Hells that burned, what were those things made of? Kicking it felt like striking a tree trunk and that liquid that seeped into her skin felt like magma. Setting her leg down Nymira fought back a wince as pain shot up the limb, feeling blood seeping from the injury as she applied pressure to it. No use in worrying about the wound now, if she took even a second to tend to it those hounds would be on her without a doubt. Putting more weight on her right leg she sized up the hound she'd kicked away, scowling as it burned Geoffrey's arrow to cinders to defend itself. With her mobility limited at the moment she formed sparks in her palm, swiping her hand across from left to right in a wide arc and sending out a scattered array of embers, trying to catch the beast in the flame. A few managed to hit it and scorch its skin but little damage was done otherwise, apparently fire was of trivial use here. Gritting her teeth the Dimuran glanced down feeling her leg go cold suddenly, puzzled until she noticed the wound mending slightly and the bleeding stop. Looking back to Zander she gave a nod of appreciation, and with mobility back ran off with daggers in hand to slay the beast.
It was all Ethan could do to avoid being eaten as he dodged about, swatting at the wolves with Amuné's meager blade to keep them at bay. While appreciative that he had a weapon it paled in comparison to his sword and had far less reach than the board he'd grabbed, even if this was much more lethal. Watching as an arrow found its home in the haunches of the nearest beast he flashed Geoffrey a thumbs up, smiling as he tossed the dagger to his left hand, rushing the injured hound to try and slay it. With its leg crippled he was faster than it now, moving right on in and darting quickly to the right to avoid its mouth as it snapped its jaws at him. Swiping with the dagger in a backwards swing he dug the blade into its side, spinning his whole body to torque the weapon and make a wide cut along the creature's flank. In one single motion he'd managed to cause a fatal blow, watching as the hound staggered, letting out a weak howl before falling to the ground, taking its final breaths. There was little time to enjoy the small victory as more remained, including what he assumed to be the alpha. At least they were dwindling their numbers down, this should be over soon enough.
In the chaos that was unfolding yet another hound had found its way into the fray. It was smaller than the rest yet just as lethal, the molten liquid seeping from its jaws hot enough to incinerate the bushes around it on contact. With everyone else preoccupied its eyes were set on Amuné and Wyth, seeing the young Ydran as an easy kill. Her pet was of little concern, it might be smaller but it could easily kill it if the moorcat was bitten. Lowering itself on its haunches it let out a throaty growl from the brush, darting out after a moment and making a beeline towards its intended prey. Coming around on the other side of the cart it was largely out of sight until it was upon the group, fangs barred and eyes locked on Amuné's slight frame. As it jumped into the air to try and pounce on the girl it let out a yelp as a current of wind smashed it against the side of the cart, whimpering as it slid along the grass from another blast that sent it tumbling across the dirt.
"Heh... Keep away from her, stupid dogs..." Ethan panted, his breathing labored already as he kept his arm outstretched, poised to cast another spell if it attacked a second time. Darn it, he was still much too tired to be casting spells if this was all it took to wear him down. Going over to Amuné's side he smiled tiredly, putting out a hand to keep her at his back as he glanced down at Wyth. "I'm going to need your help here, bit burned out. Can I count on you buddy?"
There was something to be said for the Vazra, they were not your typical wolves if appearance alone wasn't enough to suggest that. They possessed some degree of intelligence with alphas being particularly bright, frighteningly so. Accustomed to magic they learned to recognize certain forms and to make casters their primary target, casters such as healers. When seeing the magic that Zander was employing it immediately recognized the hue, an almost sickly grin appearing on the hounds face were it capable of it. Rearing up on its hind legs the beast stood at nearly 3 meters tall, letting out a loud howl that spattered flammable liquid all around its feet. Once its legs hit the dirt again it took off in a swift motion for a beast its size, barreling towards Zander and Geoffrey. The latter had a bow, bows were only good from a distance, and the healer was helpless on his own. Easy prey, and once they were gone the others would follow suit.