"I wouldn't say it's comparable, but some wish for it. Some people see death as a release, grim as it may sound. Is it right to wish for death? Of course not. It's every life's sole purpose to avoid death actively, that's why we live, to not die. Survival, it's quite simple really isn't it?" People fought for survival, they farmed for survival, they worked and cooperated, every labor done was somehow geared towards survival. As advanced as any society could become that remained a constant, just the way one approached it differed. Realizing he was getting a bit off the rails the doctor glanced down at the creature thoughtfully, wondering why it was so concerned about that. "Hm... I suppose they have been gone quite a while, haven't they? Seems like I should go find them..." Finally rising up off of the creature Aito let out a groan as he stretched out, popping his back before looking down again, "Oh... Leave us while I'm gone and I won't be so merciful, I guess. Suppose I ought to make sure you don't run off. Right, I'll be be back, no being evil while I'm gone." Without much energy still he couldn't fly, meaning the doctor had to take a stroll down the beach to find his son and his friend.
Yumi let out a huff when Viral didn't seem to acknowledge her much, frustrated that none of her attempts had done anything yet. He'd eaten hadn't he, so what more did she need to do to get him back? Rather than stay back with the meal he'd delivered she followed after him, watching him walk down the beach with little regards for where he was even heading. Catching up to him she figured she was safe closer to him at this point with his hunger sated and showed no fear, looking up at her friend with a disapproving frown. "Where do you think you're going now? We have to stay here until you're back to normal," she chided, though did little else; Viral was easily 10 feet tall and several times larger than she was, what was she going to do to him? With her words falling on deaf ears she let out a sigh, folding her arms and looking ahead as they walked side by side. He really should burn out, he had before hadn't he? There should be a way to make him change back otherwise but she hadn't a clue what that might be, and without Aito present... Oh, speak of the devil.
So there they were, wandering around on the beach of all things. Seems as though Viral hadn't changed back quite yet which was a shame, though he didn't appear to be attacking anyone either. "Ah, I was wondering where you two might be, saves me more walking," Aito laughed, stopping as he let the others come to him. Seeing Yumi's attire or lack thereof he threw her a quizzical glance, one which he quickly redirected when she gave him a "Don't even ask" look in return. Figuring it was best not to touch that with a 10 foot pole he glanced at Viral, seeing the rather absent look in his eyes and figuring his mind was far from there just yet. "Well I can see we won't be going back just yet, we need to tend to our friend here first," the doctor muttered as he placed his hands on his hips, letting out a sigh before smiling ruefully, "And I don't have the serum on hand, which means out friend here must burn himself out in order to change back..."