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Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
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If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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Sure enough Viral took the bait and chased after her blood, that was good. Now that she was guaranteed to drag him away from Aito she only had to think of a way to contend with him. Easier said than done, he was beyond reason at the moment and speaking did not good. She could only think of making him run enough to burn him out and hope her wounds didn't make her exhausted before that happened. Running along the ground she threw a look over her shoulder when she heard the ground break apart, shocked to find Viral had gone underground and was now catching on her quickly, speeding along before surging up from the ground and diving at her to knock her down. Slamming on the brakes she watched as Viral soared over her as a result, hastily taking off again and jumping over him before running into the trees. So he was after the blood right? Wiping at a wound again she smeared it on a nearby trunk, jumping up into a branch and then running across branches, trying to lose Viral in the thick of the forests. At least if they were out here too he'd be far enough away that there was no chance of harming anyone, and maybe running around searching for her would tire him out.

"Get away...? I'm awfully tired though, I don't know if I can be bothered to move again..." Aito mumbled, yawning as he placed a hand over his mouth and rubbed at his eyes, "Shame someone sapped me of most of my energy, I could get up if I had enough left." He could get up now he supposed, he just wasn't typically inclined to take orders from something that had tried to kill him. While Yumi was off working over Viral he had to play his part and keep the creature down, and this could be the only way he'd manage at the moment. Folding his arms across his knees he slouched down, watching with half-lidded eyes as Yumi narrowly dodged Viral's attacks, taking off into the woods afterwards. Eh... She'd be fine, she seemed faster than Viral was even now. "Hm? I came to clean the water, I don't know what you're talking about. I've done my job, so now I'm taking a break," Aito answered with a smile, "Killing isn't typically my style anyways, it's too messy. I'm usually the one to patch someone up after they've nearly died, that's more my job."
Double post in the OOC? XD Post as much as you want, it's here for just idle chatter.
If you hate double posting then wait ;P
Getting this close to Viral was a massive risk, yet Yumi didn't know what more to do. Surely he would recognize her if she did this right? After setting herself on him she waited with baited breath for a reaction, puzzled by his initial lack of one as he stood there. Watching him glance back in her direction she dared to hope for some recognition on his part, hope which was dashed when he tried grabbing at her out of anger. Lowering her head to avoid being grabbed she gasped when he began stumbling about, seeing the tail come dangerously close to swatting her in the back. He was too unruly to keep here, she had to move him away where he wouldn't hurt anyone else. Releasing her grip on him she flew off of him and landed before him, trying to bait him into chasing her. Putting a hand on the wound at her side she wiped some blood onto her palm, holding it out towards him and smirking. "This is what you want right? Come get it!" Hopefully Aito caught on to her plan, she couldn't risk keeping Viral here where he might hurt the doctor. Turning she ran back down towards the water, figuring he'd give chase.

What in the world was Yumi doing hugging Viral like that? They had to calm him down sure but he wasn't so sure hugging him was the best idea. Given his weary state he couldn't do much more than shout ideas, being forced to watch as she tried to contend with his son alone. After a moment of worry seeing her in danger Yumi appeared to get another idea, separating herself and running off, leaving him alone with the creature. Ah, so that was her game then was it? Leave him to contend with the beaten and weary beast while she went off to handle Viral. Smiling as she ran off and led Viral away he got his footing and moved down from his spot, trudging towards the creature slowly. "I may be exhausted, but you're in worse shape than even I am..." Aito pointed out, smiling as he came over. With little care as to how he accomplished his task the doctor simply sat down on the creature's back, finding restraining it far easier in this more humanoid form. "Until they get back how's about we sit here and chat?"
"H-Hey, don't you worry about it. Nothing wrong with a work out to start the day," Ethan chuckled, swallowing back his nerves as he grasped the timber in his hands. In the midst of pulling the plank free an arrow whizzed by the back of his head, causing him to jump and look at the arrow in shock. Well that was one way to start the fight. Though fighting wolves was a bit much, especially without his sword at hand. Nymira had her daggers but that was about it for blades, things could escalate quickly if they didn't do this right. Maybe they should use magic? It would be a waste to burn so much energy so early, but being tired was preferential to being a dog's meal. With arrows flying the hounds were now thoroughly perturbed and ready to attack, the one to the far left charging after Geoffrey for firing at them. Spotting the dagger Amuné had thrown his way he tossed the timber aside in favor of the blade, and as he did so Nymira darted past him, going after the offending hound in his place.

The hound was fast to be sure, but she was closer to Geoffrey already and she had ways of stopping it. Throwing her first dagger at the wolf she scowled as it quickly jumped aside to avoid being hit, though it could do little as she threw her body into its side, knocking it off of its feet in the process. Avoid its jaw, don't let it spit on you, and avoid the holes on its sides. Its underside should be its weak point if she remembered right, and at the moment it was perfectly exposed. With one dagger in hand she rushed over to try and filet the beast, yet as she was closing in it began to spew out molten liquid in defense, forcing her to back off as the grass at its feet turned to cinders within seconds. Magic made these things child's play, but like Ethan she wasn't terribly keen on exhausting herself so early.

Silently relieved Nymira had gone to Geoffrey's aid, Ethan turned back to the two hounds still remaining. By now they had begun to circle him, upper lips pulled back in ferocious snarls as the liquid seeped from their teeth, dripping upon the grass and causing it to smolder. Never had he seen such creatures before, they almost seemed unnatural. Were these workings of a Magi? He couldn't help but think of those strange women the Varuna had created before, maybe this was similar? There was no time to check for an enemy as the wolves were here, the threat much more immediate. Watching both cautiously he gripped the dagger in his right hand, trying to prepare for one of them to lunge at him. Sure enough the one to his back tried first, and after dropping to the ground to avoid being pounced upon he rolled onto his back, putting up his feet to catch the second and kick it away, scrambling back to his feet afterwards.

"Hey uh... Geoffrey, can you uh... Hit one of them?" Ethan shouted, smiling nervously as he darted to the side again to avoid mashing jaws, taking a swipe with his dagger to force one of the hounds to stay back. Four shots and not a single hit, he wasn't one to complain but this really wasn't the time to be firing off blindly. Could Zander help? Or Cecil? He knew the Machina was afraid but then so were they, and they really needed help with these animals. Watching the two hounds begin circling again he bit his lower lip, getting ready to cast magic despite his reluctance in hopes of getting an upper hand. A growl at his back made him stop however, and a glance over his shoulder he saw another two hounds emerging from the forest, with one particularly larger than the others. Eyes widening in shock he turned and threw a gust of wind back at them instead, knocking the smaller one off its feet but watching as the larger of the two remained upright. "Ah man... You've got to be kidding me..." he laughed, looking between the three beasts uneasily.

While the beast she'd been fighting lay on its back Nymira grabbed her other dagger, figuring that Geoffrey and Zander could handle that one. Two more had shown up unsurprisingly, they always were pack animals weren't they? Hurrying over to where Ethan stood she went directly for the nearest hound, baiting it to charge after her and lunge, dropping to her knees and sliding along the grass beneath it. With a quick flick of her wrist she lifted her dagger skyward and caught its soft underbelly, not making a lethal blow but dealing enough to bring it to its knees momentarily, letting out a howl of pain from the wound. Throwing her dagger once more at the second one it jumped back to avoid the weapon, though did little to avoid her kicking it upside the head, sending it tumbling across the dirt. Inadvertently in doing so she'd gotten some of its heated drool on her leg, wincing as it burned through her clothes and burned her skin.
Crap, why was Viral after her? Things had been going so well too and now this was happening! Yumi had never seen this form of Viral's before either and had no idea how he'd changed, only knowing it was bad news that he had. He didn't even recognize her and now they were fighting, with the enemy literally under their feet. Having to evade a series of attacks on her friend's behalf she used him as a launch to jump over his gaping maw, refusing per usual to strike him despite being attacked. Trying to break through to him with words she gasped when he swiped at her again, darting in closer to eliminate his further reach and jumping up through his arms, again using him as a spring as she leapt away. This time however she used her Ki to keep airborne, growling in annoyance at the pains in her body from the gashes she'd suffered. "Viral, we have to kill that thing! We have to protect the people!"

Was killing it really the best option to take here? It was a threat and no one would argue that, leaving it as it was posed a great threat. Yet it was the first sentient monster they had encountered, the first which could speak and apparently had independent thoughts. If they could somehow contain this thing, question it to learn more of what they were fighting... "Yumi! Do not kill it! We need this creature alive!" Aito shouted, pulling himself again to his feet as he used the fence for support. Viral posed the greatest threat to that plan, his carelessness in this form could spell trouble for everyone if it wasn't brought under control. They had no medicines to soothe him however, and he was much too weak in this state to try and subdue him. It would fall to Yumi then, she'd have to find a way to coax him into relaxing. "You must help Viral, we can't be fighting like this!"

"I know that, it's easier said than done!" Yumi shouted back, sighing as she looked down at her friend and the beast below. Much easier said than done, Viral was after her now and she couldn't do much to stop that. Could she... Could she trick him into attacking the creature? Aito didn't want it dead, but if they could beat it still then she could focus on Viral, maybe wear him down until he changed back. It was risky and could backfire though if he struck it too hard, maybe she shouldn't do that. The alternative? Calm her friend down first, somehow, and then try it again. Swallowing nervously she looked at Viral's furious visage before vanishing, reappearing behind him and smiling meekly as she put her arms around his neck, loosely, and embraced him in perhaps childish hopes a gentle gesture would calm him. "I'm right here Viral... Everything's okay..." she whispered, resting her forehead on the back of his, "Help me beat this thing, we need you."

There was nothing more satisfying than landing a solid hit like that on an enemy. Watching as the creature tried to put up its defenses she circled around, smashing the back of its head with a kick and sending it into the ground. Smirking at her handiwork she figured the creature was down for the moment, and here came Viral to put a nail in the coffin. Landing on the other side of the beast Yumi flexed her hands, letting out a sigh as she came back to her senses. So Viral had changed again, luckily he appeared to be still fighting the right people. "Not so smug now, are you...?" she muttered, looking at the motionless creature disdainfully. Trying to poison all of the innocent citizens of Uuonoe, it deserved way worse than what it was getting. Viral should kill it quickly, there was no redeeming a monster like this.

Placing a hand over one of the wounds on her side Yumi smiled when Viral came over towards them, assuming he was going to strike down the creature once and for all. Feeling a set of eyes boring down on her however she lifted her head to meet his gaze, eyes widening in surprise at his stare. Was he... Really going to attack her? Putting both hands up defensively she smiled, taking a small step back to try and ward him off. "Easy Viral... You know who I am, just try to remember." Little good that did, here he came! Ducking under the first swipe she rolled aside to avoid the second, the ground being torn up and flung as he tore apart the earth. Moving like that irritated her side further and made it bleed, wincing as she reflexively covered it with her hand. Seeing him try to bite her she jumped up, placing a hand on his head and spring-boarding off of it, kicking off with her legs on his back to get further away. Was he losing his senses again? "Viral, it's me! Attack the monster!"

Yumi wasn't moving an inch with Viral staring her down like that, she couldn't. The animal instincts in her screamed to stand her ground and don't run away, that was a show of weakness. Yet her common sensibilities told her not to fight her friend, that he needed to be kept at arm's length so he didn't do anything he'd regret. When he lunged for her she prepared to dart away, watching instead as a few spikes found themselves into his side. Gasping she looked at the creature in disgust, turning to try and attack it instead. Before she could even lift her hand however it was pulled off the ground by Viral, being yanked as he dove beneath the ground, snapping the tentacles binding him. When it turned on her again Yumi was ready, having come back to her senses somewhat by now. Again Viral got in the first blow, grabbing the creature up and throwing it aside with his jaws, leaving her sitting there stunned in silence. From all of the goo emerged a humanoid figure, apparently the source of all of those attacks. So was that the real enemy then? Seeing it distracted by Viral temporarily she took the chance and dashed over, moving as quickly as she could with the aid of Ki and coming up behind it, trying to smash it down with an overhead kick.

There was the second vial, now for the last two. Gods did he feel lightheaded, just what in the hell had that creature done to him? It didn't feel like a poison, there was fatigue and a lack of accessibility to his own Ki, so had it sapped his energy? No matter, his job here was to get the system running and purify the reservoir, he could do that much still. Placing in the final two vials he sealed up the pipes again, restarting the machine and watching as the solutions were pumped out and sent down into the filtration systems. Taking a glance back at the fighting to see if everyone was okay he turned to the machine again, watching as the last few drops of the solution drained through before turning valves to let everything empty into the water below the dam. It would be some time until they knew for certain it worked, but with the creature out of the water he was confident it would do the trick. Now for Yumi and Viral to bring it down, then everything would fall into place thereafter.
Drive it back into the water, kill it from the fall or tear it to shreds. With these thoughts in mind Yumi charged headlong after the creature with no regard for her own safety, determined to kill the monster more than anything. Going into the air again with a mighty leap she chased after the beast, trying to tear it into shreds with her claws once more. Just as she was about to grab hold of the creature she felt her midsection be seized, gasping as pressure was applied and she was held back. Writing furiously she tried to claw at the limb holding onto her, desperate to break free and finish the fight. It was of little use however as she found the pressure growing even still, near choking the breath out of her. Trying to open her mouth to howl all she managed to get out was a meager whimper, trying again to claw herself free. Thinking she was going to be crushed she was confused when the pressure suddenly vanished, falling to the ground and gasping for breath as she tried to calm down. What had happened? Eyes widening seeing some other creature before her she shirked back slightly, not at all liking the feeling of the beast before her. Was... Was that Viral?

Aito had anticipated some resistance but not this. Had he known those cells were part of such a being he'd have been far more prepared than he was. With having used one vial of solution to break free too he just hoped there was enough to cleanse the lake, otherwise they were in some trouble. With Yumi keeping the creature at bay for the moment he dragged himself over to the machine, using it for support to pull himself to his feet. Releasing the clamps on the pipes he grabbed another vial out of his pockets, placing it in the line and sealing it back up. "Just three more, should do the trick..." Just as he was going to place the second vial down the ground shook, nearly knocking him off his feet as he held on to stay upright. One look back and his eyes widened in shock, not sure what it was he was looking at. It was Viral alright, but that form... How had he gotten into that form? It was inconvenient that he should change now yet there was little he could do, and he needed to take advantage of this. With the creature preoccupied for the moment Aito went through putting in the next vial, trying to get it done as quickly as possible.
Caelan promptly stiffened up when questioned, keeping his eyes off of the Captain as not to betray his fear. Had he seriously blown it that quickly? He had no idea how these people operated but clearly he must have spoken out of turn. Glancing over at Link he again debated on attacking the man, yet once more that wouldn't be necessary. Relieved that Regol had averted a fight breaking out he sighed, his posture relaxing somewhat as he shook his head. This was just so dang stressful, he'd never had to sneak around like this before under constant scrutiny of guards. Maybe a few monsters or other treasure hunters, but you could deal with them and move on. If they tried doing anything here it'd be an all out war, one he was positive they wouldn't win.

So they had a bit of time to themselves at least, and hopefully enough to come up with some plan. Following Regol's lead for the time being they passed through another doorway and into a long hall, one which thankfully they seemed to be alone in. Just to be sure they moved over to a darkened corner for privacy where Regol constructed a model for them, one of the castle apparently. The building was larger than Caelan had originally thought, and if the Princess wasn't on this floor then they had quite a lot of ground to cover. Fifteen floors and counting, all of them no doubt sprawling with guards looking for their heads. How long would news of their arrival go unspoken?

"There has to be a faster way around, sneaking like this is going to take all day," Caelan muttered, inspecting the model closely. Secret passages, stairways that passed through every floor, something to quicken the pace. Scratching at his head for a moment he trailed a finger along one of the corridors as he tried to find some kind of route that would get them around the quickest. "Jeez... Link? I don't suppose your magic could help us any?" he asked, looking to the other boy hopefully, "Or... Maybe you've got something to help us get around quicker? I don't know... A rope or something?" They could always scale the walls, albeit doing so in the middle of the day, with guards all around? Maybe not.
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