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7 mos ago
Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

Most Recent Posts

Just an FYI, there's an image of the Vazra we're fighting in the OOC now, first page in the Bestiary section :3
Hells that burned, what were those things made of? Kicking it felt like striking a tree trunk and that liquid that seeped into her skin felt like magma. Setting her leg down Nymira fought back a wince as pain shot up the limb, feeling blood seeping from the injury as she applied pressure to it. No use in worrying about the wound now, if she took even a second to tend to it those hounds would be on her without a doubt. Putting more weight on her right leg she sized up the hound she'd kicked away, scowling as it burned Geoffrey's arrow to cinders to defend itself. With her mobility limited at the moment she formed sparks in her palm, swiping her hand across from left to right in a wide arc and sending out a scattered array of embers, trying to catch the beast in the flame. A few managed to hit it and scorch its skin but little damage was done otherwise, apparently fire was of trivial use here. Gritting her teeth the Dimuran glanced down feeling her leg go cold suddenly, puzzled until she noticed the wound mending slightly and the bleeding stop. Looking back to Zander she gave a nod of appreciation, and with mobility back ran off with daggers in hand to slay the beast.

It was all Ethan could do to avoid being eaten as he dodged about, swatting at the wolves with Amuné's meager blade to keep them at bay. While appreciative that he had a weapon it paled in comparison to his sword and had far less reach than the board he'd grabbed, even if this was much more lethal. Watching as an arrow found its home in the haunches of the nearest beast he flashed Geoffrey a thumbs up, smiling as he tossed the dagger to his left hand, rushing the injured hound to try and slay it. With its leg crippled he was faster than it now, moving right on in and darting quickly to the right to avoid its mouth as it snapped its jaws at him. Swiping with the dagger in a backwards swing he dug the blade into its side, spinning his whole body to torque the weapon and make a wide cut along the creature's flank. In one single motion he'd managed to cause a fatal blow, watching as the hound staggered, letting out a weak howl before falling to the ground, taking its final breaths. There was little time to enjoy the small victory as more remained, including what he assumed to be the alpha. At least they were dwindling their numbers down, this should be over soon enough.

In the chaos that was unfolding yet another hound had found its way into the fray. It was smaller than the rest yet just as lethal, the molten liquid seeping from its jaws hot enough to incinerate the bushes around it on contact. With everyone else preoccupied its eyes were set on Amuné and Wyth, seeing the young Ydran as an easy kill. Her pet was of little concern, it might be smaller but it could easily kill it if the moorcat was bitten. Lowering itself on its haunches it let out a throaty growl from the brush, darting out after a moment and making a beeline towards its intended prey. Coming around on the other side of the cart it was largely out of sight until it was upon the group, fangs barred and eyes locked on Amuné's slight frame. As it jumped into the air to try and pounce on the girl it let out a yelp as a current of wind smashed it against the side of the cart, whimpering as it slid along the grass from another blast that sent it tumbling across the dirt.

"Heh... Keep away from her, stupid dogs..." Ethan panted, his breathing labored already as he kept his arm outstretched, poised to cast another spell if it attacked a second time. Darn it, he was still much too tired to be casting spells if this was all it took to wear him down. Going over to Amuné's side he smiled tiredly, putting out a hand to keep her at his back as he glanced down at Wyth. "I'm going to need your help here, bit burned out. Can I count on you buddy?"

There was something to be said for the Vazra, they were not your typical wolves if appearance alone wasn't enough to suggest that. They possessed some degree of intelligence with alphas being particularly bright, frighteningly so. Accustomed to magic they learned to recognize certain forms and to make casters their primary target, casters such as healers. When seeing the magic that Zander was employing it immediately recognized the hue, an almost sickly grin appearing on the hounds face were it capable of it. Rearing up on its hind legs the beast stood at nearly 3 meters tall, letting out a loud howl that spattered flammable liquid all around its feet. Once its legs hit the dirt again it took off in a swift motion for a beast its size, barreling towards Zander and Geoffrey. The latter had a bow, bows were only good from a distance, and the healer was helpless on his own. Easy prey, and once they were gone the others would follow suit.

"Hm... It's called empathy. Strange things we humans have, you feel sorry for something lesser than you, or something that's been injured, or in a worse situation," Aito explained, casually shrugging it off despite insulting the creature, "One of the emotions that I would as soon do away with. Though I suppose I'd forfeit my morality along with it..." At this point with the creature effectively disabled and hardly a threat so simply put he had lost interest in it. Now it more or less boiled down to babysitting the thing until Yumi and Viral returned, then they could head to the city from there. Hearing the creature go and begin asking questions itself the doctor itched at his elbow distractedly, letting out a sigh before placing his hands on his hips, taking a glance out across the reservoir. "Maybe you are this dispensable. Maybe you were sent simply to test us and then die, and your supposed purpose is a lie. Maybe you weren't ever intended to really live to begin with," Aito posed, looking back with a slight smile, "But you know a beautiful thing about being alive? Regardless of your purpose coming into this world you've a choice to make. You're sentient where others were not, you can think, you can choose what you do. This 'Master' of yours, whoever they are, they aren't here. You've free will now. Just as I have free will not to kill and kill despite being a Saiyan, you too have free will. What you do with that is up to you."

Using bloodied rags to appease Viral was a pretty big gamble but so was any other idea. At this point Yumi was just buying time, trying to come up with a legitimate way to calm him down. With her friend so focused on blood though the only thing she could really think of was help his appetite, and hope with that he'd turn back. Watching with baited breath as he attacked the cloth for blood she unwrapped another around her shoulder, laying that out as well. She should find an animal, give him something to eat and hope that would work. With the second scrap down she untied the last one around her midsection, tearing it into shreds and throwing bits down as she walked away, using it as a sort of breadcrumb trail. There had to be some kind of creature for him, something he could eat. Listening intently to the sounds of the forests she found a small animal several meters ahead, rustling through the leaves looking for a meal of its own no doubt. Dashing over to it she managed to catch the small marsupial, killing it quickly and silently apologizing before turning back to face Viral. With a timid smile she approached, holding out the animal as an offering of sorts. Maybe if she could feed him herself he'd not attack, gain his trust or something.
"Hm... It's called empathy. Strange things we humans have, you feel sorry for something lesser than you, or something that's been injured, or in a worse situation," Aito explained, casually shrugging it off despite insulting the creature, "One of the emotions that I would as soon do away with. Though I suppose I'd forfeit my morality along with it..." At this point with the creature effectively disabled and hardly a threat so simply put he had lost interest in it. Now it more or less boiled down to babysitting the thing until Yumi and Viral returned, then they could head to the city from there. Hearing the creature go and begin asking questions itself the doctor itched at his elbow distractedly, letting out a sigh before placing his hands on his hips, taking a glance out across the reservoir. "Maybe you are this dispensable. Maybe you were sent simply to test us and then die, and your supposed purpose is a lie. Maybe you weren't ever intended to really live to begin with," Aito posed, looking back with a slight smile, "But you know a beautiful thing about being alive? Regardless of your purpose coming into this world you've a choice to make. You're sentient where others were not, you can think, you can choose what you do. This 'Master' of yours, whoever they are, they aren't here. You've free will now. Just as I have free will not to kill and kill despite being a Saiyan, you too have free will. What you do with that is up to you."

Using bloodied rags to appease Viral was a pretty big gamble but so was any other idea. At this point Yumi was just buying time, trying to come up with a legitimate way to calm him down. With her friend so focused on blood though the only thing she could really think of was help his appetite, and hope with that he'd turn back. Watching with baited breath as he attacked the cloth for blood she unwrapped another around her shoulder, laying that out as well. She should find an animal, give him something to eat and hope that would work. With the second scrap down she untied the last one around her midsection, tearing it into shreds and throwing bits down as she walked away, using it as a sort of breadcrumb trail. There had to be some kind of creature for him, something he could eat. Listening intently to the sounds of the forests she found a small animal several meters ahead, rustling through the leaves looking for a meal of its own no doubt. Dashing over to it she managed to catch the small marsupial, killing it quickly and silently apologizing before turning back to face Viral. With a timid smile she approached, holding out the animal as an offering of sorts. Maybe if she could feed him herself he'd not attack, gain his trust or something.
"Hm... It's called empathy. Strange things we humans have, you feel sorry for something lesser than you, or something that's been injured, or in a worse situation," Aito explained, casually shrugging it off despite insulting the creature, "One of the emotions that I would as soon do away with. Though I suppose I'd forfeit my morality along with it..." At this point with the creature effectively disabled and hardly a threat so simply put he had lost interest in it. Now it more or less boiled down to babysitting the thing until Yumi and Viral returned, then they could head to the city from there. Hearing the creature go and begin asking questions itself the doctor itched at his elbow distractedly, letting out a sigh before placing his hands on his hips, taking a glance out across the reservoir. "Maybe you are this dispensable. Maybe you were sent simply to test us and then die, and your supposed purpose is a lie. Maybe you weren't ever intended to really live to begin with," Aito posed, looking back with a slight smile, "But you know a beautiful thing about being alive? Regardless of your purpose coming into this world you've a choice to make. You're sentient where others were not, you can think, you can choose what you do. This 'Master' of yours, whoever they are, they aren't here. You've free will now. Just as I have free will not to kill and kill despite being a Saiyan, you too have free will. What you do with that is up to you."

Using bloodied rags to appease Viral was a pretty big gamble but so was any other idea. At this point Yumi was just buying time, trying to come up with a legitimate way to calm him down. With her friend so focused on blood though the only thing she could really think of was help his appetite, and hope with that he'd turn back. Watching with baited breath as he attacked the cloth for blood she unwrapped another around her shoulder, laying that out as well. She should find an animal, give him something to eat and hope that would work. With the second scrap down she untied the last one around her midsection, tearing it into shreds and throwing bits down as she walked away, using it as a sort of breadcrumb trail. There had to be some kind of creature for him, something he could eat. Listening intently to the sounds of the forests she found a small animal several meters ahead, rustling through the leaves looking for a meal of its own no doubt. Dashing over to it she managed to catch the small marsupial, killing it quickly and silently apologizing before turning back to face Viral. With a timid smile she approached, holding out the animal as an offering of sorts. Maybe if she could feed him herself he'd not attack, gain his trust or something.
"Oh they'll come back. Viral's going to need to calm down thanks to you, but Yumi will get him there. Once that's settled they'll return, I know it." Where else would they go? Besides both of them likely boasted some moderate wounds at this point, it would be foolish to run off and ignore those. While he hardly had the means to treat injuries on hand they could easily find some substitutes nearby and make due until they got back into the city. Hearing the creature's rebuttal to his interrogation Aito let out a sigh, finally getting off of it and rising to its feet, "So that's it then. You're still infantile despite your intellect, only following orders blindly without knowing any better. And it is very relevant to me. Your kind have been ravaging worlds and causing havoc for people all over, I think it's very much relevant we know where you're coming from. If you've no answers however..." Aito paused, turning and extending a hand towards the creature, poised as though he'd fire off a Ki blast. "Then... I suppose we're done with questions! I'm tired, you're tired, and this is getting us nowhere frankly," he muttered, letting out a sigh as he shook his head, placing his hands at his hips, "Honestly, to think I'd feel sorry for the thing that tried to kill me..."

Yumi had found Viral again, or rather, she had found him. Hard to lose track of a giant shark man in the middle of the forest. So how would she proceed from here? There was hope that speaking to him directly might appeal to whatever sense he had left and bring him down, while a smaller yet just as vocal voice screamed to fight him and wear him down. She tried to ignore the latter, hurting her friend was the last thing she wanted, necessary as it may be. Smiling nervously as he began to approach her she kept her arms out and stood in place as he silently begged for him to see her for who she was, not as a mid-afternoon snack. Every fiber in her being screamed for her to flee when he came closer yet she held firm, feeling his breath tickling her skin with how close he was coming. Noticing his eyes going to her wounds repeatedly an idea occurred to her then, quickly untying one of the makeshift bandages around her arm and holding it out. "This is what you want right? My blood?" she asked, setting it on the grass before taking a few steps back to give him space, "I can find you food, if that's what you're after. Let me help you, Viral. Please."
"Am I now? Well that's a shame, I always thought I had a clean bill of health..." Aito mused in a mock tone, sounding much more upset than he was. How would he carry on if he was mad? No one would ever listen to a madman, his career was as good as over. Shrugging off the critique with little care he continued humming along, hardly concerned with honor and respect when it came to a beast like this. Poisoning the water supply to kill thousands, there was no honor in that, orders or not. If one did not express honor then they did not receive it in turn, it was not a one way street. "Is that so? I guess I won't know until I try will I?" the doctor said with a smile, proceeding then to further prod for information. The beast had to be able to say where it came from or who gave it orders, information pertinent to stopping these creatures. Telepathy was the first noteworthy piece, hearing that it may communicate in ways similar to how the Kais spoke to them. The bit after that though really struck him, tilting his head to the side curiously. "Well we certainly can't leave you to roam around, given your orders. I suppose restraining you will have to suffice until those two get back. As for the other dimension... Is it similar to Otherworld? Or is it on another plane entirely?" Aito wanted to know, now he was getting a little excited over the prospect. It of course had massive implications if this were the case, best to find out all he could now.

Come on, where had he gotten off to? Yumi was certain she'd be followed still, her blood should still be able to be smelled even if she'd wrapped her wounds. After waiting in the tree for moments however it became clear Viral had gone elsewhere and she had to find where that was, before anyone might be hurt. It wasn't difficult tracking down a giant shark-man in a forest, the difficult part came in trying to handle him still. Hoping to keep him in the area she rasped her knuckles against the trunk to distract him, disappointed when he simply walked off after a casual glance around. Clicking her tongue Yumi hurried after him again leaping about, ending up just behind him in a tree. He wasn't attacking right now so she shouldn't provoke him, maybe she should try speaking again? Dropping down from her perch on the branch she cleared her throat loudly behind him, smiling as she held out her arms to her side, trying to convey she meant no harm. "Hey Viral... Feeling better yet? Not grumpy anymore?" she asked, holding her hands out towards him in hopes he'd react to the gesture, "Aito's taking care of that thing, we're safe now. So please, try to relax and come back to me."
It was difficult to say if her plan was working seeing as Yumi had no clue where Viral was. From the sounds of it he was still very much searching, ravaging nearby trees that were smeared with her blood. Quite a mess this had become, at the very least though this was keeping him from harming anyone. After a brief period of silence she began to become a little concerned whether Viral was even here or not, getting up from her post and looking around the area for signs of him. Just off in the distance she spotted his tail behind trees, following his hulking figure as he moved along. He didn't seem quite as manic as before, maybe now she could try approaching him? Then again he may just go crazy again if he saw her, he'd just stopped rampaging because he couldn't find her. Biting her lip uncertainly Yumi jumped across to another tree, ultimately deciding she had to at least try. Moving lithely she sprang from branch to branch until she was just a few dozen meters away, smiling nervously as she knocked against the trunk to get Viral's attention. "Viral...? You going to be okay now...?"

"Hm... I suppose not. I can't fault you for doing what you were born to do..." Aito mused aloud, humming idly to himself. Curious, was this the very same problem Viral was having? Funny that it would take such an abhorrent beast to make him consider it, but perhaps this was why Viral was so angry. His purpose was technically to kill, though to kill creatures like this, not humans or Saiyans, or anything in between. Poking at the creature's head with a stick the doctor relented when it complained, throwing the stick aside while ignoring its glare. "I'll be nice about it, sheesh. You're acting as though I'm some mad scientist..." Aito said defensively, frowning as the creature began to argue its own existence. Sentience could be such a hassle sometimes, killing it would be easier if it weren't able to speak like this. Frowning when it mentioned torture he reached down and grabbed the back of its head, pushing it into the grass and looking out at the water. "I can dissect you without torturing you or even killing you, I'm not that crude. Let's move on though, I'm curious now..." he mumbled, looking back down as his eyes seemed to show some kind of grim excitement, "Who sent you were? Or who gave you your order? You have a purpose, yes? Where did it come from? I'm averted to killing, but I can be a klutz sometimes. I'd hate to accidentally hurt you..."
xD Everyone forgets poor Cecil.

"He pictured Nymira's graceful figure"

Say that aloud and Nymira is gonna kick your ass, Zander xD
Smear the blood and move on, that was the plan. If Viral was after her scent then she'd place it everywhere, send him on a wild goose chase. Sooner or later he'd grow tired of chasing her and give up, burn up his energy and change back. Yumi just hoped he'd do that before he left in search of other prey. Hearing a tree be torn down behind her she could confirm he took the bait, smiling as she repeated the process on two more trees. Darting about erratically across the trees she made it a point to not follow any single path, almost completely circling around as she laid down her prints. After putting down near a half dozen she found a tall tree to hide in, trying to catch her breath as she waited for Viral to take the bait. With a moment's reprieve anyways she glanced down at the wounds on her arms and sides, frowning and tearing her shirt apart, using strips of cloth as bandages to wrap up what she could. With her wounds now covered she let out a sigh, sinking down on a high branch and laying her head back against the trunk. If he didn't grow tired soon she might have to fight him, only problem was she didn't know if she could. It wasn't that she didn't even want to, she could do so if that's what it took, but fighting him in that state was extremely dangerous. She'd prefer not to do it.

"Well... You're interrupting these people and their lives, I'd say that deserves a whooping, don't you?" Aito retorted, sounding almost bored as he laid his chin on his palm, "One deserves another, it's called karma where we come from. And technically you interrupted my work too, so you deserve at least this much..." Hm, what a curious creature this one was. How was it so sentient? And articulate too, had it been studying them or something? While containing it was their first priority his scientific mind wouldn't allow it to simply sit in a jar somewhere, he needed to learn more about it. And maybe that meant killing it first, you could still learn a bit about a cadaver. Then again... He'd prefer not having to kill it, it was more interesting when it spoke. Letting out another yawn as the creature continued to complain he grabbed a nearby stick, glancing down and idly prodding the top of its head with the tip. "I want to study you, dissect you maybe, see what makes you tick. Up until now all of your kind have been rabid animals. You're knew, an outlier, an unknown, and I want to know why." Flicking the stick away he adjusted himself on the creature's back, humming as he looked towards the forest at the sound of trees shattering. "Maybe I'll stick you in a glass jar... Seems easiest..."
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