Avatar of GambolMuse


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7 mos ago
Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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... Hah!
She and Viral could beat this, they had to beat it. They'd bring down whatever this monster was and save both Aito and the city from the abomination. Refusing to even consider otherwise she took off again, speeding at the creature and throwing a high velocity kick to try and knock it down in Viral's direction. It might well have worked too had it not suddenly turned to gas and causing Yumi to comically spin around in air, forcing herself to halt as she ended up a ways off. Gritting her teeth she darted away when a swipe was made at her, going down towards the water in the process. Knowing Ki had no effect she wasn't too certain how to proceed, figuring physical attacks now would only phase through as well. What else did she have? She didn't have any abilities like Viral, how could she hope to fight?

Neither of them had any real plan if Viral's thrashing was any sign. Watching her friend in surprise Yumi winced inwardly when he took a blow to the jaw, too far to help as he was grabbed and slammed back into the ground. This thing wasn't able to be struck and was all over the place, just how did you fight an enemy like that? Then again... Maybe she did have an idea. Simply to keep the creature back she fired a handful of Ki blasts and darted down where Viral was left lying, grabbing him under the arms and dashing away a little to give them some space. It might be a long shot, but she may have already figured out how to fight this beast.

"Viral? Listen, I might have an idea..." Yumi explained as she set him down, knowing that single attack alone wasn't going to put him out of the fight, "It dodged me by turning to mist, right? But it can't attack while its mist, its got to be physical to do that. So... We just need a window!" That had to be it! The creature had turned back just in time to strike Viral down, surely it couldn't do both at once. "I'll attack it and make it have to avoid me, then you can hit it when it changes back!" At the very least it might be too distracted to keep Aito pinned and he could escape, having another person in the fight wouldn't exactly hurt.
Easy girl! :o You'll bounce right out of your skin!
The gardens sure were nice, but they weren't here to appreciate the views. Nor could they, this mission they were on was far too heavy on the mind. Where one might see beauty Caelan saw a potential place where a confrontation might happen. Where their cover might be blown and the guards come after them. Or, worst case scenario, where that Fiona woman found them. If it came down to a fight here he was skeptical if they could even retreat, never mind win. No, they had to do their absolute best to stay hidden and keep up their cover, otherwise this was all over. Like hell he'd meet his end in some courtyard anyways, there wasn't even anything to steal here!

Walking out onto the pathways they had a moment where no one noticed them, and Caelan almost dared to think they would go undisturbed. That quickly changed when a voice called out to them, commanding and blunt in its tone. One look at the man and he could tell he was some big-wig around these parts, he certainly carried himself as one. All of that glamor and design in the armor meant nothing to the mage though he was smart enough to assume the man himself was higher up in the chain, probably commanding a decent amount of respect. Had they seriously been found out this quickly?

What should they do? Fight? He was just one man, and from their entrance he hadn't noticed any others, surely they could beat him right? Between himself, Link and Regol they ought to be able to do it swiftly and without being noticed, carry on and hope for the best. Caelan nearly began to prepare a spell before the man spoke again, taking pause and hearing him out. So he recognized Regol then, but not in a manner to cause alarm. In fact it seemed that they were saved by the fact he was in their presence, go figure. He hadn't a clue what the man was on about even if he could guess who the heretics were. If the situation were not so tense he might have laughed at that, finding the irony to be too great. They just might be in the clear unbelievably enough, perhaps this wouldn't be so bad.

"Fiona...?" It was under his breath he'd muttered it, yet even in that utterance Link could probably pick up on the sense of dread. Absolutely not, if they were seen by that woman then it was as good as over, they had to avoid her. Glancing briefly at the other boy he swallowed nervously, looking then to Regol who seemed to be gesturing. Was that what his plan was? Well it was a long shot, but it was probably their only shot too. He just hoped he was a convincing enough liar to pull it off.

"If it's all the same sir, Brother Regol would like to rest first," Caelan interjected, unsure what to do with himself as he spoke. Keeping his eyes off of the captain he straightened up, clearing his throat before continuing. "We're all exhausted from the journey, him in particular as he fought to see us safe. We'd like to request time to settle in before we see anyone. Surely Fiona doesn't mind waiting a little longer, if she doesn't even know. Even just an hour would do, time to hang up our boots and breathe." It wasn't a complete lie, they really were exhausted from the day's events. Caelan just hoped he'd been able to twist that enough to make the captain buy it.
Yumi tried not to be too disturbed by the fact this creature was laughing, or the fact she swore it talked earlier. This was unlike anything they had fought before, it almost seemed to be intelligent. Smashing into it she'd caused the creature to collapse and lose its shape temporarily, smiling as she lowered herself onto the ground. "Cute? Call it what you want, I suppose. You won't be thinking its cute for long." She was only just getting started and if one punch did that much then this... Whatever it was wouldn't be too hard to dispatch. That was thr sentiment right up until the creature began to take form, growing from a non-uniform mess of goo into something more humanoid, something right out of a nightmare.

Yumi's smile wavered slightly at the sight of the creature, a look of disgust conflicting with it as she couldn't tear her eyes from the grotesque being. "Experiment...? What are you talking about?" What experiment? Who knows, they had disrupted loads of experiments as of late, and who particularly cared where this creature came from? He was threatening the people of Uuonoe and that's all that she needed to know, it had to be dealt with. "It won't matter for long, Viral and I are going to take care of you here and now," Yumi threatened, assuming a fighting stance as she got ready for another attack. Aito just had to hang in there, they couldn't help him until this thing was beaten. Strong enough attacks could hurt it, she just had to pound away until it was no more. With the creature up in the air she used Ki to propel herself again, twisting her body around on approach and swinging out a hard kick, trying to knock it down towards Viral.
Can sympathize with that. Having two people quit right around finals week in college sure is fun ^^"

We'll be here whenever you're ready sir!
Yumi tried desperately to pull the goo from Aito, yet it was about as successful as grasping at water. There was nothing to it and despite somehow holding the doctor down when she tried it slipped right through her fingers. A Ki blast didn't do anything either and she was left hovering over the man trying to figure out how to free him. Hopes of freeing him any time soon were quickly squandered when the creature took a swing at her, with Yumi barely reacting in time as she raised her arms and tried to block the strike, being smacked away from a surprisingly powerful blow. Struggling to find her footing she dug her heels into the dirt, sliding along the ground for a few meters before finally coming to a halt. Her arms were stinging from that one blow and she was pretty sure her shoulder nearly popped from its socket from the force, giving it a roll gingerly to see if it was alright.

"Viral, Ki doesn't hurt it at all!" Which meant as far as energy attacks went she was useless. When she tried to tear it apart too she'd been unable to do so, meaning physical attacks could do nothing as well. She couldn't blast it and couldn't hit it, what could she do? If Viral's attacks did nothing either than they were in some real trouble here. Still determined to fight and save Aito regardless Yumi ran back towards her friend, ducking as a limb swung out at her and jumping up onto the fence, using it as a platform to propel herself up towards the creature, using Ki to propel herself even faster as she threw a punch aimed for center mass. Surely moving this fast and striking this hard would do something right?
The way his body ached and his mind barely functioned told Ethan he was well past his point of usefulness. Setting up camp on autopilot he'd all but collapsed onto his sleeping roll when he was done, feeling weariness weighing heavily over him. Despite his exhaustion however his mind began to race as soon as his head met the mat, unable to push the day's events from his thoughts. So much had happened, and unfortunately most of it for the worse. A nagging feeling told him that just because they ran away from trouble today it wasn't going to be the end of it, they'd be nipped in the bud sooner or later by this. He only hoped Bernadette was doing alright back in town, and she wouldn't end up in trouble for their leaving. Bad enough she had to be there to witness it and things would only be made worse if she took the fall for them too.

And what of his own journey? He'd begun traveling to seek out a very particular person yet with everyone happening as of late his own goal seemed to be further and further away. Like the stars above, while he could see them and reach out he couldn't quite grasp them, always just out of reach. He didn't even truly know where his friend had gone either, that still needed to be discovered. Hearing the footfalls of a little Ydran girl Ethan turned his head and smiled kindly at Amuné, no hesitation on his part as he allowed her to join him.

"Well... I don't know at this point really. I hoped to find him a lot sooner than this, but it's looking like it's going to take a while yet," Ethan answered, his eyes shifting back to the night sky. Should he tell everything to Amuné? She'd traveled with him for a while at this point and he knew her reasons for being out, yet he didn't feel comfortable just yet. Maybe he didn't want to upset her before bed, but he'd keep it to himself for now.

"My friend, uh... Well he got in trouble for something he didn't do. They needed to talk to him about it and see what he knew, so he left with them. He's been gone a while now though, I just want to make sure he's doing okay." It wasn't a complete lie as he was worried about Cedric, but he didn't think sharing the whole truth would make any difference. If Amuné knew what he was after, who he was after, she may well want to leave his company. And he was fine with that, she might be in danger traveling with him like this. Yet until he fulfilled his promise to help her find her parents he didn't want them to part, otherwise who might help her? Cedric was tough, he could wait just a little longer. So long as he didn't think he was putting the little Ydran or anyone else in immediate danger he'd keep quiet, and keep hoping he had time enough to save his friend.

Nymira scoffed at Geoffrey's remarks, folding her arms and lifting her chin proudly. "That's fine, I've met plenty of your kind who I have no use for either, so the feeling is mutual," the Dimuran countered, giving her neck a roll before letting out a sigh. "I can only hope some of your leaders are more well mannered than that mayor was," she added as she rubbed at her forehead, "The man was clearly in it for himself, that's a terrible quality of a leader. If my clan and your people are to benefit together we can't have any selfish rulers in the mix."

With Amuné having left to join Ethan, Nymira saw little reason to remain awake any longer. Fatigue hadn't hit her quite as hard as it had the others though and she was wishing to continue moving, rather than rest. Yet the horses needed a break as did her retainers, there was nothing she could do for that. Leaving the others to rest she climbed out of the tent and stretched herself out, opting to go over to the cart where Cecil lay. Of everyone else he would be the only one awake enough to speak, or the only one whom she cared to speak with; Zander was a buffoon, she had little desire to see him, and Geoffrey's speech more often than not left her scratching her head.

"This must be new to you, being around so many people," Nymira commented, standing at the side of the cart as she placed a hand on the wheel, "I was almost beginning to enjoy traveling alone when you all came along, though I suppose things are a little easier now. Attacks aside." She'd never been attacked by Magi prior to running into this lot, just the occasional firebrand or foolhardy bandit. The fact they adopted a non-lethal approach to combat thanks to Ethan complicated things too, though she supposed it didn't inhibit her too much. Glancing up briefly at the sky the Dimuran stifled a yawn with her hand, easing herself into a sitting position in the grass, using the wheel to brace herself up.

"Not being able to sleep must be terribly boring. I can't imagine what I'd do all evening by myself," Nymira mumbled as she closed her eyes, trying to force herself to relax and rest, "I have to admit though, knowing I've someone who is awake and alert while I rest helps ease my nerves, so thank you for that. Of everyone here you're the most valuable, I can say that with certainty." That was as far as she'd go with complimenting him, she wasn't typically prone to praise her subordinates. When one did well though they deserved recognition, and Cecil had most certainly done well even if some others may disagree.
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