Avatar of GambolMuse


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7 mos ago
Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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*stares intently*
I took "nonsense" in the context of superfluous or unnecessary :P My mistake!
Which is what nonsense generally means :P
"Important" and "nonsense" in the same sentence, contradictions ahoy! :P But fair enough, we'll have a good an opening as any here shortly. Once I get a say from Rumple either which way I'll do a post, or wait for them.
Just want to make absolutely sure neither Chukkle or Rumple intend on posting yet! If either of you two are around let me know in some way or another.
"Well you should! No wonder you're so grumpy, you don't do anything fun," Yumi pointed out bluntly, "You should do something after this. We should do something after this! Go for a hike, maybe explore the forests outside of this city, do something." They had nothing terribly pressing to do after this, and with the Beastmen starting to settle in with the others she and Viral had some free time to themselves. It could be spent with others as well but it had been ages since the two of them did something together. Pulled from her musings by a noxious odor Yumi looked around for the source of it, thinking perhaps for a second Viral had let wind rip. After seeing what was responsible she'd wished that were the truth, it would be far less worrisome. Just what in the world was that thing attacking Aito?!

"Hang on Aito!" Taking off from the beach Yumi dashed up to reach the doctor, kicking sand up as she raced along. At Viral's shout she jumped up and took off in flight, closing the gap in but a brief second at that pace. Closing in on Aito she didn't have much of a plan admittedly aside from grab him and yank him free, they could work on it from there. She didn't get close enough however as a mass of black goo swung at her from above, nearly knocking her into the ground as she darted ahead and narrowly avoided being swept. Flipping over she landed up against the wall, squatting down and trying to blast away some of the goo off of Aito with Ki to no avail. "I've got you, just give me a second!" Reaching down to try and pry the goo off Yumi had to instead duck to avoid being smacked away again, raising her arms and being knocked through the air by a second attack.

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Viral could argue all he wanted to, but Yumi knew she didn't have any special abilities. Did he think she hadn't tried since she'd been changed? She couldn't use that solar energy, she certainly couldn't form one of those machines like Viral could, nor could she transform. If she really did have some kind of ability as her friend claimed then it was latent, and probably not all that impressive. "You didn't get lucky with the Elite, you beat him fair and square," Yumi interjected, looking out over the water and tilting her head to the side, "You really think so? I'm not picking up anything, it's weird. Maybe my senses aren't nearly as good as I thought they were..." What was he noticing that she wasn't? A smell? Sounds? Despite trying her darnedest to pick anything out she couldn't get a single thing, so what gives?

The filtration systems weren't terribly complex, even if a few components were irregular by comparison. After just a moment of examining everything Aito was able to pick out what he needed and promptly got to introducing the purification into the machine itself. Three cylindrical tubes that ran along the piping, once activated it should gradually move through the piping and then be released into the reservoir itself; safe for consumption and capable of rendering those strange cells obsolete, a perfect solution. Popping one of the tubes back into place the doctor moved to replace the final one, pausing when he noticed a shadow behind his own. Assuming it to be Yumi or Viral he casually glanced back and let out a gasp as he was suddenly swept up, being slammed into the wall of the dam and pinned, a black tar like substance restricting his limbs and movement. What in the hell was this?!

Yumi was bored to tears at this point. Crouched down on the shore while drawing circles in the sand with a stick, it wasn't the afternoon she'd imagined when brought out here. At the very least Aito should be almost done which meant she could go and do something else for the afternoon, with Viral if he was willing. "Do you have anything planned later Viral? After this I mean," she asked, focusing down on her sandy doodles as she spoke, "Not that sitting here waiting isn't a blast, but I figured we could do something fun." Of course trying to have fun with Viral was easier said than done, but she wanted to give it a shot anyways. Getting up and throwing the stick in the water Yumi frowned when she noticed a subtle yet pungent odor, sniffing at the air and wrinkling her nose at the scent. Looking around for the source she finally turned around, eyes widening seeing a black mass up where Aito had been working. "Aito!" she called, racing back up the slope to try and help.
"I never said it was all that matters. I'm simply implying that looks can be deceiving, that's all," Aito answered back, "And really my power pales in comparison to that of my grandfather, or my father. I haven't quite reached the level they did." Nor was he certain he ever would. In a generation past there were so many powerful warriors, even the meekest of the bunch boasted immense strength. Now however he might just well stand among the strongest, something which felt quite odd. Watching Viral and Yumi head off to the waterfront Aito went to the filters himself, having gotten a brief glimpse at them the day prior. While the machinery wasn't identical to anything on Earth its function was much the same, all he needed to do was figure out what component did what and work from there. Just putting the chemicals into the machine could do it, but to be safe he'd best flush the entire system.

Yumi knew she needed improvement on her Beastman abilities, if she had any. "Other than better senses I've not gotten any abilities, that's the point. There's nothing for me to even practice," she pointed out, sighing as she rolled her eyes, "I'll fight how I fight, you fight how you fight. I don't have to practice anything." She wasn't a fully fledged Beastman, she couldn't do the things Viral could do. Nor was she human anymore, she was something in between. Yumi wouldn't waste time trying to be something she wasn't, no matter how she might look. Stopping at the edge of the water she looked down at her reflection, her mouth pulling into a slight frown as her fingers rubbed at the tips of her ears. Still not used to the change in appearance, she didn't know if she ever really would be.

"What's wrong with being optimistic? And maybe he just wants to focus on working, that's why we're here. Either way I'm not going to worry about it too much. And believe me, I'm not thinking there's no way we can lose here, we've been through enough to know that. I just refuse to think we don't have a chance." It was a lot easier thinking their ability as fighters meant something, that they had the potential to really do something great today. Whatever was in this lake right now was probably going to not like Aito's work and try to stop them, she and Viral had to stop it in turn. Giving her knuckles a crack Yumi lifted her arms up over her head, smiling as she glanced sidelong at her friend. "Who knows, we might just be here for no reason too, we could be standing around and nothing will happen. Sounds pretty dull, doesn't it?"
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