Avatar of GambolMuse


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7 mos ago
Current Back on my "pining for fictional women" shtick!
8 yrs ago
If I owe you a post, it's coming! Been a very busy week but finally settling down!
8 yrs ago
The adult in me says sleep, the kid in me wants to play NieR. The kid's winning D:
8 yrs ago
youtube.com/watch?v=7RzA_Oom.. All of my yes. Love this theme <3
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8 yrs ago
If you've not had a chance to watch "Your Name" yet, highly recommend!


This is a bio, it has bio-like things.

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Well, I'm not saying they can, but I'm not saying they can't either. There's a reason that it always took Magi to kill the Void beasts in ages past :P And why despite being Magi they were so dangerous.

Yas, put the bad puppy out of its misery so we can move along. We've got some down time coming up, a chance for some character development/interaction and a window for new people to finally get in :)
Nope, it's just a howl xD It's just a pup pup, THESE are your cannon fodder ;D We're not anywhere near the fun Void beasts yet.
"I wouldn't say it's comparable, but some wish for it. Some people see death as a release, grim as it may sound. Is it right to wish for death? Of course not. It's every life's sole purpose to avoid death actively, that's why we live, to not die. Survival, it's quite simple really isn't it?" People fought for survival, they farmed for survival, they worked and cooperated, every labor done was somehow geared towards survival. As advanced as any society could become that remained a constant, just the way one approached it differed. Realizing he was getting a bit off the rails the doctor glanced down at the creature thoughtfully, wondering why it was so concerned about that. "Hm... I suppose they have been gone quite a while, haven't they? Seems like I should go find them..." Finally rising up off of the creature Aito let out a groan as he stretched out, popping his back before looking down again, "Oh... Leave us while I'm gone and I won't be so merciful, I guess. Suppose I ought to make sure you don't run off. Right, I'll be be back, no being evil while I'm gone." Without much energy still he couldn't fly, meaning the doctor had to take a stroll down the beach to find his son and his friend.

Yumi let out a huff when Viral didn't seem to acknowledge her much, frustrated that none of her attempts had done anything yet. He'd eaten hadn't he, so what more did she need to do to get him back? Rather than stay back with the meal he'd delivered she followed after him, watching him walk down the beach with little regards for where he was even heading. Catching up to him she figured she was safe closer to him at this point with his hunger sated and showed no fear, looking up at her friend with a disapproving frown. "Where do you think you're going now? We have to stay here until you're back to normal," she chided, though did little else; Viral was easily 10 feet tall and several times larger than she was, what was she going to do to him? With her words falling on deaf ears she let out a sigh, folding her arms and looking ahead as they walked side by side. He really should burn out, he had before hadn't he? There should be a way to make him change back otherwise but she hadn't a clue what that might be, and without Aito present... Oh, speak of the devil.

So there they were, wandering around on the beach of all things. Seems as though Viral hadn't changed back quite yet which was a shame, though he didn't appear to be attacking anyone either. "Ah, I was wondering where you two might be, saves me more walking," Aito laughed, stopping as he let the others come to him. Seeing Yumi's attire or lack thereof he threw her a quizzical glance, one which he quickly redirected when she gave him a "Don't even ask" look in return. Figuring it was best not to touch that with a 10 foot pole he glanced at Viral, seeing the rather absent look in his eyes and figuring his mind was far from there just yet. "Well I can see we won't be going back just yet, we need to tend to our friend here first," the doctor muttered as he placed his hands on his hips, letting out a sigh before smiling ruefully, "And I don't have the serum on hand, which means out friend here must burn himself out in order to change back..."
"I don't know, I'd take humiliation over being executed any day. But that may just be me," Aito mused with a thoughtful look, tapping his chin in thought, "Hm... Yes, I certainly prefer humiliation. I've tried death before, it's a bit painful and then just boring. I'll trip on my own feet over that." He supposed there were painless ways to go as well, not that he was going to start thinking about that. Nothing screamed positivity like contemplating one's own demise and the ways one might go. "You say that as though transformation is the key to power, or that it's a necessary ability. Many people cannot initially control themselves however, some never do. You're right, it's usually a benefit, but not always. Sometimes it is just as much a curse than anything." For Shu and Viral their transformations might well be a curse, being unable to rein in their own power and keep it under control. That could change of course with plenty of practice and hard work, and for everyone's benefit those two would need to master their own power. With Viral's final form finally showing itself today they now had all but that handled, and Shu still remained questionable. "Ho boy... Sure is going to be a lot of work," Aito grumbled, rubbing at his head with a sigh.

Yumi remained seated on the beach for what felt like an hour, slightly paranoid Viral might resurface elsewhere and leave her here. Chasing after him in that state was far from what she was wanting and it was extremely dangerous, there was no telling how the rebels might handle him. Drawing circles idly in the sand she stopped when the smell of fish assaulted her nose, wrinkling it in confusion and looking towards the water as Viral resurfaced. Well there he was then, and with what she could only assume was his meal. Watching him curiously she scooted back when he dropped the fish before her, getting up confused as he started to walk away rather than eat. Had he brought it for her? Glancing at the fish she saw it was more or less dead already, leaving it be for the moment as she hurried after her friend, bent on keeping an eye on him. "Viral, wait up!" Yumi called after him, staying back just a little for safety, "Do you feel any better now that you're fed? Can you understand me?"
"If you say so. I can't exactly change your mind on that now can I?" Well, he could, probably easily at that. The strongest Saiyans save for Goku and Vegeta had been crossbred, allowing them to tap fully into emotions and become more powerful for it. By that logic humans were extremely dangerous, they allowed the already imposing Saiyan race to gain even more strength. Their so-called King had learned that and hence had Shu and Takeshi born, he'd intended to create powerful children to fight for him. That hadn't quite worked out though had it? "You've been dealt a lousy hand in life it seems, and like it or not you must play the part given to you," Aito commented, looking at the creature thoughtfully, "However... I see little reason to allow the rebels or anyone to harm you once you're contained. There are many a number among them who were once enemies, you're no different then. Yes you'll be punished and confined somewhere, but you'll live. And who knows, your situation may change." It was of little condolence to someone facing imprisonment to be sure, but he'd not try vouching for the creature, it had tried to kill him after all. "Hm... So he's still transformed then, that's unfortunate. Still Yumi will bring him back, we only need to wait."

Well here was the lake, now the question was whether or not Viral would take the offer. There was much more food waiting in the water than up on land yet he'd have to look for it, would he want to? He was trying to eat her earlier and still may well do so seeing her as an easier and more accessible meal. For her safety she'd taken into the air and went over the water, wincing inwardly as she was snarled at. That slight annoyance didn't keep Viral from going into the lake as she'd hoped however, and one he'd dove beneath the water she went back to the beach, breathing a hefty sigh of relief while collapsing on her rear on the sand. Racing heart aside she had quite the headache now too for some reason, and her throat felt awfully sore to boot. Was she coming down with a cold? Rubbing at her throat she looked out over the lake and noticed brief traces of Viral beneath the waves, though those quickly vanished as he went deeper and deeper. Soon she was alone on the lake's shore, with nothing but her thoughts to keep her company as she awaited her friend's return. He would come back right? She hadn't considered how long he might be out there, this could have been a mistake. "I don't want to be here all day..." Yumi mumbled, groaning as she laid her head across her arms, knees pulled to her chest.
Yeah Amune wouldn't be terribly delighted with that thrashing xD

Ahem... >.>
"Humans not a threat? Human and Saiyan interbreeding led to the most powerful warriors the universe has ever known. Maybe by themselves they're not terribly imposing, but they're a key to power unimaginable. I'd advise against underestimating humans. That woman you were fighting earlier? She may not look it now but she is truly human, and she's quite powerful." Of course he knew why the creature's lack of knowledge was a good thing: if humanity was deemed a threat they would be attacked as well, yet Earth remained untouched from all this conflict, solely because humans were underestimated. Perhaps it was best the creature believed Yumi to be an exception to the rule, no sense in putting Earth in the crosshairs. "Well then we're only left with one option left -- You remain here under our supervision. We'll develop a room to contain you, question you and then decide what to do with you. I'm personally indifferent, my stake has ended once I finished this job. The rebels may be more inclined to see you killed however, so I'd advise against causing more damage," Aito chided, smiling slightly as he gazed back to the forest, "Where in the world are those two? I'm famished, all this talking is making me hungry..."

"That's right, right this way Viral..." Yumi cooed with the wave forward, relieved Viral was taking after her. The lake should more than give him what he'd need and, with luck, he would change back afterwards. Hopefully too he'd not be terribly worn down from having changed either, they had to get Aito and that thing back to be looked at. Keeping on high alert as she full knew she might be attacked they managed to make it to the lake without incident, pausing at the shore as she turned and smiled at her friend. "Fish in the water for you, eat as much as you want," Yumi explained with a sweeping gesture over the lake. To drive the idea home in case words fell on deaf ears she rubbed her stomach, opening her mouth and pointing to it then to the water again. Viral seemed to be able to recognize simple gestures still at the very least, perhaps he'd get that too. Just to be safe and get herself out of harm's way Yumi put herself a ways up in the air, not terribly high but just enough to avoid becoming a collateral snack. "Go on, go eat Viral, it's all yours!"
Aaaaand Cecil just turned a Vazra into hamburger o.o
"Humans? Hm... They're a lot like Saiyans, though they lack the power we have, and tails. They're a resilient species though despite that, always somehow making it through tough times." Humans weren't necessarily weak either, plenty of humans in the past had achieved great levels of power. Many of those whom had fought alongside Goku years past could likely be among the strongest fighters now, if not the strongest. To say they lacked power then wasn't wholly correct, they had their own power. "That is precisely what I am doing. It's fine to be given direction in life, but ultimately what one does with their life is their own decision. You can spend your life doing as you're told, sure, but some autonomy is well too. And I cannot answer that for you, it's not my life to dictate," Aito replied with a shrug, casting a glance over at the creature, "Your decisions will effect how you're treated though. Continue to cause problems for innocents and we're enemies, and we will not be so merciful next time. Or, fight your brethren, betray your Master and try making your own choices." Those weren't the only options either, there were other things available to the creature too. "Or... Find another world, where you won't be harming anyone else. Find more of your kind, live your life as you wish. So long as you don't harm others doing so then we have no problems, there's no need to terminate you."

Bringing Viral a meal was probably not the best idea, but what else was she supposed to do right now? Keeping him content by giving him morsels looked to be about the only thing keeping him at bay right now and she'd keep doing that until she thought of a better plan. After handing over the small animal she'd found she smiled tentatively, a smile which quickly vanished when he snarled at her. Well he wasn't attacking which was good but he was still hungry, meaning she had to be quick and find something more for him to eat. A quick glance around didn't prove to show anything around, and she doubted she could wander off too far to find another meal. Biting her lip Yumi glanced once at Viral and slowly began walking away, making a gesture to try and prompt him to follow along. She would double back to the water then, he could go into the lake and find some fish there to fill himself up with, that should do the trick. Goodness knows it was easier than trying to hunt down a dozen animals with him on her heels.
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