"You know the constellations huh? They're really neat," Ethan commented, smiling as Amuné pointed out one after another. How many hours had he spent doing this, gazing up at the night sky? Some nights the stars had been his only companions, and in some ways it meant the Saints were as well. As if those clusters of stars were the actual Saints themselves. Chuckling ruefully beneath his breath the Muran closed his eyes for a moment, realizing how sorry that was to say. He had company now to be sure, but he'd traveled for a long while with nothing at his side but himself and nature. It was nice in a way and yet terrible in others, he hadn't realized how long he'd missed having a companion. Nice as these lot might be too they couldn't replace his friend, and thus a pang of loneliness still persisted.
When asked about a particular story Ethan could only shake his head in reply. He'd never heard of such a tale, which was surprising really. Much of his youth was spent sitting around the bonfires in Kinsgrove listening to some of the older villagers retell tales, often spinning wondrous songs from the familiar stories. It was surprising then there was one he didn't know, maybe it was Ydran. He'd love to hear it if not tonight, which judging by Amuné's tired expression and yawn would be the case. His smile faltered as she turned and gave him permission to be more open, his eyes locking on the stars above. Was it that obvious he was keeping something from her? If Amuné could figure it out then the others must have to. It was never his desire to deceive anyone but he didn't feel comfortable sharing his own plight. That wasn't right, he had no problem sharing. So why hadn't he?
Dew glistened like small crystals on the blades of grass as Ethan's eyes finally fluttered open. Still early in the day he noted, judging by how the area was baked in a soft glow. A bit cooler than when they had gone to sleep, attested to by the goosebumps littering his arms. Shivering slightly Ethan sat up on his sleeping roll, rubbing at his arms as he blinked exhaustion from his eyes. Amuné was still out which mean he had time to get out and stretch a bit before he'd have to prepare a meal. Grabbing his coat he shifted it over to tuck her beneath it, giving her a small pat on the head before exiting the tent. First things first... He really needed to relieve himself!
Nymira was still out too from the looks of it which was surprising: the Dimuran was almost always up even before him. Crossing the road he went into the woods on the opposite end, finding a tree to hide behind and take care of what he needed to do. After yesterday's events he still felt sore and his body a bit heavy, nothing that a good meal and some relaxation wouldn't cure. They could sit around a little longer this morning too if need be, he wouldn't mind too terribly much. While everyone did have an agenda to see to they had been making considerable progress as of late, traveling in just three days what he'd covered in over a week on his own. There was just so much going on as of late and usually he did the minimal amount of work to get by, it was exhausting frankly.
"But... We're getting there, it's worth the effort," Ethan mused aloud, smiling as he finished up. With nothing on hand to wash he squatted down and ran his hands over the damp grass, using his pants to dry them off afterwards. While he was out here he should probably look into finding something as well, preferring to save what Geoffrey had brought for when they were on the road again. What was out here anyways? Rabbits probably, though those were difficult to trap. Squirrels probably as well though they had the same problem. If he really wanted to he could use magic to stun and kill a bird, albeit it took a couple to have any semblance of a filling meal. Scratching at his head in thought he mulled it over, thinking perhaps it was easiest to find some water and try getting fish.
Or... Perhaps a meal was running to him now. Hearing the unmistakable crunch of leaves Ethan's interest was piqued, turning to look over his shoulder in the direction of the sound. Oh, there was Cecil, he could help hunt! Smiling at his friend he gave a wave in greeting, raising an eyebrow at the panicked expression on the Machina's face. Tilting his head to the side he felt a draft down below as well, glancing down to see his pants still unfastened and lowered. Growing red in the face he held out a hand to signal Cecil to stop as he fought with his pants, managing to get them up just in time as he was barreled over, the two boys crashing to the ground. The collision wasn't that bad, but finding a knee driven between his legs left Ethan squeaking like a duckling, his eyes rolled up and his face a bit paler for it. Well this was one way to start a day.
"H... Hi... Cecil..." he managed out, forcing a smile as he lifted his head. "What's... Going on?" Why was he in such a rush? Blinking when he was freed from the weight Ethan gingerly pushed himself into a sitting position, one hand now defensively covering himself as he looked back through the trees. Was that... A wolf? No, wolves didn't usually glow did they? Oh gosh, there were three of them? Reaching down to his hip for his sword he frowned when his fingers grasped at air, remembering he'd lost it the day before. Scrambling to his feet he ignored the throbbing pain as he and Cecil ran out of the woods together, those strange hounds hot on their heels. "Nope, nope, nope! It's too early for this!"
What was all that shouting for? Didn't those imbeciles know how early it was? Grumbling incoherently Nymira lifted her head up and glanced around, puzzled to see Cecil and Ethan sprinting back towards camp, a look of terror on the former's face. "What are you..." she began, pausing when she saw three black figures dart out from the trees. Puzzled she gave her eyes a rub just to see if she was still asleep, annoyed to find she was indeed awake, and they were indeed under attack by... Whatever those were. Never a moment's respite with these people. Grabbing her cloak she retrieved her daggers from the folds, watching as Ethan darted past her and went for the cart, "What are you doing you idiot? Help me fight them!"
"Getting something to fight with, give me a sec!" Ethan retorted, sifting through everything they had in search of a weapon. He'd take anything, a knife, a club, anything. After a panicked search all he managed to come up with was a loose timber from the cart, a fairly thin and unassuming strip of wood that was probably going to break on its first use. Rushing back to Nymira's side he smiled apologetically, taking a moment to adjust his trousers and let out a wince. "Uh... Morning by the way."
Nymira narrowed her eyes at Ethan's greeting, shaking her head and then refocusing on the three hounds. They had since stopped barreling after them and now stood a few meters off, snarling as they lowered themselves threateningly. They weren't your typical wolves, with some kind of glowing liquid dripping from their jowls. It almost looked like molten steel of a forge, and the grass burning beneath them might suggest as much. But what wolves had that coming out of their mouths? "You idiots... Wake me up with a meal next time, will you?"