were there involved in the fighting, I think it best this comes from us anyway." It was their deeds and in turn it should be them that spoke of the issue, not Geoffrey. To do so showed a level of detachment and refusal of acceptance of their actions. Had things gone south on the ship? Perhaps, but it wasn't going to disappear if they tried distancing themselves, best to accept it now. Same could be said of the mayor's incident, but that was well out of their control: this they had a say in.

As the trees began to thin, signaling the shore up ahead, the group would be made aware of a dull droning noise up ahead. At first it sounded similar to a creature's growling, albeit oddly consistent and steady. The horses didn't appear to be terribly unnerved by the noise either if only confused, their ears perked and movements slowed somewhat as they no doubt were trying to place the sound themselves. The noise began to draw closer and increase in volume, and before anything became visible a cloud of dust could be seen up ahead on the road. Drawing the horses to a halt Ethan reflexively reached down to his hip for his sword, forgetting he no longer possessed it and instead trying to muster up whatever minute traces of magic he had left. Was it a beast? Some kind of known monster? They needed to be ready for anything, and the timing on this encounter couldn't be worse.

The situation wasn't confusing enough without seeing a man riding towards them, mounted on something unknown and traveling at a high speed. As the figure drew nearer they caught sight of a familiar cropping of blond hair, a worn duster jacket swaying in the wind. It was Norman approaching them, that much they now knew, but just what in the world was he riding? The mechanic must have spotted them as his mount slowed its pace to nearly a halt, the rumbling noise emanating from it dying down until it was all but silent. He was covered in dust and oil, his eyes hidden behind a thick pair of goggles and a bemused smile on his lips. The looks on some of their faces told him they had never seen anything like this before, though very few people had. It wasn't completely dissimilar to the reaction the guards had given him upon arriving either, no one knew what to make of it.

"Well, fancy meeting you kids all the way out here. Didn't expect to run into you here," Norman greeted, smirking as he pulled up the goggles to his forehead, his eyes cleaner than the rest of his caked face. "What's got you out here anyway? Going to inspect that ship?"

"Er... Actually we're heading back there. We were the ones who fought on it," Ethan admitted sheepishly as he continued to stare at the contraption beneath Norman, "It's uh... Well we left some things back there and we were hoping to get them back before we left. I don't suppose you saw any weapons or anything back there?" Hopefully he didn't ask about what happened, even if Ethan was confident Norman wouldn't think any lesser of them for it. Even Cecil's attack had been in self defense, they hadn't done anything on that ship out of cold blood.

Norman smiled knowingly as he swung a leg over his motorbike, nodding as he walked around to the back of it. "In fact I do, I even found them. Guards there mentioned they belonged to you, said I should bring them back to Orosi and hand them in. Whatever went on that ship sure must have been one hell of a fight, the poor things all beat up," he commented, unlatching a pack on the rear of his machine. From inside the pack he fetched Nymira's daggers, wrapped together in a cloth and bound by twine, handing them over to the Dimuran as she hurried down to fetch them. "Found this staff here as well on my way back, I'm assuming it belongs to one of you," Norman added as he glanced around, handing it over to Zander when he raised a hand, "I just got done repairing the engines on that ship, have to say you kids sure know how to make a scene."

"Well... To be fair it wasn't completely our doing," Ethan laughed, rubbing at his neck awkwardly as he tried to explain, "We uh... Well the thing is we were asked to get the ship back. There were just bandits at first, and then some men showed up and complicated things. Somehow we made it out of that mess in one piece." Considering how some of the men ended up in all the fighting they had gotten off remarkably easily, with little to show for the ideal aside from some minor cuts and fatigue. Seeing the others get their weapons back was of somewhat relief too, knowing that at least some of them were armed now.

"There's no honor among your people, Norman. They attack without reason and steal from one another like its nothing. I don't understand you Murans at all," Nymira said with a shake of her head. "Still... I suppose you were right before, not all of your kind are thieves or hopeless buffoons. Even Ethan has proven to have his worth." Ignoring the proverbial cloud she'd created over Ethan's head she unwrapped her daggers, inspecting them briefly before returning them to their homes at their sides. Then, knitting her brow together the Dimuran looked up to Norman expectantly, a hand going to her hip. "Since no one else has asked yet... What in the world are you riding on?"

The head of the vehicle, if it could be called a head, was crafted of some silver metal and shaped in the head of a horse. That aside nothing of the machine was recognizable. There were two wheels on it, one in the front and the other in the back, and long poles connecting the former to some kind of steering device. A leather seat sat between the wheels and some kind of mess of piping and a large, blocky object sat beneath that. She had never seen anything like it, and clearly neither had any of the others.

Norman smiled proudly as he was asked about his creation, his eyes shining with a certain delight as he was given a chance to explain. "This, my dear, is my latest invention. I call it a "motorbike", isn't she beautiful?" he mused, running a hand along the seat before gesturing to the assorted pipes. "It's a vehicle propelled completely on Demacite, and it travels even faster than a horse might. Beneath the seat here is a housing unit for a demacite crystal, and then circuits from that travel through the piping here, to both wheels through the undercarriage. By using the handles here," Norman explained, gripping the throttle on the front, "I can increase or decrease the flow of energy. It's quite ingenious if I say so myself. By using Demacite's energy properties I can convert the magic into raw power, making the vehicle capable of-"

"I asked what it was, not for a complete lesson on its parts," Nymira said exasperatedly, "I see that's how you managed to get this far so quickly though. I don't recall seeing this in your shop..."

"Because I had it hidden. It's not much of a secret project if it's out in plain view now is it?" Smiling at the cross look on Nymira's face the engineer looked past her to the rest of the group, noting how worn down everyone was. Whatever had happened on that ship certainly took its toll, some of them looked more than ready to pass out. A few new faces among the mix as well he noted, one of which had certainly seen better days. "Glad to see you're all well despite that battle, I can only imagine how difficult it must have been," Norman mused, looking then towards the cart and to Cecil, "Ah, how're you holding up there Cecil? Any problems since your last visit?"
Roger doger O7
It may be persistence as Viral claimed and that was fine, Vegeta needed some way to get the Beastman to talk. Even now after opening up somewhat there was a large degree of reluctance in the conversation and it was hard to say whether he'd get the full story or not. "Changed unwillingly...?" he repeated, frowning as he listened to the rest of the explanation. Something sounded very off about all of this, in fact it shouldn't even be possible. Heightened aggression, a forced transformation, what could have been in that mixture? It almost sounded like hormones or some combination of that and drugs to send Viral into a frenzy, not totally implausible given the nature of his changes before. "So it wasn't of your own volition, that's good. It means that all of the work we did was in fact effective," Vegeta uttered thoughtfully, leaning back in his seat and rubbing at his chin, "I'm... Sorry you had to go through that, but it's good that it turned out for the best. Seeing as we have the man in custody I can learn more about it, develop preventative measures perhaps. But you only need to know that it wasn't your fault, you were manipulated by the scientist and that solution. I know that may not absolve guilt entirely but it's the truth."

Fighting Elites? Easy. Getting in a brawl with some scumbags back on Earth? That was child's play, he'd done it more times than he could count. This type of fighting was something he'd never really get used to however and it showed as he scrambled about, desperate to avoid being tackled. Despite himself Takeshi couldn't help but laugh all the while, barely managing to keep ahead of Shu. His slight lead vanished when the younger boy went to all fours and promptly was tackled to the ground, breaking free once again. "You have to catch me to fight! And you aren't catching me again squirt!" he shouted, laughing as he darted off again. A glance over his shoulder and he saw Shu leap for him, to which Takeshi jumped up and over him to avoid. Feeling pretty tricky after that he grinned with satisfaction, wagging his rear again and going to take off... Only to slip on his own feet and face plant on the mats. Feeling Shu grab his legs then he groaned and tried to crawl away, ending up dragging his brother along. "Noooo, he's got my legs!" he laughed, looking back and playfully pushing at Shu's head, "He's going to eat my legs!"
Just want to make sure before I get a post in. Shy, you still not posting? And Rumple still gonna be a bit?
"Which is part of the reason we agreed to be the ones to undertake the mission. We considered what Korian might do if he'd been the one to come here," Vegeta nodded in agreement, figuring by now that was an obvious point. Much as he tried to separate himself from other Saiyans the man was still one of them, he had tendencies that showed as much. Compared to himself or one of the others, Saiyans raised on Earth, he was prone to violence and anger just as any of them were. Simply put Korian wasn't much better than some Elites, and while he fought for a just cause his methods could sometimes be questionable. Vegeta meant to go and cook now yet found himself unable to leave in good conscience, not after seeing Viral's distant look. The signs were too much to ignore and he had to bring it to attention, unsurprisingly getting a begrudging acknowledgement from his brother.

"I'm not concerned about that, I want to know how it happened. If it was randomly triggered then it means the therapy was a failure and we have to try something else. Unless you changed willingly?" There was a look, one that told him that wasn't the case. Furrowing his brow Vegeta took a seat across from Viral, folding his hands on the table and letting out a sigh. "We'll not get into what your job is, that's not the discussion. If you changed we need to know about it. Or if you don't want to talk to father, I need to know about it," Vegeta explained, moving his hands into his lap and glancing at the table top. For a moment he seemed to stare at it in silence, pursing his lips before letting out another sigh. "Look... I know I've been, distant and seem dismissive lately. Or for a long while actually. I don't want you to take that the wrong way, I don't want you to think I resent you, it's quite the opposite," he explained, looking away as his face turned a light pink, "I'm... Concerned. Call you my friend, my brother, whatever we are, I'm concerned and I have been. I'm not as... Adept as Yumi when it comes to this kind of thing, but my expertise can help whatever you're dealing with. Probably. So talk to me."

Takeshi had figured his brother was all giddy about this, but not that giddy! He'd barely even gotten comfortable before he was tackled, rolling around with Shu and managing to finally fend him off. It was all in good fun though and he figured he'd play along, taunting the younger boy before starting to run around him. "Always go huh? No wonder you're so hyper!" he laughed, grinning as he kept well ahead of his brother. Heh, so he was faster after all! Sticking out his tongue tauntingly Takeshi laughed again, then quickly let out a surprised yelp as Shu gained on him on all fours. Trying to be swift and step to the side to avoid being tackled he only tripped himself up, getting knocked down and again nearly pinned by Shu. Laughing all the while the older boy tried to roll him over, and once he did he attempted to crawl away, scrambling to put distance between him and Shu. "Gotta do better than that!"
"Well I definitely wouldn't eat off of them, that's for sure. Then again I doubt I'd eat off of anyone's feet... They'd be all sweaty and gross..." Just thinking about it made him cringe, resisting the urge to gag as well. Best to get off that topic before he started feeling nauseous and can't play with Shu. Much as the two of them were looking forward to goofing off Takeshi knew too they were ignoring something important here, and whether it was due to lack of knowledge or discomfort they were dancing around the subject once again. "Well I guess that's what the training is for yeah? And you've done loads of stuff that's been hard. You learned to fly, you learned to use Ki, this is kinda the same thing, you know? You'll get it buddy, even if it takes a bit."

There was no denying the fact that Viral was worn out from today, the way he spoke in a sluggish manner coupled with his expression said as much. Rather than call him out though Vegeta was giving him a chance to admit it and accept he might need some extra help. Slim chance of it happening, but he wanted to give his brother the opportunity. "Aside from a common enemy we've little to do with the rebels though. If they wanted a say in what happens to the Beastmen then they would have gotten them themselves," Vegeta remarked, "No, they have no say in what happens after this. So long as the Uuonians themselves welcome these people that's all we need. Their fate is in their own hands, or ours if need be, but not the rebels. And certainly not Korian's."

Vegeta furrowed his brow at the mongrel comment as he tried to put meaning behind it. Was he saying the child was lowly, or did he smell off somehow? An examination should be able to answer that but he wasn't terribly keen on forcing a young child to go through those sorts of tests. "Well... There must be some explanation, I'm sure we'll learn about what it is eventually," he commented, shrugging as they entered the dining hall. That would come later, for the time being they would focus on getting Viral some food. Viral's confusion as to his own hunger however made Vegeta give him a perplexed look, wondering just how truly out of it he was from today's ordeal. Frowning disconcertingly he stood before the table where his brother sat, placing one hand on top and leaning down, seeming to scrutinize Viral's face. "Did you... Change while you were down there?" Vegeta asked suddenly, "You seem fatigued. Given the sunlight on that planet you shouldn't have been denied power, yet you seem burned out."

A nice padded training room should do wonders for their mock-fighting. Even though it was play too Takeshi couldn't help but try and compete with his brother, threatening to beat him even at some silly wrestling match. Smirking when Shu tried to deny him he opened his mouth to shoot something back, instead yelping when Shu threw himself forward abruptly. Being grabbed by the shirt the older boy could do little as he was tripped up and tumbled onto the mat, laughing as the two of them hit the ground and rolled. "H-Hey, I didn't even say go!" he shouted, managing to pry Shu's hands off of himself and roll away. "That's not gonna happen again, you caught me off guard," Takeshi said as he turned around, grinning and wagging his rear at his brother, "Come and get me if you can Shu! Betcha can't!" he added with a laugh, starting to run in a circle around his sibling.
"Walk in goo? But that would feel so gross between your toes..." Takeshi bemoaned, frowning as he cringed inwardly, "And all that dirt... There could be bugs, or even worse, crap. And I'd rather scrape that stuff off my shoes than the bottom of my foot, you know?" Sometimes it was okay to not wear shoes, like when you were bathing, or at the beach. The times where it was okay though were far and few between, normally things were so disgusting Takeshi would never dream of forgoing shoes. Maybe while they were having their little fight though he could take them off, even if it meant trying to move around in socks. Noticing just how overly excited Shu was about everything the older boy couldn't help but comment and wonder how in the hell anyone could be so hyperactive. "Oh yeah, I guess that's true huh? I told you that you'd be fine buddy, didn't I? And no it's all okay, it's more than okay. It's awesome that you're happy," he answered with a thumbs up, smirking proudly, "And we'll keep working at it, right? You won't have to worry about changing anymore."

There went Viral groaning again, he'd brought it up. Vegeta only wanted to make it abundantly clear that there was very little likelihood of his needing to be involved with the Beastmen just yet, given their father's experience and the number of medical personnel they now had. "Feeling alienated for being different is understandable. Seeming to be wholly detached from their current situation is another matter," he pointed out, glancing again at Viral as he spoke. There it was again, eyes unfocused and appearing to look at nothing in particular. Just how much energy had he expended on the ground? What had happened? "If anyone's assigning them jobs it won't be us. Nor do I expect we'll be telling them to limit themselves. We'd rather encourage growth, not stifle it," Vegeta explained before letting out a sigh, "I don't doubt you're wrong there either. Knowing Korian he'll try to put a watch over them every moment of the day. I'd like to bring them with us if that's the case, but we should see what it is they want. After being stuck in that facility they may wish to live out in the open, on a new world. Or they may prefer the familiarity of the ship, hard to say. We'll leave that decision to them."

"At any rate that's not a decision we can make just yet. There's more than we anticipated, and if I'm not mistaken I saw a child as well. After clearing them medically we'll have to speak with them and see if they know what they want for themselves." Given their limited life experiences it would more likely fall to others to decide, and while Vegeta loathed to dictate someone else's life he felt they were far better for that than Korian or the rebels. "How's your hunger been lately? Have anything of an appetite?" Vegeta asked, glancing back as they walked into the dining hall, "Since we only just left Uuonoe our stock is good, there's a wide choice of foods. Anything in particular you'd like?"

Here was the training room they'd be using, complete with some nice spongy mats on the floor if they ended up rolling around. Takeshi glanced around at the machines and moved about to make a little more space. Once enough was clear for them he kicked off his boots and grinned at Shu, walking over to the mats and waving him over. "Come on buddy, if we're going to wrestle then let's wrestle," he called, crouching down slightly, "I'm going to kick your butt, just so you know. No way am I gonna lose to a little squirt like you."
"Wha... Hey, wearing shoes is comfier than not wearing them, you know! You like no shoes, I like shoes, that's just how it is," Takeshi said defensively, puffing up a bit at that comment. His brother didn't skip a beat and kept on bouncing around like a little maniac, way too overexcited for what they were doing here. "It's a ways off, I don't know how long either. We'll get there though and that's all that matters right?" Not to train on his brother's parade but they had gone off in the wrong direction seeing as they were passing some living quarters now. Giving Shu a prod on the forehead he directed him the other way, smiling amused as he just kept on bouncing. "Jeez squirt, you're not gonna have any energy left for playing, you know?" Takeshi laughed, having to pick up the pace to stay alongside Shu, "You really that excited for play time?"

"Well empirical data usually helps me come to the best conclusions," Vegeta said with a shrug, "But I suppose they're not always completely correct. None of them appeared to need immediate attention in the hangar and I'm sure if any of you noticed anything we would have been told. More likely than not they're simply confused right now." As anyone would be when thrown into a new setting as they were. The fact they were heading directly to Uuonoe gave little chance for acclimating to the ship, the planet was only going to dishevel them further. "You contradicted yourself. Fifteen more of you, yet they could be vastly different or advanced, as you say. Just pointing that out. As for handling them I don't imagine there's going to be much problem in that regard. Father seems to do well with people, though recent events might suggest otherwise," Vegeta mused, recalling the spat with Krom back on Uuonoe a few days prior, "They seemed... Distant, even more than they were lost. Almost as if they were simply shambling along in life. Someone like that probably lacks the will to try and fight, or the confidence. As sad as it is to say I think they're simply husks for the time being until they learn to appreciate what opportunities they have."
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